1、最新高考英语重点知识点总结三篇高考英语完形填空以考察动词、名词、形容词、副词为主,文章中有很多词组需要正确理解,答题时不仅涉及到对文章上下文语境的理解,更会考察对以上 4 类词中近义词的辨析。高考英语重点知识点总结1句型 1would rather that somebody did宁愿;更愿意”(表示现在或将来的愿望)would rather that somebody had done宁愿;更愿意”(表示过去的愿望)例句 I'd rather you posted the letter right now.我想让你现在去寄信。I'd rather you were not
2、a celebrated actor. In that case, we could spend more time together.我到情愿你不是个知名演员,这样我们可以有更多的时间在一起。句型 2as if/though+主语+did/had done好像(表示现在或将来的情况用过去时;表示过去的情况用过去完成时)参考句型4例句 Alan talked about Rome as if he had been thereAlan 谈起罗马来就好像他去过那里似的。句型 3"wish +宾语从句 " ,表示不大可能实现的愿望表示现在的愿望:主语+过去时;表示过去的愿望:主
3、语+had done;表示将来的愿望:主语+would/could do例句 How I wish we students had more free time to relax ourselves! 我们学生多么希望有更多的自由时间放松自己 !句型 4It's high/about time that somebody did (should do) (should通常不省略)早就 该例句 It's high time that we did something to improve our environment. 该是我们为环保 做些事情了。I think it'
4、s high time that she made up her mind. 我想她该拿定主意了。句型 5情态动词+动词不定式完成结构的用法could have done "本来可以"(表示过去没有实现的可能)。might have done "本来可能;本来应该或可以做某事”(实际没有发生;含有轻微的责备语气。should/ought to have done " 本来该做某事"(而实际未做)should not/ought not to have done " 本来不该做"(实际却做过了,含有责备语气)needn'
5、;t have done " 本来不必做"(但是已经做过了 )would rather have done " 当时宁愿做了某事"(实际没有做过);否定式 would rathernot have done 表达相反意思,两者都有表示"后悔 "之意。高考英语重点知识点总结 2一,动词1. “看”:look;see;watch;observe;notice;catchsightof;stare;glare;glance;glimpse;seeafilm;watc hTV2. “说 ”:telllsthtosb.=tellsbsth;ta
6、lkwithsbaboutsth;saysth;speakinEnglish;whispersthtosb;infor msbofsth;reason/talk/persuadesbintodoingsth;bargain;chat;repeat;explain;warn;remi nd;discuss;debate;figure;declare;claim;mention;admit;deny;describe;announce;introd uce;complain3. “叫 ”: cry;call;shout;scream;moan;sigh;quarrel4. “问 ”: ask;in
7、terview;express;question5. “答”: answer;respond;reply6. “听”: listento;hear;pickup;overhear7. “笑”: smile;laugh;burstintolaughter;burstoutlaughing8. “哭”: cry;shedtears;weep;sob;burstintotears/burstoutcrying9. “吃/喝”:eat/drink;sip;haveameal;havesupper;toast;taste;treatsbto;helponeselfto10. “穿 ”:puton;wea
8、r;haveon;bedressedin;makeup;getchanged;beinred;takeoff;remove11. “行”: walk;run;climb;jump;skip;slip;come/go;enter;move;drive;ride;fly;crawl12. “坐 ”: sitdown;beseated;seatoneself;takeaseat , stand;lean13. “睡/休息 ”:lie/onone sback/onone'sside/onone sstomach;stayinbed;havearest;takeanap;beaslee p;be
9、nd;turnover;rest14. “写 ”: dictate;writesth;describe;dropaline;draw;takedown/writedown15. “拿/放”: take;bring;hold;carry;fetch;lif;put;lay;pull;push16. “抓 ”: takeholdof;seize;grasp;scratch17. “打 ”: hit;beat;strike;blow;attack18. “扔 ”: throw;drop;fall;wave;shake19. “送 ”: send;deliver;give;offer;seeoff20
