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1、英语时态综合练习(一)一、用所给词的适当形式填空,I. Heswimming in (he river every day in summer. (go>2.1ty<xi arc right. ( seem )3. Look. the children basketball on the pluygrcnind. ( play )Heto (he radio when I came in. (listen )5.ll is very cold .1 (hink it. ( rain )need o<ne paper .IM>me for you . ( bring )7

2、.1 cam find my pen . Who it ? (lake )He said that heback in five minutes. ( come )9.1 dkint meet him. Hewhen I got there. (leave)my bike, so I have to walk to school. (lose >II. Hedown and began(0 read his newspaper. (sit)Hc is very hungry. Heanything for throe days. ( not cat)13.1 with you if I

3、have time. (go)We will go Ui (he cinema if ilfine . (be )15.1 will tell l»er lhe nex when she10 see me i)exi week, (conw)Whenyouthe car ? In 1W8 . (buy )16. Wcgood friends since we met at school. (be)Whaiyouat five ycMcrday afternoon ? (do>IQ.Thc bike is nice. How muchi(? (cost)二、逸择最正确答案填空I

4、.Well go xwimmmg if the wealherGne Iobkhtow.A. isB.was C. will beD.i$ going to be2.1(five year* since he has Ich fur Beijing.B. has beenC.isD.is going to be3.Pkg dont leave the oflicc until your IriciKlbuck.A.cameB cs C.havc comeD.will come4 By the end of lust year heabcnit 1500 English words.A. kam

5、s B.lcamed C.was learning D.hud learned()5.Lisien ! Someonein the next room .A.criedB.crying C.is cr)ing D.has cried()6.Ybu must tell him the news as soon as youhim.A-sccB.sccs C.will seeD.is wreing()7.Hc told me that he(o see us the next day.A cs B. came C. will comeD. would come()S.We cant fiikl h

6、im anywhere. Perhaps hehome.A. k goingB. wemC. has comeD. would come()9.Tbc teacher cold us that the sunbigger than the earth.A. is B. was C. has beenD.wi!) be()lO.Could you icll me where the railway station?A. was B. is C. will be D. would be()UAWto the Great Wall several tinxs.A. go B. were going

7、C. have gone D.havc been()12.h seemed tlui(lw old mantor sooKthing over there.A. looks B. lookedC. was looking D. has looked()13.He was sutv tluit he his wallet in ibe office .A. left B. would leave C. tud left D. has left()14. You mz study hard if youwane (o fail (lie exam.A. xvcwilB. donlC. luvenl

8、D. hadnl()15.1m afraid you cant sit here Sorry , Iknow.A. donl B. wonC. canlD. didnt()16. As she(he newspaper、Grannyasleep.A. read . was fallingB. wus rcuding fellC. was nciiding , wax tailing D.read.fell()17. Jim is not coming tonight.A. promises (杵诺)B. promised()18. Whats her name?A. forgetB, forg

9、ot三、动词时态能力综合测试But he.C. will promiseD. hud promisedC. had forgottenD. am forgetting()I.Hc oftenhis clothes on Sundays.A. washingB. washesC. has washed()2.1m Chinese. Wherefrom?A. do you coincB. you are coining()3.Mayko school.A. never walksB. is never walking()4.We will start as soon as our teadier_

10、A. comes B. will come C. come()5.How lung agoplaying hxxball?A. have you slopped B. had you slopped()6.lthaul when I left my house .C. you coincC. walk neverD. washD. ix comingC. did you slopA. is rainingB. rainsC. was ruining()7.1 think this question(o answer.A. easy B. is easyC. was easy()8. Doot

11、talk so loudly. Your father.A. sleeps B. is sleepingC. slept()9.How many people docs the doctor know who.A. arc dyingB. is dying()10.1my homework now.A. finishB. finished()I I.Hcfoe three years.A. has joined B. has been in the armyD. will easyD. are you comingD. never walkingl>. du you MopD. will

12、 rainD. had slept.of the disease (疾角>?C. has diedC. have finishedC. joinedD. diesD. had finishedD. has served the army()12.His grandfatherfor thirty years.A. died B. was dead C. has been deadD. has died()13.1from my brother for a long time.A. not have beardB. have heard C. have heard noc D. do no

13、t hear()i4.Maths. oik of the most important subjects.always interested him.A. hasB. have C. are D. is()15-Did your buxber go to America Iasi yeaf?.A. No, he did never go thereB. No . be has never gone hereC. No. I>e never was thereD. No, he has never been there()!6.Hetiui faciory since 1958.A. ha

14、s lehB. has worked in C. has gone fivwnD. ha% ecxne io()17.0ur (eacherIo Beijing ihnx limes.A. wentB. had goneC. has goneD. has b<xn()IS.Lasl week Johnhis leg.A. (ch and broken B. fell and broke C. feels and breaks D. fallen and broken()19 Jackhis thick coat because it was snowing.A. puts onB. pu

15、t on C. takes o<i D. took on()20.Hethe picture on the wall.A. hungedB. hung C. has hangedD. was hanged()21.Next monthtwenty five.A. has my sister B. my sister will be C. my siMer shall have D. my sister is going to be ()22.Ybuher again in a few weeks.A. will see B. have seen C. had seenD. have be

16、en seen()23. By the end of last term weEnglish for tw years.A. have studied B. have been studied C. would studiedD. had studied()24.Mrs Brownin New York for three years before she went(o London.A. lived B. had livedC. has livedD. will live()25.WI»en uv arrived. lhe dinner -A. already began B. l

17、ias already begun C. had already begunD. was just begun()26.1 will go home Rw the lu>l»day as soon as Imy exanu.A. will GnishB. finishC. GnishingD. Gnished()27.When. Ill talk lo him.A. dwx Peter come B Peter will ccxne C. Ptlcr comes D. cun Peter come()2KMy sisterto see me . Shell be here so

18、on.A. comesB. is coming C. hud comeD. came()29.Thcy said theyour unswer (he next day ,A. had heardB. would hear ofC. would hear D. will hear()3O.Thc old man said that lightfaster (han sound.D. will travelA. wentB. will goC. travels动词时态专项调练(答案)一、I. goes 2. seems 3. arc playing 4. was listening 5.will rain 6. will bring7. took15. comes8. would come 9. has left lO.lost16. did buy 17. ha


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