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1、2014-15 七下单词与课文重现M1-5Module 1 Lost and found 1.蜡笔 _2.橡皮擦_3.手套_4.钱包_5.手表_6.谁的_7.首先_8.丢失 _9.发现,找到_10.失物招领箱_11.我的 _12.你(们)的_13.磁带 _14.紫色的_15.她的 _16.仔细的,小心的 _17.对···小心,认真_18.从某时刻起_19.从现在以后_20.在这儿_21. 照相机 _22.电话_23.移动电话,手机_24.失物招领处_25.匆匆忙忙_26.丢下;遗忘_27.飞机 _28.出租车_29.为什么_30.机场;航空港_31.百_32.几百

2、;成百上千_33.寻找_34.千 _35.奇怪的_36.船_37.鸭_38.猪 _39.香肠,腊肠 _Unit 1 Whose bag is this? Ms Li: _ (欢迎回到)school, everyone!_(首先), come and look in the _(失物招领箱)! There are a lot of things in it. Whose bag is this? Lingling: Oh sorry! Its_(我的). Are my crayons there too? Ms Li: Are these crayons _(你的)? Lingling: Yes

3、, they are and this eraser too. Thank you. Ms Li: Whose tapes are these? Daming: Theyre mine. Ms Li: Heres a purple wallet! Tony: Its mine. Look! Heres my name “Tony”! Thank you. Ms Li: Youre welcome! Look at this nice watch. Is it yours too, Daming? Daming: No, it isnt. I think its Bettys. Lingling

4、: Yes, its hers. Ms Li: Everyone, please _ (小心对待)your things _ (从现在开始). Daming: Here are some nice gloves. Whose gloves are they? Ms Li: Let me see Oh, theyre mine! Thank you! Unit 2 Are they yours? _(失物招领处) in New York City Welcome to the New York City Lost and Found Office. _(人们在旅游或当他们行色匆匆时常常丢东西)o

5、n planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. _(这就是为什么)there are lost and found offices _ (在飞机场或车站) The New York City Lost and Found Office is very big. _(好几百)people come here every day. They are_(寻找) their phones, cameras, watches, computers and many other things. We usually have about_(两千)mobile pho

6、nes and one thousand cameras. _(此时), there are also some strange things at the New York City Lost and Found Office. There are about a hundred bikes and a large boat. There are also a lot of animals. This week, there are three dogs, two ducks and a pig! Whose are they? Are they yours? We dont know! A

7、re you looking for _(十五公斤香肠)? Theyre here too!Module2 What can you do?1.演奏;弹奏 _ 2.网球_3.钢琴_ 4.骑;乘_5.俱乐部_6.学期_7.布告板_8. 想要;希望_9.噢;喔_10. 所有的;全部的_11. 仅此而已_12. 焦虑;担心_13.担心._14. 教;讲授_15.那么;就_16.班长;监督员_17. 开始;开端_18. 与某人相处融洽 _19. 乐意的_20. 乐于做某事_21.承诺;保证_22.快地;快速的_23.健康的;强健的_24. 就;正好_25. 球类游戏_26. 运动项目_27. 队伍;球

8、队_28. 最好的_29. 得分;成绩_30. 整齐的;整洁的_31. 确定的;有把握的_32. 每个人_33. 正如;正像_34. 美的;美丽的_35放飞(风筝);乘飞机_36. 风筝_ 37.游泳_Unit1 I can play the piano. Daming: Look ! The new clubs for this term are on the board .I_(我想) join the _(音乐俱乐部) because I can play the piano. What about you, Betty?Betty: I _ so I can join the _(饮食

9、俱乐部) Can you cook, Daming ?Daming: No, I cant. Well, I can cook eggs, but _(就这些)What about Lingling? Which club can she join?Betty:I think shed like to join the_ (舞蹈俱乐部)because she can dance really well.Tony ,how about you?Tony: Id like to join the _.(语文俱乐部) I cant speak Chinese very well.Daming: Do

10、nt _(怎么样)Chinese. We can _(教你中文)! So choose your favourite club.Tony: OK then .I play table tennis, so I choose the _(兵乓球俱乐部). _(那是我最喜欢的)!Unit2 I can run really fast.Its _(新学期开始) and were choosing our new monitors.Id like to be the class monitor. I _(和大家相处好), classmates and teachers. I work very har

11、d, and I _(表现好) at school .Im kind and I_(总是乐于帮助) help others. I can even help teachers too. _ (选我做)your class monitor and I_(答应帮助) YOU!I want to be the PE monitor .I enjoy sport, and I can run really fast. Im really_(健康). Just watch me in the playground between lessons! I play most ball games well.