10、. “摸/抱 ” : ouch;fold;embrace;hug;hold;inone sarms21. “踢/碰”: kick;knock;tip22. “找/查”:find;lookfor;findout;discover/explore;huntfor;searchfor;seek,seekforinsearchof;searchsb;searchsp.forsth;check;examine;test;inspect23. “得 ”: get;obtain;acquire;gain;possess24. “失 ”: lose;belost/bemissing/gone;greatlos
11、s25. “有 ”: have;own;conquer;occupy;possess26. “无 ”: nothingleft;theremainingthing;disappear;bemissing/gone27. “增/减”: rise/goup,drop;raise;bringdown/reduce;increase/decrease28. “买/卖”:buy;purchase;afford;pay;payoff;payfor;sell;onsale;bargain;bill/cheque/cash/creditcard /notes/coins;discounts29. “存在 /消
12、失 ”:comeintobeing;exist;appear;survive;live;show;turnup;disappear;die;dieout;passaway; beoutofsight30. “变化 ”:develop;improve;become;grow;go+bad/wrong/sour;turn+colour;change/changeinto;r eform31. “成功 /失败 ”:makeit;s ucceed;makeprogress;cometrue;realizeone sdream;win;lose;failtodo;defeat; sufferloss;b
13、eat;oreality32. “努力 ”:try/manage;makeefforts;attempt;doone'sbest;doasmuchasonecantodo33. 祝贺:congratulatesb.onsth.;celebrate;observe;gettogether34. 敬佩:admire;respect;showrespectfor/to;adore;envy;bejealousy35. 赞美 / 批评:praise;thinkhighlyof;blamesbforsth;sbistoblame;criticize/scoldsb.fors
14、th.;havealowopin ionofsb;speakillof36. 喜/恶:like;love;befondof;bekeenon;becrazyabout;adore;beinto;prefer;enjoy;dislikehate;ignore37. 到达:arriveat;reach;returnto;getto;stayinsp.;visit;leave;leavefor38. 受伤:hurt;injure;wound;cut;kill;drown;bleed;getburnt;sufferfrom;sufferaloss39. 损坏:damage;destroy;ruin;b
15、reakdown;crash;bebroken40. 修复:repair;rebuild;restore;fix;recoveroneself41. “认识的过程”:feel;sense;guess;suppose;wonder;doubt;know/learnrealizeunderstandremember;bef amiliarwith;recall;recite;applyto42. 认为;判断: think;believe;consider;find;feel;conclude;infer;doubt43. 想/考虑:thinkof as;thinkabout;consider;th
16、inkover44. 支持 /反对:agree;disagree;accept;receive;refuse;turndown;beagainst;elect;votefor/against45. 花费: sth/doingsth+cost;sb+spend+(in)doingsth;sb+afford+n/todosth;It+takes/tooksometim e/money/energytodosth;sbpaysomemoneyforsth.46. 省/存钱:save/saveup;setaside;putaway47. 参加:takepartin;join/joinin;attend
17、;competein/for/against48. 控告:accusesb.of;chargesb.with49. 救治 / 帮助:help/helpout;save/rescuesbfromsth.;treat;curesb.ofsth;aidsbindoingsth/todosth;helps bwithsth;assistsbindoingsth50. 逃避:runaway;escapefrom;flee;hide51. 阻止 /禁止:prevent/keep/stopsb.fromdoingsth;forbiddoingsth.;ban;prohibit52. 对付 /处理:handl
18、e/dowith/dealwith/tackle/overcomesth;solve;settle53. 效仿:copy;imitate;learnfrom;learn54. 爆发/发生:comeabout;happento;takeplace;breakout;burstout;gooff;explode55. 安装/装备:fasten;fix;set;equip;bearmedwith;beequippedwith56. 追求:pursuit;ranafter;seekafter;chase;catchupwith;keepupwith57. 建议:advise;suggest;recom
