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1、Unit 1 Cultural relicsWarming Up and Pre-readingThe Second PeriodI Teaching aims12Ability aims1) Get thestudents to be able to role-play a conversation with the clues in Warming Up.2) Get the students to be able to correctly express their feelings rather than their thoughts by meansof answering the

2、questions listed in Pre-reading.Language aimsWe are to get the students to practise their ability of talking about cultural relics, using knowledge ofthe English language the students havegrasped.IITeaching important pointsEnable the students to get some basic knowledge or concept of cultural relics

3、 after having finishedWarming Up and Pre-reading.IIIIVTeaching methodTask-based methodTeaching aidsA computer connected with theInternet, aprojector.V Teaching proceduresStep1Warming Up1Show somepictures of Chinese cultural relics and ask.T: Do you know what thesethings are?S: Chinese cultural relic

4、s / Cultural relics.T: What is acultural relic?S: A cultural relic is something that has survived for a long time, often a part of something old thathas remained when therest of it has been destroyed; it tells people about the past.T: What arethese?S: Vases.T: Do you know when they weremade?S: T: Mi

5、ng Dynasty. They are very rareMing Dynasty vases.23Connect with theInternet to seesomemorepictures of Ming Dynasty vases.Present the situation in Warming Up to get the students thinking and talking about hard choice andhow to make them. In this way wecan get the students to role-play a conversation

6、with the question:What will you say to him?Allow thestudents afew minutes to prepare thetask.Sample dialogue:YOU: Hello, I am hereto seeMr Zhang Ri. Are you Zhang Ri?MAN: Yes, I am.YOU: My name is Hu Yuan. Im from theOfficefor Cultural Relics.MAN: Oh, is there someproblem?YOU: Perhaps. I understand

7、that you have an old Ming Dynasty vase.MAN: Yes, I do but its not mine. Er it belongs to my family.YOU: Hmm. May I have a look at it?MAN: Why, yes, of course. Pleasecomein. Right this way. Here it is.YOU: Its quite beautiful.MAN: Yes, it is, isnt it? Its been with our family for a long time.YOU: Mr

8、Zhang, Im sorry to tell you this but Im quite certain this is a cultural relic.MAN: Oh, how can you be sure?YOU: It is just like theone described in a report I got.MAN: What report?YOU: A report about a relic that is missing from amuseum.MAN: I havent heard about that.YOU: Perhaps not.You say this r

9、elic has been in your family a long time?MAN: Well, actually, one of my cousins gaveit to us.YOU: When was that?MAN: Last year around thetime of Mid-Autumn Festival.YOU: Im sorry to say this but I believe this is the relic the museum has lost.Step2Pre-readingIn this part the students are required to

10、 further give free rein to their imaginations to discuss whatthey would do with a cultural relic but without the limitations of a specific situation on the knowledgethey have got from theprevious activity.Sample dialogue:T: If you found a cultural relic, what would you do with it?S1: I dont know.T:

11、Would you want to keep it?S1: Of coursenot. It doesnt belong to me.T: Then why dont you go to your community council?S1: Im not sureI could trust the people there. Whatif theperson I give it to keep it for himself?T: Good question. What do the rest of you think?S2: I guess I would ask my parents wha

12、t to do with it.T: Thats agood idea. Anyone else have an idea?S3: I would ask my brother. He is a policeman.T: OK. Another good suggestion, but what if theothers dont have a brother who is a policeman?S3: Oh, right. Well, I would talk to someonein our city government.(Thesolution to the problem may

13、bequite different becauseof individual)Step3Leading-in to amberIn this part we will specially introduce some knowledge of amber and enable the students to getsomeperceptual knowledge about theAmber Room just by showing somepictures it.Ask questions while showing the pictures:Have you ever heard of a

14、mber?What is amber?(Play a short video for the students to watch how amber forms.)Have you ever seen anything made of amber?Can you imagine what a room made of amber looks like?Step4HomeworkPreparethe reading passageThe following reference materialscan be linked with the Internet中国的世界文化和自然遗产1972 年 1

15、0 月 16 日联合国教科文组织全会通过了保护世界文化和自然遗产公约,包括中国在内的缔约国迄今已达 145 个。从 1978 年公布第一批世界文化遗产的名单起,截至 2004 年 7月中国已有 30 项列入世界文化和自然遗产目录。各省分布如下:省份项 目 名 称项目性质 批准日期序号北京故宫长城周口店猿人遗址颐和园天坛文化文化文化文化文化1987 年 12 月1987 年 12 月1987 年 12 月1998 年 12 月1998 年 12 月12345明清皇陵 (含新增加的南京明孝陵) 文化2000 年 12 月6河北避暑山庄文化1994 年 12 月7河南龙门石窟文化2001 年 12

16、月8山西山东平遥古城云岗石窟泰山孔府孔庙孔林文化文化文化、自然文化1997 年2001 年1987 年1994 年12 月12 月12 月12 月9101112安徽黄山文化、自然 1990 年 12 月13皖南古村落文化1999 年 12 月14江苏苏州园林文化1997 年 12 月15福建四川重庆江西湖北武夷山九寨沟风景区黄龙风景区峨眉山 乐山大佛青城山 都江堰大足石刻庐山武当山文化、自然自然自然文化、自然文化文化文化文化1999 年1992 年1992 年1996 年2000 年1999 年1996 年1994 年12 月12 月12 月12 月12 月12 月12 月12 月1617181920212223湖南陕西甘肃云南武陵源(张家界)秦始皇陵敦煌莫高窟丽江古城自然文化文化文化1992 年 12 月1987 年 12 月1987 年 12 月1997 年 12 月24252627三江并流自然2003 年 7 月28西藏吉林布达拉宫高句丽王城、王陵文化文化1994 年 12 月2004 年 7 月2930附:中国的世界遗产名录世界文化遗产(21 处)北京故宫周口店北京人遗址长城西安秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑敦煌莫高窟曲阜孔庙、孔林


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