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1、英语学习计划 第一周作文特训 A.建议信一 建议信常用词汇:feedback n.反馈 feasible adj.可行的suggestion n.建议 proposal n.建议venture v.冒昧做某事 beneficial adj. 有益的advise v. 建议 suggest v. 建议recommend v. 推荐,劝告 wise adj. 明智的二常用句式:1. However, to you, I highly recommend但是对你而言, 我强烈推荐1. If you can make a careful study, I am convinced that your

2、skills of will be greatly improved.如果你能认真学习,我相信你的能力将极大提高。2. To solve this problem, in my mind为了解决这一问题,我的看法是3. I am writing to express my views concerning我写信谈谈关于的看法。4. You have asked me for my advice with regard to , and I will try to make some constructive suggestions.就一事你征询我的意见,我会尽量给出有建设性的建议。5. I f

3、eel that it would be beneficial if .我认为如果, 将会收益。6. If I were you, I would如果我是你,我就会7. I would be ready to discuss this matter to further details.我愿意就此时的细节进行讨论。8. Freshman as I am, I feel that it is my obligation to make some suggestions concerning作为一名大一新生,我觉得有义务对.问题提出些建议。9. I sincerely hope that my p

4、roposals would be considered and positive changes take place in these regards.衷心希望您能考虑我的建议,并在这些方面进行积极的改变。三建议信内容:建议信是建议收信人采取某种行动的信件,可以是做出某种选择或某种改变。建议信也有公函和私人信函之分,公函格式比较固定、正式,私人信函则比较随意。四建议信的写作结构:1. 自我介绍,说明目的。2. 委婉地提出建议及改进措施,或提出忠告。3. 采纳建议会带来的好处,礼貌总结或期盼回复。五黄金模板Dear , As , I am writing this letter to exp

5、ress my views concerning . Although , there is still much room for improvement. For instance, . In view of these facts, I would like to make the following suggestions. First, . second, . I hope you will find these suggestions helpful. Yours sincerely, 六经典范文Directions: Write a letter to your universi

6、ty library, making suggestions for improving its service. You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address.Dear Sir/Madam, As a student of our university, I am writing this letter to express my views concerning the

7、service of our library. Although we have benefited enormously from our library, there is still much room for improvement. For instance, many books in the library are totally obsolete and some of the librarians are ill-mannered. In view of these facts, I would like to make the following suggestions.

8、First, more books should be purchased according to the students needs, especially the ones on IT and modern literature. Second, students should be given the right to evaluate the librarians, which will be concerned with their income. I hope you will find these suggestions helpful. Yours sincerely, L

9、i Ming七模拟练习(按照上文所提供的黄金模板来写,在合适的位置增添书信的内容)Directions: Write a letter to your cousin Lily, who is going to take the college entrance examination and feels great pressure, giving your suggestions. Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li

10、 Ming” instead. Do not write the address.英语学习计划 第二周B 辞职信一辞职信常用词汇:In advance 提前 withdraw from 离开,退出submit v提交 accept sincere apology接受诚挚的道歉二 常用句式:1. I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my current position. 写此信的目的是告知您我决定辞职。2. I find it inappropriate for me to take the position as

11、a manager here for the following reasons.我发现自己不适合在这里做经理,原因如下。3. Therefore, I have decided to quit the job after much deliberation, 因此,经过深思熟虑我决定辞职。4. The primary reasons for my resignation are as follows. 我辞职的主要原因如下。5. I do feel that it is not easy for me to get used to the extra work.我觉得自己很难适应加班。6.

12、What I have learned in the university cannot meet the requirement of being. 我大学所学知识无法胜任工作。7. It has been my genuine pleasure to work for.during these last two years. 在过去的两年里,我一直都很享受为工作。8. I have decided to accept a post that will give me greater possibilities for promotion and an increase in my sala

13、ry.我已决定从事一份晋升机会更多,薪水更高的工作。9. I would like to take a new challenge and I want to meet people from all walks of life. 我想接受新挑战,与不同行业的人打交道。10. I feel terribly sorry for the inconvenience I have caused. 对于由此对公司造成的不便,我深感抱歉。11. I sincerely hope that you approve of my resignation. 诚挚希望您批准我辞职。12. I would app

