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1、十六、日程安排A Visit to a CampusLadies and Gentlemen,Welcome to our university. To begin with, Id like to introduce myself. I am Thomas Wilson, president of this university. Its my pleasure to have the opportunity to address you here.Now, Id like to share the schedule of today with you. At first, at 8:30

2、in the morning you will be taken to visit our teaching building and laboratory building. About one hour later, you will be shown around our modern library, which is one of the biggest university libraries all over the country. During 10:30 11:30, we will show you our new gym with many new equipments

3、. At last, you will visit our canteen and will have a free lunch in the canteen at 12:00. As you all know, our university is one of the most famous universities all over the country. It has a long history of over 100 years with buildings and beautiful scenes. There is no doubt that our university is

4、 worth of your visiting. I do hope you can have a nice and fruitful day. If any of you have questions, please feel free to ask me at any time. Thank you very much for your attention.信息提示向听众表示欢迎做简单自我介绍,如姓名、身份或所代表的组织表达自己的荣幸引出日程安排具体活动安排一具体活动安排二具体活动安排三具体活动安排四活动地点的简单描述进一步描述活动地点表示参加者将不虚此行表示良好祝愿礼貌的结束语向听众致谢

5、2010年10月大学四级作文辅导材料练习答案注划线部分为参考答案练习1:句子改写下列句子1. I love Ann more than Mary. I love Ann more than I love Mary. 或I love Ann more than Mary loves Ann.2. I think, in my opinion, this book is worthy of being read. I think this book is worth reading.3. I only saw him once after that. I saw him only once aft

6、er that.4. I told him to not come on Sunday. I told him not to come on Sunday.5. He touched with his hand the ball. He touched the ball with his hand.6. A boy has this book who is in our class. A boy in our class has this book.7. Though it is raining, but he will go. Though it is raining, he will go

7、.8. The worlds population is being expanded. And the environment is crowded. The world population is rising so quickly that the world is becoming more and more crowded.9. Advertisements are very popular in this days. You can see it everywhere. Advertisements benefit the producers very much. They can

8、 let more people know of their products by advertisements. They can earn more money. Nowadays, advertisements are so popular that you can see them everywhere. Advertisements benefit producers so much that the producers can earn much money by advertising and making more people know of their products.

9、10. He is strict in his appearance, but he is rather an easy person. He looks strict, but rather easy-going.11. The students were deeply effected by the words of the soldiers. The students were deeply affected by the words of the soldiers.12. I am in this school for two years. I have been in this sc

10、hool for two years.13. We wanted him to be the monitor, but he refuses. We wanted him to be the monitor, be he refused.14. It is a secret between you and I. It is a secret between you and me.15. I know all what (或which) he said. I know all (that) he said.16. It is the best which I have seen. It is t

11、he best (that) I have seen.17. Please give me one other book. Please give me another book.18. Being in haste, the door was left open. Being in haste, he left the door open.19. At the end they reached the town. In the end they reached the town.20. Both of them did not go to school. Neither of them we

12、nt to school.21. I shall take an hour to do that. It will take me an hour to do that.22. I am going to cut my hair. I am going to have my hair cut.23. I have not seen him in the morning today. I have not seen him this morning.24. A boys hat is different from a girl.A boys hat is different from a gir

13、ls.25. I asked him for some paper, but he had not. I asked him for some paper, but he had none.26. My work is more perfect than this. My work is superior to this / better than this.27. The boy said that he will begin his work tomorrow. The boy said that he would begin his work tomorrow.28. The book

14、was laying on the floor. The book was laid on the floor.29. He promised to rise the mans wages. He promised to raise the mans wages.30. She always puts on a blue hat. She always wears a blue hat.31. I can win him at chess. I can beat him at chess.32. Few people will admit that they have wrong. Few p

15、eople will admit that they are wrong.33. They are leaving for London this evening at seven oclock. They are leaving for London at seven oclock this evening.34. He has been ill from last Friday. He has been ill since last Friday.35. There was no one there beside John and me. There was no one there be

16、sides John and me.36. The book is neither green or red. The book is neither green nor red.37. Tom likes basketball, John likes football. Tom likes basketball while John likes football.38. English is really difficult to learn, it spends me much time. English is really difficult, and it takes me much

17、time to learn it.39. The challenge of sailing the Atlantic was the most challenging feat she had ever undertaken. Sailing the Atlantic was the most challenging feat she had ever undertaken.40. The solution was simple, obvious and it did not cost much. The solution was simple, obvious and inexpensive

18、.练习2:过渡性词语给下列段落加上合适的连接性词语,使其更加连贯1. Another difference among the worlds seas and oceans is that the salinity (盐浓度) varies in different climate zones. _, the Baltic Sea (波罗的海) in Northern Europe is only one-fourth as saline as the Red Sea in the Middle East. There are two reasons for this. _, in warm

19、climate zones, water evaporates rapidly; _, the concentration of salt is greater. _, the surrounding land is dry and, _ does not contribute much fresh water to dilute (稀释) the salty sea water. In cold climate zones, _, water evaporates slowly. _, the runoff (流出) created by melting snow adds a consid

