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1、Unit 1 Business Travel. ObjectivesAfter studying this unit, the Students (abbr.Ss) should get the general idea of what business travel is and what the characteristics of business travel are so as to be able to translate the articles on business travel into Chinese or vice versa according to the tran

2、slation skills in focus about Splitting.Detailed plan1. Teaching Methods: student-oriented2. Teaching Periods: 4Periods3. Key points:1) To know the general background knowledge of what business travel is;2) To understand the translation skills in focus about splitting;3) To translate the texts appro

3、priately paying special attention to notes and commentsbehind the texts;4) To finish tasks for translation exercises behind the texts.4. Difficult points:1) To understand the translational skill in focus about splitting;2) To translate the texts appropriately paying special attention to notes and co

4、mments behind the texts.5. Teaching procedures1) Lead-in work(1) What is business travel?It includes Commercial Business Travel, Convention Travel, Exhibition Travel, Incentive Travel, Public Relations Travel, Special Program Travel and Sales and Marketing Travel.(2) What are the characteristics of

5、business travel? (See P2)1. Time2. Quality of services3. LanguageExample:Welcome to the China Incentive Business Travel and Meetings Exhibition - CIBTMThe China Incentive, Business Travel & Meetings Exhibition is theleading international event for the business travel and meetings,incentives, confere

6、nces and events industry (otherwise known as MICE)in China and the wider Asia region.CIBTM is an award winning event taking place annually in Beijing. Theaims of CIBTM are to provide a business platform for international andregional venues, hotels, destinations and suppliers to meet with meetingplan

7、ners, incentive travel buyers and those involved in the meetings andincentives industry from China and Asia.2) Skill in focus: splitting1.一个句子内两个分句平等,分译成两个句子也可。Their little white cabins cluster incredibly on rock ledges; their small potato patches are scratched with heroic industry in the hard rock.

8、他们的白色小屋三五成群地坐落在伸向海边的悬崖上,若非亲眼所见,实难相信。那小块小块的马铃薯地是他们以勤劳勇敢的精神从岩缝中抠出来的。2.两个分句之间有并列连词表示并列关系,也可拆开来译。Titian-blue hills, blue skies, seas that rival the blue of Naples; but in bad weather the Atlantic waves scream on every side of them, and the winds from the east go tearing round the mountains like forty th

9、ousand devils.黛青色的山峦,蔚蓝的天空,可以与那不勒斯媲美的蓝湛湛的海。可是在天气不好的时候,大西洋的波涛在四周呼啸,东边刮来的朔风像千万个妖魔在山间奔腾。3含定语从句的句子:在英汉互译中,特别是英译汉中,如能将定语从句译成前置定语,则避免其它译法;如不合适,一般分译成分译成另外一个独立的句子或另一种从句,如状语从句等,e.g. I am going to see my grandmother, who was ill in bed, to take her some butter and eggs and a fresh-baked cake that my mother ha

10、s made for her.我去看病在床上的祖母,给她带些奶油、鸡蛋和妈妈刚刚烤好的蛋糕。(译成前置定语) Elizabeth was determined to make no effort for conversation with a woman, who was now more than usually insolent and disagreeable.伊莉莎白不肯再和这样一个女人说话,这个女人现在异常无礼,十分令人反感。(定语从句译成另外一句) They tried to stamp out the revolt, which spread all the more furio

11、usly throughout the country.他们企图扑灭反抗,结果反抗愈来愈猛,遍及全国。(从句译成状语) He visited many places, in all of which he was received with the usual enthusiasm which attended his arduous labors.他访问了许多地方,到处受到热烈的欢迎。他的艰苦努力是经常受到热烈欢迎的。(原文长句中含有两个定语从句,译成两个独立的句子,意思显得很清楚)4. 一个长句包含作者的多步逻辑推理,英译汉时可用分译法。Thus it happened that when

12、 the new factories that were springing up required labor, tens of thousands of homeless and hungry agricultural workers, with their wives and children, were forced into the cities in search of work, any work, under any condition, that would keep them alive.于是,就出现了这样的现象,正当新办的工厂纷纷成立、需要劳动力的时候,成千上万无家可归、

