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1、1 动物(an ima I):b i rd .A bear 熊 horse 马 butterf I y 蝴蝶 parrot 鹦鹉 kangaroo 袋鼠 cat 彳田chame I eon 京色龙 dog狗came I 骆驼 chick小鸡dragon龙duck鸭子 e I ephant 大象f ish 与grog青蛙hen母鸡I ion狮子monkey猴子owl猫头鹰panda熊猫wolf 狼2人体器官(body):hpad头卷洒眼睛ear耳朵face脸 nose鼻子mouth嘴hair头发shouIder肩 hand手finger手指leg大腿 knee膝盖 foot脚(feet复数)to

2、e脚趾3 季节(season):spring 春天 summer 夏天 autumn 秋天 winter 冬天4 月份(month):塑力lary一月February二月March三月 April四月 May五月 June六月 Ju I y ,ygust 八月 September 九月 October 十月 November 十一月 December 十二 5 星期(week):塑陶魅星期0 Monday星期一 Tuesday 星期二Wednesday星期三 Thursday Fr iday星期五Saturday 星期六6 职业(job/work):盥E)r演员doctor医生dr i ver

3、司机dancer舞蹈演员farmer农民 postman邮 firemen 消防队员 teacher 教师 nurse 护士 policeman 警察 taikonaut 宇航员7 家庭(family):grandparent (外)祖父(母)grandfather (外)祖父 grandmother (外)祖母 grandchi Idren (夕卜)孙子(女)parent 父(母)亲 father 父亲 mother (mum)母亲 ousi,p 表J堂)兄妹 kid 孩子 brother 哥(弟)sister 姐(妹)son 儿子 uncIe 8 国家(county):i na % 酸ra

4、nce法国Amer i ca美国 Spa i n西班牙 Austra I i a澳大利亚 England 英格兰9城市(city)及处所(place):Ch i natqvn唐人街bedroom卧室c I assroom教室farm农场field田地 f I at公寓 house 豕,房子ttton车站supermarket超市 library图书馆restaurant饭店,旅馆 school校办公室park公园p Iayground操场,运动场seashore海岸,海滩 square10 水果(fruit):apple 苹果 banana 杳蒸 watermeIon 西瓜 mango 芒果

5、orange 橘子 pear 梨11 服装(clothes):T-shirt体烟衫cap帽子coat外套 hat帽子 dress连衣裙,女装 shoe鞋子 sweater毛线彩swimsuit游泳衣12单住:kilometer千米,公里 kilo千克,公斤 metre米13 动作(act i on):%ncing 跳舞 drawi ng 画 jumping 跳 skipping 跳绳 swimming 游泳 shipping 购14交通工具:aero pjqne直升飞机 bike自行车train火车 bus公共汽车 boat小船 dragon boat泥船 ship轮船car小汽车 lorry

6、卡车 plane飞机 tax i出租车15 节日(festival):Spr ing Fest i va I 春节 Lantern fest i va I 元宵节 Dragon Boat fest i va I 端午节 Mid-Autumn FestivaI 中秋节 FIag Day 国旗日 Christmas 圣诞节ra i n铅笔I ady16宇宙事物及天气(weather):y天空/ir空气wind风cloud云sun太阳sunshine阳光space太空 snow 雪17学习用品:b I ackboard 黑板 book 书 desk 课桌 dictionary 字典 pen 钢笔 p

7、enc i I ruler尺子bag 书包18 人物(people):9。组男女孩 f r i end朋友 chi Id儿童(单)chi Idren儿童(复) 婴, 漫y (单)men男人(复)queen女王pupi I小学生 woman女人(单)women19球类名词(ball):basketba I I 篮球 baseba I I 棒球 football 足球 table tennis 乒乓球20乐器名词:f Iute笛子guitar吉他piano钢琴trumpet小号viol in小提琴 zither古筝21日用品:篮 床etk d s e a bb包铃 bott Ie瓶子 box盒子

8、bui Iding建筑物c lock肯冷铃camera照相机cup 杯子 chopsticks 筷子 door 门 vase 花瓶jght邛 月an平底锅 phone电话radio 收音机 tab I e 桌子 toothbrush 牙chai r椅子table桌子 TV fork 叉电视机te I ephone 电话 television 电视机22三餐: breakfast 早餐23 食品(food):fa| food 快餐I unch午餐dinner晚餐,正餐biscuit 饼干 bread面包 cake 蛋糕sausage火腿coffeecheese 奶崎 qoI a moon cak

