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1、高级商务英语知识点总结(总复习)retire 在上午英语中也有付清(本息)、赎回(票据)的意思。eg: retire a bill 赎回票据 retire documents 赎单retires stock 已收回注销的股票 retirement 在商务英语中有退股,(固定资产)报废的意思eg: retirement of a partner 退伙 retirement od assets 资产报废 retirement of stock 股票回收 retirement price 报废价格join v. 加入,成为.的一员 join the companyapply for 申请,求职于 a

2、pply to 向.申请pay sb. 100 dollars a day/weekbe /get paid weekly(wage-blue collar)/monthly(salary-white collar)pay after tax 税后支付PAYE(pay-as-you-earn) 所得税预扣法pay-as-you-go 账单到期即付 pay envelope(pocket) 工资袋pay off 结清解雇 pay off period 资本回收期 lay off 解雇(基于经济形势)stop employing sb. because there is no work for t

3、hem to dodismiss 解雇(基于员工表现)to remove sb. from their joblay off rate 解雇率 -separation rate leave a job/company 离职change在商务英语中海油兑换的意思change in tax rates 税率变更changes in gold and foreign exchange reserves黄金及外汇储备的增减change fund 兑换备用金recruit from 从.招募员工 employ sb.as . employ sb. to do sth.extremely /highly/

4、fairly flexibleflexible budget 弹性预算 fixed budget 固定预算flexible exchange rate system 浮动汇率制 flexible currency 弹性通货flexible rate 可变利率 temporary account 临时账户temporary budget 临时预算 temporary payment 暂付款项have /take a day off 请一天假英国的假期bank holidays holidays by royal proclamationcommon law holidays England

5、9;s bank holidays:New Year's Day Good Friday Easter Monday May Day Bank HolidaySpring Bank Holiday Summer Bank Holiday Christmas Day Boxing Day常用词在商务英语中的新用1.employment of capital 资本运用 employment practice 雇佣惯例2.promotion expenses 创办费用 promotion stock 创办人的股份3.retirement cost 资产报废费用 retirement pric

6、e 报废价格take off在商务英语中打折 It takes 20 percent off 休假 经济腾飞:take-off period经济腾飞期Detroit n.底特律(美国密歇根州最大城市)start a career/start a business创业 + inmake a career 在事业上有所成就carve (out) a career for oneself 谋求发迹,闯出一番事业open with1. be open with sb. about sth. 对某人毫不隐瞒某事 2. 以.开立 You can open a saving account at any t

7、ime with an initial deposit of open在商务英语的用法:开立,开口的,无限制的open a credit 开立信用证 open the books 开立新账 open account 未结清账户,赊账open check 普通支票,非划线支票 open-end contract 开放型合同Entitlement Generation 啃老族,养尊处优的一代be entitled to 有权利获得+名次/不定式 eg: be entitled to high praise 值得高度的赞扬 entitlement payments 公民权力性付款(如社会保障金等)g

8、ive sb. a deep impression 给某人留下深刻印象expectation + for arouse expectations 引起期望 hold great expectations 抱有很大的期望lose appetite 没有胃口,失去兴趣 spoil/ruin sb's appetite 毁掉了某人的兴趣appetite for 对.有兴趣,对.向往 twenty-somethings 二十多岁的年轻人 -something:表示模糊的概念,某.,若干.make the transition to 转型,从.过渡到.instant gratification

9、即时满足,快速满足 instant noodle 方便面 instant coffee 速溶咖啡商务英语中instant 表示本月的,需立刻支付的 instant agendas 即时会议议程inst. :本月(instant month)ult. :上月(last month)coddling parents 溺爱孩子的父母 fail to do 没能做到prepare sb. for sth. 使某人在心理上有所准备 eg:He had himself prepared for bad news.expect to 想要,希望-want veteran 老兵,老员工 have reply

10、for 对.回复be spoiled by 被毁坏,被宠坏 spoiled goods 损毁货物 too strong 太过了break one's back for sb. end up doing sth. 以.收场 bury oneself in sth. cubicle 小隔间on earth 究竟 1.break our backs for you:to work very hard for you2.bury themselves in a cubicle:to sit quietly in a little officeListening tips:show/build/