20、erable amount of fresh water to dilute the saline sea water.For example, First of all, therefore, Second, consequently, on the other hand, Furthermore2. Scientists now point to three different indicators that support the ancient idea that the full moon affects people. _, they have noted that more cr

21、imes are committed. A recent study in a larger city, _, showed that the incidence of arson (纵火) rose one hundred percent when the moon was full. _, a nationwide survey indicated that the murder rate rises by fifty percent during periods of a full moon. _, they have found that the body functions spee

22、d up during the full moon. _, the metabolism (新陈代谢) accelerates, blood pressure and heartbeat increase, and enzymes (酶) and hormones (荷尔蒙) are more active. _, they have documented evidence to show that people who have chronic (慢性的) illnesses suffer more when the moon is full. _, cardiac (有心脏病的) pati

23、ents have more attacks, and epileptics (癫痫病人) have more frequent convulsions (痉挛). _, diabetics (糖尿病患者) experience more disease-related problems. If the findings of modern scientists are accurate, citizens of primitive cultures were correct in their conclusion that the full moon does affect mortals

24、(人).First, for example, Besides, Second, For instance, Finally, For example, In addition练习3:句式变化改写下列段落,使句式有所变化,文章更连贯紧凑1. I was accepted and started work. My experience had been derived chiefly from books. I was not prepared for the difficult period of adjustment. I soon became discouraged with mysel

25、f and so dissatisfied with my job that I was on the point of quitting. My employer must have sensed this. He called me into his office and talked to me about the duties of my position and the opportunities for advancement. I realized that there was nothing wrong with me or the job and I decided to s

26、tay.I was accepted, and started work. Until that time my experience had been derived chiefly from books, and unfortunately those books had not prepared me for the difficult period of adjustment that every inexperienced secretary must face in a new position. Consequently I soon became so discouraged

27、with myself and so dissatisfied with the job that I was on the point of quitting. I think my employer must have sensed this, for he called me into his office and talked to me about both the duties of my position and the opportunities it offered for advancement. That talk helped me considerably. From

28、 then on, I realized that there was nothing wrong with me or the job, and I decided to stay.2. Speaking and writing are different in many ways. Speech depends on sounds. Writing uses written symbols. Speech developed about 500,000 years ago. Written language is a recent development. It was invented

29、only about six thousand years ago. Speech is usually informal. The word choice of writing is often relatively formal. Pronunciation and accent often tell where the speaker is from. Pronunciation and accent are ignored in writing. A standard diction and spelling system prevails in the written languag

30、e of most countries. Speech relies on gesture, loudness, and the rise and fall of the voice. Careful speakers and writers are aware of the differences.Speaking and writing are different in many ways. Speech depends on sounds; on the other hand, writing uses written symbols. Speech was developed abou

31、t 500,000 years ago, but written language is a recent development, invented only about 6,000 years ago. Speech is usually informal, while the word choice of writing, by contrast, is often relatively formal. Although pronunciation and accent often tell where the speaker is from, they are ignored in w

32、riting because a standard diction and spelling system prevails in most countries. Speech relies on gesture, loudness, and the rise and fall of the voice, but writing lacks these features. Careful speakers and writers are aware of the differences.练习4:提纲一致性改写下列提纲,使其具有一致性1. Topic sentence: Auto racing

33、is a dangerous sport. 1) Every year several drivers, mechanics, and spectators are killed. 2) Safety precautions are very limited when such high speeds are involved. 3) Soccer is dangerous, too.删去提纲中的(3)2. Thesis: Studying in a dorm is impossible for anyone who lacks unswerving (坚定的) discipline. 1)

34、Phones ringing and stereos playing keep me from concentrating. 2) Friends drop in and keep me from studying. (1) Card playing interrupted me. (2) Watching TV is more fun than studying. 3) Neighbors are forever partying: Loud music, talking and laughing disrupt me. 4) Studying is really hard for me.

35、(1) I fall asleep. (2) Chemistry 101 is beyond.删去提纲中的(4)练习5:段落写作Topic 1网络游戏对儿童的危害 (general idea supported by specific details) 沉溺时间过长 内容多为血腥暴力 影响社交However, children do not have adequate self-control. Once they get addicted to e-games, they spend longer hours than what is appropriate. Most of these a

36、re not educational games, but violent and aggressive virtual wars involving bloody killing and violence. In addition, poor social skills caused by excessive exposure to computer games can also be found in teenagers. This is probably due to the fact that as a substitute for friendship, on-line games

37、occupy the time children would otherwise spend with their friends, depriving them of normal development of communicative skills and making them more socially withdrawn.Topic 2: In general, people are living longer now. (cause and effect)In general, people are living longer now. According to statisti

38、cal research, the life expectancy of British people has quickly increased. If this trend projects in the future, in 2050, males and females will live up to 93 and 95 respectively. This partially results from improved living conditions and better nourishments. Modern food production and processing in

