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1、东城区2011-2012学年第一学期期末统一检测初三英语试题考 生 籍 知1本试卷共10页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。2在试卷和答的卡上准确填写学校名称,姓名和考号.3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答鹿卡上.在试卷上作答无效。4在答题卡上,选择题用2B铅他作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。5.考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.学校姓名考号听力理解(共24分)读两遍.(共4分.每小胜I分)匹蜀 A.B.凶® A.HgLij陋AB.ffi 南c.领幽c.一听对话,从下面各期所冷的A.B.C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片°布段对话二、听对话或独白.根据对话或独白的内

2、容,从下面各肋所给的A.B.C三个选项中选抨酸佳 选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共12分,每小Ml分) 请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。5. What's the boy、hobby?A. Drawing.B. Singing.C. Skating.6. How old was the girl when she Parted Io leam dancing?A. Five.请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小就。7. What 're they going to do?A. To have a meeting. B. To go to a party.C. To meet a f

3、riend.8. What *s the woman going to wear?A. A shirtB. A dress.请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。9. What the programme on BTV 8?A. A talk show.B. A movie.C A sweater.C A game.10. What *re they mainly talking about?A. When to watch TV.B. What to see on TV tonight.C. How to choose TV programmes.请听一段对话,完成第”至第13小题。It. W

4、hich cinema are they going to?A. The one in the shopping center.B. The one next to the pwl office.C. The one near the market.12. How are they getting there?A. On foot.B. By car.C. By bus.13. When does the film start?A. At 3:5O.B. At 4: 10.C. Ai4:30.清听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。14. How many books can you borro

5、w at most each time?A. Two.B. ThreeC Four.15. What can you team from the talk?A. Students can borrow books and DVDs for free.B. There arc some reading activities every Saturday.C. If you want to use a computert you should book finit.16. What *s the speaker doing?A. Giving some advice.B. Making an in

6、troduction.C. Offering several choices.三、听对话,根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语.记录关健信息。对话读两遍。请根据所听 到的对话内容和表格中的提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。 (共8分,每小题2分)Sam's HolidayDaysWeatherActivitiesMondaygoodwent for a 17 near the seaTuesday18 and windyvisited some museumsWednesdayfinewent 19Thuradaya little coldvisited a 20知识运用(

7、共27分)四、单项填空(共15分,每小题1分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Kate is an English teacher and is very popular in our school.A. theB. herC itD. its22. LeMons start at eight o'clock the morning.A toB. atC onD. in23. Bad weather. Pul on your coat. you'll catch cold.A. andB. butC soD. or-About a

8、n hour.A. How longB. How manyG How much25. Which scarf isA. goodB. betterC bestD. the bwl26.A. MayB. NeedC CanD. Musiyou finish the work in time?27.28.A somethingB. nothingC anythingD everythingPaula cake for his mother last weekend.A. makesB. will makeD. has madeinteresting.29.一Tom. are you listeni

9、ng to muiic?my homework.30.A. am doingB. will doC have doneD. didThe show is starting. The teacher is telling (he childrenquietly.A. Mt downB. ail downC. sitting downD. to sit downD. will workD was readingD. will nowD. will take31. Tony knows China very well because he in China for more than twenty

10、yean.A. worksB. was workingC. has worked32. Mary this lime yesterday. She wasn't al (he party.A readsB. readC. is reading33. We'll have to stay at home if i(heavily.A. snowedB. snowsC. is snowing34. The boy Home by the police last Sunday.人 is takenB. was takenC. has taken35. 一 Do you know?-

11、Yes* They are on the table in the kitchen.A. where are my glassesB. where my glasses areC where were my glassesD. where ray glasses were初三英语试聆第4页(共10页)五、完形填空(共12分.珅小题I分)阅读下面的短文,掌握域大总,然后从妞文后各胞所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中.选择最 佳选项。Jane was bom in London t England« on April 3. 1934. On her second hirthday.36 fa

12、ther gave her a toy chimpanzee named Jubilee. Jubileewas named after a baby chimpanzee in the Lcnidon Zoo. This seemed to predict the rourse Jane's lifr would take. To (his dayt Jubilee 4g in a chair in Jane's London home.From an early age. Jane was very interested in 37 and animal stories.