19、mend;propose;urge;demand;persuade58. 打算:plan/intend/designtodo;begoingtodo/beabouttodo/willdo59. 似乎/好象:seem;appear;looklike;asif/asthough60. 开办/关闭:open;start;setup;close/closeup;end;closedown二,名词1. 假期vacation , holiday , springbreak , leave , twodaysoff2. 旅游trip , journey , tour , voyage , travel ,
20、tourist , passenger3. 职务人员clerk , secretary , passer-byfriend , minister , manager , waitress , guest , host , hostess , assistant , customer , adult , neighbor , relative , patient , vet, staff , crew , nurse , teacher , conductor , tailor , sailor , inventor , gardener , guard4. 餐馆 /定餐 /就餐inn , re
21、staurant , kitchen , menu , bill , order , tip , forkandknife , reserve/booktable , tastedelicious , salad , vegetables , fruit , tray , napkin5. 诊所 /看病 /服药clinic , hospital , takeone stemperature, takemedicine/pills ,haveafever/flu/headache , doctor , physician , surgeon , specialist , patient6. 车站
22、 /机场airport , onboard , missthetrain/bus , catchatrain , meetsb.7. 身体部位arm , head , hair , brain , waist , back , shoulder , pulse , wrist8. 意志will , courage , patience , determination , faith , effort , confidence , ambition , energy9. 才能 /品质talent , gift, ability , potential , intelligent , promis
23、ing , smart , stupid , careful , proud , strict , honest , cold , serious , easy-going , learned , knowledgeable10. 优缺点advantage , disadvantage , strength , weakness , merit , drawback,strongpoint , shortcoming11. 目标aim , goal , intention , purpose , belief , faith12. 方式means , method , way , manner
24、 , approach13. 身体素质strong , weak , pale , sick , ill , well , slim , fit, cutweight , putonweight14. 图表photo , picture , graph , drawing , table , line/bargraph , piechart ,drawasketch( 划草图 )15. 文章reading , translation , essay , poem , paper , novel , fictionarticle , magazine , newspaper , journal
25、, diary , files16. 课堂class , course , lecture , example , reason , message , notes , words , phrase , scholarship , degree , subject , question , trouble , difficulty , grades , comment , marks17. 学校活动match , game , activity , holdameeting/debate/speech/ceremony18. 建议 / 观点advice , suggestion , idea
26、, proposal , view , recommandation19. 气候 / 天气climate , weather , storm , wind , cloud , rain , snow , hotness , coldness , heat , warmth20. 交通bytrain/bus/boatbike , onthetrain/bus/abike , driveacar , rideabike , givesb.alift/ride21. 习惯habit , custom , practice( 惯例 )22. 感觉sight , hearing , touch , sm
