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1、1. soul music 爵士灵歌(美国黑人演唱走红的一种节奏性爵士灵歌(美国黑人演唱走红的一种节奏性强、伤感朴实的福音音乐,特点是强调热情洋溢的即席强、伤感朴实的福音音乐,特点是强调热情洋溢的即席演唱演唱)soul cn. 人人;心灵;心灵;灵魂灵魂 Her mother, poor soul, came to an even worse end. There was hardly a soul in the garden. heart and soul 全心全意全心全意2. blues n. 布鲁斯音乐布鲁斯音乐3. harmonica n. 口琴口琴4. sophisticated a

2、dj. 复杂的;高级的,老练的复杂的;高级的,老练的; 老于世故的老于世故的5. rhythmic adj. 有节奏的有节奏的6. rhythm n. 节律;节奏;律节律;节奏;律动动7.gospel n. 福音音乐(通常由黑人歌手有力地大声演唱福音音乐(通常由黑人歌手有力地大声演唱的基督教歌曲)的基督教歌曲)8.improvisation n. 即席演奏即席演奏9.syncopation n. (音乐的)切分音;切分节奏(音乐的)切分音;切分节奏10. DJ (=disk jockey) n. (电台)音乐唱片节目主持人;(电台)音乐唱片节目主持人;(俱乐部)舞曲唱片播放员(俱乐部)舞曲唱片

3、播放员11. hip hop 嬉蹦乐嬉蹦乐 嘻哈音乐嘻哈音乐(节奏强烈、说唱形式的一(节奏强烈、说唱形式的一种流行伴舞音乐)种流行伴舞音乐)12. graffiti rfi:ti: n. 涂鸦;乱涂乱抹涂鸦;乱涂乱抹13. microphone n. 麦克风;话筒麦克风;话筒14. percussion n. 打击乐器打击乐器15. rap n. 说唱说唱乐乐16. reggae re,ei n. 雷盖(西印度群岛的一种节奏强劲雷盖(西印度群岛的一种节奏强劲的流行音乐)的流行音乐)17. turntable n. (唱机的)转盘;唱盘(唱机的)转盘;唱盘18. movement n. 运动运动

4、19. MC(Master of Ceremonies) n. 司仪;节目主持司仪;节目主持20. technique n. 技巧;技巧;手法手法 指指做事的方式、方法、手法做事的方式、方法、手法、technology n.科技科技(总称总称); 工艺工艺; 工业技术工业技术,指指科学的科学的和工业的生产过程和技术,多用于科技用语中。和工业的生产过程和技术,多用于科技用语中。21. Jamaica n. 牙买加牙买加 Jamaican 牙买加的牙买加的 牙买加人牙买加人22. side by side 并排;并肩;并排;并肩;并存并存 共处共处23. improvise v. 即兴演奏即兴演奏

5、; 即兴表演即兴表演, 临时制作临时制作, 临时凑成临时凑成24. vocal adj. 嗓音的嗓音的;与嗓音有关的与嗓音有关的,口头的口头的,有声的有声的, 发音发音的的25. approach n. (待人接物或思考问题的)(待人接物或思考问题的)方法方法;步骤;通路;步骤;通路;靠近靠近 vt. vi. 走进走进 靠近靠近 临近临近As I approached the house, I noticed a light on upstairs.the approach to (doing) sththe approach of sth 的临近的临近 with the approach o

6、f sthway 指指简单的,普通的,不太明确的简单的,普通的,不太明确的方法方法 in a way, the way + to do/ of doing / that/in which/x+句子句子method 指指有规律地,有条不紊地,有逻辑地做某事的有规律地,有条不紊地,有逻辑地做某事的方法方法 the method of doing sth26. be bored with 厌烦厌烦 = be tired of = be fed up with; be tired with/from 因因而而疲倦疲倦27. disco n. 迪斯科(音乐迪斯科(音乐)28. decline n. 衰退

7、;下降;减少衰退;下降;减少 be in decline / on the decline 在下降在下降Industry in Britain has been in decline since the 1970s. vi. 减少减少 降低降低;vt. vi. 婉言婉言拒绝拒绝 谢绝谢绝 decline sth/ to do sthI invited him to the meeting but he declined.29. take advantage of 利用利用 = make use ofhave an advantage over 比比有优势有优势 have the advanta

8、ge of 有有好处好处 be at an advantage 处于优势处于优势 be to ones advantage 对对有利有利30. backing track (音乐)伴奏曲(音乐)伴奏曲31. rapper n. 说唱乐歌手说唱乐歌手32. emerge v. 出现,出现,浮现;暴露,浮现;暴露,显露显露 emerge from而不是而不是 单纯单纯地表示否定,地表示否定,rather than = and not / instead of。常连接相同结构。常连接相同结构+n./pron./prep./v-ing/ to do /do/ adj./句子句子。It ought to

