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1、外研版(一起)三年级上册英语Module 9 Unit 1 Im going to do long jump.一、教学目标与要求:1.知识与能力目标1)会用来表达将要做的事情,并能在课文中认读的句型。2)能够初步了解课文情景,知道本课出现的重点句型所使用的语言环境。3)词汇:听、说、认读(字母拼读)a.能够听懂、会说、认读和运用下列词汇: long jump / Sports Day / high jump / race / run a raceb.能够听懂、会说、认读和运用下列句型:Im going to do long jump .Amy is going to do high jump.

2、Daming is going to run a race.c.能够初步了解课文情景,跟读课文。d.能够运用be going to do句式描述即将要做的事情。2.情感态度目标通过学习描述即将要做的事情,培养学生形成做事要有计划性的人生态度。二、教学重点及难点重点:1)能够听懂、会说、认读和运用下列词汇: long jump / Sports Day / high jump / race / run a race2)能够听懂、会说、认读和运用下列句型:Im going to do long jump .Amy is going to do high jump.Im going to run a

3、 race.难点:能够运用be going to do句式描述即将要做的事情。四、教学过程Step 1 Warm up1.Greetings.2.Sing a songCan you throw high in the sky?通过歌曲,渗透本课的两个单词:high/race(racing) 帮助学生在语境中理解。2.T: Can you throw high in the sky? Ss: Yes, I can. T: Can you throw it very far ? Like a racing a car? Ss: Yes , I can. T: Now you can do man

4、y things . Sam can do many things too. Lets see what he can do. Look , he can Word readingInclude:Play basketball / play football / swim / run / jump/play ping pong1)Read them together. ( Act the phrases).(T: Read and do them , please)2)Read one by one.( 1 line ).3)Find the winner in pairs. ( pair b

5、y pair)通过认读练习,复习学过的有关运用的动词词组,为本课新授内容的理解和认读做好铺垫。T: Sam can do these things , can you do these things ?Ss: Yes , I can.T: O.K., do and read them , please.Have the Ss read them together and mime them.Ss: play basketball (mime playing basketball)Step 2 Presentation and practice1.T: Its going to be Sport

6、s Day on Friday. Do you know what is Sports Day?S: 运动日Learn : Sports Day 运动日1)Choral2)Read it one by one.(2 lines)3)Read together.T: On Sports Day , what are you going to do? (你打算参加什么项目呢?) You can speak English , and you also can speak Chinese.S: play basketballT: XX is going to play basketball.S: p

7、lay footballT: XX is going to play footballS: run / run fastT: XX is going to run a race.T: Look , “run a race”(show the card) . What is “run a race”?S: (参加)赛跑不断渗透XX is going to 这一句式,并借机引出新的词汇:run a race / do long jump / do high jump 。T: First , lets see race. Show race and facef-ace r-aceAsk volunt

8、eers to read , others follow.Learn : run a race a. Choralb. Read one by one(in 4 person group) act it out.c. togetherS: jump/jump farT: Good . He can jump far . So he is going to do long jump.(Show the card.) Clear its meaning : 跳远Learn : long jump 跳远1) Look at the word side , clear the meaning of l

9、ong2) Choral like : long long long jump (X-X XX)3) Read pair by pair. (one group)4) Together.2. T: Oh , you are wonderful. But do you know what are Sam , Amy and Daming going to do on Sports Day? Lets see. O.K.? Please watch carefully , answer these questions :1) What is Sam going to do ?2) What is

10、Amy going to do?3) What is Daming going to do ?Watch one or twice.教师可以根据前面学生自由发言的情况,针对学生已经在发言中引出的新词组,进行提问。Ask the Ss to answer the questions.Answer keys:1) (Sam is going to do) long jump .Ask the S who answer this question to act Sam.Sam : Im going to do long jump.(Design the sentence)通过观看,让学生通过对重点句

11、的问答初步了解对话内容。Give the S a headwear , ask him to say like Sam让学生戴上头饰,试着来用第一人称表达a. Choral (Point on the board)b. Check upc. Chant:do long jump , do long jumpIm going t - o , do long jump2) T: What is Amy going to do? S: Amy is going to do high jump.(Design the sentence)(Show the card.) Clear its meanin

12、g : 跳高Learn : high jump 跳高a. Look at the word side , clear the meaning of highb. Choral like : high high high jump (X-X XX)c. Read group(4 person) by group(4 person). (one group)4) Together.Learn the sentence: Amy is going to do high jump.a. Choral (Point on the board)b. Check upc. Chant: (Ask the S