14、reciate it if you would accept my resignation effective from. 如果您批准我辞职,从(日期)开始生效,我将不胜感激。三 辞职信内容:辞职信是希望卸任或放弃某份工作的书面陈述。辞职人通过辞职信表达对离开现职位抱有某种遗憾的心情。四 辞职信写作结构:1)说明写作目的,简单说明辞职的请求。2)具体阐述放弃某份工作的原因,表示遗憾或感谢。3)希望对方同意自己的请求,并对辞职进行道歉。五辞职信写作要点:1)舌职言要写得礼貌、诚恳一些,这样对方才容易接受。2)注意对原雇主曾经给自己的这份工作机会表达感激之情。3)辞职信的写作方法同样适用于辞去会员

15、资格,退出某一团体等类似书信的写作。六 黄金模板:Dear , I am writing to inform you of my resignation from the current position. I can/will for the transition process. Although I really appreciate the invaluable experience working here, I gradually find . In addition, .Therefore, . I would like to thank you for . Should the

16、re be any inconvenience and trouble caused by my resignation, I am sorry indeed. Yours faithfully, 七 经典范文:Directions: Two moths ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine Design & Fashion. But now you find that the work is not what you expected. You decide to quit. Write a letter to your bo

17、ss, Mr. Wang, telling him your decision, stating your reason(s), and making an apology. Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name the end of the letter. Use“Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address.Dear Mr. Wang, I am writing to inf

18、orm you of my resignation from the present position. I have two weeks prior to my departure for the transition process. Although I really appreciate the invaluable experience working here, I gradually find being an editor is not as challenging as I expected. In addition, I do feel that it is not eas

19、y for me to get used to the extra work and night shift. Therefore, I have accepted an offer by another company which I feel better suited to my career objectives. I would like to thank you for the experience of having worked for Designs& Fashions. Should there be any inconvenience and trouble ca

20、used by my resignation, I am sorry indeed.Yours faithfully,Li Ming八热点作文Directions: You have been worked as a project manager in an automotive leather company for 5 years, but now you decide to quit. Write a letter to your boss, Mr. Black to1) Tell him your decision, 2) State your reason(s), and3) Ma

21、ke an apology.英语学习计划 第三周C 致歉信一致歉信常用词汇:apologize v道歉 inconveniencen.不便compensate v补偿 guarantee保证remedy n补救,纠正二常用句式:1. Much to my regret that I am unable to 让我感到极为遗憾的是自己不能2. Kindly excuse me for my not being able to 请原谅我不能3. I'm really sorry and I hope you will be back soon.真的很抱歉,希望你不久就回来。4. Pleas

22、e accept my sincere apologies for this unhappy experience. 对于这次不愉快的经历,请接受我诚挚的歉意。5. We assure you that such a matter will never happen again. 我们向您保证,此类事件不会再发生。6. I would like to give you my apology for. 对于,我向您道歉。7. I must apologize to you for就,我必须向您道歉。8 I owe you an apology. 我向您道歉。9. I express my reg

23、ret at being unable to do. 对未能做,我表示遗憾。10. Please accept my sincere apology for. 请接受我关于的真诚道歉。11. Lets not put a little misunderstanding between us. 别让我们之间存在哪怕一点点的误解。12. I hope that the settlement of the matter will meet your wishes. 我希望对此事的处理能满足您的愿望。13. I sincerely hope you can understand that I offe

24、nded you unintentionally. 我真心希望您能理解,我并非有意冒犯您。三致歉信内容:致歉信是由于某事向某人表示歉意的信件,通常是由于自己的过错或不能履行承诺等而做出的道歉。四致歉信写作结构:1)表达歉意。2)说明造成过错或自己不能履行承诺的原因,提出补救措施。3)可再次表示歉意或希望得到谅解。五致歉信写作要点:1)这类信件一定要写得诚恳,提供合理的理由。2)解释完原因后,尽可能提供一个合适的补救办法。六 黄金模板:Dear , I am excessively sorry that I must apologize for . Im afraid what I have d

25、one has caused much inconvenience to you. In order to , I will . Please accept my most cordial and humblest apology. I do hope you and excuse me for .七 经典范文:Direction: you have just come back from Canada and found a music CD in your luggage that you forget to return to bob, your landlord here. Write

26、 him a letter to 1) make an apology, and 2) Suggest a solution.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address.Dear Bob, I am excessively sorry that I must apologize for not returning the music CD

