1、Happy to meet you!Game time1234561 小组成员互相握手,每个人加2分。2 全体成员唱小苹果,后可以加2分。3 全体成员说“Teacher ,I love you”,后小组每个人加3分。4 小组每个人说一句表扬老师的话,说完没人可加2分。5 小组成员向老师抛媚眼,每人加2分。6组内一人出个脑筋急转弯问全班,有人回答对,组内既可以都加2分。 Homework check 0-9快速辨认o r z e e n o onezeroi n e n nineh t i e g eighto w t twoe h e t r threee v s e n sevenr o f
2、 u foursixx i si v f e five13-19 Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen 20-90 Twenty Thirty Forty Fifty Sixty Seventy Eighty Ninety 100以上 103 One hundred and three 126 One hundred and twenty-six 333 Three hundred and thirty-three 999 Nine hundred and ninety-nine千,百万,十亿 3006 Th
3、ree thousand and six 61111 Sixty-one thousand one hundred and eleven 1700444 One million seven hundred thousand four hundred and forty-four 8888888888 Eight billion eight hundred and eighty eight million eight hundred and eighty eight thousand eight hundred and eighty eight thousandmillionbillion快速反
4、应 Three hundred and sixty-one 361 Twelve thousand five hundred and eighty 12580 Five million two hundred and one three hundred and fourteen 5201314温馨提示 three hundred five thousand eight million several thousand hundreds of 数以百计的,成百上千的数以百计的,成百上千的 thousands of 数以千计的,成千上万的数以千计的,成千上万的 millions of 数百万的,成
5、百上千万的数百万的,成百上千万的 billions of 数十亿的数十亿的小医生第二第一 onethsecond第三 threeth第四 fourth第五 fifth第六 sixth第七 seventh第八 eighthnineth第九第十 tenthfirstthirdninth头脑风暴第11 eleventh第12 twelfthtwentieth第20第42 Forty-second 基变序,有规律,一、二、三,个别记;基变序,有规律,一、二、三,个别记; -th从四起,八加从四起,八加-h,九去,九去-e; -ve要用要用-f替,以替,以y结尾变结尾变-ie; 几十几,几百几,只变个位
6、就可以。几十几,几百几,只变个位就可以。小试猪刀 这是第55只猪。 This the fifty-fifth pig. 请看这第88位超人。 Please look at the eighty-eighth superman. 这是Kaya的第100个生日。 This is Kayas hundredth birthday.数学风暴 1- 2/4 = 1/5+4/5-3/4= 2/3- 1/3= 1-1/3=1/21/31/42/3a halfone fourth或或a quarterone thirdtwo thirds分子用基分子用基数数分母序分母序数数分子大于分子大于1,分母用复数,分母
7、用复数你有什么神发现?你有什么神发现?百分数百分数 读法:数字读法:数字percent 30% thirty percent 50% 20%+30%+10%= 40%+60%-10%= 70%-50%+20%=fifty percentsixty percentninety percentforty percent小数小数 读法:数字读法:数字point单个数字单个数字 0.1 zero point 1 0.01 zero point zero one 12.53 twelve point five three 超级考点超级考点 70 percent of the earths surface
8、 water. Three fourths of the students from America. 主语中包含分数时,谓语动词的单复数与分数无主语中包含分数时,谓语动词的单复数与分数无关关,以名词为准。以名词为准。isareHe gets up at seven oclock(7:00). He has breakfast at eight oclock(8:00). 时间表达法时间表达法1、整点用基数词、整点用基数词+oclockeg:1:00 3:00 5:00 one oclockthree oclockfive oclock(顺读法顺读法)He cleans his room at
9、 ten fifteen.(10:15) He eats bananas at eleven eighteen.(11:18) 非整点可用非整点可用“点数点数+ 分钟数分钟数”的顺的顺序序eg: 6:10 six ten 2:19 two nineteen nine eighteen9:1810:20ten twenty6:15six fifteenHe has dinner at a quarter past twelve.(12:15) Wow!delicious.He does kungfu at nineteen past two.(2:19) He plays football at
10、 half past five.(5:30) 如果所表述的时间在半小时之内如果所表述的时间在半小时之内(包含三十包含三十),用,用“分钟分钟 + past + 钟点数钟点数”表达。表达。 2:19 nineteen past two 5:30 half past five (逆读法逆读法)10:18eighteen past ten1:10ten past one时间表达法时间表达法 a quarter =15分钟12:15 fifteen past twelvea quarter past twelve11:15 a quarter past eleven1:15 a quarter pas
