1、2010年12月 大学应用英语A级作文真题(一)以销售部经理的名义写一封感谢信:1. 临近年末,感谢一年来在业务上的合作2. 简要回顾合作过程3. 展望未来,祝新年事业兴旺4. 希望(2012,12)March.30th, 2010Dear sir/madam,With the approach of year-end, we are truly grateful to you for cooperation in business last. We had cooperation
2、and made a great success in the past. Whats more, may your business always be prosperous. Looking forward to the futurity, we wish you health, happiness and have a good fortune .Moreover, we feel most obliged to thank once moreYou sincerely,Sales Manager(二)你新加坡的朋友在e-mail上告诉你他要来观看第十六届广州亚运会足球决赛,你感到很高兴
3、,写e-mail感谢他在新加坡期间对你的照顾,邀请他在广州期间住在你家,并表示将带他游览广州名胜,遍尝广州美食。See all places of interest and taste all the tasty foods in Guangzhou,Words for reference:足球决赛:the Football Finals The Football Finals of the sixteenth Asian Games in Guangzhou名胜:places of interest(三)请给学校领导写一封投诉信,反映学生宿舍情况:1一间八人太拥挤;Eight people
4、for a room is too crowded;2.无法上网,不方便学习;Its unable to access the net and not easy to study3.晚上熄灯时间可否推迟到11:00,特别是考试期间;Can we turn off the lights at night time be delayed to 11:00, especially during the examination?4.可否考虑宿舍安装空调,夏天太热,晚上无法睡觉。Can you consider install air conditioning in the dormitory, for
5、 the summer is too hot, we can not sleep at night.(四)在某商店购买了一部MP3,但最近发现播音时候杂音太大,并且还在保修期内,要求免邮维修,并告知邮寄事宜。10th December, 2010Dear Sir/Madam, I bought a MP3 player at your place on December 10th , but lately, I found it making noises when playing. Since it's still under warranty, I'd like to as
6、k for free-of-charge repair. Please inform me matters in relation to postage. Yours sincerely XXX (五)以南方本田汽车工业有限公司(Southern Hondo Auto industry Ltd.)销售部经理的身份给新加坡华美汽车公司公关部经理李绣文小姐写一封回信,感谢他邀请你参加将于2010年12月在其公司举办的汽车公关研讨会(conference)表示欣然接受邀请,届时一定前往,并请对方将研讨会的具体内容和安排细节传真给你, 以使做好准备。公关部经理PR Manager(public rel
7、ations)The sales ManagerSouthern Hondo Auto industry LtdChinaNov.14th, 2010Mrs. Li Xiu WenHuamei Auto industry LtdSingaporeDear Mrs. Li, Thank you very much for your kind invitation. Its with greatest pleasure that I accept your invitation to attend the Automotive PR conference in Dec. at Singapore
8、on Dec.1st.I will come on time. Please fox the specific content and detailed arrangement of this conference to me, so that Ill be ready I look forward very much to seeing you and other participants.Sincerely yours,Lily(六)2.假如你是某跨国公司销售部经理秘书,请给各区域经理写一份电子邮件: 2014年6月16日1)公司计划下月初召开2010年上半年的销售会议. The sale
9、s meeting of the first half of 2010 is planning to be held at the beginning of next month.2)请各区域负责销售的经理出席,All the managers who are in charge of sales should be represented3)请大家准备工作报告,将在会议上交流经验,Please prepare for a working report, and you should exchange experience at the meeting.4)如有事不能出席,要事先请假。If y
10、ou were unable to attend, you should ask for leave in advance.words for reference:跨国公司 international corporation(七)写一封邀请函,内容包括:邀请人inviter:蓝天集团人事部经理被邀请人invitee:各有关公司的人事部经理事由:召开人事管理董事会内容:定于2010年12月3-4日在滨海市友谊宾馆召开人事管理研讨会Words for reference: 董事会:board of directors 人事部门: personnel
11、department 研讨会: conferenceNov.14th, 2010The personnel Managers,All the Related CompaniesDear sir/madam.We take pleasure in inviting you to participate in Board of personnel management. It will be hold at Bin Hai Friendship Hotel form 3rd to 4th on Dec, 2010.Will you kindly let us know before that ti
12、me whether your busy schedule will allow you to attend our symposium? We are looking forward to your favorable reply and we would very like you to attend the conference.Yours sincerely,JohnThe personnel Manager of Lantian group(八)以小明名义给Mr. Foster写一封信,表示已经收到他寄来的礼物(一件精美的相册),非常喜欢这礼物,得知他将来上海参加你的生日晚会,十分高