27、 I borrowed from you. I tried to check everything carefully before I left to make sure I wouldn't bring back anything by mistake. Unfortunately, I didn't find the CD until I came back to China. I'm afraid what I have done has caused much inconvenience to you. In order to make up for my f

28、ault, I will mail it back to you immediately, together with a CD of Chinese classical music as a gift. I hope you will like it. Please accept my most cordial and humblest apology. I do hope you will understand me and excuse me for my carelessness.Cordially yours, Li Ming八 热点作文Directions: Yesterday y

29、ou failed to turn up for the appointment with your former classmate Wang Tao. Write a letter to1) Make an apology,2) Explain why you didn't go, and then3) Suggest a solution.Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Do not sign your name at the end of the letter. Use“Li Ming” instead. Do no

30、t write the address. 英语学习计划 第四周D 求职信一求职信的常用词汇:resume n简历 offer v提供potential adj潜在的 qualification n条件vacant adj空的 attach v附上enclose v附寄 relevant industry相关行业educational background教育背景二常用句式:1. I am writing you this letter to show my keen interest in the position of. 我写此信的目的是表达我对职位的浓厚兴趣。2. My major and

31、 experiences closely parallel your requirements. 我的专业和工作经历与贵公司的要求十分吻合。3. I would like to meet you at your earliest convenience and discuss the possibility of working with your company. 您方便的时候,我想尽早与您见面,讨论我是否有可能效力于贵公司。4. Thank you for your favorable consideration. 感谢您惠予考虑本人的申请。5. I am sure that I meet

32、 the qualifications you specified in your advertisement.我确信自己符合广告中详细列出的应聘条件。6. My references are available and I can send as soon as possible upon notice. 一旦接到通知,我会尽早寄送我的推荐信。7. With reference to your advertisement in.(newspaper) of(date) for a.,I offer my-self for the post. 从(日期)报上得知贵公司招聘一位,特应聘此职位。8

33、. I should like to apply for the position mentioned in your advertisement in.(newspaper)of.(date) 我想应聘贵公司(日期)在 上刊登招聘的职立。9. Learning from.that you are looking for a.,I should like to apply for the position.从处得悉,贵公司正在招聘一名,我愿应聘此职位。10. I would like to inquire whether there is at present a vacancy of.in

34、your company.本人想了解目前贵公司职位是否有空缺。11. I graduated with a BA/BS degree from. 本人在(大学)获得文学理学学士学位。12. After completing my four-year courses at.university in, I was employed by. company as a 在(时间)大学完成四年学业后,我受雇于公司,任职位。13. I shall be glad to provide you with any further information concerning my education and

35、 professional experience.愿意提供任何有关本人教育背景及职业经历的更多信息。14. I have been working in.Since my graduation, and have therefore attained a fair knowledge and experience in this field. 本人自毕业后,一直就职于公司,故对本行业了解颇多,经验丰富。15. I trust myself that I have the appropriate qualifications and experience for this post. 本人相信自

36、己的资历及经验能胜任这一职位。16. I am enclosing my resume. 随信附上个人简历。17. I can come for an interview at any time convenient to you. 本人可以在您方便的任何时间参加面试。18. I would appreciate the privilege of an interview.如果有幸参加面试,本人不胜感激。19. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to talking with you. 感谢您留意本人的求职申

37、请,期待与您交流。20. I would welcome the opportunity for a personal interview with you at your convenience. 希望在您方便的时候有机会和您面谈。21. I am willing to serve on trial for some months at a small salary. 我愿意在几个月的试用期内从低薪做起。22. If you have any position available, please grant me a job interview at your convenience. Th

38、ank you for your time and consideration.如果您有任何职位空缺,请在您方便时给我一次面试机会。感谢您抽出时间考虑。三求职信内容:求职信是申请具体工作职位的信件。这类信结构清晰,非常实用。四求职信的结构:1)说明自己应聘的职位,通常包含自己如何获知职位信息,亦可包括对自己的简要介绍。2)介绍自身的条件,可包括学校表现、工作经历和本人个性等,以证明自己符合该职位的要求。3)希望对方尽早回复,安排面试、回信或来电等,并表示感谢。五求职信的要点:1)应充分表达自己对该工作的渴求,态度要诚恳。2)应尽量展示自己的技能和经历,陈述要符合实际。3)信中应包括自己的联系方

