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1、从句的分类名词性从句形容词性从句形容词性从句主语从句宾语从句同位语从句表语从句定语从句状语从句Translation of Nominal Clauses名词性从句的翻译名词性从句名词性从句主语从句主语从句宾语从句宾语从句表语从句表语从句同位语从句同位语从句主语从句主语从句由代词由代词what, whatever, whoever等引导的主语从句等引导的主语从句“It” 作为形式主语作为形式主语1) 由代词由代词what, whatever, whoever等等引导的主语从句,一般按原句顺序翻译引导的主语从句,一般按原句顺序翻译 What he told me was a sheer lie.

2、 他对我说的全是谎言。他对我说的全是谎言。 Whatever I saw and heard on my trip left me a very deep impression. 一路上所见所闻给我留下了十分深刻的印象。一路上所见所闻给我留下了十分深刻的印象。 Whoever has made a trip to Mt. Huangshan must remember the clouds there. 凡是去过黄山的人都不会忘记那里的云。凡是去过黄山的人都不会忘记那里的云。宾语从句宾语从句 以以that, what, how引导的引导的宾语从句宾语从句 以以it作形式宾语的宾语从作形式宾语的

3、宾语从句句1) 以以that, what, how引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句一般按原句顺序翻译一般按原句顺序翻译 I told him that I had to turn him down. 我告诉他我不得不拒绝他。我告诉他我不得不拒绝他。 Did you hear what I said? 你没听见我的话吗?你没听见我的话吗? I told him how appealing I found the offer. 我告诉他,这个机会对我有着多么大的吸引力我告诉他,这个机会对我有着多么大的吸引力2) “It” 作为形式主语作为形式主语翻译时可以提前,也可以不提前翻译时可以提前,也可以不提前

4、 It doesnt make much difference to me whether you come or not. 你来不来我不在乎。你来不来我不在乎。 It seemed incredible that she should have lied to us. 她居然对我们说谎,这真是不可思议。她居然对我们说谎,这真是不可思议。 It is strange that she should have failed to see her own shortcomings. 真奇怪,她竟然没有看出自己的缺点。真奇怪,她竟然没有看出自己的缺点。Continued He would never

5、 let the history books say of him that he had been content to sit on the sidelines, to be a gentle, leisurely president, letting events take their course. 他决不肯让将来的史书说他甘当一他决不肯让将来的史书说他甘当一个袖手旁观、温和懒散、听任事情个袖手旁观、温和懒散、听任事情发展的总统。发展的总统。2) 以以it作形式宾语的宾语从句作形式宾语的宾语从句一般按原句顺序翻译,一般按原句顺序翻译,it可不译出可不译出 I made it clear

6、 to them that they must hand in their papers before 10 oclock in the morning. 我明确地告诉他们,论文必须在上午十点我明确地告诉他们,论文必须在上午十点之前交。之前交。 Anyhow, old chap, I owe it to you that I am here. 不管怎么说,老伙计,我现在还能站在这不管怎么说,老伙计,我现在还能站在这儿,全靠你。儿,全靠你。表语从句,一般按原句顺序翻译表语从句,一般按原句顺序翻译 This is where the shoe pinches. 这正是这正是问题的症结所在问题的症结

7、所在。 Things are not always as they seem to be. 事物并不总是如其表象。事物并不总是如其表象。 What he emphasized again and again was that no matter how difficult it might be, they should never retreat even for an inch. 他再三强调的就是,不管多困难,决不后退他再三强调的就是,不管多困难,决不后退半步。半步。 One difficulty is that almost all of what is called behaviora

8、l science continues to trace behavior to states of mind, feelings, traits of character, human nature, and so on. 难题之一在于所谓的行为科学难题之一在于所谓的行为科学几乎全都依然从心态、情感、几乎全都依然从心态、情感、性格特征、人性等方面去寻找性格特征、人性等方面去寻找行为的根源。行为的根源。同位语从句同位语从句 保持原本的语序保持原本的语序 译为类似定语的结构或独成一句译为类似定语的结构或独成一句 加入冒号、破折号和加入冒号、破折号和“这样这样”、“这一这一”、“即即”等字眼等字眼

9、 改变原文的同位语结构,用汉语改变原文的同位语结构,用汉语的无主句或其他方式译出的无主句或其他方式译出 1) 保持原本的语序保持原本的语序 He expressed the hope that he would come over to visit China again. 他表示希望能再来中国访问。他表示希望能再来中国访问。 As an obedient son, he had accepted his fathers decision that he was to be a doctor, though the prospect didnt interest him at all. 作为一

10、个孝顺儿子,他接受了父亲的决作为一个孝顺儿子,他接受了父亲的决定,去当医生,虽然他对这样的前途毫定,去当医生,虽然他对这样的前途毫无兴趣可言。无兴趣可言。 2) 译为类似定语的结构或独立句译为类似定语的结构或独立句 But I knew I couldnt trust him. There was the possibility that he was a political swindler. 但我知道不能轻信他。他是政治但我知道不能轻信他。他是政治骗子骗子这这种可能性还是存在的。种可能性还是存在的。 It does not alter the fact that he is the man

11、 responsible for the delay. 迟延应由他负责,这个事实是改变不了迟延应由他负责,这个事实是改变不了的。的。 3) 加入冒号、破折号和加入冒号、破折号和“这样这样”、“这一这一”、“即即”等字眼等字眼 But considering realistically, we had to face the fact that our prospects were less than good. 但在实事求是地考虑一番之后,我们不得不但在实事求是地考虑一番之后,我们不得不正视这样一个事实:正视这样一个事实:我们的前景并不妙我们的前景并不妙。 Influenced by thes

12、e ethics, the new generation live under the delusion that money does not stink. 受这种道德观念的影响,青年一代生活在这受这种道德观念的影响,青年一代生活在这样一种样一种错觉错觉中,以为金钱中,以为金钱总是香喷喷的总是香喷喷的。 4) 改变原文的同位语结构,改变原文的同位语结构,用汉语的无主句或其他方式译出用汉语的无主句或其他方式译出 An order has been given that the researchers who are now in the skylab should be sent back.