13、B)ihc age of 10. she was talking about going Io Africa to live among the animals there. At the lime, in the early 1940st this sas almost im|K»siblr 38 women did not go to Africa by thrmsclvcs.As a 39 uoinan9 Jane finished school in London, and then worked for a filmmaker for a while. Wben a sch

14、ool frirnd invited her Io visit Kenya. she took another 4() until §h< mmir enough money to 41 there by boat. She was 23 years old.Once in Kenya t she met D匚 louis lakcy. Hr w«s surprised al her 42 of Africa and its wildlife. He soon realized that Jane was the 43 person to wrnplcle (he M

15、udy he had been planning (or some time. She expressed her 44 in the idea of studying animats by living in the wild with them, rather than 45 dead anim&h.Dr. Leakey and Jane 46 planning a study of a group of chimpanzees who were living on the shores of lake Tanganyika in Kenya. At (irst. the Brit

16、ish government did not pass iheir plan. At the lime, they thought it was too dangerous (or a woman to live in the wilds of Africa 47 . Bui Jane's mother. Vanne. agreed to join her so that she would n<X be alone. Finally. the government changed iheir mind. She was able to go to .Africi and beg

17、in her study.36. A. ourB. tlicirC. hisD. her37. A. plantsB. animalsC. GlmsD. hooks38. A. soB.ifC. thoughD. because39. A. youngB. strongC. UliD. beautiful40. A. tripB. timeC. jobD. break41. A. leaveB. travelC. findD. return42. knowlrcigeR. storyC. reportD. memory43. A. experiencedB. patientC. perfect

18、D. serious44. A. intereslB. thoughtC. surpriseD. feeling45. A. findingB. protectingC. visitingD. studying46. A. praclkedB. beganC. enjoyedI), kept47. A. againB. longC. aloneD. then48. From the pas5agr. we know Toza is A. a teacher B. an English lest49. If you want serious study. you can lakeA. cours

19、es in standard EnglishC couracs in American cullun*50. The isA. a piece of newsC. a business letterC. in New York City D. five yea re oldB TOEFL preparation countsD good pronurrialion coursesB. an advertisementD. an interview六,阅读下列短文.根据短文内容,从短文后各岫所给的A.R.C.n四个选项中,选提最佳选 项。(共26分,每小题2分)You want to kam E

20、nglish right?Go to Toza! Do it in New York?Toza Language Center in New York City is the place to nuke it happenYou want senous study-1Tbza oilers you courses in standard English.You want to improve your pronunciation?Toza offers good pronunciation and you will learn quickly.You want to get into a go

21、od US college or universify?Ibza otters comprehensive TOEFL preparation coursesYou u-ant serious business courses for good jobs?Tbza oflcrs many business English courses according lo your timetable You want to be in an exciting and culturally difTcrcnt American city?Welcome to New York City.Here is

22、what you get: The most reasonable prices Special teaching methods Small class sizes with computer labs Highly qualified and cxpenenccd teachers Special written ccrtifkationBIxmg ago. there was a young poor boy. He had no family. He only had an old camel. Each day the boy and his camel walked many mi

23、les looking for a home. Each mghl they stayed together and dept in the open air. But one evening, the old camel died. THe boy xt there under a tree and cried. What would he do? He had no family and no home.The boy cried for a very long time. But there was no one to talk to. There were only the stars

24、 in the ftky.Suddenly t the sky filled with bright light. The boy held his breath. He Has afraid to move. One bright star fell to the ground. Slowly t the star took the shape of the old camel. She looked at the boy aik! smiled. As she jumped back into the yky. biu of camel wool fell.As the sun began

25、 to rise, ihc boy picked up the 30n. wann hooL He carried Ute wool to the city and sold it With ihc money. he bought a house. He boughl Iwo young camels. He never fbrgut the star camel And he was never lonely qain.51. When the old camel died, the boy cried because.A. he was afraidB. he was poorC he

26、was lonelyD. he was lost52. What happened Grat in the story?A. The boy bought two new camels.B The boy collected the wool and sold it in the city.C The star fell to the ground in the hape of the old camel.D. Thr hoy and the camel walked many miles looking for a home.53. Whal can we learn from the st

27、ory?A. The boy was lazy and stupid.B. The old camel came hack to life.C. The boy lived happily in the end.D. The old camel changed into sMe.cJames Naismith t a physical education teacher tn Ma&sachusctlsv invented basketball in 1891. Naismith's boss asked him to invent a game that students c

28、ould play indoors during bad th". He wanted to Gnd a game that wasn't as rough as soccer or fbotbalLNaismith tied apple baskets to a railing (铁根)ten feet above the floor at cither end of die gym. The piayere used a soccer ball.A person sat on a ladder next to each basket at citber end of th