9、 be you rather than me that signs the letter. 与其说与其说不如说不如说He is an artist rather than a philosopher.宁愿宁愿而不而不 表示表示主观上选优主观上选优。主句。主句中常含有中常含有would prefer, like等等表示喜欢做的表示喜欢做的事,事,rather than从句则表示从句则表示不喜欢做的事不喜欢做的事。rather than可以放在主句之前可以放在主句之前。I would die with my head high rather than live with knees bent.Ra

10、ther than go there Id prefer to stay here on my own.33. rather than 34. touch v. 触动;感动;使动心;触动;感动;使动心;触摸,触碰触摸,触碰 touching/touched adj. be touched by/that35. trumpet n. 小号(一种铜管乐器)小号(一种铜管乐器)36. in order 有序地有序地 in order 按照按照的顺序的顺序 put sth in order, out of order 顺序混乱顺序混乱 出故障出故障, keep order 维持秩序维持秩序 place

11、 an order for sth 订购订购 in order to do/that 为了为了37. try out 尝试尝试,试用,试验,试用,试验 try out sth 选拔选拔 try out for sth try on 试穿试穿38. arise v. arose arisen (由(由)引起(产生引起(产生),), arise from/out of 呈现呈现; 出现出现; 发生发生 Accidents arise from carelessness. rise, raise, arise, arouse(1) rise vi. 上升,上涨,(日月星上升,上涨,(日月星)上升)上

12、升 She rises at dawn every day. Fish rises to the surface.(2) raise vt. 举起,增加,养育,种植,生产举起,增加,养育,种植,生产 raise salaries/price/profits / raise a family(3) arise vi. 出现,产生出现,产生(4) arouse vt/vi. 唤醒,激发,引发唤醒,激发,引发 He was aroused from his nap by the doorbell.39. offshore adv. adj.向海,离岸向海,离岸 onshore/inshore 向陆地

13、向陆地 向岸向岸 40. boom vi. 繁荣;兴起;迅速发展繁荣;兴起;迅速发展(常用于进行时常用于进行时)n. 繁荣,兴旺,激增繁荣,兴旺,激增 in;流行,风靡;流行,风靡 An economic boom followed, especially in housing and construction.Business is booming since I enlarged the shop.41. friction n. 不合,抵触;摩擦不合,抵触;摩擦cause/ create/ lead to/ produce friction with/between42. harmony

14、n. 融洽,一致;融洽,一致;和谐和谐 in harmony (with sb) harmonious /hmnis/ adj. 和谐的和谐的,和睦的和睦的;协调的协调的We should live in harmony with each other.43. virtue n. 美德美德【反反】vice 恶行恶行44. be blessed with 有幸,在有幸,在方面有福气方面有福气;幸运地享有幸运地享有 bless sb 愿上帝保佑愿上帝保佑45. conventional adj. 按惯例的;因袭的;传统的按惯例的;因袭的;传统的 convention n. 大会;公约;惯例,习俗大

15、会;公约;惯例,习俗46. fancy adj. 新潮的新潮的47. blouse n. 女士宽松短衫,女衬衫女士宽松短衫,女衬衫48. slacks n. 宽松长裤,便裤宽松长裤,便裤 trousers裤子裤子49. neat adj. 整齐的,整洁的整齐的,整洁的 = tidy / smart / in order50. mom n. 妈妈妈妈 = mum 51. consensus n. 共同意见,一致看法,共识共同意见,一致看法,共识 a consensus (among sb) about /on /that There is a general consensus among te

16、achers about the need for greater security in schools.52. makeover n. 改头换面改头换面53. budget v. 制定预算制定预算,把把编入预算编入预算 for sthThe company has budgeted $10 million for advertising. cn. 预算预算 on / within budget 在预算之内在预算之内 under budget 低于预算低于预算 over budget 超出预算超出预算 54. cheque n. 支票支票 = check cn.支票;检查,查看支票;检查,查

17、看 vt. & vi.检查检查, 核对核对 check whether/how/what check (sth) for sth check in 登记办理入住登记办理入住/登机手续;打电话报平安登机手续;打电话报平安 check out 核实,查证;办理退房手续核实,查证;办理退房手续 check over 检查,查看;检查检查,查看;检查身体身体55. consultant n. 顾问顾问 on/in sth = adviser 顾问顾问 consult v. 咨询,请教;商议咨询,请教;商议 consult sb about sthconsult with sb (about/o

18、n sth) vt. 查阅查阅 = refer to look up56. vain adj. 自负的,自视过高的;自负的,自视过高的;徒劳的徒劳的 She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to hold back the tears. in vain 徒劳无功,白费力气徒劳无功,白费力气 They tried in vain to persuade her to go. 57. bonus cn. 没有预料到的好事;没有预料到的好事;奖金,红利奖金,红利58. DVD 数字多功能光碟数字多功能光碟 digital versatile dis

19、c VCD 激光视盘激光视盘 Video Compact Disc CD 光盘光盘 compact disc59. pace n. 速度,进度;速度,进度;步伐,节奏步伐,节奏 at pace 以以的速度的速度 at a steady pacepace of life 生活节奏生活节奏 keep pace with 与与并驾齐驱,步伐一致并驾齐驱,步伐一致 We encourage all students to work at their own pace. v. 踱步踱步 She paced up and down outside the room. Sam stood up and pa