13、s to make the chant by self)用带节奏的伴奏引导学生自编歌谣。do high jump , do high jumpAmy is going t - o , do high jump3) T: What about Daming? S: Daming is going to run a race.Give the S a headwear , ask him to say like Daming S: Im going to run a race.Ask the volunteers to act Sam , Amy and Daming .Sam : Im goin

14、g to do long jump.( Mime doing long jump.)Amy: Im going to do high jump. (Mime doing high jump.)Daming: Im going to run a race. (Mime running a race.)请三位学生到前面来表演新学习的三个词组。3. T: Look at the blackboard , find out the same points with the 3 sentences. Ss: going to ( T underlines going to)Step 3 Consolid

15、ation and extension1.T: (Open your books ), listen to the tape ,point and find going to.a. Have the Ss take out the pencil.b. Look at activity 1 , ask a volunteer to read the request and clear its meaningc. Circle going to in the requestd. Listen , point and find going to in the text.e. Check upT: H

16、ow many going to do you find?S: There are 4 going to.Have the S read the 4 sentences.2. Read the 4 sentences after the tape. Mime the tunes and internation.3. T: On Sports Day , Sam ,Amy and Daming are going to do sth. What about you ? What are you going to do?S1: Im going to S2: Im going to 1) Talk

17、 about your plan in pairs.2) Ask the volunteers to say.T: XX is going to Have the Ss to talk about others plan in 4-person groups.A: Im going to do high jump.B: XX is going to do high jump.4. Clap , clap , point:Review the phrases.a) Look at the picture and the font style.b) Only look at the font st

18、yle.5. Finish AB activity 1 , have the Ss listen , match and say1) Have the Ss explain the request .2) Have the Ss read the phrases3) Listen and match4) Have the Ss say the sentences.6. Imitate writing sentences:. Im going to do high jump.Im going to _.Step 4 SummaryLet the Ss to sum up : 今天,我们学习了用I

19、m going to /XX is going to 来谈论将要做的事情。Step 5 HomeworkStep 6 Blackboard designUnit 1 Im going to do long jump.Im going to do long jump . Amy is going to do high jump . Im going to run a race Im going to do long jump.一、基本说明1、教学内容所属模块:Sports2、年级:小学3年级3、所用教材出版单位:外研社新标准英语(一年级起点)4、所属的章节:Module 9 Unit 15、学时

20、数:40分钟二、教学设计 1、教学目标:(1)知识目标:a.学生能在创设的情境和老师的引导下学习、理解课文,能认读运动项目:long jump, high jump, race, run a race和Sports Day。b.学生学习能理解be going to为“意愿和打算”的意思,能够听懂他人的计划,并表达自己的计划和打算。(2)情感目标:引导学生在课堂上有兴趣听英语、说英语、乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与。(3)能力目标:在课堂创设的各项任务、活动中,培养学生的听、说技能。2、内容分析:本课以运动会为主题,通过运动会前Sam, Amy和Daming介绍他们自己将要参加的运动项目,使学生学

21、会怎样用be going to 询问他人的计划和描述自己的计划。3、学情分析:小学3年级学生,有浓厚的英语学习兴趣,有了一定的英语基础。已学习了一部分动作短语,但学生水平有差异,大部分同学都能积极地参与到教学活动中来。4、设计思路:本课主题为Sports,我根据学生年龄特点和心理特点,通过设计“动物运动会”这个生动的情境,结合小组争夺奖杯竞赛来激发学生的学习兴趣,刺激学生的竞争意识,充分调动其积极性,引导学生轻松愉悦地自主学习和交流运用。在新授部分,运用图片、动画、声音、熟悉的故事、猜结局等多元形式来对新单词、短语、句型和课文层层突破、逐个掌握。练习环节我设计了两个贴近生活、易于反馈的任务:C

22、hant和Happy guessing game,囊括了所学的新短语、句型,在短时间内高频率地输入与输出,以达到巩固运用的目的。拓展环节,我结合实际情况,设计一个讨论周末计划的情境,让学生尽情自由地综合运用,最后以小组为单位,采用小记者访问的形式将第一人称介绍自己的计划和第三人称描述他人的计划很自然地融合在一起,使孩子们的自主交流更真实、自然。最后总结环节中,渗透了勤于锻炼、团结努力夺奖杯的德育意识,并让生体验成功的乐趣和完成任务的欣喜。三、教学过程教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动对学生学习过程的观察和考查及设计意图Step1:Warmer.1.Greetings.Say “hello” to