11、maintain/remain/win loyalty brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度loyalty card 积分卡 customer loyalty 顾客忠诚度at will 随心所欲 against one's will 违背意愿workforcea. entire/total/flexible/skilled v. cut/educate/increase/reduce/train flipside a different aspect of sth. ,especially the oppsite aspectn. 唱片背面,事物另一面(多指反面)flip chart

12、 活动挂图 lip phone 翻盖移动电话 flip-flops n. 人字拖鞋priority for/over/to priority of taxes 税收优先权 priority of use 优先使用(商标注册里)nine to five office-based model of work 朝九晚五工作制balance work and domestic schedules 协调工作与家庭事务teleworking n. 电子办公 school leaver 毕业生 at entry level 在入门阶段be moulded to the needs of 与.紧密贴合 mou

13、ld sth to sth.eg:The lining of the boots moulds itself to the shape if your foot.life expectancy 预期寿命,生命周期 call back 回打电话;召回on the whole 总体而言 Be more valued 更加重视Be more adaptable to a changing environment. 更加适应变化的环境简历:CV(curriculum vitae)英国 resume 美国compete with/against compete for+n. compete in+pla

14、cecompete to do sth.:can't compete with sth.(be unable to be more successful)heap: a large untidy pile of things heap of:a heap of +c. in a heap 作状语 (lay in a heap)at the top of the heap 在顶端 at the bottom of the heap 在底端game n. 游戏,行业eg:software game=software industry game theory 对策论,博弈论blockbust

15、er n. 一本书或者一部电影取得了重大成功;比喻巨型炸弹;巨大反响;比喻大公司acquisition U.习得(单数形式出现);C.收购(可加s) the of language语言的习得kick off V. 开始 n.(非正式).的开始 kick sb off sth 踢除某协会一些国家的缩写:CA:Canada AU:Australia US: United States RU:Russian Federation GB:Great BritainFR:France DE:Germany DK:Denmark AT:Austria BE:Belgium AR:Argentinabe a

16、imed at: 使针对;目的在于. aim to: 目的在于、expanding into:向.扩张、发展 core database business :核心的数据库业务business application market 商业应用程序市场 a distant number-two player 远远落在后面的第二号选手be unimpressed with 并不印象深刻 appetite 胃口,雄心 headline-grabbing a.报纸头条的a direct dig 挖苦 at the heart 核心的,重要的 at the edge of 在边缘;辅助 at heart 本

17、质上的 eg:He is still young at heart. teleceiver 遥控器 Euromart 欧洲共同市场 About us entry 网页中公司历史介绍see the opportunity 看到了机遇 Better safe than sorry.小心一点总比后来后悔好并购风险:管理(一致性、协调性) 规模经济 企业文化 经营independent director 独立董事 individual stockholders 个人股东value paper 有价证券 VAT (value added tax) 增值税 value declare 申报价格value

18、day 起息日 value in exchange 交换价值 value of foreign trade 对外贸易值value of import&export 进出口贸易值 value of industrial output 工业产值be deeply saddened by 对.很伤心 gain.momentum 得到.的势头community development/industry/investment 地区开发/社区工业/社区投资community budget/preference 欧共体预算/优惠 community income /property 共同所得/共有财

19、产 community of interest 共同利益offer apology for sth. 为.道歉 saga n. 长篇故事,长篇描述a long and complicated series of event,or a description of this17-plus years 17多年 perseverance n. 坚定不移 with our heads held high 昂起我们的头class adj./n. 出众;令人赞赏=outstanding a class magazine 高品位的杂志a girl with class 风度出众的姑娘idiomatic e

20、xpressionto throw someone in at the deep end:give them a job/put them in a situation without any time to preparein fairness:if we are defending this action为了做到公平合理to wield the axe:to make job cuts 裁员 in retrospect:looking back now 回顾get a lot of flak=get a lot of criticismif you don't cut it=if

21、you can't do what is expected of you 如果你达不到这个期望you're toast pretty fast 你就完蛋了things will settle down=things will become calmer/more stable 事情会变得趋于平缓make an attempt to 企图,尝试 activity 经营活动(商务) sector 行业(商务)be crucial to 对.很重要 play a crucial role/part in doing sth. be crucial in sth. 在.起着重要作用de

