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1、五年级英语(上册)期末测试题学校 班级 姓名 等级 书写 听力部分一、选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入括号中。( )1. A. wonderful B. beautiful C. surprise D. careful( )2. A. bored B. angry C. happy D. hungry( )3. A . feeling B. thinking C. going D. feel( )4.A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything( )5 . A. win B. won C. winner D. with二、 听问题,选答案。

2、( )1. A. No, I cant . B. Yes, she can. ( ) 2. A. No, I dont. B. No, Im not. ( ) 3. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I dont. ( ) 4. A. Yes, please. B. Yes, I can. ( ) 5. A. I went to the London Eye. B. Yes, I did.三、听句子,填入所缺单词,将句子补充完整。1Yesterday I _an ice cream.2We _back last Sunday.3Lets make a _ _ .4Dont _. Wh

3、ats the _?5This girl is _. She cant _.四、听句子,选择正确的答语,将其序号写在题前括号内。 ( ) 1. Who wrote the letter? A. Daming B. Lingling ( ) 2.Where did Lingling go yesterday? A. The London Eye. B. Sam and Amys school.( ) 3. What time does Amys school start? A. At 8 oclock. B. At 9 oclock.( )4.Did Lingling skip with the

4、 girls? A. Yes, she did . B. No, she didnt.( ) 5. What time did the bell ring? A. At 8 oclock. B. At 9 oclock.五、听短文,判断正(Y)误(N)1. Sam got up at 6 oclock. ( )2. Sam had two eggs for breakfast. ( )3. He walked to school. ( )4.He watched TV at 5 oclock. ( )5. He went to bed at 9 oclock. ( )笔试部分一、找出划线部分读

5、音不同的一项。 e B.hen C.letteriver B.rice C.rabbit( )3.A.pencil B.apple C.photoun B.cute C.jump( )5. A.argue B. warm C. postcard二、读一读,选出不同类的一项。( )1.A.yours B. me C. mine D. hers ( ) 2.A.whose B. where C. when D. enough ( ) 3.A.careful B. give C. wear D. argue( ) 4.A.juice B. wonderful C. dangerous D. beau

6、tiful ( ) 5.A.bored B.angry C. hear D. surprise三、按要求写一写。 1. box(复数形式) _2. skip(一般过去式)_3. I(名词性物主代词)_4. come(第三人称单数)_5. feel(现在分词) _6 lose(过去式) 四、英汉互译1. hold my hand 2.cross the road 3.in a hurry 4.feel happy 5.do morning exercises 6.在操场上 7. 跑得快 8.太多的书 9.步行去学校 10.在农场 11.思念中国 五、单项选择。 ( )1.You should s

7、ay hello _your friends. A. on B. to C. at( )2.I won a chess game. Now I feel_. A. board B. sad C. happy( )3.He is blind. He cant_. A. hear B. see C. speak( )4.Please give_ your pencil. _pencil isnt here.A. me, My B.I, My C. me, Mine( )5.- _is the picture? -Its on the wall.(在墙上) A. What B. Where C. W

8、ho( )6._milk do you want? A. How much B. How many C. How box( )7.Did you_ Sam? Yes, I . A. meet, did B. met ,do C. meeted, didnt( )8.There_enough pencils everyone. A. is ,in B. are ,for C. am , of( )9.There are too_ books on the desk. A. much B. many C. enough( )10.He_a shopping list last Friday. A.

9、 make B. makes C. made( )11.He going to make you a surprise cake your birthday. A. am , on B. is , on C. is , for( )12. did they skip? In the playground. A What B What time C Where 六、选择正确的答语。( )1.Whats the matter? A.I cant play it.( )2.How did they go? B.Oh, no! Of course not. ( )3.What did Daming d

10、o? C.Nothing.( )4.Are you feeling angry? D.By bus. ( )5.How well do you play basketball? E.He took a photo.七、情景交际,请将选项填入下面的横线上。Daming:Next week is a holiday. What will you do, Sam?Sam: 1 Daming:Can you run fast?Sam: 2 Daming: 3 Sam:Very well. 4 Daming: 5 Sam:Thank you.A.Yes, I can.B.I want to be in

11、your basketball team.C.Can you control the basketball?D.I think you can play basketball well.E.And I can catch the ball well.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 八、选词填空,请将答案写到横线上。happy, sad,tired,bored, hungry1.Today I cleaned my room all day. Now I feel_.2.Today I made a new friend. Now I feel_.3.Its raining and I cant

12、go out to play. Now I feel_.4.Yesterday I lost my skipping rope. I feel_.5.I can smell some nice noodle soup. I feel_.九.阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。从下面两篇短文中任选一篇。 ( A ) Yesterday was Saturday. It was fine. Mr Wang went to the zoo with his family. There are four people in his family. They are Mr and Mrs Wang, Elv

13、e and Wallace. They went there by bus. There were many interesting animals in the zoo. Elve saw a mother elephant and a baby elephant. Wallace took a lot of pictures of lovely pandas and monkeys. They had a good time.( )1.Tomorrow is Saturday.( )2.It was not fine day.( )3.They went to the zoo by bik

14、e.( )4.Wallace took some pictures of Pandas and monkeys.( )5.There are four people in Mr Lis family. ( B )Dear friend,Im Jack. Im from England. I want to tell you something about me.I get up at 8:00 in the morning. Then, I go to school by school bus. School starts at 9:00. We have two lessons in the

15、 morning. I have lunch at 12:30. After that, we all play in the playground. I have one lesson in the afternoon. I go home at 3:00. I usually read books and watch TV. How about you?Love from,Jack( )1、Jack is from America.( )2、He goes to school by school bus.( )3、They play in the classroom.( )4、He usu

16、ally plays basketball.( )5、He goes home at 6:00. 十、作文园地 如果你是Lingling给Amy写一封信介绍一下你在学校的情况,注意书信格式,不少于40个单词,根据汉语提示可适当发挥。(你好吗?我十分想念你,我在七点半去上学,我家在学校附近,我的学校八点开始上课,在八点之前我们都在操场上打篮球,我能跳的高;我不喜欢足球,我不能很好的控制球。) 参考答案与评分标准听力原文一、1surprise 2bored 3thinking 4nothing 5won二、1. Can you catch the ball, Lingling? 2. Are yo

17、u feeling sad?3. Do you want to play chess? 4. Would you like to come to school with us?5. Where did you go yesterday?三、1Yesterday I bought an ice cream. 2We came back last Sunday.3Lets make a shopping list. 4Dont argue. Whats the matter?5This girl is deaf. She cant hear.四、Dear Daming,Yesterday I we

18、nt to Sam and Amys school. In England, they dont start school at 8 oclock. They start school at 9 oclock. Before 9 oclock they all play in the playground. I skipped with the girls.The bell rang at 9 oclock. Then we went into the classroom.Love from,Lingling 五、 短文This morning Sam got up at 7 oclock . He had an egg and a bottle of milk for breakfast. Then he walked to school at 8 oclock. They start school at 9 oclock.Sam played football in the playground. He went home at 3 oclock. He watched TV at 4 oclock. Then he did homework at 5 oclock . And he went to bed at half past eight.听


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