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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上四年级下册第三单元测试题(二)Name_ Class _Marks_一给下列句子选择恰当的汉语意思。( )1.What time is it? ( )2.Can I have some soup?( )3.Have some milk. ( )4.Its very hot today.( )5.Its cold outside. ( )6.Be careful. A. 小心 B.外面很冷。 C.喝些牛奶吧。 D.几点了? E.今天天气非常热。 F.我能喝些汤吗? 二选择填空( )1.Can I go outside? _ _ A.Yes,you cant B.No,y

2、ou cant . C.No,you can.( ) 2Its very _.Lets go swimming.(游泳) A.hot B.cold C.cool( ) 3.Its 12 oclock.Its time to _ _. A.lunch B.some lunch C.have lunch( )4. Can I have some soup?-_, you can. _ Its very hot. A. Yes,Dont drink. B.No,Be careful. C.Yes,Be careful( ) 5.Its hot today.Can I _ my sweater? A.

3、wear B.take off C.put on( )6.Today is windy _ kunming. A.in B.on C.at( )7.It _ so nice. A.feels B.feel C.off( ) 8.-_ I go outside? -No,you cant. A.Do B.Can C.Am( )9._ some lunch,John. A.Do B.Eating C.Have( ) 10.It _ hot. A.is B.am C.are( )11.This is the _ report. Its cold today. A.PE B.weather C.mus

4、ic( ) 12. _ about New York? A. Whats B.How C.Where( )13.Whats the weather like _ Beijing ? A.on B.at C.in( ) 14.Its _ in Beijing. A.rain B.warm C.wind( )15. Can I go outside? _ A.No,I cant B.Yes,you can C.No,you dont.( )16._ is the world weather. A.That B.He C.This( )17. Its hot _ sunny in Moscow. A

5、.and B.or C.but三选句子,选出与句意相符的图片。 ( ) 1、Be careful! Its very hot. ( )2.Its warm inside. Take off your shoes.( )3.Look! Its twelve oclock. ( )4.Its cold outside.Put on your hat.四选词填空 at off is in on1.Its cold _ Beijing. 2. Take _ your shoes.3. Put _ your hat. 4. This _ the weather report.5.Look _ my sh

6、irt.五情景交际( )1.你想告诉对方外边很冷,你可以说:_ A.Its warm outside. B.Its cold outside.( )2.你想告诉对方这是天气预报,你可以说:_- A. This is the weather report. B.Whats the weather like?( )3.你想提醒别人小心些,你可以说:_. A.Its OK B.Be careful.( )4.你想告诉别人北京今天很冷,你可以说:_. A.Its warm in Beijing today. B.Its cold in Beijing today.( )5.你想知道对方那里的天气是否炎

7、热,你可以问:_ A.Is it hot? B. Is it cold?( )6.打电话时,你想表达自己是艾米,你可以说:_. A.I am Amy. B.This is Amy.( )当你问别人今天天气怎么样时,你应该说: A.Whats the weather like today? B.Its a cold today.( )8,今天天气很暖和你想出去玩时,你可以问妈妈: A.Can I go outside? B.Its warm today.( )9.当你想告诉别人“注意,小心”时,你可以说, A.Be careful. B.Yes,you can.( )10.当你提议去堆雪人时,你

8、应该说: A.Lets make a snowman. B.Lets play football.六看图,选词补全句子 cool cold hot warm 1. Its _ in Harbin. 2.Its _ in Beijing.3.Its _ in Hongkong. 4.Its_ in Lhasa.七找出恰当的汉语意思( )1.world weather ( )2. in Sydney ( ) 3.cold and snowy ( )4.how aboutA. 怎么样 B.世界天气 C.在悉尼 D.下雪很冷八看图,选出合适的单词补全句子1. 2. 3 . 4.1. Its _( wi

