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1、1双语教学国际市场营销International Marketing山西财经大学 国际贸易学院药朝诚2第五部分第五部分 国际市场调研国际市场调研 International Market ResearchDeveloping a Global Vision through Marketing ResearchLearning Objectives学习目的和要求 1.The importance of problem definition in international research 国际市场调研的范围2. The problems of availability and use of s

2、econdary data 二手资料的获得和使用问题3. Quantitative and qualitative research methods 如何分析与使用调研信息 3IntroductionInformation is the key component in developing successful marketing strategies.Information needed on market information for decisions about product, promotion, distribution, and price.A marketer must

3、find the most accurate and reliable data possible within the limits imposed by time, cost.4Marketers need informationIn the United Kingdom, Levis coupled industry and population data with its own consumer studies to identify a need for change in its marketing strategy. The company observed that the

4、market for denim, and Levis share of that market, peaked in 1996 and then declined. In addition, population trends indicated that the size of the companys core age group of 18-25-years-olds has been declining in Europe. Levis research into attitudes revealed a possible cause of the decline in market

5、 share: Young adults in the UK want more innovation from the company. Levis responded by setting up groups to develop new products for each of three markets, called “urban opinion formers,” “extreme sports,” and “regular girls and guys.” 55.1 .1 Market ResearchMarket research is traditionally define

6、d as the systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data to provide information useful in marketing decision making.The function that links the consumers to the marketers through information- information used to identify and define marketing problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing

7、actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process.6。International marketing research involves two additional complications:First, information must be communicated across cultural boundaries.Second, the environments in which research tools are applied are oft

8、en different in foreign markets. 国际调研的两大困难:(1)传递的信息必须跨越文化疆界;(2)进行调研的环境与国内不同。7市 场企 业物 流货币流信息流信息流市场调研发现市场机会与威胁企业营销决策8Functions of International Market Research5.1.2 调研的作用:发现国际营销机会,开拓潜在国际市场;为企业营销组合提供依据;及时反映国际市场的变化,可以监测、评价企业国际营销活动的实施效果;有助于企业分析、预测国际市场未来的发展趋势和变动规律。9 短暂的调研,没有长大的润妍 润妍是宝洁在中国市场上唯一原创的品牌。作为当时在中

9、国最大的投资,被寄予厚望。为了这个被命名为“润妍”的品牌,宝洁投入了长达3年的时间;而即使是宝洁自己,在进入中国市场之前所做的调研也不过只有短短2年。 20012001年年3 3月,润妍上市的半年之后,一份对北京、上海、广州和成月,润妍上市的半年之后,一份对北京、上海、广州和成都女性居民的调查也显示,在女性最喜爱的品牌和女性常用的品牌中,都女性居民的调查也显示,在女性最喜爱的品牌和女性常用的品牌中,同样是定位黑头发的夏士莲排在第同样是定位黑头发的夏士莲排在第6 6位,而润妍榜上无名,同样是宝洁位,而润妍榜上无名,同样是宝洁麾下的飘柔等四大品牌分列麾下的飘柔等四大品牌分列1 1、2 2、4 4、

10、5 5位。另一份来自白马广告的调查位。另一份来自白马广告的调查则表明,看过夏士莲黑亮去屑洗发水的消费者中有接近则表明,看过夏士莲黑亮去屑洗发水的消费者中有接近24%24%愿意去买或愿意去买或者尝试;而看过润妍广告的消费者中,愿意尝试或购买的还不到者尝试;而看过润妍广告的消费者中,愿意尝试或购买的还不到2%2%。 20022002年年4 4月,润妍全面停产,退出市场。月,润妍全面停产,退出市场。10短暂的调研,没有长大的润妍 有资料显示,润妍产品在上市两年间的销售额大约在1个亿左右。品牌的投入大约占到其中的10。两年中,润妍虽获得不少消费者认知,但据有关资料,其最高市场占有率,不超过3;这个数字