12、 But Im _(我真的擅长)football, and I play basketball_(在校队). I usually _(取得最好成绩) in every match. Choose me for the PE monitor and you can get the best score too!Id like to be the cleaning monitor. I often help my mother _(帮助清洁卫生)at home and I like a clean and tidy house. Im sure everybody would like a cle

13、an classroom, _ (就像)home. Choose me and we can _.(使我们教室更加美丽)Module3 Making plans1.复习;练习_ 2.野餐_3.家务劳动_4. 在时候_5.其他;另外_6.没有人_7.在点钟_8. 没有什么;没有东西_9. 愚蠢的;傻气的_10. 极好的_11.面向未来的;向前_12.盼望_13.支持者_14.交朋友_15球衣;(男式)衬衫_16.为喝彩_17. 运动员;选手_18.希望_ 19.赢;获胜_20.过得愉快_21我自己_22在期间_23. 5月_24.五一劳动节_25迟;晚;迟的;晚的_26步行;走_27散步_28乡

14、下;乡村_29.第二_30.收集_ 31.垃圾_32.娱乐;乐趣_33.暑假_34.营地;帐篷_35.澳大利亚的_36.观光;游览_37.观光_38.海滨;海滩_39早;提前;早的_Unit1 What are you going to do at the weekend?Betty: What are you going to do _ (在周末), Daming?Daming: On Saturday morning, Im going to _ (检查电子邮件)and do my homework. Then Im going to help _ (帮做家务). What are you

15、 going to do, Betty?Betty: Im going to _ (看电影) in the afternoon. You can come too.Daming: Sure! _(还有谁) is going to be there?Betty: Nobody. Lingling is going to_ (上钢琴课), so she cant come with us, but on Sunday afternoon, Lingling and I are going to _ (野餐). Would you like to join us?Daming: Yes, _ (我很

16、乐意). Are we going to meet here?Betty: No, we arent. We are going to meet in the park at one oclock.Tony: Hi, everyone!Betty: Hi, Tony. What are your _ (周末计划)?Tony: Nothing. Im going to_(单独待在家).Betty: _ (别傻了)! Youre going to come with us. Its going to be a fantastic weekend!Unit 2 We are going to che

17、er the playersA Im _ (期待) the football match tomorrow. My friends and I are going to watch our favourite team. Were going to meet other fans, and_ (交一些新朋友). Were all going to wear the team shirt, and were going to _ (为我们加油). I hope they win the match! -MartinB Im going to _ (度过一个愉快的五一假期). _ (在早上) 1s

18、t May, Im going to get up late and then read a book. In the afternoon Im going out with my family and friends. Were going to _ (在乡下散步) or go swimming. And on 2st May were going to _ (在公园收集垃圾) near my friends house. Its going to be a great holiday-busy but good fun! -Zhang SijiaC Usually I spend the

19、Summer holiday at home, but this year is going to be very different because Im_ (打算去夏令营) in Sydney, Australia. Im going to _ (跟一个澳大利亚家庭待在一起) and speak English. Were also _ (去观光) and going to have a picnic_ (在沙滩上).-LucyModule4 Life in the future1. 粉笔_ 2.直尺_3.拿;带_4.改变;变化_5.每样事物;所有事物_6.将来;未来_7将来_8.生活;生

20、命_9.需要_10.将;将要;将会_11.也许_12.询问;问_13问题_14.用;靠;乘(交通工具)_15.水平_16.能够的_17.能够做_18.更加;更;更多的_19.不再_20.(时间)空闲的;空余的_21.天空;空中;空气_22.陆地_23机器_24.雨;雨水;下雨_25.机器人_26.海;海洋_ 27.太空;空间_28.交通_29堵塞;拥挤_30.交通堵塞_31.风_32.真的;真实的_33.实现、成真_34用于介绍某人或某物)下面 _35.自行车_36.汽车;轿车_37.便宜的_ 38.到处;处处_39.不仅;而且_40.进入里面_41长的;长时间的_42.繁重的;沉的_43.轻