13、饥肠辘辘的从事农业的劳动者,携妻带女,被迫流入城市;他们要找活干,不管什么活儿,不讲什么条件,只要不让他们饿死就行。5一个汉语长句往往讲好几个话题,最好按话题拆开来译。我军的现代化,就是要有一支强大的陆军空军海军,要有现代化的武器装备,包括导弹和核武器,要严格训练,要按实战要求苦练过硬的杀敌本领,熟练掌握使用现代化武器装备的新技术,以及随之而来的新战术。Our armys modernization calls for powerful ground, air and naval forces and modern arms and equipment, including guided mi

14、ssiles and nuclear weapons; it calls for rigorous and hard training to develop the ability to wipe out the enemy as required in actual combat; it calls for mastery of 2the new techniques involved in handling modern arms and equipment and of the new tactics entailed.一个春天的傍晚,园中百花怒放,父母在园中设宴,霎时宾客云集,笑语四溢

15、。One spring evening, my parents held a banquet in the garden where all sorts of flowers were in full bloom. Instantly, a crowd of guests gathered together and their laughter was heard all over there. 这次到台湾访问交流,虽然行程匆匆,但是,看了不少地方,访了旧友,交了新知,大家走到一起,谈论的一个重要话题就是中华民族在21世纪的强盛。The current visit to Taiwan for

16、exchange, brief and cursory as it is, has enabled us to see many places, to visit old friends while making new acquaintances. An important topic for discussing at our gatherings was the prosperity of Chinese nation in the 21st century.名家论译(Celebrities on Translation)杨绛:原文冗长的复句,可以包含主句,分句如果必定要按原著一句还它一

17、句,就达不出原文的意义,所以断句是免不了的。方法是分清这一句的主句、分句以及各种词组;并认明以上部分的从属关系,在这个基础上把原句断成几句,重新组织,不论原句怎样曲折复杂,读懂了总分的清。3) Notes and comments1. It is recommended that business travelers prepare for country visits by reading travel guides, which are located in the travel section of most libraries and bookstores: 我们建议商务旅行者通过阅读

18、旅游指南对到访国有所准备,旅游指南在大多数图书馆和书店的旅游柜台。It is recommended that 被动句可在主语加“我们”使句子完整又符合汉语习惯。Section译为柜台。2. Lack of familiarity with the business practices, social customs, and etiquette of a country can weaken a countrys position in the market, prevent it from accomplishing its objects, and ultimately lead to

19、failure: 不熟悉商务习惯、社会风俗和一个国家的礼仪会削弱一个公司在市场上的地位, 妨碍完成公司的目标并最终导致失败。句中Lack of familiarity with 可译为不熟悉。3. A misunderstanding over gesture is a common occurrence in intercultural communication, and misinterpretation along these lines can lead to business complications and social embarrassment: 在跨文化交际中,对手势的误

20、解经常发生,这些过程中的曲解就会导致商务的复杂化和社交的困窘。Misunderstanding 意为“误解”,无意识;而misinterpretation意为“曲解”则有意识。4. A series of geological accidents has made Australia one of the worlds most attractive countries from the tourists point of view. 地质史上,这块土地的面貌形态发生了一系列变化,使澳大利亚成了旅游者眼中世界上最吸引人的国家之一。这里geological accidents译为地质史上,fro

21、m the tourists point of view译为旅游者眼中。5. 登上日观峰,举目远眺,只见山外有山,景外有景,无限风光,摄人心魂。When we reach the Riguan Peak and look around in the distance, we will find ourselves carried away in involuntary admiration by the overpowering endless vistas of mountains beyond mountains and scenery beyond scenery. 这里“山外有山,景外

22、有景” 译为“mountains beyond mountains and scenery beyond scenery”较符合英文的习惯。6十二亿人口的中国保持稳定和加快发展, 对促进亚太地区和世界的稳定和发展具有极其重要的意义。有两种译法:China is a country with 1.2 billion people. Its stability and rapid 3development are of vital importance to the stability and development in Asia-Pacific and the world at large.(

23、分译)Or: The stability and rapid development of China, which has a population of 1.2 billion, are of vital importance to the stability and development in Asia-Pacific and the world at large.(保持原句结构)7贵校已故的史密斯教授, 就是毕生从事中国历史文化研究的知名学者。也可以采用下面两种方法翻译:The late Professor Smith was a well-known scholar from yo