23、Ss.Say “hello” to teacher.营造轻松愉悦的教学氛围。2. Sing the song: <Can you run fast? >Sing and do actions.Then introduce the match.T: Wow, group 1 and group2, youre wonderful. Look, today we will have a competition. Group1 and group2, youre red team. Group3 and group4, youre blue team. Come on! Try your

24、 best! OK?Sing and do actions after teacher.Try to understandthe match.复习曾学习的部分运动类短语:run fast, jump far.让学生自主演唱,充分调动积极性。介绍分组竞赛机制,激发学生求胜心和积极性,牢牢抓住学生的注意力。3. Game: Magic eyes.CAI show some pictures quickly. jump run play football play basketball swim play Ping-Pong Play the game. Try to say the words a

25、nd phrases as quickly as possible.帮助学生加深了对短语的记忆,为本课的教学作了知识的铺垫,构建知识表象。Step2:Presentation.1. Learn the words.(1)T: Look! Animals like sports, too. Show the picture.Do you know? What day is it today?T: Yes! Its the Sports Day. Show the card: Sports Day. Read and write it.(2). Show the picture Miss Rabb

26、it and Mr. Turtle.T: What are they going to do? Lets look.Woo. They are Miss Rabbit and Mr. Turtle. What are they going to do?Play the cartoon.T: Yes, run. Theyre going to run a race. Look!Show the card, teach: raceRead with action of running, then write it on the blackboard.Let Ss read the phrase a

27、nd do actions together. Let Ss stop and ask “What are you going to do?”Show the sentence and write.T: Good. You can say: Im going to run a race.(3). Show a kangaroo.T: Miss Rabbit and Mr. Turtle are going to run a race.How about Ms Kangaroo? What is Ms Kangaroo going to do?Show the flash of Ms Kanga

28、roo.“Ms Kangaroo is going to do long jump.” Show the cards, read and write it.Long, long, jump, jump, do long jump. T: Stop. What are you going to do?(To all students.)(4). T: Now, listen. Another animal is coming. Guess, what is he going to do?Show a frog and play the voice.T: Wonderful. You are so

29、 clever. He is going to do high jump.Show the phrase “do high jump”.Read and write it.T: high, high, do high jump. Read with action of doing high jump.Answer: 运动会.Look and read after teacher.Write together.Answer it: Run.Look at the TV.Read it some times.Write it together and say the letters.Read an

30、d do.Stop and answer. S1: Run a race.Read team by team.Ss: Jump/跳远.Look!Read it loudly. Ss stand up and read with action for several times. Ss answer: Im going to do long jump. Read the sentence 4 times.Listen and look, then guess.Ss: 跳高。Read and write it.Ss stand up and read with action.图片配以欢呼声使情境更

31、加真实自然。呈现一些参加运动会的动物,让生从已有的知识经验出发,根据这些动物的特点来猜猜他们分别参加的运动项目,引入运动项目短语,学生表现很积极、争先恐后地猜。学生集体边做动作边说短语,突然停止后,师的询问自然地引出了问句,同时学生也能简单地用刚学的短语回答,教师顺势一接就可轻松引出句型Im going to 2. Little match.Let all the students stop, then point to a boy or a girl. Ask questions to students.What is he going to do?(Point to a boy.)T: H

32、e is going toWhat is she going to do?(Point to a girl.)Read the sentence and write it. He/She is going to do high jump.T: Who is going to do high jump? Who can try?T: What is he going to do?(Point to the boy.)T: What is she going to do?(Point to the girl.)The boy and the girl have a match.Try to jum

33、p high to get the cup! Praise the winner and another.Stop.Answer them.Ss: Do high jump.Ss: She is going to do high jump. 2 students come to the front to do high jump. Get the cup.Ss: He is going to do high jump.Ss: She is going to do high jump. Read together and say “Youre the winner!” to the winner

34、.突然停止后,老师向全体学生询问其中一个男孩或女孩将要做的动作,引出第三人称的问句和答句。小比赛旨在调节课堂气氛,操练输出答句,自然引入“Youre the winner!”。3. Learn the text.T: Our friends Sam, Amy, Daming. They will have a Sports Day on Friday. T shows the picture of the text.Play the CD.Listen to the CD, then tick or cross.Show 3 sentences.Play again and show 3 qu

35、estions.(1)What is Sam going to do? Ss: Hes going to do long jump.(2)What is Amy going to do? Ss: Hes going to do high jump.(3)What is Daming going to do? Ss: Hes going to run a race.T: At last, who is the winner? Just train every day, so you can be the winner.Listen again, then repeat. Look and lis

