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1、Fast reading1. What do we know about Sinclair before he established his company? A. He didnt work hard. B. His teachers didnt like him. C. He was driven out of schools. D. He was good at learning.2. In which order did Sinclair do the following things?a. Invented pocket-sized radios. b. Joined Mensa.

2、 c. Launched the Sinclair C5. d. Became an assistant editor.A. a b c d B. b c d a C. d b a c D. d c a b3. Which is the main topic of the article? A. Sir Clive Sinclairs life and inventions B. Sir Clive Sinclairs life C. Sir Clive Sinclairs inventions D. Sir Clive Sinclairs reputation4. What were the

3、 qualities that helped Sinclair succeed? impersonal skills energy determination intelligence organizationA. B. C. D. 1. Sinclair 主要靠自学,与在学校和同学一起学习相比,他更愿意花时间自学。Sinclair was mostly _, _(prefer) to spend time studying by himself _ _ at school with classmates.2. 中学毕业后,他断定大学不能再交给他任何新东西。After high school,

4、 he _ that university would teach him nothing new.断定;肯定(多跟从句)He decided that he had been wrong.self-educated preferringrather thandecided3. 1961年,Sinclair 辞职并成立了自己的公司,生产袖珍收音机。In 1961, Sinclair _ _ his job and _ his own company, _ _ radios.1)The young man _ because he wanted to study for an MBA at Ha

5、rvard University.2) She _ after three years and started a nursery.3) He threatened to _ of the Energy Commission if his advice continues to be ignored.resigned fromfoundedproducing pocket-sizedresigned from the companyresigned as managerresign his membership4. However, the man providing the money to

6、 start the company pulled out of the project at the last minute.然而,出钱创办公司的人在最后一刻退出了这个项目。However, the man_ _the project _ _ _ _.pull out 拔(抽、取)出;(车等)驶出;摆脱困境他们在那个问题上陷得太深,难以自拔。They were so deeply involved in the matter that they found it hard to pull out.withdrew fromat the eleventh hour pull down 拆毁 p

7、ull in (车)停下,(车)进站,(船)到岸 pull over 车驶向路边停车 pull up (使)停下,拔起 pull through (使)度过危机;(使)恢复健康 pull together 齐心协力,团结起来他们怎么也没想到鲍勃会在最后关头改变主意。It never occurred to them that Bob would change his mind _at the last minute/at the eleventh hour5. 当他的公司最终开始生产并贴出收音机广告时,需求巨大,生意就这么成功了。When his company finally began p

8、roduction and _ _ advertisements for his radio, demand was high and the business simply _.1) The fire was put out soon after the firemen arrived2) The plant put out 4,000 tractors every month. 3) Put out the light4)The government put out a warning against flood.put outtook off扑灭扑灭生产生产关灯;熄灯关灯;熄灯发布(出版

9、、发表)发布(出版、发表)1)If you have finished with those tools, I wish you would put them_.2. The police have put _ a description of the suspect.3.Here is my addressput it _ before you forget it.4) Are you serious in putting _ such a proposal?5)He had to put _ an appointment with me on account of illness.Coul

10、d you complete the following sentences using proper PUT-phrases?awayoutdownforwardoff6) She claimed to be ill, but actually theres nothing wrong with her; she just put it _ to gain attention.7)He put his worries _ and went for a holiday.8) The Health Department has put_ a warning about dangerous dru

11、gs.9)He was put _ by the rude behavior of his guests.10) I asked the operator to put me _ to the Personnel Department.onoutoutthroughaside1) When he saw a policeman coming, the young man took off in the opposite direction.2)Come in please! Take off your shoes and sit by the fire.3)Because of heavy f

12、og, the plane took off two hours late.4)I feel really tired these days, so I have decided to take a week off.5)I think your career as a nurse will take off soon because you know what you are doing and what the sick want.The new magazine has really taken off since he became its chief editor.Pick out

13、a sentence whose “take off “ means the same as that in the above sentence. The company launched a new type of computer onto the market and was uncertain about whether it would be popular, but now the good news is that this type of home computer has really _ in recent years.A. taken on B. taken out C

