1、全国英语等级考试pets5级阅读历年真题Part BIn the following article, some paragraphs have been removed. For Questions 66 to 70, choose the most suitable paragraph from the list A-F to fit into each of the numbered gaps. There is one paragraph which does not fit in any of the gaps, Mark your answers on ANSWE SHEET 1.
2、For Richard Leakey, head of the Kenya Wildlife Service ( KWS ), conservation often seems to be a continuation of war by other means. His first period as director of the agency saw the introduc- tion of a shoot to kill policy to deal with illegal hunters. He also ceremonially burnt the countrys stock
3、pile of confiscated ivory-even though, as critics pointed out, the haul could have paid for a dozen new schools66.His second session in the directors chair began eight months ago (the interregnum was caused by his resignation to enter politics in 1994, after clashes with Daniel arap Moi, Kenyas pres
4、ident). The years, however, have not softened him. His approach this time is almost as aggressive as shooting illegal hunters-it is a system of heavily defended frontiers for the areas under the KWS orotection, which he refers to as hard edges.67.The extent to which wildlife and people can co-exist
5、has long been a worry to conservationists. Some of them argue that peaceful co-existence is possible, especially if the animals are made to pay their way through tourism and the cropping of surplus beasts to provide food. But others, though in general willing these days to fall in with the line that
6、 nature must earn its keep if it is to survive, suspect that the benefits will frequently accrue to people other than those whose activities actually threaten the animals-and thus that the invisible hand of self-interest will not give animals any pro- tection.68.The first place to be the target of t
7、his attitude is Lake Nakuru. It is surrounded by settlements, and its.boundaries have become blurred as a result. Now, thanks to a two-metre-high fence, those boundaries will be clear-and people who have been squatting on government land will have to leave.69.This valley is home to two rare species
8、of monkey, the red colobus and the Tana River manga- bey. People have lived there since before it was declared a protected area, but their numbers have expanded considerably in recent years. One or other group of primates must, in Dr. Leakeys view, therefore go. He plans that it will be the people.T
9、he Tana River resettlement scheme is supposed to be voluntary, and comes with incentives such as money for new schools, water supplies and clinics.70.Whether hard edges will work as well as shoot to kill remains to be seen. But it could prove a risky strategy. People moved off their land have long m
10、emories, and when political circum- stances change they may translate those memories into action. Even in Europe, many of those whose homes have been flooded by reservoirs still mourn their lost villages, and would go back giv- en the chance. And dams-with all the attitudes that back them up-are goi
11、ng out of fashion.A.But there are still some locals who would rather stay. In eory, they can. But they will have to put up with a series of restrictive measures designed to make life more comfortable for monkeys and less comfortable for people. Nobody, for instance, will be allowed to cut down trees
12、; and human movements will be strictly controlled. The message is thus pretty clear: please leave.B.Richard Leakeys second stint in charge of Kenyas wild animals looks likely to be as contro-versial as his first.C.Dr. Leakey seems to take the second approach-at least as far as the beasts in his cust
13、ody are concerned. He is aware of the fact that his actions will be supported by the government only because of the income they bring to the tourist industry ( one of Kenyas biggest export earn- ers). And if it is to be an industrial project, then industrial public-policy methods should be applied.
14、A western government, he points out, would not hesitate to use compulsory land purchase for a scheme deemed to be in the public interest (a hydroelectric dam, for exam- pie). So why should similar methods not apply to tourist-attraction wildlife reserves?D.That, though it will no doubt produce some
15、complaints, is probably reasonable-the squatters should not have been there in the first place. More controversial, however, is a scheme to encourage people to leave the valley of the Tana River.E.Such harsh measures (backed, admittedly, by an international ban on all trade in ivory) ap- pear.to hav
16、e worked. After decades of decline, the elephant population in Kenya has sta- bilised, and even begun to creep up again.F.This scheme means that Kenyas national parks are, in effect, declaring independence from the rest of the country. They will be surrounded by fences and defended by border guards.
17、 Those fences, which will often be electrified, will, of course, serve to keep the animals in and thus stop them damaging the crops on surrounding farms. But their main purpose is to keep unwanted humans out.Part B对于理查德利基肯尼亚野生动物保护局(KWS)的负责人来说,保护区往往是一种用另一种方式延续的战争。在担任代理主任的第一个任期内,他发起了“格杀勿论”的政策来对付非法狩猎者。
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