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2、展训练活动,话题设计虽然并不新鲜,但是四幅图尤其是第二三四幅图的“断桥”、“逃生墙”以及两个“奖状”着实会让考生在看第一眼时便有很大的心理压力。但是在实际的描述中,这种看上去很难的场景却可以用简单的言语就可以描述,比如:断桥场景:Oneof the activities was jumping across a broken bridge. 逃生墙场景:Whatimpressed me most was climbing over a wall to “escape.” 奖状细节:Awardssuch as “Prize for teamwork” and “Prize for courage

3、” were sent to those whostood out.因此,考生在考场上要保持沉稳的心态,遇到诸如此类比较生僻的场景,描述时可以考虑用其他简单的词汇进行“间接”描述。西城区:记叙看望资助的贫困生一事,虽然与学生生活有些距离,但也有其关注弱势群体的意义所在。这篇文章的四个场景描述并不难,关键在于图与图之间的过渡上,尤其后三幅图,尤于场景跨度比较大,因此要想流畅得过渡,则要花一些笔墨,考生可以好好学习这篇文章图与图之间的过渡,如:第一幅图:Earlyin the morning we set off.第二幅图:Aftera two-hour drive, we arrived at

4、Xiao Mings home. At that moment第三幅图:Immediately,they invited us to rest in their house. Once inside, .第四幅图:Wetalked so happily that we didnt realize it was time to leave.记叙文非常讲究行文的流畅性,而流畅性有赖于好的过渡词句,考生在平时的写作过程中要注重过渡词句的练习。现总结一些常用的记叙文过渡,希望对考生有所帮助:whenwhileasafterbeforeonceupon arrivalon ones returnas s

5、oon asthe moment/ minuteimmediately/ instantlylater/ thenafterwardsshortly afterwardssoonbefore longat the same timemeanwhilein the meantimeat the momentat that momentsuddenlyall of a suddenimmediately abruptlyseeing this,hearing this,after a whilefrom then onsincein a few dayseventuallyfinallyearly

6、 this morningtime flies 东城区:记叙向西藏希望小学献爱心一事,也是学生生活中时常发生的事情。这篇文章的的四个场景都很大,也就是说所需要的解释性语言或者说是细节的添加比较多。在表达流畅的基础上,要想提升分数,一方面是从词汇及句型的丰富化入手,另一方面也可以从细节的添加入手,东城这次的一模在细节的体现上尤为明显,如:第一幅图场景:Studentswatched CCTV news about Hope Primary School in Tibet. 添加细节:Inthe class meeting, we watched CCTV news about Hope Prim

7、ary School in Tibet,from which we learned about what the life of the children there was like andall of us were shocked. So we decided to do our bit. 第二幅图场景:Weput up some posters on the school notice board and gave out the handouts tothe schoolmates. 添加细节:Wecollected as many materials about the unfav

8、orable school conditions in Tibet aspossible, reports, pictures, interviews, etc. Then, we put up some posters onthe school notice board and gave out the handouts to the schoolmates to arousesympathy among students.第三幅图场景:Thenext day, we organized a donation on the playground. And many students atte

9、ndedit.添加细节:Thenext day, we organized a donation on the playground, where many studentsattended it, donating their pocket money, spare clothes, stationery or quiltsto show their sincere love towards their poor peers.第四幅图场景:Afterthat, we went to the post office to mail the donations to Tibet. 添加细节:Af

10、terthat, we went to the post office to mail the donations to Tibet. Having packedall those donations, we felt a sense of fulfillment. We couldnt help imaginingthe happy expressions on the students face when they received these distantgifts.记叙文不是平铺直叙,适当的细节添加能够使文章锦上添花,平时练习也要注意细节的捕捉。附:下表是近5年高考情景作文与此次海西


12、第二三幅图:跳断桥,爬逃生墙的描述第四幅图:合影时手上奖状的细节描述2012西城一模看望资助的贫困生第二三四幅图间的过渡2012东城一模为西藏希望小学献爱心第二三幅图:学校宣传栏贴倡议书,举办募捐活动的描述开放作文:此次一模开放作文也出得十分精彩,除了西城的两个萝卜的对比司空见惯立意一目了然外,其他区的都设计得很有特点,现对近5年及此次一模的开放作文的立意归纳如下,考生要理解立意的不同角度,写作时能够自圆其说即可。开放作文试卷主题立意范例立意角度2011高考摘苹果:不走远处的桥过河摘,做个工具摘In pursuing a dream, we might focus on only one wa