27、ell , taste , sense23. 情感feeling , emotion , anger , delight , sadness , sorrow24. 财富money , possessions , wealth , belongings , fortunes , treasure , diamond25. 运动比赛playground , trackandfiled , pitch , event , game , match , sports , player ,coach , judge , jogging , weightlifting , volleyball , so
28、ccer三,形容词和副词25.1 mediateadj 立即的,立刻的,马上2 .clearadj 清楚的,清晰的3 .cautiousadj 小心翼翼的4 .vividadj 生动的,逼真的5 .exactlyadv 确切地,精确地恰好地,正好地 (用于答语)完全正确。(的确这样 )6 .fortunatelyadv 幸运地7 .surprisinglyadv 令人惊讶的8.hardlyadv 几乎不1.1 nsteadadv 代替,相反10 .properlyadv 适当地 ;正确地 ;恰当地11 .speciallyadv 专门12 .reliableadj 可靠的,可信赖的13 .si
29、mplyadv 简单地;仅仅,只不过14 .namelyadv 即,也就是15 .notnearly=farfrom=nowherenear 远非,远远不,一点也不16 .patientadj 耐心的 ;n 病人17 .plainadj 简单的,朴素的18 .familiaradj 熟悉的19.1 uckyadj 幸运的20.amazingadj 令人惊异的21.accidentallyadv 偶然地;意外地 附带地22.silentadj 沉默的23.calmadj 平静的,冷静的24.secretadj 秘密的25.otherwiseadv 否则26 .meanwhileadv 期间,同时
30、27 .besidesadv 除.以外还有28 .efficientadj 高效的,有效的29 .flexibleadj 灵活的30 .complexadj 复杂的31 .smoothadj 平稳的,光滑的,顺利的 32.regularlyadv 定期的,有规律的32 .sensitiveadj 敏感的,体贴的34.honestadj 诚实的35.confidentadj 自信的36.shyadj 害羞的,羞涩的37 .thoughtfuladj 深思的,沉思的 富有思想的;经认真推敲的38 .lightheartedandoptimisticadj 无忧无虑而且非常乐观的39 .nevert
31、helessadj 然而40 .privateadj 私人的 (privatecars)41 .personaladj 个人的 (personalbelongings)42 .uniqueadj 的,独一无二的 ;独特的43 .favorableadj 赞同的,有利的44 .preciousadj 宝贵的,珍贵的45 .essentialadj 必要的,重要的46 .worthwhileadj 值得的47 .physicaladj 身体的,物理的48 .suddenadj 突然的49.merelyadv 仅仅,只 =only50.rarelyadv 罕见的51.splendidlyadj 极好
32、地,灿烂地52.increasinglyadv 越来越多地53 .naturallyadv 自然地54 .accurateadj 精确的,准确的55 .ridiculousadj 可笑的,荒谬的56 .urgentadj 紧急的,急迫的57 .shallowadj 浅的,肤浅的58.frequentlyadv 经常地 ,频繁地59.especiallyadv 特别地,尤其地=particularly60.obviouslyadv 显而易见 =apparently61 .necessarilyadv 必要地,必须地,必然地62 .generallyadv 一般地,通常地63 .eventuall
33、yadv 最终,最后64 .adoptableadv 可采用的,可收养的65 .acceptableadj 可以接受的66 .availableadj 可利用的,可使用的,可得到的67 .accessibleadj 易接近的,易受影响的,可理解的68 .relativelyadv 相对地,比较地69 .approximatelyadv 大约70 .absolutelyadv 绝对正确地71 .punctualadj 守时的72 .gentleadj 温柔的73 .neatlyadv 整洁地74 .entirelyadv 完全地75 .highlyadv 高度地,非常地76 .stronglya
34、dv 强烈地,坚固地77 .extremelyadv 极端地,非常78 .reasonablyadv 合乎情理地79 .eagerlyadv 热切地 ;渴望地80 .badlyadv 很,非常81.slightlyadv 稍微,轻微地82 .equallyadv 平等地1.1 latelyadv 最近84 .enthusiasticadj 热情的 ;热烈的 ;热心的85 .energeticadj 精力充沛的,有活力的86 .talkativeadj 喜欢说话的 多嘴的 健谈的86.1 mpressiveadj 影象深刻的88 .traditionaladj 传统的89 .practicala
35、dj 实践的 ,实际的90 .similaradj 类似的,相似的91.convenientadj 方便的,便利的92.soonerorlater 迟早,早晚93.moreorless 或多或少,差不多,几乎94.onceinawhile 偶尔,时不时地95 .nowandthen 偶尔,有时96 .willinglyadv 情愿地97 .unexpectedlyadv 出乎意料地98 .unwillinglyadv 不情愿地99 .unforgettableadj 难忘的100 .doubtfuladj 可疑的 ;令人生疑的;疑心的;不能确定的101 .hardly/scarcelyadv