21、的;轻松的;少量的_44.容易的_45.(有关)工作的_46小时;_47.短的;短暂的;矮的_48.升起;上升_49.和;又;也_Unit 1 Everyone will study at homeMs Li: Will schools be different in the future, Daming?Daming: Yes, they will! _ (在20年以后), maybe there wont be any schools!Ms Li: How will students learn then?Daming: Everyone will study at home. Stude

22、nts will use computers and_(在网上获取信息). They can ask their teachers questions _(通过网络), telephone or email.Betty: Well, Im not sure. Yes, students will use computers, but school is good fun, and you can make friends there. And teachers can _(检查学生的水平) and will help them. Computers wont_(能够做)that.Tony: Y

23、es. Teachers wont use chalk on a blackboard and students wont use pens and paper, or erasers _(将不再)!Lingling: Great! Will students have a lot of homework to do?Tony: No, they wont. Theyll have_(很多空余时间)!Daming: Thatll be great!Unit 2 Every family will have a small planeWhat will life be like _(在将来)?

24、How will thingschange? Here are some ideas. Which ones will _(实现)?A In the future, _(气候的改变) wont mean a change of clothes. Well wear a new kind of clothes. Theyll be warm when were cold, and cool when were hot.B Therell be _(不再会有小雨) and cold wind in spring. The weather will be quite warm or even hot

25、 all year, with heavy rain and wind. The_(海平面也会上升).C We wont travel by bus or bike any more. Every family will have a small plane. No more expensive cars-itll be cheap to travel everywhere by plane, not only over land,_(而且在海洋上空,甚至进入太空). Maybe therell be _(空中交通堵塞)D Do you like long holidays? Well, yo

26、ure going to like the future because machines and robots will do all the_(繁重和艰难的工作), and well only do _(轻松的工作). _(工作时间) will be short so people will have long holidays.Module5 Shopping1. 市场_2.超市_3.饼干_4.柠檬_5.草莓_6.母亲节_7.尺码;号_8.穿(某尺寸的衣服或鞋子)_9.可以;可能_10尝试;试穿;品尝_11.试穿_12当然;行_13.别急;稍等一会_14.降价出售_ 15.价格_16.看

27、起来;显得_17.新鲜的_18.有利条件;优势_19.任何人_20.任何东西;任何事情_21.在任何地方;往任何地方 _22.比较_23.支付;付钱_24.邮寄_25.产品_26.收到;接到_27.安全的_28.几个;一些_29.在线的_30.购物_31.方式;道路_32之一_33.几乎;差不多_34.某事物;某种东西_35.后来;以后_36.营业的;开放的_37.外出;离开_38外出;游玩_39.通过;超过_40. 总有一天_41.(同一群人或物中)一个_Unit 1Shop Worker:What can I do for you?Lingling: _ (我想买) a T-shirt f

28、or my mum.Shop worker:What colour does she like?Lingling;Purple.Shop worker:All right _ (她穿多大码?)Lingling:Small.Shop worker:What about this one ?Lingling:May I try it on?Shop worker:Certainly.Lingling:Look at the price .It's 198 yuan . _(太贵了).Shop worker:But wait a minute ! _(有打折活动)today . _(所有东西

29、都是五折).Lingling:OK I'll take it . (In the market)Lingling:I've got some food to buy too.Market worker :Can I help you ?Lingling:Yes.I'd like some sausages.How much are they ?Market worker :Thirty-eight yuan a kilo.How much would you like?Lingling:Half a kilo.Market worker:OK. _(你还想要些什么)?L

30、ingling:A kilo of beans and two lemons.Market worker :That'll be 30 yuan.Betty:Oh ,the strawberries look fresh .How much are they ?Market worker :Ten yuan a kilo.Betty:One kilo please .Here's 59 yuan. Unit 2 Online shopping. There are many _(新型的购物方式), and _ (网上购物就是其中一种).You can buy almost ev