13、兴,请将航班告诉你,你将去机场接他。June 7,2010Dear Mr. Foster,I have received the elegant sculpture you sent me as a gift. I feel a special sense of gratitude to you. The sculpture is really something special. I love it very much. It is appropriate to put it on my book shelf.Im glad to know that you will come to Sha
14、nghai to attend my wedding. Please tell me your flight number and Ill pick you up at the airport.Thanks again for your gift. Im looking forward to seeing you soon.Yours sincerely,Li Ming(九)假设你是某外语培训机构的经理,请给某公司写一份课程介绍:1)得知贵公司需要培训懂外语的员工,I have learned that your company needs to train the staffs to kno
15、w foreign languages.2)介绍课程培训的情况,如可以按学生原有水平分类为初级,中级或高级等,有口语课程商务英语课程等等;We can classify the courses as primary, intermediate and advanced according to the original level of students. It also contents oral English course and business English Course. 3)可以根据该公司的情况制定新的培训方案,希望有机会合作。(2013 年 12 月)We can devel
16、op a new training program according to the condition of company. I hope we have an cooperative opportunity in the future.(十)假如你是英语协会的会长,请拟一份通知;1)为提高全校学生对学习英语的兴趣,英语系将在3月份主办口语大赛2)全校学生都可以报名参加3)比赛胜利者送至市级比赛4)报名时间2010年12月21-25日5)报名地址:英文系办公室NOTICEDecember 18th, 2010 To improve the students' interests i
17、n learning English, the English Department will host language competition in March. All the students are eligible to signup and participate in it. Contest winner will sent to the municipal competitions. The Preliminary Entry Form must reach the English Department in 2010 December 21-25th. English As
18、sociation2011年12月A级真题作文一、说明:请以办公室主任的名义给公司全体员工写一封电子邮件。内容如下:1、 公司今年的夏季休闲旅游安排在七月份;This year's summer leisure travel will be arranged in July;2、 旅游的目的地有:海南岛、厦门、黄山或北京。(请任选一处)Tourism destination: Hainan Island, Xiamen, Huangshan, Beijing.( Please choose one)3、 请大家尽早决定,并直接到人力资源部报名。Please decide as soon
19、 as possible and sign up at HR Department.4、 公司给每人补贴1000元(不管路途远近)The company will subsidize 1000 Yuan for each person.5、 截止日期为六月二十日。The closing date is 20th June.Words for reference:夏季休闲旅游 summer leisure travel 人力资源部 HR department报名 sign up 补贴subsidy/subsidize二、说明:假如你是公司办公室主任王琳,请给某酒店内容:1)公司计划下
20、月将举办新产品的推介会;The company is planning to hold a new product introducing meeting next month;2)询问时否有能容纳100人的会议室及其会议设备,费用为多少;Can it accommodate 100 people and conference facilities in the meeting rooms? What is the cost? ;3)100人的晚宴报价是多少;How much is the dinner party for 100 people?4)希望双方能合作 I hope we will
21、 have an opportunity to cooperate.Words for reference:产品的推介会 product introducing/launching meeting 晚宴 dinner party三、说明:以人力资源部秘书的身份给求职人王浩写一封信。内容:1) 收到工作申请信和简历;2) 告知面试时间和地点并请携带所获证书;(具体内容自拟)3) 面试后有大约一小时的英语能力测试(笔试)4) 如有问题可来信告之,并请回复。Words for reference:求职信application letter 人力资源
22、部 HR departmentMarch 10,2011Dear Wang Hao,We are very happy to have heard your application letter and resume. I'm Black, the secretary of HR department. Now I'll tell you a good news. Our director is going to have a talk with you in his office at 9:30 in the morning of March 22. You'll h
23、ave to take all the relevant certificates.What's more, you'll have an English proficiency test for about an hour (written) after the interview. If any questions, please feel free to mail me. We are awaiting your kind response!Best wishes,Yours sincerely,BlackThe secretary of HR department四、主
24、要内容:请你代公司总经理Simon Johnson 给周敏先生写一封录取通知,很高兴地通知他,经董事会批准,录用他为财务处总会计师。请他在一周内到人事部门报到,并于下月开始到财务处任职。公司将为他提供一套住房,年薪为10万元。Words for reference: 董事会:board of directors 人事部门: personnel department 批准: approve 总会计师: chief accountantMarch 20, 2012 Dear Zhou Min, I am
25、 very glad to inform you that, with the approval of the board of directors, we are going to hire you as the chief accountant. So would you please report for duty at the Personnel Department within a week and start to work at the Finance Department. And you are offered an apartment with the annual sa