13、y of making it come true, forgetting that there may be alternatives.做事方法多样性,不拘泥于一种Theres no shortcut on the way to the success.做事没有捷径,要一步一个脚印Choosing the most efficient solution can prevent us from doing in vain, which can also save our valuable time and energy.做事要有高效的方法2010高考树长于两楼缝中:楼奇形怪状,楼缝很小,树朝着太

14、阳向上生长Life can be hard. But if we have the courage and determination, we will finally get the sunshine we want as the tree in the picture does.实现目标要有勇气决心Flexibility and adaption can brighten our life.成长需要灵活与适应性2009高考外国男孩吃面:用两刀叉模仿筷子吃面,费劲We dont need to copy others ways of thinking. Sometimes a simpler

15、 way of doing things may be a better way.不盲目模仿他人Therefore, choosing the proper way to use our resources is the key to effective work.合理利用资源2008高考圆规画圆,铅笔画线:圆规洋洋得意铅笔大汗淋漓While we are confident in ourselves, we should recognize strengths in others and show respect for them.尊重他人,看到他人的优点On our way to succ

16、ess, we should learn a lesson from the compasses and remember that small achievements are not the final success. We should be as hardworking as the pencil. Only in this way can we achieve greater success.要持之以恒的努力,不满足于小的成就2007高考鸟妈妈看小鸟飞走:既感伤又包含期待This picture shows very well the mixed feelings of paren

17、ts when watching their children grow up.The picture tells us, or warns us that no matter how busy we are, we must spare sometime to visit, or think about, or telephone our dearly-beloved parents, who are missing us so much.父母对子女的爱,要孝顺父母We should learn from the four little birds-be brave to leave the

18、 parents and depend totally on ourselves.子女应该学会独立Presently, parents think the warm house and their protection are the best things to their children, having no awareness of the importance of helping them make breakthrough on their own efforts. Giving kids chances to explore their own future will be o

19、f inestimable value to them.父母要允许孩子出去经风雨,不要一直庇护2012海淀一模捕鱼:放着船附近的鱼不捕,反而用望远镜找鱼When we aim to build one ridiculously large project, we complete nothing; when we aim for a small goal, we complete it. Lets be more practical.设定切合实际的目标We should focus on the interest in the long term instead of addict to th

20、e immediate.要有长远的眼光2012西城一模两萝卜生长对比:叶子小(大)根大(小)It is “roots”, something inside, but not “leaves”, outside appearance, that really matters.注重内在2012东城一模失衡的天平:一边一个盒子一边两个To achieve success in the future, we should always keep our development balanced.发展的平衡Two heads are better than one.人多力量大智慧多2012朝阳一模公鸡老

21、师教鸭子学生游泳:鸭子学生听得认真Lack of a sound self-knowledge, they are bound to fail. As to us, we should have a right judgment to our ability and choose to do what are really suitable for us.要有正确的自我认识We should not learn from others blindly but learn to tell right from wrong.不盲目学习他人2012石景山一模猪老师教母鸡学生如何下蛋:母鸡学生置疑之T

22、ake a skeptical attitude towards false experts and believe our professional knowledge.Learning is a must but questioning is also necessary.对科学或权威要有怀疑和批判的态度Do not teach fish to swim.不要班门弄斧2012丰台一模篮球场踢足球:球往篮框里踢Creativity can open up a new door to our life. Learn to deal with problems in unusual ways i

23、nstead of complaining about unfavorable conditions.做事要创新Learn to adjust measures to local conditions.因地制宜Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.无规矩不成方圆开放作文有一定的写作框架语言,考生要注意积累与运用,现举一些常用的如下:描图In the picture, As is shown in the picture,As can be seen in the picture,As is vividly described in the picture,What an ironic picture it is!The cartoon portrays a vivid picture in which there is析图The picture indicates/ reveals/ mirrors/ reflects/ represents thatThis picture conveys the message thatWhat the picture tries to tell us isWhat I see in this picture rem


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