11、,不过是飘柔市场份额的1/10。115.1.3 Scope of International Marketing ResearchEconomic: General data on growth of the economym inflation, business cycle trends, and the like.Cultural, sociological, and political climateOverview of market conditionsSummary of the technological environmentCompetitive situation 12

12、国际市场调研的范围国际市场调研的范围 国内外市场调研的基本区别在于:国外调研的范围更广。其广泛性表现在两方面: 根据所收集信息,调研可分为三种类型:(1)有关国家、地区或市场的一般信息;(2)有关通过把握特定市场或国家的社会、经济、消费与工业发展趋势预测未来营销要求所必须的信息;(3)做出有关产品、促销、分销与定价决策及制定营销计划所需的信息。在国内进行市场调研时,重点放在第三类。 1.要在多个国家进行,每个国家都有不同程度的特色; 2.需要收集数据的变量更多。135.2 The Research ProcessDefine the research problem and establish

13、 research objectives.Determine the sources of information to fulfill the research objectives.Consider the costs and benefits of the research effortGather the relevant data from secondary or primary sources, or both.Anlyze, interpret, and summarize the results.Effectively communicate the results to d

14、ecision makers. 14调研过程调研过程(1)明确要进行调研的问题,确立调研目标;(2)决定达到调研目标的信息来源;(3)考虑调研活动的成本与利益;(4)收集有关的第二手或第一手资料;(5)对结果进行分析、解释与总结;(6)将结果成功地传递给决策者。 15整理、汇总、分析资料撰写市场调研报告确定调研范围:地理范围、问题范围、样本范围等拟定调研项目:调研项目与范围的具体化过程确定资料来源16Defining the Problem and Establishing Research Objectives Begin with a definition of the research

15、problem and the establishment of specific research objectives. The market researcher must be certain the problem definition is sufficiently broad to cover the whole range of response possibilities and not be clouded by his or her self-reference criterion. Once the problem is adequately defined and r

16、esearch objectives established, the researcher must determine the availability of the information needed.Problems of availability and use of secondary data. Availability of data on foreign markets may be difficult to find. Problems with the reliability and comparability of data.17可口可乐如何收集小店数据为什么要关注小

17、店呢? 可乐这种饮品是典型的冲动性购买,但除了特殊的品牌爱好者,大多数顾客在“冲动”起来后,谁愿意在感到渴了以后绕过三个街区去寻找可口呢?搜集小店数据是最为琐碎、长久的一项销售行为。其中最先的安排就是培训,主要内容是基本扫街程序、拜访技巧和沟通训练。接下来最关键的就是:如何保证散落在各处的小店资料的不遗漏,以及能保证调查的顺利实施。扫街中每天的行为都是:早会、行走、标图、记录和晚会,单调而又复杂,需要极高的工作热情。18行走路线原则:调查时以大路为主线靠右行走。从何处离开主线就从何处回到主线,继续沿主线前进。每天在到达指定调查区域并开始正式调查之前,首先在调查区域内快速行走一遍,以便熟悉路线走

18、向。一定要在指定的地图区域内进行调查,不可跨区调查。完成一片后再进行下一片,不得任意穿插路线。沿途每遇到一条街巷时,均须入内调查。在彻底完成一条街或巷后必须从原入口处出来靠右行走,回到原主线上继续行走。如遇到再次分岔,同理以分岔处为入口,调查完该分岔街或巷后再回到分岔入口处,然后再沿着进入分岔街或巷之前行走的方向继续调查。无论在地图上是否标出,沿途只要遇到有街或巷都必须进入,并在地图上标明该路段。当走进任何一条街或巷时,必须注意此街巷到何处终止。若与地图上所标位置不同,请在地图上改正。每到一个路口或交叉口,在进入或出来或拐弯前都必须确认是否按计划路线行走。19 5.3 Data Resourc