29、e gym t and threw out the balls that landed in the baskets. To keep the game from getting too rough. Naismith decided each team would have only five players and that the players could not play the ball with their feel.Two year* later, net bags were used instead of baskets. In 18941 Naismith added th

30、e backboard behind each net and changed to a larger ball In 19131 people began 网ng the bottomless netR that are used today.During a basketball game, two teams of five players each throw ihe ball into two baskets at oppmite ends of a court. Players bounce. or dribble the ball to the basket or pass th

31、e ball (o teammates. A team scores points by getting the ball into their team,basket. The team with ihc highest tcorc wins.By the 1900s. basketball was the moat popular indoor sport. People in nearly 130 countries play the game. Basketball is especially popular in the United Slatesw China, and Puert

32、o Rkp.54. When did people start to use a basketball?A. In 1891.B. In 1894.C. In 1913.D. In 1900s.55. What does the underlined word rough" probably mean?A. Boring.B. Popular.C. Hard.D. Quick.56. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A. The Invention of a Popular Game B. The

33、 Rules of tlw Old BasketballG What Naismith Found IndoonD. Why People Loved SportsDYou have learned about energy. Do you know (hat HEAT is a form o( ENERGY? Yep. this of energy ads on everything. And. weere going to look at a few experiments lo learn how this form of energy acts an(J why we need to

34、know all about it.The heat energy of something is decided hy how active its atoms(味子)and molecules(分子) are. A hot object is one whose atoms and molecmles are excited and show rapid movement. A cooler object's molecules and atoms will be less excited and shos less movement. When these guys are in

35、 the excited slate, they take up a lot of space because they * re moving around so faM. When the atoms and molecules settle down, or cool down, they take up lew space.If a HOT high-energy atom comes into contact with a cod l(m-energj- atom, the excited atom will loose some of its energy to the cool

36、atom. The two Atoms will reach an energy level thal's between where they each started out. That level is called Thermal Equilibrium.Experiment* If you have a cup of really hoi chocolate and want to ccx)l it down e you may put an ice cube in (he cup. After the tee has completely melted (disappear

37、ed) . the ho( chocolate and the melted ice have come lo Thermal Equilibrium.Now that you have an idea of what heat is. let's look at some of the effects of this (brm of energy. Here's another expenment. Blow up a balloont but not all the way. Put the balloon in a refrigerator for about an ho

38、ur, then take it out. Did it become smaller? Why?It became smaller because the air molecules inside the balloon slowed down and are taking up less space. Now put the balloon in direct sunlight What happened after it warmed up? Why?From the above experiment. we learned a very importanl factheat cause

39、s things to "grow”. We call this Thermal Expansion. If things "grow” when heatedv whal do you think happens (o them when they cold?If you get a chance lo check out some railroad (racks t notice (he gajis or separations between the rails. ( Don *1 get run over by a train!) Thermal expansion

40、 and contraction is why thoc gaps are placed there that way, and why expansion joints are placed in long highway bridges. You've probably felt expansion jointo on old concrete highways. Remember the (hump-thump" mu nd as you rode over them?57. How many experiments arc mentioned in the passa

41、ge?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.58. What is Thermal Equilibrium?A. The fact that hot atoms loose some energy to cool atoms when they meet.B The fact that tlwrc arc always the gaps or separations between die rails.C. The fact that heat causes things lo increase in size.D The fact that heat is anot

42、her form of energy.59. Why is the (irat paragraph written?A. To explain what heat energy is.B. To sort energy forms for readers.C- To give example of heat energy-D. To tell readers wliat to read here.60. Whal is the last paragraph rniiinly about?A. Why thermal expamion U on the tracks and highways.B

43、 How to check railroad tracks and concrete highways.C. Why railroads and highways are buih that way.D How lo remember (he "thump“hump” wund.匕、阅读短文.根据短文内容.从短文后的n个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项 中有一项为多余选项。(共8分,每小题2分)Something very strange happened to Lisa. She never knew “hr had a lwin(空生的)sisler until she s

44、Urtcd univerRity!Lisa was bom in Mexico. 61. so she went to live with a family in Manhattan. USA.When Usa was twenty years old. she started univenUty in Long Island. 62 _ But one day she was walking home from class, and a student smiled at her. MHello, Jane!” said the student. 0 I not Jane ."sa

45、id Usa.This happened to Lina again and again. It was very strange. One day t when a woman called her Jane. Lisa asked “Why do you keep calling me Jane?*The woman repliedt “You look like my friend Jane. You have the wme (iice and the same hair, h Jane your sifter?0 Usa said she didn't havr a sist