11、t one6:05 7:15 8:30 half past eight five past six fifteen past seven 分数超过30的表达法Guang Touqiang cuts the trees at ten to eight.7:50Guang Touqiang takes a rest at five to ten.9:55Two bears get up at a quarter to eight.7:45分钟数超过30时 ,用“分钟数+to+终点数”表达。其中“分钟数”为60减去原分钟数,“终点数”为下一个终点数。 如:3:50 _ 4:45_ 5:56_ ten
12、 to foura quarter to fivefour to six快速反应。日期的表达日期的表达 美式美式 July 10th, 2011 读法:读法:July the tenth, two thousand and eleven 英式英式 10th July, 2011 读法:读法:the tenth of July, two thousand and eleven大显身手大显身手 648 5880000 9:40 7:15 2008年年8月月8日日 Six hundred and forty-eightFive million eight hundred and eighty tho
13、usandNine forty / twenty to nine seven fifteen / a quarter past sevenAugust the eighth , two thousand and eight1- Whats the date today?- Its .AFridayBtime to goCcloudyDJune 4th2Look! There are in the sky.Athousand starsBthousand of stars Cthousands of starsDthousands of star3My brother is in .AThree
14、 Class, One GradeBClass Three, Grade One CGrade One, Class ThreeDclass three, grade one4Now let me have .Athe third try Ba third tryCthird try Dthis third try5Only three percent of the coats perfect.AisBareChave Dhas易错题:易错题:1In her _she began to take up writing. Aforties Bfourties Cfortieth Dfourtie
15、th2-How many new jobs can you give to the people here?-Three _ and _. Ahundred; eighty-six Bhundreds; eighty-six Chundred; eighty-sixth Dhundreds; eighty-sixth3“Please turn to _ and look at the text.” APage 29 Bthe page 29 Ca page 29 D29 page4He lives in _. ARoom 512 B512 Room Cthe 512 Room Dthe Roo
16、m 5125_, Coca-Cola began to enter Chinas market. AIn 1970s BIn 1970s CIn the 1970s DIn the 1970s6The Second World War broke out in _. A1930s Bthe 1930es Cthe 1930s D1930s7We can say the number 78, 645 in English like this_. Aseventy-eight thousand and six hundred and forty-five Bseventy-eight thousa
17、nd six hundred and forty five Cseventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty-five Dseventy eight thousand six hundred and forty-five8Three hundred thousand one hundred and seventy means _. A3,170 B3,117 C300,170 D30,1709Four _ two is two. Aplus Bminus Ctimes Ddivided10The street is _ wide. Atwo meter
18、s Btwo meter Cthe two meter Da two meter1During_ century, the world population has already reached 6 billion. Atwenty Bthe twentieth Ctwentieth Dthe twenty2Hainan is _ island. AChinas second largest Bthe Chinas second largest Cthe second Chinas largest DChinas the second largest3_ Olympics was held
19、in Barcelona 巴塞罗那 in Spain. AThe Twenty-four BTwenty-four CThe Twenty-fourth DTwenty-fourth4The Peoples Liberation Army 人民解放军 was founded _. Aon August 1,1927 Bin 1927, 1 August Con August 1st, 1927 Din August 1, 19275My friend was born on _. Athree of July, 1979 Bthe third of July, 1979 C1979, July the third D1979, the third of July6_of the rivers here have been polluted. ATwo-third BTwo-thir
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