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1、Module 5 Great People and Great Invention of AncientChinaLanguage pointsPart one自主练习I. 词汇扫描。根据句意,从下面的方框中选择单词的适当形式完成句子。kindn ess, positi on, prin ciple, stress, in flue ntial, equal, con diti on, con tributi on, argume nt, freedom, resig n, philosophy, invent, hon esty, justice, fuel, leather, catego

2、ry,1. I can ' t tha nk you eno ugh for your .2. The gen eral原贝 U )is that educati on should be available to allchildre n up to the age of 16.3. I ' m not sure what I would do if I were in your(职位).4. The report强调)that student' math skills need improving.5. Dewey was有影响的)in shaping econom

3、ic policy.6. They believe that all work is of平等的)value.7. The car has bee n well maintained and is in excelle nt状(况).8. The school sees its job as prepari ng stude nts to make a贡献)to society.9. I broke the vase duri ng an争 论)with my husba nd.10. The gover nment was accused of using the law to restri

4、ct in dividual辞职).自由).11. Tom was not pleased with his boss and pla nned to12.Though (哲学) is dull and hard to understand, yet it tells ushow to deal with things well.13. Edison (发明) many things in his life.14. (诚实)is the best policy.15. To do him _(公平), he is not a bad footballer.16. His shoes is ma

5、de up of _(_皮革) .17. The strings are a (种类) of musical instruments.18. They are trying to find a cleaner (燃料) for cars.短语互译。1. 信任,信奉 2. 生来就是 3.相等的;胜任的 . 4. 处于战争 5.有一段时间;曾经一度 6.抚养;提出 7.从一个国家到另一个国家 _8.在某些方面 9.直到,多达;胜任;由决定10.责任感 11对做出贡献12.总之;最后13. They say that 1 4 .be proud of 15. hear of 1 6. to give

6、 an example17. for the first time18. in good/bad condition 19. follow one' s advice20. if so III 根据汉语提示,用以上所学短语完成句子。1. 你可以信任他,他永远不会让你失望。You can him. He will never let you down.2. 没人生来就是天才。No man genius.3. 这等于说他是个骗子。This t_hat he ' s a cheat.4. 这个国家与邻国已打了两年仗了。The country the neighbor for two

7、years.5. 曾经有段时间这种音乐很流行。this kind of music was very popular.6. 她把三个孩子抚养成人。She has three children.7. 多年来,他从一个国家到另一个国家旅行。For many years he traveled .8. 在某些方面他令人尊敬He is respectable .9. 他对社会做了很大贡献。He the society.10. 我从未听说过那个地方。I never the place.11. 他为自己的成功感到骄傲。He his own success.12. 我们在聊城初次见面。We met in L

8、iao Cheng .13. 我的车虽旧但车况良好。My car is old but .14 据说你想成功的话需要发点疯。 you need to be a bit crazy to be successful. 15. 你很聪明, 举个例子,你英语很好。You are very smart. , You are good at English.16. 最后, 我对各位出席这次会议表示感谢。, I would like to thank you for coming to the meeting. 17我要是听从了他的建议就好了!如果这样,你就不会考试不及格了。-If only I .- ,

9、 you would have passed the examination.18. 我们市多达百分之五十的水已被污染。 50% of the water in our city has been pollutedPart Two 互动练习1 课文原文: he was brought upby his moth bring up(1) bring sb up 把某人抚养成人(内含教养之意)(2) 提出 bring up a question(3) 呕吐 He felt sick and brought up what he had eaten.(4) 使突然停下 He was brought

10、up short.拓展:bring in引进;介绍;产生;获利 bring about带来; 造成bring back归还; 使记起 bringdown使落下,使跌下 bring out出版;使呈现即学即练:(1) 她把四个孩子养育成人。(2) He lost his parents when he was a child andby his uncle.A. brought up B. grew up C. was brought upD. was grow n up(3) His idea of having weekly family meals together, which seem

11、ed difficult at first,hasmany good cha nges in their lives.A. brought upB. brought in C. resulted from D. brought about2. 课文原文: Men cius believed that the reason (whyma n is differe nt from ani mals)is that man is good.孟子相信人类区别于动物的原因就是天生善良。(1) 这是一个比较复杂的复合句that the reason why 做believe的宾语从句why man is

12、different from animal 为定语从句修饰先行词the reasonthat man is good是一个表语从句 作宾语从句的表语(2) the reason is that原因是the reason作主语时,后接表语从句,常用that弓I 导而不用why.(3) the reason作先行词,定语从句可用 why或that引导,但从句结构不同,作的成份也不同。why为关系副词,在定语从句中作状语。The reason why he was late was that he missed the bus. that为关系代词,在定语从句中作主语或宾语。The reason (