13、已命令将现在仍在太空实验室的研究人员送已命令将现在仍在太空实验室的研究人员送回地球。回地球。 Even the most precisely conducted experiments offer no hope that the result can be obtained without any error. 即使是最精确的实验,也没有希望获得无任即使是最精确的实验,也没有希望获得无任何误差的实验结果。何误差的实验结果。定语从句 限定性非限定性非限定性定语从句的翻译 翻译方法合并法分译法混合法1合并法(1)If the Buyer is unable to sell out the amo

14、unt of goods which he has agreed to purchase from the Seller, the Buyer may reduce the quantity of goods to be delivered to him by giving written notice thereof to the Seller before the shipment is made.如果买方不能销售他已同意从卖方所购数量的货物,买方可以书面通知卖方减少发货数量,再要求卖方发货。(2) Party B guarantees that the technical documen

15、ts to be supplied by Party B are the latest technical information which has been put into practical used by Party B. 乙方保证所提供的技术资料是乙方经过实际使用的最新技术资料。(3)Shipment shall be commenced within 10 months counting from the date when the contract has come into force and completed within 16months. 自合同生效之日起计算,10个

16、月内装运,16个月内交付完毕。 2、分译法(1)A fuel is a material which will burn at a reasonable temperature and produce heat. 燃料是一种物质,在适当温度下能燃烧并放出热量。(2)A healthy diet includes enough but too many kinds of foods that provide the body with the nutrients that it needs to function properly. 健康的饮食包括的食物应该充足但不过多。这些食物提供身体正常活动

17、所必需的营养。(3) The combination of satellites, which transmit information, computer, which store information, and television, which displays information will change every h o m e i n t o a n e d u c a t i o n a n d entertainment center.传输信息的卫星,储存信息的电脑,显示信息的电视三者的结合会把每一个家庭变成一个教育和娱乐中心。(4)The Seller ensure t

18、hat all the equipment listed in Appendix One to the Contract are brand-new products whose performance shall be in conformity with the Contract and which are manufactured according to current Chinese National Standards or Manufactures Standard. 卖方保证本合同附件一所列全部设备都是新产品,是根据现行的中国国家标准,或生产厂的标准制造的,其性能符合合同规定。

19、 3.混合法(混合法是把原句中的主语和从句溶合在一起译成一个独立的句子)(1)We used a plane of which almost every part carried some identification of national identity. 我们驾驶的飞机几乎每一个部件都有国籍的某些标志。(2)Fortunately, there are some chemical fuel that are clean and smokeless. 幸好有些化学燃料是洁净无烟的。(3)There was another man who seemed to have answers, a

20、nd that was Robert MeNamara. 另外一个人似乎胸有成竹,那就是麦克纳马拉。三、状语从句的翻译 英语状语和状语从句的功能可表示时间、 地点 、 原因、条件、让步和目的等。(1) He had scarcely handed me the letter when he asked me to read it. 他把信一交给我,就叫我念给他听。(2) Make a mark where you have any doubts or questions. 在有疑问的地方做个记号 (3)The crops failed because the season was dry. 因

21、为气候干燥,作物欠收。(4) Granted that this is true, what conclusion can you draw? 假设这是实际情况,你又能得出什么结论。(5)While this is true of some, it is not true of all. 虽然有一部分是真的,但不见得都是真的。 (6)We should start early so that we might get there before noon. 我们应当早点动身,这样就能在正午之前赶到那里。 在商务英语中,特别是在国际商务合同中,商务合同是合同各方就相互权利义务达成一致意见而订立的书

22、面文件。这种书面文件主要约定双方应享有的权利和应履行的义务,但这种权利的行使和义务的履行,均附有各种条件。当条件成熟时,当事人的权利才能实现,或义务方可履行。 请看下列例句 1状语 (1) in case of e.g. In case of quality discrepancy, claims shall be filed by the Buyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination. 若发生质量索赔,买方的索赔必须在货物到达目的港的30天内提出。 (2) in the event

23、 of: In the event of graft or serious dereliction of duty 渎职 ;玩忽职守 e.g. In the event of graft or serious dereliction of duty on the part of the general manager and/or deputy general managers, the Board of Directors shall have the power to dismiss them at will. 若总经理和/或副总经理有营私舞弊或严重失职时,董事会有权随时将其撤换。 (3)

24、 in consideration of 考虑到;鉴于;由于 e.g. In consideration of the Licenses and technical assistance provided herein, the Joint Venture Company shall pay Party A technical assistance fees in USD. 考虑到许可以及在此提供的技术援助,合资公司将以美元的方式支付甲方技术援助费。 (4) subject to 在条件下;根据.规定; 在.规定的范围内;以为有效。 e.g. Subject to the terms to t

25、his Agreement, the Producer agrees to be bound by the terms to the following marketing agreement. 在本协议的条件下,制造商同意接受下列销售协议各项条款的约束。2状语从句(1)If the Force Majeure event lasts over 60 days, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract or the undelivered part of the Contract. 若不可抗力事件持续60天以上,买方有权撤消本合同或合同中未完成的部分。(2)In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation, the case shall then be s


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