24、ur university. He devoted all his life to the study of Chinese history and culture. (分译)Or: The late Professor Smith from your university was a well-known scholar who devoted all his life to the study of Chinese history and culture. (使用从句)8.这里的每个季节都有独特的魅力。春天,绿茵茵的山坡上,争其斗艳的花朵到处可见。夏天,泰山的雷暴雨堪称奇观。秋天,枫树叶漫

25、山遍野,蔚蓝色的河水穿流而行。冬天,雪盖群峰松披霜,景观素雅悲壮,别有一番情趣。Each season here has its beauty: bright flowers in full bloom covering the green slopes in spring, spectacular summer thunderstorms which are rarely seen elsewhere, blue rivers running across the mountains overlaid with red maple leaves in fall, and snow-cappe

26、d mountains and frosted pine trees in winter that stage a quiet grandeur spectacle of particular interest. 这里“雪盖群峰松披霜”直译为“snow-capped mountains and frosted pine trees”。9.位于中国东部的泰山一直被视为吉祥之地。古代帝王择泰山登临,供食祭品,祭祀天地,为国家的繁荣祥和而祈祷。Mount Tai, located in East China, has been regarded as a propitious place. Anci

27、ent emperors prayed for the countrys prosperity and peace by offering sacrifices to Heaven and Earth on Mount Tai.句中“择泰山登临”意译为“prayed for the countrys prosperity and peace”这里把基督教的祈祷pray 文化依植如佛教的供拜。4) Exercises and Homework AssignmentTranslate the following English sentences into Chinese or vice vers

28、a.(1) (2) In the young there is a justification for this feeling. Young men who have reason to fear thatthey will be killed in battle feel bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best things that life has to offer.(3) An outsiderReference version(1)(2)如果年轻人由于某种原因认为自己有可能在战斗中死去,想到生活所能

29、提供的最美好的东西自己全部无法享受,觉得受了骗,而感到痛苦,这是无可指责的。(3)Assignment:1. There was no haste or restlessness in his manner but a poised friendliness.2. Koppel entered and was flabbergasted when his patient took his pineapple juice without awhimper.3. She felt the need of a breath of fresh air and a drink of water, but

30、 did not venture to stir.4. Crowding down to the water are rows of low houses, dirty and dark, inhabited by countless 4thousands of poor folk, whose days are spent in unending toil and the struggle to keep alive.5. The discovery of surplus value suddenly threw light on the problem, in trying to solv

31、e whichall previous investigations, of both bourgeois economists and social critics, had been groping in the dark.Suggested answers:1. 他从容不迫,和蔼可亲。2 柯柏走了进来,看见他的病人毫无怨言地喝下菠萝汁,惊奇地目瞪口呆。3 她感到需要呼吸一些新鲜空气,喝些水,但是她不敢动。4 沿河挤满了一排排又暗又黑的矮房子,不计其数的穷苦百姓居住在这里,他们经年累月永无休止地辛苦干活,挣扎着活下去。5 由于剩余价值的发现,这里就豁然开朗了,而先前无论资产阶级经济学家或者

32、社会主义批评家所做的一切研究都只是在黑暗中摸索。5) AssessmentAccording to the result of translation versions, most of students can grasp the translation skill about splitting in this unit. Also, students learn how to translate the related articles about travel business with splitting method. However, they still made some m

33、istakes here and there in the translation version.Unit 2 Knowledge Economy. ObjectivesAfter studying this unit, the Students (abbr.Ss) should know what knowledge economy is and be able to translate the articles on knowledge economy as well as master the translation skill about transferred epithet so

34、 as to translate the articles on knowledge economy into Chinese or vice versa.Detailed plan1. Teaching Methods: student-oriented2. Teaching Periods: 4Periods3. Key points:1) To know the general background knowledge of what knowledge economy is;2) To understand the translation skills in focus about t

35、ransferred epithet;3) To translate the texts appropriately paying special attention to notes and commentsbehind the texts;4) To finish tasks for translation exercises behind the texts.4. Difficult points:1) To understand the translational skill in focus about transferred epithet;2) To translate the

36、texts appropriately paying special attention to notes and commentsbehind the texts.5. Teaching procedures1) Lead-in work(1)What is knowledge economy?It is a focal point with its characteristics of being speedy, global and knowledge-driven in 21st century and we will not succeed until knowledge econo

37、my is highly respected actively. Knowledge economy is short for economy based on knowledge, namely, such kind of economy is based upon intelligence resources of intense knowledge and the role that information, technology and learning play in our economic activities is becoming more and more focused.