13、that) he gave for his absence was unbelievable. 即学即练:(1)Is this the reason at the meeting for his careless in his work?A. he explained B. what he explained C. how he explained D. why he explained Part Three 模块测验I. Choose the best answer. 1The book forty maps, three of Great Britain.A. contains; cont

14、aining B. includes; including C. includes; containingD. contains; including2. in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the UnitedStates.A. Being founded B. It was foundedC. FoundedD. Founding3. I don ' t like the way you treated your dear mother just now.A. thatB. whichC. in th

15、atD. why4. The doctor ordered that the patient to hospital without delay.A. should send B. be sentC. send D. will be sent5. I consider the party until Saturday evening, and it is considered practical.A. putting off; being B. putting off; to be C. to put off; beingD. put off; to be6. The English teac

16、her laid particular the need of reading aloud.A. stress on B. importance C. stress toD. strain on7. Do you know when the electricity was and when the lamp wasA. invented; inventedB. invented; discoveredC. discovered; discoveredD. discovered; invented8. The radio is out of , so Ill have it repaired.A

17、. the conditionB. conditionC. situationD. situations9. I am sure David will be able to find the library- he has a pretty good ofdirection.A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense10. The mother was very angry was very angry with the teacher, because the little boy was badly at school.A. praised B. w

18、elcomed C. thought D. treated11. The poor boy was made at the age of six.A. work B. working C. worked D. to work12. This is that I to London.A. for the first time; cameB. the first time; cameC. for the first time; have beenD. the first time; have been13. Fifteen and thirty equal forty-five.A. are; w

19、ith B. is; to C. are; of D. is; with14. -What time is it by your watch?-It seven.A. saysB. tellsC. speaksD. runs15. On no condition to out plan for the trip.A. will she agree B. she will agree C. agrees she D. will agree she16. There was time I hated to go to school.A. a; thatB. a; whenC. the; thatD

20、. the; when17. The weather here is much better than in my hometown.A. the oneB. whatC. thatD. the one18. The professor walked into the hall, his students.A. followingB. followedC. followed with D. followed19. My cousin came to see me from the country, me a basket of fresh fruits.A. broughtB. bringin

21、gC. to bring D. had brought20. I recognized her I met her.A. first timeB. for the first time C. the first time D. by the first time21. Charlie is con sideredthe first computer.A. to inventB. inven ti ngC. to have inven ted D. hav ing inven ted22. Not until all the fish die in the waterhow serious th

22、e pollution was.A. did the villager realizeB. the villagers realizedC. the villagers did realizeD. didn ' t the villagers realize23. It wasback home after the experime nt.A. Not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didn' t goC. not until midnight that he went D. until midnight

23、when he didn' t goII. Read ing comprehe nsion.Tell a story and tell it well, and you may ope n wide the eyes of a child, ope n up lines of com muni cati on in a bus in ess, or eve n ope n people' s mind to ano ther culor race.People in many places are digging up the old folk stories and the

24、messages in them. For example, most America n storytellers get their tales from a wide variety of sources, cultures, and times. They regard storytelling not only as a useful tool in child educati on, but also as a meanin gful activity that helps adults un dersta nd themselves as well as those whose

25、culture may be very different from their own.“ Most local stories are based on a larger theme,” American storyteller O|Pugh says, Cinderella(灰灰姑娘),or the central idea of a good child protected by her good ness, appears in various forms in almost every culture of the world.”Work ing with stude nts in

26、 schools, Pugh helps them un dersta nd their own cultures and the general messages of the stories. She works with prisoner too, helping them knowing who they are by telling stories that her listeners can write, direct, and act in their own lives. If they don ' t likesthey they are living, they c

27、an rewrite the story. Pugh also works to help ope n up lines of com muni cati on betwee n man agers and workers. “ Foievery adva nee in bus in ess, s”e says, “there is a greater n eed for com muni cati on. Storytelli ng can have a great effect on either side of the man ager-worker relatio nship, she

28、 says.Pugh spent several years in Nigeria, where she learned how closely storytelling was linked to the everyday life of the people there. The benefits of storytelling are found everywhere, she says.she says,“ I learned how people used stories to spread their culture,”is to focus on the value of the

29、 stories that people can translate into their own daily world of affairs. We are all storytellers. We all have a story to tell. We tell everybody ' s story. ”52. What do we learn about American storyteller from Paragraph 2?A. They share the same way of storytelling.B. They prefer to tell the sto

30、ries from other cultures.C. They learn their stories from the American natives.D. They find storytelling useful for both children and adults.53. The underlined sentence (Paragraph 4) suggests that prisoners can .A. start a new lifeB. settle down in another placeC. direct films D. become good actors54. Pugh has practised storytelling with groups of people.A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 555. What is the main idea of the text?A. Storytelling can influence the way people think.B. Storytelling is vital to the growth of business.C. Storytelling is the best way to educate children in school.D. St


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