36、几乎不102 .respectableadj 值得尊敬的103 .respectfuladj 恭敬的,有礼貌的104 .distinguishedadj 的 ;卓著的;高贵的105 .complicatedadj 难懂的,复杂的106 .awkward/clumsyadj 尴尬的,笨高考英语重点知识点总结 3一、非谓语动词“非谓语动词 ”可分为动词不定式、动名词和分词.它在句子中的作用很多:除了不作谓语外,它可以充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语与复合宾语(主语补语或宾语补语).有些及物动词后面接不带to 的不定式作复合宾语.这些动词归纳如下:一感(feel).二听 (hear,listen t
37、o), 三让 (have,1et, make), 四看 (see,watCh,notice,observe). 再加上 help somebody(to)do something 和美国英语look at somebody do somthing. 还有 “二让 ”属特殊: get somebody to do something 与 keep somebody doing. 而有些及物动词后面接动名词 (the -ing form) 作宾语.这些动词归纳为一句话:Papa C makes friends.这是由如下动词的开头字母组成: permit,advise, practise,avoi
38、d,consider,mind,allow,keep,enjoy,suggest, finish,risk,imagine,escape,need,delay,stand( 忍受 ). 为了容易记住 ,也可以编成顺口溜: “允许完成练习,建议避免冒险,考虑延期逃跑,喜欢保持想象,需要反对忍受 ”. 其相对应的动词依次是: permit/allow,finish,practise;advise/suggest, avoid,risk : consider, delay, escape/miss; enjoy/appreciate, keep, imagine; need/want/require
39、 ,mind. can't help/can t stand.二、复合句1 、学生最容易混淆的是定语从句与同位语从句的区别 .例如: A 、 The news that our team has won the match is true. ( 同位语从句 )B 、 The news that he told us surprised everybody here. ( 定语从句 )关键的区别在于连接或关系代词 that :有意义的是定语, 无意义的是同位. 因为引导定语从句的 that 在从句中作主语或 宾语 ,而引导同位语从句的that 只起到连接词的作用 .2 、接着容易混淆的是
40、引导定语从句的关系代词 that 与 which : that 之前是不定(代词 ) 、序数(词) 、 (形容词)级:which 之前是介词短语与逗号(非限制性 ).例如: A 、 All that we have to do is to practise every day.B 、 The first lesson that I learned will never be forgotten.C、 I have lost my pen,which I like very much.D、 The house in front of which there is a garden is my h
41、ome.三、 It 的用法1 、 It 除了代替人和物以外,还可以作形式主语.而真正的主语(不定式、动名词或从句 )则放于谓语或表语之后.例如: It is nor easy to finish the work in two days.然而有少数表语之后接动名词作真正的主语.这些表语是:无助(no help) 、无用(no use) 、没好处 (no good); 工作 (hard work) 、费时 (a waste of time) 、又危险 (a danger).例如: A、 It is no use crying over spilt milk.8、 It is a waste of
42、 time waiting for him.2、It还可以作形式宾语.通常下列动词后面可接it作形式宾语:2f2tcjm(find,feel,think,take,consider,judge, make).例如: A、 He made it clear that he was not interested in this subject.B 、 I think it no use arguing with him.3、 It 用于强调句式.要强调句子的某一部分(主语、宾语、状语 ),可以把 it 当作先行词 .这种句子的结构是:It is(was)+ 被强调部分+that(who)+ 句子的
43、其余部分.例如: A、 It iS Professor Lin who teaches us English (强调主语)B、 It was in Shanghai that l saw the film. (强调状语)C、 It was in 1990 that I worked in the factory.( 同上 )但要注意与定语从句的区别 .例如: D、 It was 1990 when I worked in the factory.( 定语从句 )在强调句式里,我们把强调结构It is(was)由煤去,句子还很完整.如例句C.而例 句 D 就不能 .四、倒装结构学生容易混淆的是全部倒装与部分倒装 .如何区分之,编个顺口
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