20、ced the floor/room, deep in thought.60. tight adj. (控制)严格的,严密的(控制)严格的,严密的;紧的紧的,牢固的;紧身的;紧紧抓住;时间紧的,牢固的;紧身的;紧紧抓住;时间紧的 adv. 紧紧地,牢牢地紧紧地,牢牢地 【反反】loose adj. 松的;宽松的;松散的;自由松的;宽松的;松散的;自由的的61. schedule n. 计划表,进度表,计划表,进度表,日程表日程表 = timetable, on schedule 按预定时间按预定时间 ahead of / behind schedule 先于先于/迟于预定时间迟于预定时间 vt

21、. 预定,安排在预定,安排在 The meeting is scheduled for Friday afternoon. Im scheduled to arrive in LA at 5 oclock.62. spokeswoman n. 女发言人,女代言人女发言人,女代言人 spokesman / spokesperson 发言人发言人63. deadline n. 截止时间,最后期限截止时间,最后期限 the deadline for sth meet the deadline 按期限完成按期限完成 miss the deadline 未按期限未按期限完成完成64.otherwise

22、adv. 否则,要不然否则,要不然 = if not = or else Youll have to go now, otherwise youll miss your e out 出版;出版;显露显露; 出现出现; 结果是结果是; 开花开花; 出来出来; 说出说出 I tried to say I love you, but the words wouldnt come out.66.allowance cn. 津贴,补助津贴,补助 College students in China live mostly on their parents allowance.67.far from 完全不

23、,完全不,远非;远离;远非;远离; far from + n./adj./doing Far from praising him, Ill criticize him. Far from helping the situation, youve just made it worse.68. part-time adj. 部分时间的,兼职的部分时间的,兼职的 反反 full-time 全日制的全日制的 全职的全职的 69. devote v. 为为付出时间付出时间 / 努力努力 / 金钱等金钱等 致力,献身致力,献身 devote ones time / energy / attention t

24、o sth He devoted his energies to writing films. devote yourself to sthShe devoted herself full-time to her business.70. be devoted to 对对专一,专注;专一,专注;挚爱的;热衷于;挚爱的;热衷于;致力于;忠诚的致力于;忠诚的 They are devoted to their children. I have personally been devoted to this cause for many years.71. swap (for ) v. 交换交换 =

25、 exchange, swap sth with sb, swap sth for sth, swap sb sth for sthIve finished this magazine. Can I swap with you? Can we swap places? I cant see the screen.72. super adj. 极好的,了不起的,超级的极好的,了不起的,超级的 adv. 非常,格外非常,格外 super- 超,极,非常超,极,非常 supercomputer 超级计算机超级计算机 superman 超人超人superhero 超级英雄超级英雄 supermall

26、超级购物中心超级购物中心 superstar 超级巨星超级巨星 superpower 超级大国超级大国 superstore 大型超市大型超市 supernatural 超自然的超自然的 superconscious 超意识的超意识的 supermarket 超级市场超级市场73.yell v. cn. 叫喊叫喊,叫嚷,叫嚷 yell at sb to do sth74.beg v. 请求请求,恳求,恳求 begged begging beg to do / beg sb to do / beg for sth / beg sb for sth They begged him for help

27、. She begged him not to go.I beg your pardon. 请原谅请原谅, ,很很抱歉抱歉, ,请再说一遍请再说一遍 乞讨乞讨 beg (for) sth (from sb) beggar 乞丐乞丐We managed to beg a meal from the cafe owner.75.beg for 乞求,请求乞求,请求76.pension cn. 养老金;退休金;抚恤金养老金;退休金;抚恤金77.quit v. -quit quit -quitting 离开离开,辞去,辞去 He quit his job after an argument with

28、a colleague. 放弃放弃 停止停止 戒除戒除=give up, quit (doing) sth Hes been given six months to live if he doesnt quit drinking. 78. refreshing adj. 令人耳目一新的令人耳目一新的 refresh vt. 使恢复精力使恢复精力 使凉爽使凉爽 He refreshed himself with a cool shower. refreshed adj. 恢复精力的恢复精力的 凉爽凉爽的的I feel so refreshed after that cup of tea.79.

29、pioneer n. 先锋;创始人;先驱;开拓者先锋;创始人;先驱;开拓者 vt. 开创开创 倡导倡导80. solo n. 独奏;独唱独奏;独唱 adj. 独自的独自的 独唱的独唱的 独奏的独奏的 81. satchel n. 书包;小背包书包;小背包82. make/leave an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象给某人留下印象 have/get/give the impression that impress sb with/by sth impress sth on sb/ impress on sb sthbe impressed with/by sth83. protest n. 抗议抗议 a protest against sth in protest (at sth) 以示抗议以示抗议under protest 无奈的无奈的 不甘心的不甘心的 She wrote a letter of apology but only under protest. 5000 employees came out on strike in protes


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