46、er called Jane. 63 . Finally she asked someone lor Jane、email addrcM.When Liu wrote to June, she found out that they both had the same birthday, they looked the same and both of them were front Mexico. When Usa went to live with the family in Manhattan. Jane moved to lx)ng Island to live with a fami

47、ly there. 64 f It had lo be Inie*A. Jane moved back to MexicoB. She enjoyed her university lifeC Li" and Jane were twin sistersD. Her parents could not Innk after herE But she was interested in this girl Jane八、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问1HL (共io分.每小超2分)Do you have friends? Yes. of course. The need of a fnen

48、d is unquestionable in these days. International Friendship Day is a clay for celebrating friendship. And it is very popular in western countries. The day has been celebrated in several southern South American countries for m/my yeare. Friendship Day comes on different dates in different countries.

49、In 2011 the General Assembly of the United Nations(联合国大会)stated 30 July as official Inlemational Friendship Day.On a Friendship Day. not only teenagers but profile in all age groups have different ways (o make this day special for their friends. Some believe to give a surprise party lo their ven dea

50、r 初三英谓注题第9页(共10页)friends t while some believe to go for an outing and talk to each other will make their life special. Th«e who live far away from each other and can *t make to meet perRonally on Friendwhip Day prefrr to wnd nowerw and greeting cards online. There are different kinds of gifts i

51、n these days on Friendship Day. Some believe to give expensive gifts like a watch, a mobile phone, a music player to their friends There is no exact way how to celebrate a Friendship Day 9 and it depends on each and every one *s feelings and standard of living. So people should think of the cost whi

52、le celebrating Friendship Day. if you want to leave a memorable Friendship Day in the mind of your friends, the best way is to pay attention to what your friends like most. Prepare in such a way and they will fed you ire the special one in their life.65 . Is Friendship Day very popular in western co

53、untries?66 . When is International Friendship Day?67 . How do people offer Friendship Day greetings if they an? far away from each other?68 . Whal should people do Io make a memorable Friendship Day?69 . What does the writer mainly tel! us about Friendship Day?书面表达(共25分)九、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分) 根据中文意思完成句子

54、。70 .打网球很有乐趣。为什么不试一试?Playing tennis brings a lol of Fun. have a try?71 .这个男核年龄太小.不能开车。The boy is drive.72 .我的手机出了点问题。可以用你的吗?my mobile phone. May ! uw yours?73 .我们和其他团队一样努力。We any other team.74 .帮妈妈做完家务,李华才开始复习功课°Li Hua the housework.十、文段表达(15分)根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的短文。所给英 文提示词语供选用。请不

55、要写出你的校名和姓名。75 .某英文报纸以“I made if为题举办征文活动,请你投稿。在生活或学习中,有时会遇到一些困难,但是在你的不懈努力之下,最终克版了困难.取 得进步°请你谈谈你曾遇到什么困难你是怎样取得成功的.你有哪些感受。提示词语:problem, improve t rruike a plan, try cxicfs be J. be proud2012.1东城区2011-2012学年第一学期期末统一检测初三英语试题参考答案及评分标准听力理解(共24分)一、听对话选图。(共4分,短小题1分)L A1 B3.C4. B二、听对话或独白选择答案,(共12分,每小题1分)5

56、. A6. B7. B8.C9. A 10. B It B 11A 13. C 14. C15. C 16. B三、听对话记录关健信息.(共8分,每小02分)17. walk 18. rainy 19. shopping 20. park知识运用(共27分)四、单项填空(共15分,每小题I分)27. A42. A28 . C43. C29. A44. A56. A2L A2ZD23.D24.A25.B26. C30. D31.C32D33.B34.B35. B五、完形填空(共12分,每小题l分)36. D37.B38.D39.A40.C4L B阅读理解(共44分)45. D46.B47.C六阅

57、读短文,选算量佳选项(共26分.每小题2分)4KC49.A50. B51. C52. D 51C 54. B 55. C57. A58.A59. D60. C七、阅读短文.还原句子。(共8分再小题2分)61. D62.B63. E64. C八、阅读短文,回答问题c共10分,每小电2分)65. Ym / Yes. it it.66. July 30.67. They tend flowers and greeting c&rds online.68. Bley should pay aaenbon to what their friends like most.69. When and how Io celebrate Fnendahip Day.书面表达(共25分)九、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)70. Why not / Why don' t


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