22、volve sth. to sb. 把.交给. devolve on 把(工作、职责)下放给.take second place 处于次要地位 plod v. 沉重缓慢的走 plod up plod along 埋头苦干one-stop adj. 一站式的 one-stop shopping 一站式购物 one-stop service 一站式服务prompt v.导致 adj.立即的【商务】 prompt cash 当场付现 prompt day 交割日 prompt delivery 即期交货speculation N.思考,投机【商务】 speculation market 投机市场qu

23、arter n. 四分之一,季度,一刻钟 quarter allowance 季度津贴quarter stock 面值25美元股票be in line with 和.一致 high street 繁华的商业街,闹市区high society 上层社会 high priest 大主教,大祭司 highwayman 路匪flat adj.扁平的;统一的【商务】;没有利息的【商务】flat interest rate 统一利率 flat list prices 统一规定的价格flat bond 无息公债 flat cost 净成本be no less 不少于,十分,非常 eg.He is no le

24、ss tired. 他真的很累了。as things stand 按现状看来,在目前的情况下 be on one's side 支持某人twitchy adj. 紧张的,焦虑不安的eg.I was very twitchy about the way things would turn out.way out 出口,出路【英国】eg.He was in a dilemma and could see no way out.Get on with it 抓紧时间! eg.Will you stop messing around and get on with itpositive goo

25、dwill 好的商誉 set a new mark 创造一个新的记录 评分标准1.语法和词汇(the ability to use grammar and vocabulary effectively)2.话语组织(fluency and coherence)3.发音(pronunciation)4.互动式交流rigorous 严厉的,严密的 per capita income 人均收入blend into 融入.;与.融合 information/service industry 信息产业/服务行业post a letter/bail 寄信或付保释金 post sb.abroad 把某人送到

26、国snail mail 传统意义的信件 circulate v. 循环,传阅make an estimate/make estimates 做出预测 approve of 赞成make of 处理,对待 eg:I know not what to make of him.utility company/fund/tax 公用事业公司/基金/税 utility theory of value 效用价值论portfolio n. 文件夹,部长,公文包,有价证券组合,投资搭配,保险的未满期限 aquisition 全部购买cross-sell 交叉销售 cross check 交叉核对 cross

27、off 注销,删除bill enquiries 账单查询 upgrade his handset 手机升级leaving the company 取消移动电话服务 stay on the line 不要挂机counter 前缀,表示“反”,“逆”;伪造的硬币;柜台 counter attack 反攻counter clockwise 逆时针 counter claim 反索赔 counter-offer 还盘,买方还价counterfeit 伪币 counter check 银行取款单transaction n. 交易 transaction demand 对货币的交易需求 transacti

28、on in futures 期货交易transaction on stock exchange 证券交易所交易 transaction tax 交易税statement 陈述,账单,报表 issuing of statement 结单通知 bank statement 银行账单statement of account 对账单 statement analysis 报表分析embrace v.拥抱;利用,采取eg.He embraced the opportunity to study furtherpay as you go 预付费,现收现付 stock exchange 证券交易所SMS:短

29、信业务 full name:Short Message Serviceproposal n.建议,投标 proposed dividend 拟派股利 proposal manager 投标经理demand adj.活期的 demand certificate 活期存单 demand deposit 活期存款demand draft 即期汇票 demand check 即期支票beyond words 难以言表 to tender one's sincere thanks forto be overwhelmed with gratitude to express one's g

30、ratitude/appreciation【感谢】常用表达句型1.I take this opportunity to express to you my deep appreciation for the kind assistance you rendered me.2.I wish there wew a better word than "thanks" to express my appreciation for your generous hlep .3.My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyon

31、d words.4.Please accept my most cordial thanks for your timely help,which I will always remember.5.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind help.in place1. in the correct position 2.existing and ready to be usedissue a press release 发布新闻稿 farewell party 欢送会 reminder 催单at a discount discou

32、nt on discount price/store/warehousebe strongly/sharply/heavily criticised criticise sb/sth. for (doing) sth.criticise sb/sth. as sth./a. PS:postscript 附言 threaten to do sth.perfectionist n. 完美主义者 pastry chef 面点师 vanilla 香草confectiner's custard 糖果奶冻 up-and-coming 有前途的charter n. 契约,特许,特许执照 charte