9、e 月饼可乐dump I ings 饺子 egg鸡蛋fish and chips鱼和薯条spice杳料,调料品 ginger姜 hot dog热狗sweets糖果 hamburger汉堡包 i ce cream 冰激凌 jam peanut花生juice 果汁meat肉 milk牛奶sandwich三明 治,noodles面条soup 汤 soybean mi Ik 豆浆 tea 茶 toast 烤面包 vegetable 蔬菜24游戏及娱乐:ba I I oon气球jigsaw拼图游戏 computer games电脑游戏,joke笑话kite风筝igrn ing exerci se早操po

10、puI ar music流行音乐 project综合实践项目 toy玩25疾病:cold 感冒 fever 高烧 headache 头痛 stomachache 胃痛26 学科(subject):maths数集 geography地理 history历史music音乐PE体育science科学 French ;去7口Engl ish 英语 Chinese 汉语 二、分类词汇名词:人物: boy girl mother father brother s i ster f r i end cous i n dr i ver dancer pup i I teacher policeman nurs

11、e farmer doctor Ms Mr动物: animal dragon tiger I ion eIephant monkey panda dog cat bi rd五官 身体部分: head eye nose ear mouth hand arm foot I eg ha i r食物: food cake r i ce meat bread nood I es soup f i sh choco I ate mango banana appIe pear orangepeanut sweets bi scui t vegetab I e milk fruit watermelon ic

12、e cheese juice coffee tea场所方位: c I assroom c I ass schoo I home farm house road supermarket stat i on park Iake sea rivereast west north south国家: China England Amer ica country玩具:kite, toy, computer game, doll, j i gsaw, chess, ba I I文具:bag penci I pen book 时间: time today day hour yesterday tomorrow

13、 morning afternoon evening weekend力艮装:hat dress coat T-shirt c I othes sweater教室中的物品:desk chai r door window其它名词: name present box bott Ie song winner Chr istmas tree Ietter homeworkweather postcard matter game Ii fe headache fever动词:运 动:. play footba II, p I ay basketba II, p I ay tab I e tenn i s,

14、 do morni ng exercises, goswimming, go cycling, run, high jump, ride, row a boat,系动词:am i s are was were fee I smel I情态动词:can need may shouId其它动作:want, make, cook, wash, p I ease, draw, thank, think, point to, s i t down, stand up, know, he Ip, hope, Iook see, have, has, I ike, sing , read, write, d

15、raw, I earn, I i sten, hear, say, ta I k, tell, study, speak, drink, drop laugh, give, visit, catch, dance, carry, Iive, agree, stop, finish, wait, get up, have breakfast, go to schoo I, go to work, have I unch, go home, have d i nner, watch TV, take p i ctures, go straight on, turn right, turn I ef

16、t, understand, argue, wear, went bought had met ran Iost Iearnt形容词:颜色: red b I ue ye I low green black orange purp I e p i nk white天气: hot co I d warm coo I windy sunny心情感觉.: fine, happy, favor i te, hungry, difficult, th i rsty sad, bored, angry, tired, sorry其它: b i g sma I I short ta I I old young

17、 new th i n fat, great, strong, blind, deafBice shy cI ever naughty cool cute good bad carefuI Iong wide i nterest i ng eautifuIwonderfuI many much famous qu iet dangerous better, worse, usefuI, Iast dear clean enough副词:疑问副i司: where when how why其它副词: here there now then very up down fast h i gh we I

18、 I bad I y rea I I y hard代词:人称代词:I we you he she they i t物主代词: my our your his her thei r its mine yours hers his指示代词: this that these those不定代词: some many much any疑问 d弋i可: what, whose, How many, How o I d, who, How much,软词: one two three four five six seven e i ght n i ne ten e I even twe I ve th i

19、 rteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen e i ghteen n i neteen twenty th i rty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred介词:on in under to at past by with冠词:a an the连词:and. but, because, so, than,so e ,IF nI oe gH n ei m0,r oDcNss kereYauelb. dtIvaI, ChiOf course,u ypn k e e n rh adT hl T o VW

20、 o a tDtHapLelI,bi rthday, o clock, Happy s. Excuse me, Sport Day,三、重点句型1. Good morni ng. 2. Good afternoon. 3. How are you are youI m fine, thank howI m fine, too. 4. What s your name s ten.My name is Sam. /Im. How many It6. How many boys Ten boys. 7.How many girls EI even Stand up/ Sit down.9. Poi

