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1、Where is Sally?Part I News Words& Expressionsl garden(自家花园)(自家花园) l park 公园(公共地方公园(公共地方)There is a garden behind the house.房子后面有一个花园房子后面有一个花园 garden centre 花卉中心花卉中心 garden city 花园城市花园城市l park 公园(公共地方公园(公共地方)There is a garden behind the house.房子后面有一个花园房子后面有一个花园 garden city 花园城市花园城市 在床底下有一双鞋子。在床底下

2、有一双鞋子。 There is a pair of shoes under the bed.below 低于低于 over 悬空的正上方悬空的正上方 on 有表面的接触有表面的接触above 表示斜上方表示斜上方 tree n. 树树 under the tree 在树下在树下 (树叶)树叶)on the tree (人人) in the tree climb the tree 爬树爬树 an apple tree 一颗苹果树一颗苹果树 a family tree 家谱家谱 tree ring (树木的)年轮(树木的)年轮 clothes tree 挂衣架挂衣架 树上有一只鸟。树上有一只鸟。

3、There is a bird in the tree. (外来停靠在树上的)(外来停靠在树上的) 树上有许多苹果树上有许多苹果 。 There are many apples on the tree. (是树本身所有的,比如树(是树本身所有的,比如树上结的果子,就用上结的果子,就用on )m是鼻音,是鼻音,而而b是爆破音,是爆破音,爆破音失去爆破。爆破音失去爆破。climb the hill 爬山爬山climb the tree 爬树爬树Who is your teacher?谁是你的老师?谁是你的老师?Who is that?谁来了?谁来了?/谁的电话谁的电话? running shoes

4、 跑鞋跑鞋 After you. = You first, please. run after在在之后跑,追,追逐之后跑,追,追逐 A dog is running after a cat.一只狗正在追逐一只猫。一只狗正在追逐一只猫。l keep off the grass 勿践踏草地勿践踏草地on the grass 在草地上在草地上表示的是在物体表面上表示的是在物体表面上横着穿过横着穿过run across 跑着横穿过跑着横穿过swim across the river 横游过河横游过河walk across the street 横穿过街道横穿过街道throughthrough表示在物体

5、内部穿过表示在物体内部穿过walk through the forest 走着穿过森林走着穿过森林cat n.猫猫口小猫口小猫 kitty eg. It rains cats and dogs. = It rains heavily. 倾盆大雨。倾盆大雨。 Youd better stay at home now, it is raining cats and dogs outside. 你现在最好呆在家,外面倾盆大雨你现在最好呆在家,外面倾盆大雨.like a cat on hot bricks 热锅上的蚂蚁热锅上的蚂蚁garden undertreeclimbrungrassafterac

6、rosscat花园在之下树爬,攀登跑草,草地在之后横过,穿过猫Part IIText Where is Sally?JEAN:Wheres Sally, Jack?JACK:Shes in the garden, Jean.JEAN:Whats she doing?JACK:Shes sitting under the tree.JEAN:Is Tim in the garden, too?JACK:Yes, he is. Hes climbing the tree.JEAN:I beg your pardon? Whos climbing the tree?JACK:Tim is.JEAN:

7、What about the dog?JACK:The dogs in the garden, too. Its running across the grass. Its running after a cat.1234Questions 4. Whats Tim doing?3. Whos sitting under the tree?2. Is Tim in the living room?5. Wheres the dog?1. Is Sally in the garden?6. Is the dog climbing the tree?7. Whats the dog doing?S

8、hes in the garden, Jean.Wheres Sally, Jack?Whats she doing?Shes sitting under the tree.句句子子排排序序Hes climbing the tree.Is Tim in the garden, too?I beg your pardon?Whos climbing the tree?Yes, he is.Tim is.句句子子排排序序句句子子排排序序Its running across the grass.What about the dog?Its running after a cat.The dogs i

9、n the garden, too.1. she, doing , is , what4. across, is, it, grass, the, running5. cat, it, is, after, running, a 2. under, sitting, is, she, tree, the3. the, tree, climbing, is, he 组词成句组词成句Part IIIGrammar Focus1. Definition (定义定义)在英语中,在英语中,表示说话时正在进行的动作或事件,表示说话时正在进行的动作或事件,要用动词的现在进行时。要用动词的现在进行时。2. S

10、tructure (结构结构)be + V.-ing(现在分词现在分词)am / is / are动动词词1、一般情况下直接加、一般情况下直接加ing sleep-sleeping study-studying say-saying 2 、以不发音的字母、以不发音的字母e结尾的单词,去掉字母结尾的单词,去掉字母e, 再加再加ing make-making come-coming take-taking leave-leaving have-having 3、以重读闭音节结尾,呈现、以重读闭音节结尾,呈现“辅,元,辅辅,元,辅”结结 构的动词,先双写末尾的辅音字母,再构的动词,先双写末尾的辅音字