38、 As a formal concept, the knowledge economy was first seen by the international society in the document entitled The Knowledge-based Economy issued by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD)in Paris in 1996. And the knowledge-based economy was defined as an economy which is

39、based on the production, allocation and utility of knowledge and information.(2) How does it compare with other forms of economy?It contrasts with agricultural economy and industrial economy. Agricultural economy is based on vase tract of farm-land and numerous labors while industrial economy is bas

40、ed on the refinery and processing and manufacturing of natural and mineral resources and materials with huge consumption of raw materials and energy, but knowledge economy is mainly based on constantly innovated knowledge and uses it as the first driving force. This economy is a new mode of economy

41、to find a solution to the problems such as natural resources becoming increasingly scarce so as to pursue a new development option or opportunity.Compared with the industrial economy, knowledge economy boasts its merits of employing appropriate sum of resources and funds, it is based on as well as g

42、ives full play to intellectual resources and the functions of knowledge and it also depends on the accumulation and utility of 6effective information. The purpose is to enhance the harmony between human beings and the nature and to promote sustainable development. It can better represent the law of

43、value which cares both the economic development and human progress.2) Skill in focus: transferred epithetTransferred epithet is a figure of speech in which the epithet is transferred from the appropriate noun to modify another to which it does not really belong. 移就修辞格在作品中经常出现,能收到以少胜多、含蕴深远的表达效果。什么是移就



46、的日历,会埋藏着这样苍白的日子。移就在英语中是比较常用的一种修辞格。要求语言简练含蓄,表情达意丰富深刻,往往意在言外。作为听者或读者一般只可意会,不可言传。但是,作为译者不仅要意会还要言传。要做到这一点,既要对原文中的移就修辞格进行充分的理解,而且还要运用恰当的翻译手段将这一生动形象的修辞手段完美地传译出来。1.直译对那些较容易理解的或其表达方式与汉语相同或相近的英语移就修辞格可以采取直译的方式进行传译。这样在形式上和功能上都实现了与原语的对等,既保持了原语的简洁含蓄,又不影响读者或听者的理解。例如:1) I was surprised to find him living in such d

47、rab and cheerless surroundings.我意外地发现他住在如此单调而阴郁的环境中。2) The indefatigable bell now sounded for the fourth time. 那不知疲倦的钟声现在敲第四遍了。3) The sailors swarmed into a laughing and cheering ring around the two men.水手们蜂拥而至,汇成欢笑与呼喊的一圈,把那两人围在中心。4) His foot made a slight reproachful sound.他的脚步发出了微微的责备声。2.位置还原翻译英语中

48、移就的主要特点是将修饰语移位,这种移位有时如果照直翻译可能会导致行文不符合汉语的表达习惯,从而影响译文效果。这时,可以采取位置还原的翻译方法,将修饰语置于它本来应该修饰的中心词前,即将被转移的修饰语游离于它所修饰的表层结构而还原到深层结构。例如:1) I enjoy the clean voluptuousness of the warm breeze on my skin and the cool support of the 7water. 我喜爱那清新的暖风吹拂在我的皮肤上使我陶然欲醉的快感,也喜爱那凉爽的流水把我的身体托浮在水面的惬意。(原语中的cool被转移用来修饰support,译

49、文将其还原到water上。) (章振邦译)赏析:voluptuousness不会clean,是breeze clean, support不会cool,是water cool,这种甲乙两项相关联,就把原属于形容甲的修饰语移属于乙的修饰手法叫移就(transferred epithet)(英语修辞赏析,第145页)。在翻译带有移就修辞手法的英语句子时,有时需要按照汉语习惯将属于甲的修饰语还给甲,章振邦先生在这个译例里就做了这种处理。除此之外,译者还进行了结构上的调整,将原句拆译为两个排比句,加强了译句的表现力。译句的选词也极为考究,整个译句读来音韵流动,口齿生香。2)Her hair was ca

50、relessly done, inquisitive wisps stooped often over her forehead to peep at the dark wonder of her eyes.她的头发只是随便地梳了一下,几绺儿常搭在额上的头发就像打探的人儿,窥视着她充满好奇的黑眼睛。(原语中的dark被转移用来修饰wonder,译文将其还原到eyes上。)3.状语化翻译移就修辞格中被转移的修饰语与被修饰的中心词在表层结构上往往是一种定语关系,但在深层结构中实际上往往表示一种方式。因此,在翻译时我们可以将原语中作定语的被转移的修饰语译为相应的状语。例如:1) Rushing th