36、ten.Finish the exercises.Listen again and answer the questions.Ss: Daming.Listen and repeat.把配套的课文动画插入幻灯片中,完成播放与跟读,简单方便易操作。每一遍都设定了相应目标,由易到难,层层递进,培养学生的理解、观察能力,实施任务型教学。使生感受地道地英语,模仿跟读。Step3:Practice.1. Chant.T: Now stand up, lets chant! Follow me!Run, run, run a race. Im going to run a race.Long, long,

37、 do long jump. Im going to do long jump.High, high, do high jump. Im going to do high jump.Sports Day, Sports Day. Its going to be Sports Day.Ss clap and chant.囊括了本课的新短语、句型,全面、有节奏感,初步感知输入学生模仿集体输出这个连续的过程,实现短时间、高频率的操练。2. Game: Happy guessing game.T show some pictures. Someone is going to do something.

38、 Let Ss guess.T: What is he/she going to do?T: What are you going to do? Pictures: Students, Miss Wang, Sports Stars.Ss guess.Ss:He/She is going to S1: Im going to 紧紧抓住学生好奇、爱猜的特点,让学生猜猜班上的同学、老师和非常著名的运动明星打算进行的活动。 Step4: ExtensionSurvey.Show a survey: What are you going to do at the weekend?Show the da

39、te of the weekend and some interesting pictures of activity.Make an example at first.Chooses some groups to show their tables and tell the whole class “Im going to”.Teacher be a reporter to ask them.Look and listen carefully.Practice in groups.A student be the reporter.Show it.结合实际情况,设计讨论周末计划的真实情境,精

40、美的活动画面勾起学生对于周末的向往。先由教师担任记者进行问题的拓展输出,将个人回答与集体回答综合运用两个重点句型。Step5: SummaryT:Lets make a good sports plan. Do sports everyday , and we are going to be stronger and stronger!Show the result of the match. Which group catch the Medal Cup?Read it.Ss: Were the winner.简单总结,提倡每天做运动,提高身体素质。通过“Medal Cup”评价总结,让生认

41、识到集体目标的实现离不开个人的努力,使生体验到了成功的乐趣和完成任务的欣喜。Step6:HomeworkAsk your friends what they are going to do at the weekend.Look and read.符合教学实际,突破了时间空间的限制,使学生将课堂内的内容延伸到课堂之外。Writing on the blackboard: Module 9 Unit 1 run a race. 争夺奖杯赛On Sports Day Im going to do long jump. he/she is going to do high jump.Unit 1 I

42、 am going to do long jumpAnalysis of textbook:It mainly learns the important word phrases.long jump high jumprun a race, play basketball, play table tennis, swim and the important sentences:Im going to. The topic is mainly about the sports day. After the learning of new sports words, the teacher can

43、 lead into the sentences.What are you going to do on Sports Day? Im going to .Teaching aims:A:basic aimsa. The students could read, recognize and use the new words and phases:long jump, high jump, run a race, play basketball, play table tennis, swim. b. The students could use the basic sentence to e

44、xpress that he or she wants to do something.Im going to . B: motion aimsa. cultivating the students idea of loving labor.b. improving the interests of learning English.c. reinforcing the confidence of students.Teaching important points:A: Master and use these words and phrases: long jump, high jump,

45、 run a race, play basketball, play table tennis, swim. B: Master and use the sentence: Im going to . Teaching difficult points:Understanding and mastering the new sentences:What are you going to do on Sports Day ? Im going to . Teaching preparation:Multi-playerTeaching steps:The teacher prepares a s

46、ong that they have learned in the last lesson.New knowledge showing:a. showing the multi-player (Five Friends and Panpan run to 2008 the Olympic Game in Beijing.) T: OK! Look at the board, boys and girls. Do you know who they are? Ss: . T: They are Panpan, Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying and Ni

47、ni. YES! They go to the Olympic Games 2008 in Beijing, yes or no? Ss: T: Lets do some sports on the ground, ok? (do sports with Ss ,then lead in new words and phrases , Showing some pictures of playing football and many other pictures to lead into the new words, Reinforcement of the wordsAll the stu

48、dents read after the teacher to get familiar with the new words.Showing some sports stars pictures. For example:姚明,贝克汉姆,刘翔,乔丹 T: Look at the board carefully. Do you know who he is? Ss: . T: He is Yao Ming. He is playing basketball, he is a basketball player , right ? With the same way, the teacher requires the students to practice the sentences. Showing the new sentences: Next week, we are going to have a sport meeti


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