14、. taken up D. taken off take away 拿走;使离开 take back 收回(所说的话);退回某物 take down 拆除;拆毁;记下 take in欺骗;领会;理解 take on 呈现;具有;承担;从事;雇佣 take up 开始从事;使用;占用(空间或时间) take to 开始从事;喜欢;沉溺于 takefor granted 认为理所当然 take advantage of 利用;欺骗 takeinto consideration 考虑某事 take care小心;当心 take over 接管;接收2011陕西卷,25)Some insects _t

15、he colour of their surroundings to protect themselves. A. take in B. take off C. take on D. take out Dont be _by products promising to make you lose weight quickly. A. taken off B. taken out C. taken awayD. taken in Many of his early products were sets of parts that amateurs could put together to ma

16、ke things such as radios. 许多他的早期的产品是成套的零部件,业余爱好者可许多他的早期的产品是成套的零部件,业余爱好者可以用他们组装收音机。以用他们组装收音机。 put sth. together组织,汇集;组装组织,汇集;组装 At last the naughty boy couldnt work out how to put the toy together. 最后这个调皮的小男孩弄不清楚如何把这个玩具组装最后这个调皮的小男孩弄不清楚如何把这个玩具组装起来。起来。 Far water doesnt put out near fire. 远水救不了近火。远水救不了近

17、火。 Could you put me through to the manager, please? 请帮我找经理接一下电话好吗?请帮我找经理接一下电话好吗? There are many toys on the shelf and you can use whichever you want,but please _ them_ when you have finished playing with them. Aput;on Bput;down Cput;back Dput;off6. 他的下一台电脑ZX81获得了更大的成功,他的公司的收入比前一年增长了600%。His next com

18、puter, the ZX81, was an even bigger _, and his companys _ grew _600%_ the previous year.hit n. 指红极一时的人物或事物;成功指红极一时的人物或事物;成功His newly-released album is quite a hit.make a hit (with sb.)给(某人)极好的印象hitreceiptsbyover 联想拓展:联想拓展:hit用作动词表示用作动词表示“碰撞碰撞”、“击中击中”;“使遭受(自然灾害、损失、痛苦)使遭受(自然灾害、损失、痛苦)”;“猜中猜中”;“达到达到”;Sh

19、e hit her forehead against the wall as she fell. 她倒下了,前额撞在撞在墙上。The bullet hit him in the chest. 子弹击中了击中了他的胸膛。A powerful earthquake hit the city. 这座城市遭受了遭受了一次强烈的地震。The death of her son has hit Mrs. Page Hard. 儿子的死使使佩奇太太悲痛欲绝。悲痛欲绝。Youve hit it. 你猜中猜中了。The idea hit me when I woke up this morning.今天早上我醒来

20、时,突然产生突然产生了这个想法想法。(1) Mike didnt play football yesterday because he had _his leg. A. damaged B. hurt C. hit D. struck(2) After he became conscious, he remembered _ and _on the head with a rod. A. to attack; hit B. to be attacked; to be hit C. attacking; be hit D. having been attacked; hitreceipt:发票,

21、收据;【pl.】收入,进款;收到Since I have paid off the debt, may I have a receipt?I will contact you on receipt of your order.收据收据接收接收7. 到20世纪80年代末,Sinclair对他的各项生意已感到厌倦,而将精力投入到针对高智商人士的英国门萨俱乐部。 By the end of 1980s, Sinclair _ _ _ his_ businesses and was _ himself into British Mensa, a club for clever people.1) He

22、 has made a good recovery but still tires easily.2)He went to Harvardas he _ reminding us.3)There are plenty of restaurants for those who tire of (are tired of) shopping.had tired ofvariousthrowingnever tires of tire of 厌倦;厌烦厌倦;厌烦 He never tires of helping others. 对帮助他人他从不厌烦 联想拓展:联想拓展: tire out 使十分疲

23、劳 tired adj. 疲劳的;累的 tiring adj. 令人厌倦的;引起疲劳的(1) After the long journey,the three of them went back home, _. A. hungry and tiredly B. hungry and tired C. hungrily and tiredly D. hungrily and tired(2) After an absence of ten days,the missing boy returned home, _. A. feeling tired and soundly B. tiring but sound C. tired but sou


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