21、nt to the door, /window, chair10. What s thi sit * s a book.11 - What s that It ke footbaI I e I don t Ii ke basketbaI I. I i ke skippi ng rope. like skipping rope. s a cha i r.12. Happy b i rthday. Thank you.13. Where s my present It s in the hat It s on the s under the hat.14. How o I d are you I

22、m e I even.15. Is it a dog Yes, it is. / No, it isn t. .16. This is my mother. She s a teacher. This is my father. He s a doctor.grandpa. He s a policeman. This is my grandma. She sThi s i s my brother. He s a farmer. Th i s i s my s i ster.It s me. I m a pup iI.17. Th i s i s my hand. Th i s i s my

23、 nose. Th i s i s my mouth, eyes.These are my ears. These are my feet.18. What are they They are monkeys. Are they taI IShe s a nurse.These are myNo, they arenAre they thin Yes,they are.I I ike swimming. I don tI don t Ii ke eye Ii ng.It s blue.20. What s your favour i te colourIikes toy cars.He doe

24、sn t Ii ke Barb i e do I Is.Iikes Barbie dolls.She doesn t Ii ke computer gamesyou Iike noodlesYes, I do. / No, I don t.Li ng Ii ng I ike meatYes, she does./ No, she doesn t.s the time , pI easeIt s four o cIock.It s ha If past three.have breakfast at six o cIock.I have Iunch at tweI ve clock, at ha

25、 If past s i x.I go to schooI at eight o clock.I go home at ha I f past f i ve.I have d i nnerdo you do at the weekend footbaI .I pI ay basketbaI I.I watch TV. I p I ayI pI ay table tenni s. I go swimming.does Sam do at the weekend He p I ays basketba ll. footba I I.He plays tab Ie tennis. He goes s

26、wimming.He watches TV. He p I aysdoes Amy do at the weekend She pI ays basketbaI I. She watchesTV. She p I ays footbaILShe pI ays tab Ie tenn i s.She goes swimming.do you have at school At schooI I have Chinese, Maths, Engl ish and Science.New Year.Chr i stmas.33. Spr i ng It s spr i ng. Its warm i

27、n spr i ng. We go eye I i ng i n spr i ng.It s summer. It s hot in summer. We go swimming in summer.35. Autumn It s autumn. It s cool i n autumn. We p I ay footba I I i n autumn.36. Winter. . It.s winter. It s cold in winter. We watch TV and play tab Ie tenn i s i n winter.do you do i n spr i ng I g

28、o eye I ing i n spring. What do you do i n summer! go sw i mm i ng i n summer. What do you do i n autumn I pI ay footbaI I i n autumn.What do you do i n winter I watch TV and pI ay tab Ie tenni s i n winter.38. How do you go to schoo I I go to schoo I by bus.(或 by tra i n, by car, by bike)I go to sc

29、hooI on foot.I walk to schooI.He goes to work by car.does your father go to workHow does your mother go to workShe goes to work by bike.you got a t i gerYes, I have. / No, I haven t.haven t.Have you got a new sweater Yes, I have. / No,he got a new toy plane Yes, he has. / No, he hasn, t.Has she got

30、a new dressYes, she has./ No, she hasn t.is my mother. She s watching TV. book.This is my father. He s reading aThis is my grandma. She a p i cture.s writing a Ietter. This is my grandpa. He s taking43. What are you doingI m watch i ng TV.youwant some r iceYes, p I ease. / No, thank you.yougot chops

31、t i cks i nEnglandYes, we have. / No, we haven t.arethey doi ngThey re rowing a boat.youjump far (run fast, jump high, r ide fast)Yes, I can. / No, I cans time to go to bed.re going to go to Hainan tomorrow.are you going to do for Sports Daygoing torun 100 metres.I have an appleYes, you can. /Sorry,

32、you cant.I have some soupYes, you can. /Sorry,you canis some f ish.(不可数名词) There are some sweets.(可数名词)isrT t any soup.(不可数名词)There aren t any biscuits.(可数many b i rthdays are there i n January t any.i s Xiaoyong. He s a c I ever pup i I.is a book about London. It s veryThere i s one. There four. Th

33、ere aren,He s very cI ever.n i ce.55. London is the capitaI of England.the River Thames. It s very long and very wide.is Big Ben. It s very oId and very tall.is Hyde Park. It s very beautifuI.is Tower Bridge. It s very famous and very beautifuI re going to have a picnic.you take a ba I IYes,63. What

34、 is Amy doingI will./ No, I won t.She s reading a Ietter.g n - 祝 a I g pn 1 eh k c it I awfootbaIIove watch i ng TV.Ii ke footbaI I andwi I I do everything.can waIk.wi I I be windy in Bei j ing.s taller than Li ng Ii ng.73. Beijing i s b i gger than Tiani i n.wi I I rain in Hanzhou.m shorter than Da