11、母,再加加ing stop-stopping sit-sitting run-running forget-forgetting begin-beginning 4、以、以ie结尾的动词,把结尾的动词,把ie改为改为y ,再加,再加ing die-dying lie-lyingExercisesclimb- run-write- play-sit- eat-drink- dance-cook- clean-climbingrunning writing playingsittingeatingdrinkingdancingcookingcleaningbe动词用法口诀动词用法口诀我用我用am你

12、用你用are,is跟着他她它;跟着他她它; 单数单数is复数复数are,we are,you are 和和they are;变疑问往前提,句末问号莫丢弃;变疑问往前提,句末问号莫丢弃;变否定更容易,变否定更容易,be后后not别忘记。别忘记。 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 What are you doing? 肯定句肯定句I am + v. ing.一般疑问句一般疑问句Are you + v.-ing ? 否定句否定句I am not + v.-ing.注意:当肯定句主语注意:当肯定句主语为第一人称,变疑问为第一人称,变疑问句时要变为第二人称句时要变为第二人称肯变疑,一变二肯变疑,一变二What a

13、re you doing?I am driving.I am not driving.Are you driving?What are you doing?I am watching television.I am not watching television.Are you watching television? 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 肯定句肯定句 否定句否定句一般疑问句一般疑问句What is he/ she / it doing?He/ She/ It is + v.-ing.He/ She/ It is not + v.-ing.Is he/ she/ it + v.-ing?Wh

14、at is he/ she / it doing?He/ She/ It is drinking.He/ She/ It is not drinking.Is he/ she/ it drinking?现在进行时的结构:现在进行时的结构:be + v + ing be(am, is, are)要随人称变化)要随人称变化她正在看一份报纸。她正在看一份报纸。 She is reading a newspaper.他的弟弟正在爬树。他的弟弟正在爬树。 His brother is climbing the tree.他们正在看电视。他们正在看电视。 They are watching TV.我正在穿

15、外套。我正在穿外套。 I am putting on my coat.我们正在看一只猫。我们正在看一只猫。 We are looking at the cat.现在进行时的否定句就是在系现在进行时的否定句就是在系动词后面加动词后面加not。她正在看一份报纸。她正在看一份报纸。 She is reading a newspaper. She is not reading a newspaper.他的弟弟正在爬树。他的弟弟正在爬树。 His brother is climbing the tree. His brother is not climbing the tree.现在进行时的疑问句就是在

16、系动词提前。 她正在看一份报纸。 She is reading a newspaper. Is she reading a newspaper? Yes ,she is. No, she is not. 他的弟弟正在爬树。 His brother is climbing the tree. Is his brother climbing the tree? Yes ,he is. No ,he is not. 他们正在看电视。 They are watching TV. Are they watching TV. Yes, they are. No, they arent. 我正在穿外套。 I

17、 am putting on my coat. Are you putting on your coat? Yes ,I am. No, I am not.2).( Tom watch TV )3).( They sit on the floor )4).( he read a book )5).( she play the piano )1). ( Jane have dinner )Jane is having dinner.Tom is watching TV.They are sitting on the floor.He is reading a book.She is playin

18、g the piano.变为现在进行时变为现在进行时Exercise一、写出下列动词的ing形式walk jump watch lie play sing smoke dance drive run swim sit tie read eat 二、用现在进行时完成下列句子二、用现在进行时完成下列句子。 1. _ you_(fly) a kite?Yes,_. 2. _you_(sit) in the boat? 3. _he_(talk) with me? 4. We_(play) football now. 5. What_you_(do)? 6. I_(sing) an English s

19、ong. 7.What_he_(mend)? 8. He_(mend) a car. 9. These boys _ (play) tennis on the playground. 10. My mother_(cook) in the kitchen.AreflyingI am.AresittingIstalkingare playingaredoingam singingismendingis mendingare playingis cookingPart I News Words& Expressions taip v.打字打字typev. 打字打字 .typist 打字员打

20、字员 keyboard operater 键盘操作员键盘操作员 n. 类型,风格类型,风格 blood type 血型血型 type A A型型 eg. He is not my type. 他不是我喜欢的类型。他不是我喜欢的类型。let n.信 b:skit n.篮子i:t v.吃bun n.骨头骨头kli:n v.清洗清洗kuk v.做做(饭菜饭菜)tu: n.牙齿牙齿ti:milk n.牛奶牛奶drik v.喝喝mi:ln.饭,一顿饭饭,一顿饭tp n.(水水)龙头龙头Part IIExerciseinClassWhats Nicola doing? Nicola She is typi

21、ng a letter.type a letter 20,000Whats she doing? she Shes emptying a basket. empty a basket30,000Whats Sally doing? Sally She is shutting the door. shut the door 60,000Whats the dog doing? the dog It is eating a bone. eat a bone70,000Whats your sister doing? my sister She is looking at a picture. look at a picture80,000Whats he doing? he He is cleaning his teeth. clean his teet


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