26、lary of 100,000 Yuan. Hope to see you soon! Yours sincerely, Simon Johnson General Manager五、发件人:史密斯·布莱克主题:祝贺信内容要点:1、刚刚获悉其荣升为ABC公司的总裁,非常高兴,特此祝贺。2、鉴于我方与对方公司是多年合作伙伴,期盼他上任之后,能够一如既往加强两公司间友谊,等等。3、如需本公司协作,谨请告知,本公司将4、祝其前程似锦,再创佳绩! 提示:以上要点不需逐词翻译,可用自己的语言去涵盖内容。 To: CEO of ABC Company From: Smith Blake Subj
27、ect: Congratulations on promotion Date: June 20, 2010 Dear Sir, I am very pleased to hear the good news that you have been promoted to be the CEO of ABC Company. Congratulations on your recent promotion. In view of the long-term cooperation partners between our two companies, I hope you could streng
28、then the friendship between our two companies as usual. Besides, please let us know if you need any cooperation from our company, we will provide it without any hesitation.Wish you all the success in the future. Yours sincerely,Smith Blake六、请按下列内容出一通知:标题:您的未来就在你手中;演讲人:张晓灿博士(GHB公司首席执行官)演讲对象:2012 届毕业生
29、时间:2011年12月8日地点:科学楼演讲厅(501号)内容:你就要离开学校踏上征程了吗?你想拥有一个光辉美好的未来吗?张晓灿博士(GHB公司首席执行官)将通过他本人数十年来在国内外求学和创业的成功经历向您细诉人生的真谛,指点未来成功之路。Words for reverence:演讲人:lecture首席执行官:CEO光辉的:splendid真谛: true meaningYour future is in your hands!Will you leave school for a trip? Would you like a splendid and better future? Dr.
30、Jiang Hai (CEO of GHB Company) will tell you the true meaning of life in details with his experiences of study, entrepreneurship and success in the past decades and guide your future success.Why not join us to spend an exciting day! You will enjoy a fruitful day.Lecturer: Dr. Jiang Hai (CEO of GHB C
31、ompany)Audience : 2012 graduatesTime: December 8, 2011Place: The lecture hall in science building (No. 501)七、 通知由于图书馆洗手间正在进行维修,请同学们最近几天暂停使用。原安排在图书馆上的课程已经调换到第一教学楼,具体地点见附表。洗手间有望到下周一维修完毕开放,为此而造成的不便深表歉意。
32、; 图书馆办公室
33、60; 2011年12月10日Words for reference:洗手间 restroom暂停使用closed(for use) 调换到 be moved to NoticeDecember 10, 2011Because the librarys restroom is repairing, it is closed for use in recent days. The course originally arranged in the library i
34、s moved to the first teaching building; you can read the specific locations in the Supporting Statement.Restroom is expected to be finished repairing and it will be open next Monday. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during the repairs.The library office八、说明:假设你是中国电信武汉分公司人力资源部秘书李明,根据下列说明写一则招
35、聘广告。内容:中国电信武汉分公司市场部招聘一位销售经理。要求:1、具有良好的口头表达能力和人际交往能力2、具有独立的工作能力及强烈的责任感3、高职商务专业毕业4、具有5年以上的市场营销工作经历。请将打印简历寄至: Beijing Road,Wuhan,430010李先生武汉市北京路36号邮编:430010Words for reference:中国电信武汉分公司 China Telecoms Wuhan Branch人力资源部 Human Resources Department人际交往能力 interpersonal skills营销 marketingThe Human Resources
36、 Department in China Telecoms Wuhan Branch, is now seeking qualified candidates for the Sales Manager in Wuhan Area.Qualifications:1. Excellent interpersonal and presentation skills;2.Independent working ability and strong sense of responsibility;3. Graduated from Higher Vocational School, majored i
37、n Business;4. At least 5 years of marketing management experience.Those who are interested in the position please copy and sent your Resume to Mr. Li, 10 Beijing Road, Wuhan,430010.九、说明:以公司办公室秘书的身份给公司各部门主管写一封电子邮件。内容:1) 公司首席执行官Smith先生因健康原因近期将离开中
38、国返回美国;Mr. Smith, the CEO of our company, is going to return to USA from China for his health.2) 经过董事会讨论决定其职位将由销售经理陈峰接替;After much discussion, the board of directors decided that Chen Feng will take over the position of sales manager.3) 请各部门支持他的工作。All the departments should support his work.Words for
