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1、Getting along with colleagues-同事相处同事相处 职场危机-如何与同事相处How to Be a Cool Colleague 1) Dont steal other peoples things. Yes, we all like to borrow a stapler (订书机)or mug (马克杯)every now and again, (有时、偶尔)but return it. Nothing is more infuriating (nfjret adj. 令人大怒的)however minor (man adj.不重要的)it seems. (暗指:

2、你认为微不足道的事,会让你的同事大为恼火)总结:借了同事的东西一定要归还。总结:借了同事的东西一定要归还。 2) Be trustworthy (值得新来的). If you are told a secret once and you share it, dont ever expect to be trusted again. 总结:做个值得信赖的人,不要到处传话。总结:做个值得信赖的人,不要到处传话。 3) Dont expect your colleagues to carry your workload. The working week ends on Friday afterno

3、on - not Thursday lunchtime.总结:自己分内的工作自己完成。总结:自己分内的工作自己完成。 4) Acknowledge other peoples successes with good grace and good humor. 总结:真心赞赏同事的成就。总结:真心赞赏同事的成就。5) Remember, if youre gossiping (嚼舌头、说闲话)and backstabbing(以卑鄙的手段陷害)someone, that person will assume you are doing it about them, too. In the off

4、ice, be kind, considerate and keep your nose clean. (安分守己) 总结:办公室里不议论他人,不攻击他人。总结:办公室里不议论他人,不攻击他人。6)To make the right decisions and push them through, (使完成)you will need the kid gloves more often than the boxing gloves. 总结:做出一个正确的决定并去实现它,你更需要的是哄小孩的耐性,而不总结:做出一个正确的决定并去实现它,你更需要的是哄小孩的耐性,而不是要和自己的同事拼个你死我活。

5、是要和自己的同事拼个你死我活。 7)Many of us feel tense, (紧张的)afraid, or inadequate (信心不足的)in speaking in front of people. However, making a speech becomes a useful and necessary way to communicate with your colleagues or supervisors. CONVERSATIONS 会话1Mary: I cant stand (v. 忍受)忍受)the stupid guy any longer. Its unbe

6、lievable. Tom: Oh, my dear lady, take it easy. You should forgive a green hand 新手 like him. Mary: He does everything so mindlessly 没脑子 that he is going to drive me crazy. Tom: I suggest you talk with him and teach him how to deal with 处理 the problems. Mary:Ive told him how to do that several times,

7、but hes never listened to me. Tom: Maybe you should communicate with him just like a friend, not a boss. Mary: Oh, I always have difficulty in getting along with 相处 the staff. 员工Tom: Just take them for your good friends and have a talk with them as we do. Make sure you wont lose your temper! 发火Mary:

8、 Oh, so bad. Im afraid Ill change the image 形象 of myself. CONVERSATIONS 会话1Tom: No, its unnecessary. Just respect the staff and their own opinions. Mary: But sometimes they offer some useless proposals 建议, its awfully 极其地 useless. Tom: Oh, no one is perfect. Mary: Thats right. I should speak to them

9、 in a polite way. Tom: All men are equal in the eyes of the God. We have the equal partnership in team. Mary: Thanks very much and youre very eloquent. (elkwnt 有口才、说动人)Tom: Thanks for saying that. A: I think Jenny and I really couldnt get along 相处 well.B: Jenny? She seemed like a nice enough person.

10、A: Trust me. You didnt meet the real Jenny.B: What is she really like?A: She is the angriest person I know.B: What has she got to be angry about?A: Nothing as far as I can tell. But shes angry all the same. Shes just mad at the whole world.B: But whats the world done to her?A: I dont know. Sometimes

11、 I think she just enjoys seeing bad in everything and everyone. She thinks everyone is out to get her. 对付某人CONVERSATIONS 会话2A: Am I a difficult person to communicate with?B: Why are you suddenly asking me this question?A: I am really very depressed.B: I really cant communicate with you if you dont c

12、larify 阐述 your statements 话语.A: OK. Let me tell you now. I got into a fight with 吵架 Jack today.B: Why?A: He kept asking me for help, while picking at things right and left. 嫌东嫌西 It was really so annoying.恼火B: Maybe its not your fault.A: Do you think so?B: Yes, I dont like him, either.CONVERSATIONS 会

13、话3生活大爆炸第一季第七集精彩词汇1、get on with 继续做某事、与某人友好相处2、take out of 除去、取出3、bathroom time 卫生间时间(暗指:上厕所)4、outburst (n. 怒气的爆发)5、be engaged with sb. (与某人订婚)6、relativity (n. 相对论)7、simulation (n.模仿)8、myriad mrid (adj.无数的)9、vehicle vikl (n.车辆)10、strategy (n. 策略)11、intricate (adj.错综复杂的)12、backstory (n. 背景故事)13、lock a