33、red accountant 特许会计师chartered bank 特许银行 chartered company 特许公司refund the difference 退差价 refund of study/tax 退税 refund offset 退税补偿be punctual for 准时 punctuality n. 准时impartial 公正的 impartial taxation 公平课税package n. 包裹;一揽子package deal/program/investment/mortgage 一揽子交易/计划/投资/抵押贷款carry out satisfaction s

34、urveys 开展顾客满意度调查unsolicited a. 未经请求的 unsolicited calls/advice track the order 跟踪、查询订单order form 订货单 order quantity 订货量 aquarium 鱼缸,玻璃钢 promotions company 推销公司 a free month's trial 一个月免费试用in comparison with 比较,对比 account for 是.的原因;对.负有责任unregulated a 无秩序的,未受监管的 job satisfaction 工作满意度take a huge p

35、ortion of market 占很大的市场份额 amateur astronomers 业余天文爱好者call in 召回 balance sheet 资产负债表 stave off 避开,挡住proof of concept 概念证明/验证 get into the black=profitable 盈利be in the red 赤字 mass-market model 大众市场模式 contemplate v. 沉思paternalistic approach 家长制的方法 temper v. 调和,使.缓和 development n. 患上.病aptitude n. 天资,资质(

36、尤指学习) aptitude foraltitude n. 海拔 altitude of high/low altitude 高/低海拔detour n. 绕行(迂回)的路 make/take a detour 绕道而行 eg:we took a detour to avoid the town centreclose the sale 成交 cloese a deal 做成生意 close a contract 签订合同Zig Ziglar 金克拉(国际著名演说家、作家、激励大师).unique selling point 独家卖点 unique selling proposition 独家

37、销售主张(a feature of a product that makes it different from other similar products)competitive advantage 竞争优势 competitive bidding 公开招标 competitive power 竞争能力competitive price 竞争价格 competitive sale 竞争销售 emotional benefits 情感利益added value 产品附加值 value added tax(VAT) 增值税 after-sales service 售后服务decision ma

38、ker 决策制定者 prospective customer 潜在客户outside one's budget 超出某人预算 -arrange credit financeextra options 搭售,捆绑销售-tie-in sale(after a couple of months you will wonder how you ever lived without them)不知道是否合适I think you are the sort of person who imposes their image on the car, not the other way round.p

39、erceive 意识到 sustainability 可持续性 deodorant n.除臭剂 relationship selling 关系营销 hard-sell marketing 强行推销 favourable payment terms 有利付款方式niche (特定产品的)用户群-targeted advertising reach 受众面,所及范围point-of-sale promotion 销售点(POS) viral marketing 病毒式营销finalize v. 收尾,完成 sponsorship n. 赞助 in favor of 支持televise:broad

40、cast sth. on television v.用电视播放consensus n. 一致,合意 consensus on/about consensus that There is a consensus that. The general concensus was that.erode v. 腐蚀,侵蚀 erode away erode one's confidenceubiquity n. 无处不在 fragment n. 碎片 v.将.碎化 upsurge n. 高潮,高涨 There was an upsurge in. in favor of 支持pronounce v

41、.宣判 pronounce sb/sth. sth. be pronounced husband and wifepenetration n.穿过,渗透,突破 penetration of at the sharp end 船头;处于第一线;事件的核心 direct response advertising 直接反应广告fracture v. 破裂,折断 exhaust one's patience 磨尽耐心fast forwarding 快进 rewind v.倒回 premium n.保险费,额外费用Dancing on Ice 冰上炫舞 tune in 收听+to tap int

42、o 挖掘,发掘holistic a.整体的 eg. a holistic approach to design creat a buzz 造势on the grounds 由于.的原因 pursue sth. 致力于(工作,研究)engage oneself in. devote oneself to.business charts: bar chart,line chart,pie chart release n. 新品发布 clear out old stock 清空库存 illustrate v.阐明double v. 翻一番 per capita 人均 altruism n 利他主义b

43、e inconsistent with 与.不一致 starkly adv.明显地,毫不掩饰地owe ab. money 欠钱 withdraw some money 取钱be invoiced for the goods =give sb. an invoice 开发票 bet on a horse/race 下赛马的赌注bet your life 确信=to be sure put sth. up for sale 出售be short of money/time/resource/funds take out a loan 贷款take out a subscription to a m