19、e国际市场调研组织结构企业内部调研机构市场调研公司广告公司的调研部门咨询公司政府机构设立的调研部门20Secondary Data :联合国、各国/地区政府、贸易协会及其组织公布的资料、企业内部记录及报告、其他各种渠道的间接资料; 优缺点比较Primary Data :来自消费者、中间商、营销人员、竞争者等 优缺点比较Marketing research methods can be grouped into two basic types: lquantitative, and lqualitative research 215.3.1 Problems of Availability an

20、d Use of Secondary DataAvailabilityReliabilityComparability Validating22文案调研(二手资料调研) 在国际市场调研中,调研的范围很广,而营销者对外国基本的社会经济文化缺乏了解,所以对二手资料有很大的需求。 一、资料的可获得性 二、资料的可靠性 三、资料的可比性23二手资料调研信息渠道企业内部资料图书馆、科研院所等外国使团国际组织印发的期刊等网络终端检索24Lessening Political VulnerabilityAlthough data may be available, the following questio

21、ns should be asked to effectively judge the reliability of secondary data sources:1. Who collected the data? Would there be any reason for purposely misrepresenting the facts?2. For what purposes were the data collected? 3. How were the data collected? (methodology)4. Are the data internally consist

22、ent and logical in light of known data sources or market factors?25中国奢侈品市场调查 265.3.2 Gathering Primary Date Often the market researcher must collect primary datathat is, data collected specifically for the particular research project at hand.27在下列情况,最好由企业自己完成调研项目在下列情况,最好由企业自己完成调研项目:企业有足够的营销调研力量:人、财、

23、时间;企业在该市场上已有较丰富的经验;企业在该市场上缺乏经验,但该市场潜力很大,值得花力量去获得在该市场上的进行调研的经验。该项目属于高度机密项目;该项目属于高度专业化项目,市场上缺乏专门的调研机构或咨询机构。现有资料无法满足企业要求28 Problems of Gathering Primary DataProblems of gathering primary data include:(1) Ability to Communicate Opinions: It is difficult for a person to formulate needs, attitudes, and op

24、inions about goods whose use may not be understood, that are not in common use within the community, or that have never been available (2) Willingness to Respond: Cultural differences offer the best explanation for the unwillingness or the inability of many to respond to research surveys (3) Samplin

25、g in Field Surveys(4) Language and Comprehension29收集原始资料过程中的问题收集原始资料过程中的问题一、传达观点的能力 二、回答的愿意程度 三、实地调查中的取样 四、语言与理解3031麦肯锡管理咨询公司营销调研原则1 1、三位一体的解题程序:、三位一体的解题程序: * 以事实为基础 * 严格的结构化程序:“相互独立,团结协作” * 以合理假设为导向2 2、麦肯锡规则:、麦肯锡规则: * “80/20 规则” * “别总想把整个海洋煮沸” * 抓住关键要素 * 电梯测试 * 每天制一个图表 * 勇于说“我不知道”3 3、关于走访:、关于走访: *

26、事先做好准备 * 多听、少说 * 试试沉默 * 一定要写感谢信32Research on the Internet: A Growing OpportunityFor many companies the Internet provides a new and increasingly important medium for conducting a variety of international marketing research There are at least seven different uses for the Internet in international rese

27、arch:(1) Online surveys and buyer panels(2) Online focus groups(3) Web visitor tracking(4) Advertising measurement(5) Customer identification systems(6) E-mail marketing lists(7) Embedded research33 互联网上调研:一个新机会互联网上调研:一个新机会 对于许多公司来说,互联网为他们提供了进行种种国际市场调研的一个新的日益重要的工具。国际调研中互联网的几种用途: (1)网上调查; (2)网络访问者跟踪; (3)广告衡量; (4)顾客识别系统; 互联网真正的作用是从计算机上可获得大量有用的二手资料。3435地域范围广泛地域范围广泛组织简单,费用低组织简单,费用低速度快


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