9、ndy/sunny) in Hangzhou. 2.Its_(cloudy/snowy) in Harbin.3.Its _( windy/rainy) in Beijing. 4.Its _( cloudy/sunny) in Sydney.九选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项( ) 1.A.Sydney B.Beijing C.cool () 2. A.sunny B.rainy C.kite ( )3. A.today B.cloudy C.windy ( )4.A.hot B.weather C.warm( )5.A.swim B.fly C.and ( ) 6. A.hot B.warm

10、 C.today( ) 7. A.degree B.windy C.sunny ( )8. A.Singapore B.snowy C.Sydney( ) 9. A.cold B.world D.rainy ( )10.A.rain B.sunny C.cloudy( )11.A.cool B.cold C.cloudy ( )12. A.wind B.sun C.rainy( )13. A.see B.sunny C.swim ( )14. A.in B.is C.are十看图,连线 A.windy B.cloudy C.rainy D.sunny E.snowy 十一选词填空 have l

11、ike in fly make 1,Its hot _ Sydney. 2.Can you _ your kite? 3.I can _ a snowman in winter.4. Whats the weather _ in Singapore? 5.Can I _ some soup?十二选择填空( )1.Its cold _ Kunming. A.in B.on C.of( )2,Can I wear (戴)my new hat(帽子)? No,you _. A.isnt B.dont C.cant( )3.Lets play _ football. A.a B.an C./( )4.

12、Its_ and warm today. A.sun B.sunny C.cold( )5.Tomorrow will _ warm in Shanghai. A.is B.he C.are十三选词填空 There are four seasons(季节) in a year. Spring(春天)comes first.1._ (Its ,It) warm and 2_(rain,rainy) sometimes.It is very 3_(hot,warm) in summer(夏天).We can swim outside. In fall(秋天).it is very 4_(cool,

13、warm) and the leaves are colourful.They look beautiful. In winter(冬天),it is 5._( snowy, snowing) sometimes.People can go skiing every winter.十四选择正确的图填空( )1.Its sunny in Hainan. ( )2.Lets play football. ( )3.Its hot today ( )4.Its rainy in Shanghai. ( )5.Lets make a snowman.十五选词填空 A. How many B. Wher

14、e C. How about D.Can E.Whats( ) 1._ students are there in your class?( ) 2.Its hot in Beijing._ New York?( ) 3._ I have some noodles? ( ) 4._ the weather like in Jinan?( ) 5._ is my English book?十六读短文,完成表格。 Good afternoon.This is the weather report.It is snowy in Beijing.It is cloudy in Shanghai.It

15、is windy in Harbin.It is windy in Lhasa.It is sunny in Urumqi.It is rainy in Hongkong.weatherBeijingsnowyShanghaiHarbinLhasaUrumqiHongkong四年级下册第三单元测试题(一)Name_ Class _Marks_1 写出中文意思1,.cold_ 2.cool _ 3.warm_ 4.hot _ 5. sunny _ 6.windy _ 7.cloudy_ 8.snowy_ 9.rainy_ 10.outside _ 11.be careful _ 12. weat

16、her _ 13 .Its rainy._ 14.Its 26 degrees._ 13. 15.Can I go outside now?_ 16.Yes,you can. _17.No,you cant. _ 18.Whats the weather like in New York? _ 二选择填空( ) 1.Can I _ your kite? A.open B .put C.fly( ) 2.Its 12 degrees.Thats _. A.cool B.cold C.warm( ) 3. Today is _ in Hongkong. A.sunny B.cloud C.sun(

17、 )4.It is rainy _ Dalian. A.in B.of C.at( ) 5.This is the _ report. Its warm in Tianjin. A.PE B.weather C.music( )6.-Can I go outside to play? -_ A.Yes,you can. B.No,you can C.Yes,you cant( ) 7.Is it cold? -_ A.Yes,I do. B.Yes,It is. C.No,I dont.( ) 8.Whats the weather like in NewYork?-_ A.Its rainy