14、nd load (俚语:填满子弹,给枪上膛)生活大爆炸第一季第七集精彩词汇14、hamstring (v. 拖累、削弱能力)15、sportsmanship (n. 运动员精神)16、be skilled at =be good at 擅长17、tech (adj.技术的)18、you deserve it 你活该19、Its up to you. 由你决定。20、frankly (adv.坦白说、说实话)21、afford the rent 付得起租金22、kit (n. 衣服和装备;成套用品) a two-day kit 两天的储备23、uv light (紫外线灯光)24、refer t

15、o 指、称=be referred to as25、construction (n.结构) 生活大爆炸第一季第七集精彩词汇26、mattress (n. 床垫)27、suspend (v. 悬浮)28、awaken (v. 醒来)29、pour (v. 冲、倒)30、cereal (n. 谷物、麦片) sril 31、invalid (n. v. adj. 病人;伤残的) nvld 32、robe (n. 睡袍、礼服) rob 33、by the way 顺便问一句34、loofah (n. 丝瓜巾)35、entourage (n. 随从 ntr)36、outside-the-box 局外人3

16、7、pull off 脱出 38、as long as=so long as 只要39、predicate (v. 断言 )40、entre (n. 主菜)ntre 41、dumpling (n. 蒸饺、馄饨)42、no longer 不在43、at best 充其量;顶多44、mandarin (n. 普通话;旧时的官僚;柑橘 adj. 中国式服装的;紧身马褂的)45、substitution (n. 替换)46、starve (v. 挨饿)47、be occupied 没空,没时间生活大爆炸第一季第七集精彩词汇1、online (n. 在线;线上;网上)2、description (n.

17、描述)3、misleading (adj. 误导的)4、removable (adj. 可移动的;抽取式的;可拆的)5、rational (adj. 理智的;理性的 n. 合理的事物;懂道理的人)6、take up 占据;接受(提议)7、justice (n. 审判)8、league (n. 联盟)9、membership (n. 会员资格)10、signature (n. 签名)11、broadband (n. 宽带) bandwidth (n. 带宽)12、adopt (v. 收养;采纳)13、be comfortable with 对。满意;无所谓14、limited (adj. 有限的

18、)15、sensitive (adj. 敏感的)16、web chatting 网络聊天生活大爆炸第一季第八集精彩词汇17、pointless (adj. 无意义的)18、untouchable (adj. 无法触及的;不可捉摸的 n. 贱民;被遗弃的人;棘手的事)19、contact information 联系方式;联系信息20、approve (v. 赞同;满意;喜欢)21、monsoon season 季风季节;雨季22、Its up to you. 由你决定。23、meddle (v. 插手;干涉;参与)24、arranged marriage 包办婚姻25、confused (ad

19、j. 困惑的) confusing (adj. 让人困惑的)26、aspiration (n. 强烈的愿望)27、go through with 完成;把。进行到底28、musical (n. 音乐剧;音乐会;歌舞片 adj. 音乐的;音调优美的;悦耳的)29、understandable (adj. 可以理解的)30、transcend (v. 超越;超出。范围;胜出)31、dinosaur (n. 恐龙;落伍的人;过时落后的东西)dansr 生活大爆炸第一季第八集精彩词汇32、date (n. v. 约会)33、look on the bright side 向好的一面看34、barten

20、d (v. 当酒吧侍者) bartending shift (在吧台工作)35、mixing drink 调酒36、the key to acquiring (acquire v. 获得) proficiency (n. 胜任;熟练)in any task is repetition (n. 重复) 胜任的关键是熟能生巧37、go through 经历38、recommend (v. 推荐)39、a diet coke 无酒精可乐40、refill (n. 续杯 v. 再注满;再补充)41、carefree (adj. 无忧无虑的;逍遥自在的)42、bachelor (n. 单身汉;学士)43

21、、showdown (n. 摊牌;一决胜负;精要关头)44、computer webcam=computer webcamera 电脑摄像头45、calm down 冷静46、overdo (v. 做的过分;夸张)47、keep an eye on sb. 盯着某人生活大爆炸第一季第八集精彩词汇48、lose weight 瘦了49、remarkable (adj. 异常的;显著地;非凡的)、50、resemblance (n. 外观;外貌;相似点)51、insult (v. 辱骂;侮辱)52、fashion (n. 时尚 v. 制作)the god fashioned her eyes out of the stars上帝用星星做成了她的眼睛生活大爆炸第一季第八集精彩词汇1、laptop 笔记本(电脑) desktop 台式机(电脑)2、fiber optic cable 光纤3、transfe


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