35、rning.think this girl i s better than the fi rst gi rIyou agreeboy i s worse than that boy.i s the capita I of the USA.speak Eng I i sh i n Amer ica.was two then. Now I am ten.was two then. Now he s ten.weren, t old then. They were very young.you he Ip your mother on Saturday Yes, I d i d. / No, I d

36、idn t.Amy he Ip her mother Yes, she did. / No, she didn t.Darning go to schooI Yes, he did15. I (be) ill.I m staying in bed.16. She(go) to schooI from Monday to Fr iday. 17. Liu Tao(do) not I i ke PE.18. The child often(watch) TV i n the . Su Ha i and Su Yang(have)eight Iessons this term. 20. What d

37、ay (be) it today - It s Saturday三、现在进行时1 .现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。2 .现在进行时的肯定句基本结构为be动词ing.3 .现在进行时的否定句在be后加not。4 .现在进行时的一般疑问句把be动词调到句首。5 .现在进行时的非凡疑问的基本结构为:疑问词be+主语+动ing?但疑问词当主语时其结构为: 疑问词+be+动词ing?动词加ing的变化规则1 . 一般情况下,直接加ing,如:cook-cooking2 .以不发音的 e 结尾,去 e 加 ing,如:make-making,

38、taste-tasting3 .假如末尾是一个元音字母和一个辅音字母,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing,如: run-running, stop-stopp ing现在进行时专项练习:一、写出下列动词的现在分词:playrunswimmakegoI i kewr i tesk ireadhaves i ngdanceputseebuyI oveI i vetakecomegetstop sit beginshop二、用所给的动词的正确形式填空:boy( draw)a picture now.2. Li sten Some girls( s ing)i n the c I assroom .3.

39、My mother( cook ) some nice food now.4. What you ( do ) now?5. Look They( have) an Engl ish Iesson .(not ,water) the fIowers now.! the girls(dance ) in the c I assroom is our granddaughter doing She(I isten ) tomusic.9. It s 5 o cIock now. We(have) supper now(wash )clothes Yes , she is .四、将来时理论及练习一、

40、概念:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或预备做某事。句中一 /殳有 以下时间?失语:tomorrow, next day (week, month, year), soon, the day after tomorrow (后天)等。二、基本结构:be going to do;wi I I do.三、否定句:在be动词(am, is, are) I后加not或情态动词wi I I后加not成 won to例如:I m going to have a picnic this afternoon. T | m not going to have a picnic th i s after

41、noon.四、同义句:be going to = wi 11I am going to go swimming tomorrow (明天)= I wi I I go swimming tomorrow.练习:填空。1 .我打算明天和朋友去野炊。I have a picnic with myfriends.I have a picnic with my friends.2 .我们将要学习英语We I earn Eng I i sh.We learn English.五、一般过去时1. 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间 状语连用。一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发

42、生的动作。2 . Be动词在一般过去时中的变化:am和i s在一般过去时中变为was。(was not=wasn t)are在一般过去时中变为were。(were not=weren t)3 .句中没有be动词的一般过去时的句子否定句:didn t + 动词原形,如:Jim didn t go home yesterday.动词过去式变化规则:1 . 一般在动词末尾加一ed,如:work-worked , cook-cooked2 .结尾是 e 加 d,如:I i ve I i ved3 .末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母, 再力口一ed,4口: stop-

43、stopped4 .以“辅音字母v”结尾的,变y为i, 再加-ed,如:study-studied5 .不规则动词过去式:am, is-was, are-were, do-did, see-saw, say-said, give-gave, get-got, go-went, come-came, have-had, eat-ate, take-took, run-ran, s i ng-sang, put-put, make-made, read-read, wr ite-wrote, draw-drew, dr ink-drank, swim-swam, sit-sat过去时练习写出下列动

44、词的过去式i samp I ant are dr i nk p I aygo makedoes dance worry ask tasteeat putkick pass doBe动词的过去时练习(1)一、用be动词的适当形式填空1. I at schooI just now. 2. He at the camp Iast week.3. We students two years ago. 4. They on the farm a momentago.5. Yang Ling e I even years oI d I ast year. 6. There an appIeon the pI ate yesterday.7. There some milk i n the f r i dge on Sunday.8. The mob iIe phone on the sofa yesterday even i ng.一、用be动词的适当形式填空1. I an English teacher now.2. She happy yesterday.3. They glad


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