18、 B.I like rainy C.It likes rainy.( ) 9.Its 5 degree.Its _ in Harbin. A .hot B.warm C .cold( ) 10.Its rainy today._ OK. A.Lets play football B.Lets fly a kite C.Lets watch TV at home.( ) 11.Tomorrow will be _. A.rain B.cold C.snow( ) 12.Its hot _. A.day B.Sunday C.today( ) 13._ Harbin,its snowy. A.On

19、 B.At C.In( ) 14.Is it warm? Yes,_. A.it is B.it isnt C.its cold( ) 15._ the weather like there? A.What B.Whats C.Where( ) 16._ it windy? A.Whats B.Can C.Is( ) 17.Its warm _ sunny today. A.to B.too C.and( ) 18.Is _ hot in Hainan? A. that B.it C.this( ) 19.How _ New York? Its sunny. A.is B.about C.fo

20、r( ) 20.Whats the weather _ in London? Its _ today. A.like ,rain B.like , rainy C.for , rainy三圈出与图片相符的句子1. .1. A.Today is sunny here. B.Its rainy here. 2.A.Its warm there. B.Its cold there.3. A.I can swim outside. B.Its cold there. 4.A.I have a cold B.Its cold today5. A.Its warm today. B.Its snowy t

21、oday.四选择相应的图片填空1. 2.3. 4. 5.( )1.Its rainy. ( )2.Im in Beijing.Its windy. ( )3.Its cloudy outside. ( )4.Its sunny today. ( )5.Its snowy in Xinjiang.五连词成句1. and , cold , Its , Lhasa, snowy, in (.)2. Is , Here , weather , the , world (.)3. some, I , milk , Can, have ( ? )4. In, Is , Sydney, cold, weat

22、her, the (?)5. today, is, What, weather , the , like (?)6. Beijing, warm, today, in, Its (.)7. Is, cold, it (?)8. can, go, I, outside, now (?)9. sunny, its, in, and, Sydney, hot (.)六从B栏中找出A 栏的答语 (A ) ( B)( ) 1.Lets go to the playground. A.Its cloudy( ) 2.Can I read a book? B.No,its warm.( ) 3.Whats

23、the weather like today? C.Its 5 oclock.( ) 4.Is it cold outside? D.Yes,you can.( ) 5.What time is it? E.OK. (A ) ( B)( )1.Can I fly a kite? A.Yes,it is. ( )2.Whats the weather like there? B.Im in America.( )3.Is it warm in New York? C.No,you cant.( )4.What time is it ? D.Its snowy.( ) 5.Where are yo

24、u? E.Its 7:30.七从下列每组单词中选出与其他两个不同类的选项( ) 1.A.sun B.cloudy C.sunny ( ) 2.A.snowy B.windy C.hot( ) 3.A.warm B.sunny C.cool ( ) 4.A.sunny B.outside C.windy( ) 5.A.rainy B.snowy C.weather ( ) 6.A.London B.fly C.come( ) 7.A.cool B.swim C.hot ( ) 8 A.Monday B.sunny C.windy( ) 9.A.cool B.what C.warm ( ) 10.

25、A.weather B.have C.make八给下列句子选择正确的翻译。( ) 1.Can I go outside now? A.我能出去吗? B.现在我能待在这里吗? C.现在我能出去吗?( ) 2.Its cool in Beijing. A.北京的天气是寒冷的。 B.北京的天气是凉爽的。 C.北京的天气是温暖的。( ) 3.你怎么样? AHow about you ? B.How are you? C.What are you doing?( ) 4.香港的天气怎么样? A Whats the weather like in HongKong? B.What about HongKo

26、ng ? C.Whats the weather like in New York?( ) 5.这是世界天气。 A.This is the weather report. B.Heres the world map. C.Heres the world weather.( ) 6.夏日炎炎,你会说_ A.Its cool. B.Its cold C.Its hot.( ) 7.当你想学问北京的天气怎么样时,你应问:_ A.Whats the weather like there? B.Whats the weather like in Beijing? C.Whats the weather like in Tianjin?( ) 8.当朋友问你今天的温度是,你应该说:_ A.Its warm B.Its windy C.Its 26 degree(


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