39、dustries have provided people with a wider and richer variety of diet choice. Buildings with modern conveniences like air-conditioning ensure the comfortable dwelling. Besides, the advanced medical technology is another factor contributing to the prolonged life span. With most diseases being treated

40、 and prevented by vaccines, the death rates have declined, especially among young children. Of course, peoples increasing health consciousness also plays an essential role. Fit-aware people are keen on doing regular exercises, keeping balanced diet and maintaining sound mood. All these factors help

41、to permit people enjoy their longer life spans.Topic 3: If I could change one thing in this university, I would like to improve_. (general idea supported by specific examples)If I could change one thing in this university, I would like to lighten the heavy school work for the students. Now almost ev

42、ery student is complaining about the nearly unbearable course load. Take myself as example. I am right now studying as a sophomore. In this term, I have taken 16 subjects. As a result, I have a very tight course schedule, with classes from 8 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday. And this doesnt include the

43、time of doing assignments, writing experiment reports and reviewing. Of course, my story is just the same as thousands of other students. Consequently, much of our time of doing exercises and even sleeping is sacrificed.Topic 4: The mobile phone is a blessing as well as a curse. (comparison and cont

44、rast)Cell phones have brought us enormous convenience and, at the same time, caused troubles. It is a blessing and a curse at the same time. With mobile phones, we can easily contact other people; enjoy the convenience in terms of both voice and text messages; use it as a storing device; listen to m

45、usic and even take photos. Compared with these strengths, they have also caused us the similar amount of bother. Our quietness together with our privacy is frequently interrupted. The radiation forms potential danger to our health. They even threaten our daily interpersonal communications! Now peopl

46、e are becoming so over-dependent on on-the-phone interactions that face-to-face talks are often neglected. Certainly, we wont throw cell phones away due to their troubles. What we need to do is make the best use of them and avoid those drawbacks. Topic 5: Drunk driving has become a major public haza

47、rd recently. (problem-solution-evaluation)It is reported that nearly half of road accidents are related to driving after drinking. This has resulted in fatal tragedies for both the victims and the convicts. For example, a drunk driver in Nanjing killed 4 and seriously injured 6 people. He, too, had

48、to face life sentence and great amount of damages. To solve this problem, strict traffic regulations have been enforced, alongside the closer monitoring and checking on the road. One of the punishments is that those who are caught drunk driving will be detained for 15 days, be he government official

49、s or ordinary citizens. Together with the widespread propaganda on public media, warning people of the potential danger, this trend has greatly been reversed.练习6:篇章写作1. Directions: In this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Network Harmony. You should write at least 120

50、 words following the outline given below:1)随着社会和经济的发展,网络成为了每个人必不可少的获取信息的工具2)但是,在网络上也出现了一些不和谐的因素,如垃圾信息、黄色网站、虚假新闻、网络炒作等3)如何采取措施制止和消除这些现象Network HarmonyThe advent of the Internet ushered in a new era of interpersonal communications and business operations. It is no doubt that the Net are revolutionizin

51、g the daily lives of the people who have an access to it. The primary reason behind the Internet boom roots in its multifunction. It provides a vehicle for netizens to shop, search, publish blogs and browse Web Pages.A range of problems lurking behind the frenzy of Internet impressively stand out. A

52、 vast majority of Internet users mail boxes are saturated with junk mails, an issue which sparks strong criticism and generates the loss of corporate productivity. Its not alone. Porn websites lure a growing number of young peoples visits. False news via the e-mail, BBS and chat room increasingly po

53、ses a threat to the social prosperity and stability.To crack down them, we should push forward a more effective law. We should join our forces to launch a nation-wide campaign, including imposing stiff penalties on spammers, shutting down or blocking the lewd sites and introducing a real-name regist

54、ration system to curb fraudulent messages. We can reasonably believe that our combined efforts will reap rewards eventually.2. Directions: A foreign delegation is to visit your university. You are assigned to make a welcome speech on behalf of your class. Now write a welcome speech to express your w

55、elcome, and make a brief introduction to your university.A Welcome SpeechGood morning, everyone,It is a great pleasure to welcome you to our university. Thank you very much for visiting our university in spite of your busy schedules. Now Id like to make a brief introduction about our university.Huat

56、sing University, under the direct leadership of the China State Ministry of Education, boasts a tradition of academic excellence. Founded in 1943, Huatsing University has grown to a comprehensive university combining science, engineering, law and liberal arts. HU has an enrollment of 9527 degree can

57、didates and 2046 members at faculty. HU, with the outstanding scholarly achievement, eclipses any other universities and colleges in China. HU students display their talents in a wide array of extracurricular activities and win a range of national awards. I hope you will have a good time here. If yo

58、u have questions, please feel free to ask me at any time. Thats all. Thank you.3. Directions: In this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Shanzhai Products. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:1)“山寨”已成为一种普遍现象2)有人认为是创新3)有人认为是剽窃4)“我”的观点Shanzhai


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