51、rongs, blinded by the darkness and the smoke, rushed up one street and down the next, trampling the fallen in a crazy fruitless dash toward safety.在黑暗和浓烟中盲目狂奔的人群,穿街过巷,践踏着倒下的躯体,慌乱地向着安全的地方冲闯,结果却是徒劳。2) Sometimes they threw (him) bits of food, and got scant thanks; sometimes a mischievous pebble, and a

52、shower of stones and abuses.有时,人们朝他扔去零碎食物,却很少听到感谢;有时,人们恶作剧似地扔去块卵石,得到的却是暴风雨般的石头和谩骂。3) The question was met with an awkward silence. 问题提了出来,大家却都难堪地默不作声。4) But above all I love these long purposeless days in which I shed all that I have ever been. 我尤其喜爱那些漫长的岁月,我可以漫无目的地混日子,完全摆脱我过去那种(紧张)状态。4.分译法有时,移就修辞格中

53、被转移的修饰语在深层结构上表示的是某种情况或行为,在翻译时便可将其分出来单独翻译成句子中的成分,而不需要将其与所修饰的中心词进行捆绑翻译。例如: Franklin Roosevelt listened with bright-eyed, smiling attention.本句的深层结构有三个:a.Franklin D Roosevelt was bright-eyed. b.Franklin Roosevelt was smiling. c.Franklin Roosevelt listened with attention.因此,在翻译时,可将此三层意思分别译出。译文为:弗兰克林罗斯福面带

54、微笑,目光炯炯,在聚精会神地听着。They prolonged the clasp for the photo- grapher, exchanging smiling words.从深层结构看,本文的移就修辞格含有两层意思:a. They were smiling. b. They were exchanging words. 所以,在翻译时可将它们分别译出:他们相互问候着,微笑着,长时间地握着手,给摄影师留下足够的时间。再如: There was an amazed silence. Slowly Alexander turned away. 人们一阵惊讶,都默不作声。亚历山大慢慢地转过身

55、去。She sat there with embarrassed delight. 她坐在那里,既尴尬,又高兴。The educated college-woman can influence her childrens education by taking an intelligent, informed interest in it. 受过大学教育的妇女自身聪颖睿智,见多识广,对教育颇感兴趣。因此,也就能够影响其子女的教育。5.融合法英语移就修辞格有时运用的十分巧妙,必须将其纳入整个句子中加以综合理解才能得出其真正要表达的深层含义或妙不可言之所在。此时,要将其言外之意有效地加以传达便需要

56、 8对原文进行充分的理解,然后将其融为一体加以表达。例如:A dirty-yellow sky had threatened rain all day and a hollow stillness hung over the valley.本句中的被转移了的修饰语hollow和中心词stillness实际上表现了两个方面:一个有形,一个无形。山谷因静寂而空旷,反过来山谷的空旷又平添了几分静寂。用hollow修饰stillness就是为了强调突出山谷的这一特点,凝练而富有表现力。因此,在翻译时要考虑到其语义的相互补充、相互渗透的因素而进行融合。译文为:那天天色昏暗,整天却像要下雨的样子,空荡荡的

57、山谷一片静寂。再如: All that sleepless night I replayed the moment those black gloves came up to the car window. 当晚我彻夜不眠,眼前不时重现那副黑手套伸向车窗的一瞬间。Lazy clouds drifted across the sky. 白云悠悠。After an unthinking moment, she put the pen into her mouth. 想了一会儿,她还是没有什么头绪,便将笔咬在嘴角。People listened with open-mouthed astonishm

58、ent while the shocking news sank in. 人们领悟到这骇人听闻的消息之后,都惊讶得目瞪口呆。After six years of married childlessness, the father was suddenly presented by his wife with a pair of twins. (他们)结婚6年无子女之后,妻子却出人意料地给丈夫生了一对双胞胎。3) Notes and comments1. What this means is that business must be in a constant process of change and adaptation to thenew economic realities.这意味着商业处在一个不断变化的过程中,必须适应新的经济现 实。What this means is that 主语从句采取意译的方法,可译成这意味着。2. In this new economy, it is


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