39、式,并指明所附的材料。4)在强调自身经历和优点的时候,应把握尺度,态度不卑不亢。六 黄金模板:Dear , I have become aware that you are seeking people qualified to fill the vacancy for . I am convinced that . I major in . Furthermore, . My resume and list of references are available upon request. I appreciate your time and consideration, and look

40、forward to meeting you in the near future. Faithfully yours, 七 经典范文Direction: you are a senior who comes across a want advertisement in Beijing Today for accounting manager assistants. Write a letter for the job by gibing the following information:1) your interest in the position,2) your qualificati

41、ons,3) hope for an interview opportunity.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name ant end of the letter. Use “Xu Dong” instead. Do not write the address.Dear Sir/Madam, I have become aware through your advertisement in Beijing Today that you are seeking people qu

42、alified to fill the vacancy for accounting manager assistant. I am convinced that I would be well qualified for the job, and I would like to apply for the position. I major in accounting in my university. Senior as I am, I have spent several summers interning with a firm in Beijing. Furthermore, thr

43、ee-year experience in the Students' Union will surely enable me to get accustomed to the new environment and get on well with colleagues. My resume and list of references are available upon request. I appreciate your time and consideration, and look forward to meeting you in the near future. Fai

44、thfully yours, Xu Dong八 热点作文Directions: You have read a job ad in Beijing Evening Paper for an interpreter of Spanish. Write a letter to the Personnel Department to apply for the position. Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Do not sign your name at the end of the letter. Use“Li Ming” ins

45、tead. Do not write the address.英语学习计划 第五周E 感谢信一感谢信常用词汇:Gratitude n感激,感谢 indebted adj感恩的Hospitality n友好 reciprocate v报答take the opportunity 利用这个机会 obliged adj感激的heartfelt adj衷心的,真心实意的二常用句式:1. It is my great pleasure to show my hearty thanks to you for. 就能够表达我对您的衷心感谢,我感到非常高兴。2. You really added greatl

46、y to my convenience and pleasure of the whole trip. 您真的给我整个行程带来了极大的方便与快乐。3. Thank you again for your kindness and I hope that I will have the opportunity to return your charming hospitality. 再次感谢您的好意,希望有机会能够回报您的盛情款待。4. I am writing to extend my gratitude to you because with your help.我写信来表达对您的感谢,在您的

47、帮助下5. It is your unreserved help that enables me to obtain this splendid opportunity of. 正是您不遗余力的帮助,我才得以获得这个的绝佳机会。6. I appreciate it more than I can say. 感激之情无以言表。7. I deeply appreciate your sincere help. 我非常感谢您的诚恳帮助。8. I take this opportunity to express to you my deep appreciation for the kind assi

48、stance you rendered me.我借此机会对您给予我的帮助表示深深的感谢。9. Please accept my sincere appreciation for. 对,请接受我真挚的感谢。10. Many thanks for your kindness and hospitality. 多谢您的好意和盛情。11. Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you. 再次向您表示谢意。12. Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and I am looking fo

49、rward to seeing you soon. 再次感谢您的盛情款待,并期待不久会见到您。13. I wish to express my profound appreciation for. 我对深表谢意。14. Many thanks for your generous cooperation. 谢谢贵方的真诚合作。15. I am obliged to you for your unselfish assistance during. 感谢你在期间给予我无私的帮助。三感谢信的内容:感谢信是就某事向收信人表示感谢的书信。四感谢信的写作结构:1)说明感谢的原因,表达感谢之情。2)可具体谈

50、对方的帮助,以及自己的感受或这些帮助对自己的意义。3)再次致谢,或进一步表明自己希望回报对方。五、写作要点:1)语言要真诚感人,感激之情要恰到好处,不要过于夸张。2)建议在结尾表达希望回报对方的愿望。六、黄金模板: Dear , I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for . Without your help, . . Many thanks again for .I hope I will have a chance to . Sincerely yours, 七、经典范文Directions:

51、suppose you were taken good care of by Mr. Johnson, a friend of your fathers, when you visited London the week before. Write a letter to Mr. Johnson to express your gratitude in about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address.Dear

52、 Mr. Johnson, I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for looking after me when I visited London last week. Without your help, I wouldn't have enjoyed myself so much. Knowing I would visit London alone, I was really anxious at first. However, I felt much relieved when my father told me you, his best friend, would take care of me. Despite your tight schedule, you picked me up at the airport and to


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