31、erything on the Internet .and it's very easy _(首先) ,you choose something-clothes, tickets, a mobile phone, even a new computer -and_(然后付款). Then you_(几天后你就会通过邮寄的方式收到你买的物品). _(网上购物有几个优点). First, you can shop _(随时). The shops are always open. Second, _(去实体店购物通常需要花很多时间). But to shop on the Internet

32、 you only need a computer and a mouse! You can also _ (比较相同的产品的价格)and spend a lot.or _省钱). But many people like going out and shopping with friends.They don't like shopping on the Internet because they can't see the product or _(试穿衣服). Also _(网上付款也并不总是安全的). Online shopping is_(改变我们的生活方式).One

33、 day no one will go to the shops any more ,because you'll _(能买到任何东西)on the Internet ,and you will be able to receive it anywhere in the world at any time! 2014-15 七下单词与课文重现(答案)M1-5Module 1 Lost and found 1.crayon 蜡笔 _2.eraser 橡皮擦_3.glove 手套_4.wallet 钱包_5. watch 手表_6.whose 谁的_7.first of all 首先_8.

34、lose 丢失 _9.find 发现,找到_10.lost and found box 失物招领箱_11.mine 我的 _12.yours 你(们)的_13.tape 磁带 _14.purple 紫色的_15.hers 她的 _16.careful 仔细的,小心的 _17.be careful with 对···小心,认真_18.on 从某时刻起_19.from now on 从现在以后_20. here is a 在这儿_21.camera 照相机 _22.phone 电话,电话机_23.mobile phone 移动电话,手机_24.lost and fou

35、nd office 失物招领处_25.in a hurry 匆匆忙忙_26.leave 丢下;遗忘_27.plane 飞机 _28.taxi 出租车_29.why 为什么_30.airport 机场;航空港_31.hundred 百_32.hundreds of 几百;成百上千_33.look for 寻找_34.thousand 千 _35.strange 奇怪的_36.boat 船_37.duck 鸭_38.pig 猪 _39.sausage 香肠,腊肠 _Unit 1 Whose bag is this? Ms Li: Welcome back to (欢迎回到)school, ever

36、yone!First of all(首先), come and look in the lost and found box(失物招领箱)! There are a lot of things in it. Whose bag is this? Lingling: Oh sorry! Its mine(我的). Are my crayons there too? Ms Li: Are these crayons yours(你的)? Lingling: Yes, they are and this eraser too. Thank you. Ms Li: Whose tapes are th

37、ese? Daming: Theyre mine. Ms Li: Heres a purple wallet! Tony: Its mine. Look! Heres my name “Tony”! Thank you. Ms Li: Youre welcome! Look at this nice watch. Is it yours too, Daming? Daming: No, it isnt. I think its Bettys. Lingling: Yes, its hers. Ms Li: Everyone, please be careful with (小心对待)your

38、things from now on(从现在开始). Daming: Here are some nice gloves. Whose gloves are they? Ms Li: Let me see Oh, theyre mine! Thank you! Unit 2 Are they yours? Lost and Found Office(失物招领处) in New York City Welcome to the New York City Lost and Found Office. People often lose things when theyre travelling

39、or when theyre in a hurry. They leave things (人们在旅游或当他们行色匆匆时常常丢东西)on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. Thats why (这就是为什么)there are lost and found offices at airports and stations.(在飞机场或车站) The New York City Lost and Found Office is very big. Hundreds of (好几百)people come here every day. They

40、are looking for(寻找) their phones, cameras, watches, computers and many other things. We usually have about two thousand (两千)mobile phones and one thousand cameras. At the moment(此时), there are also some strange things at the New York City Lost and Found Office. There are about a hundred bikes and a large boat. There are also a lot of animals. This week, there are three dogs, two ducks and a pig! Whose are they? Are they yours? We dont know! Are you looking for fifteen kilos of sausages(十五公斤香肠)? Theyre here too!Module2 What can you do?1.play 演奏;弹奏 _ 2. tennis 网球_3.piano 钢琴_4.ride 骑;乘_5.club 俱乐


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