44、agazine 订阅杂志 remortgage v. 重复抵押房产a demand loan 活期贷款 an installment loan 分期贷款 a time loan 定期贷款consumer/commercial/industrial/construction/mortgage loan 消费/商业/工业/建筑/抵押贷款secured loan有担保的贷款 unsecured loan 信用贷款,无抵押贷款 a promissory note 借据credit n. 名声,信用;商业信用 consumer confidence index 消费者信心指数insolvency n.无

45、力偿付 inflation n. 通货膨胀 a policy of borrow and spend 借钱消费的政策remortgage v. 重复抵押房产 to make a down-payment 付定金asset values will crash 资产价值崩溃 negative equity 负债资产(when your debts are greater than your assets)buoy/buoy up/boost 提升,使振作;给某人带来希望,鼓舞某人not so much as=less than not better than=不如 no better than=a

46、s bad as no bigger than=as small as no richer than=as poor as no later than=as early asby far the biggest .in 与最高级连用 over twice as much .as 与倍数词连用very similar/different to more or less/exactly the same as.相似more or less 或多或少,大约=about over 100times more effectiveno more than 只,仅仅=only not mre than 最多

47、不过=at mostno less than 多达=as many/much as not less than 至少=at leastno more .than=not any more.than 与.同样不guzzle v.滥吃,狂欢 eg.They've been guzzling beer all evening.gas-guzzling adj.耗油量大的 crisscross n. 交叉移动 equation n.影响因素leverage n.影响,力量 diplomatic leverage by the US 美国的外交手段crisscross v.穿梭往返 intell

48、ectual capital 智力资本 budget conscious 预算意识,精打细算come up for sth(sale/discussion/examination)=to be sold/discussed/examinedper annum 每年(p.a.) auditorium n.礼堂,观众席 overheads n.经营成本refurbish v.翻修,重新装修 come up to 符合,达到,赶上 come up for 到.的时候了long-term a.长期的 long-term debt/loan:长期债务/贷款expenditure n.支出 revenue

49、 expenditure 营业支出,收益支出 capital expenditure 资本支出,基本建设费用 accounts receivable 应收账款net a. 净得的 net profit 净收入 fixed costs 固定成本 retained profit 留存利润unprofitable a.没有利润的 debtor n.债务人 dividend n. 股利 liabilities n.负债 liability for 对.负有责任 liability to 有.倾向liability to do sth. 有责任做. repay/serve a loan 还贷the ba

50、lance sheet 资产负债表(静态信息)the income statement 损益表(经营成果-动态) the cash flow statement 现金流量表port of call 要去的地方,落脚处,要做的事情 annual report 年度报表snapshot n. 简况 snapshot of eg:The book gives us a snapshot of life in the .proverbial a. 众所周知的 plc n.股票上市公司=public limited company公开有限公司the bottom line:what ultimately

51、 matters or is most fit after tax 税后利润 do some sums 作预算Co n.公司=company Corp n.公司(尤指股份有限公司)=corporationLtd n.有限(责任)公司=limited Inc n.有限责任公司=incorporationGBP 英镑 RMB 人民币 EUR 欧元 CHF 瑞士法郎total revenue 总收入 gross profit 毛利润=主营业务收入主营业务成本operating income 营业利润,营业收入 total current assets 总流动资本net in

52、come净收入,净利润,税后利润=毛利润所得税 total assets 总资产 total current liabilities 总流动负债 total liabilities 总负债 total equity 所有者权益=资产负债net change in cash 净现金流=正现金流负现金流(还剩多少现金)财务结构分析 资产负债率(%)=(负债总额÷资产总额)×100%Tip:通常来说,资产负债率越小,表明企业的长期偿债能力越强;该比率过高,表明企业的财务风险较大,企业重新举债的能力将受到限制。该比率75%为佳。squeeze v.紧缩资金 redundancy n.裁员。冗余material costs 材料成本 administrative costs 管理费用 distribution costs 运输成本overheads 一般管理费用 labour costs 劳动力成本 development costs 开发成本advertising expenditure 广告费用 finance costs 财务成本aut


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