39、 reference:董事会 board of directors接替 take over十、说明:以某公司总经理秘书Tom的身份写一则公司内备忘录。内容:通知公司于昂在本周五之前把个人的夏季休假计划交到总经理办公司,以便公司统一安排。员工们可以享受两周的带薪休假,今年一月份以后来公司工作的员工可以享受一周的带薪休假。如果有疑问,可以直接向李华询问。注意:正确使用提供的备忘录格式。Words for reference:人员,员工: personnel 提交: hand in对享有权利:be entitled to带薪休假: leave with payInteroffice Mem
40、orandumDate: March 25, 2011To: Company PersonnelFrom: Tom, General Manager's Secretary Subject: Vacation program in summer Summer is coming. Before this Friday, please hand in your vacation program to the general manager office so that we can give an overall consideration . The new employees who
41、 came our company after January this year can be entitled to be on leave with pay for one week, and the others for two weeks . If you have any questions on the details, feel free to ask me. 十一、说明:假设你是某产品开发部经理陈峰。最近你公司开发了一款新的软件包,欲邀请外国专家史密斯(Smith)先生参加本次演示发布会。请写一份邀请信给他。内容:1、演示发布会时间和地点:下周二上午10点在本公司的三号会议室
42、2、演示发布会安排a)介绍新软件包系统的性能和用法;b)新软件包系统演示。3、出席会议的费用将由本公司承担。写信时间;2011年12月8日要求:按照写信的格式。Words for reference:演示发布会 demonstration软件包 software package承担 coverDec.8th, 2011Dear Smith,It is my great honor to invite you to attend the demonstration about the new software package developed by our company in N
43、O.3 meeting room at 10 am. next Tuesday. In the demonstration, we will introduce the performance and usage of the new software. In addition, the system of the software will also be demonstrated. Last Id like to tell you that the fees you attend the meeting will be covered by our company.Looking forw
44、ard to your attendance.Yours sincerely, Chen FengThe manager of the Development Dep. 翻译1. Avon(雅芳)is a leading maker of beauty products for women. It started out in 1886 as the California Perfume Company(加利福尼亚香水公司)and was named Avon in1939. Avon was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1964
45、. As the words largest direct seller, Avon sells to women in over 100 countries through 5.4million independent Avon Sales Representatives. The company began offering products for men in 2004. In 2008, Avon reported sales of $10.69 billion and new income of $875.3 million.雅芳是一个女性美容产品的主要制造商。它以加利福尼亚香水公
46、司为名,创始于1886年,并在1939年命名为雅芳。它于1964年在纽约证券交易所上市。作为世界上最大的直销商,雅芳利用5,400,000 名独立的销售代表向超过100个国家的女性进行售卖产品。该公司在2004年开始提供男士用品。2008年,雅芳公布销售额为10,690,000,000美元和新增收入额为875,300,000美元。2. SPEED LIMITS The absolute maximum speed limit of vehicles is 55 m.p.h. (88 kilometers per hour). The posted speed limit will
47、be less than55 m.p.h. in cities, towns, and on some roads. You may drive at maximum posted speeds ONLY under the best of conditions, It is necessary to drive SLOWER when: ·going around curves, ·pedestrian(行人的)hazards exist, &
48、#160; ·approaching the top of hills, ·traffic, weather, or road conditions are less than ideal. 速度限制车辆的绝对最大速度限制是55英里(88公里/小时)。在城市,小城镇和一些道路上时速应低于55英里,和一些道路上。只有在状况最好的情况下你才可以使用最大速度,在下列情况下必须放慢速度: ·转弯时,
49、; ·存在行人危险时, 接近山顶时, 交通,天气,或道路条件不理想时 填空 1、Please read the instructions(careful) carefully before you complete the application form. 2. There is an excellent indoor (swim) swimming pool, tennis court, art r
50、oom and sports field in the East Bourne Centre. 3. The two sides finally arrived at an (agree) agreement through hard negotiations. 4. In this program, anyone could step up and take the microphone to give a (perform) performance on stage. 5. I wont listen to his proble
51、ms because I dont want to set (involve) involvement in this affair 6. Rice is grown in China, Japan and other (Asia) Asian countries. 7. Kim didnt answer when I calledshe must (go) go to bed. 8. For decades, a great amount of research (do)has been done
52、on the course of cancer around the world. 9. He might have been killed in that car accident yesterday if he (take) had taken part in. 10. We all felt(great) greatly relieved to have rain after a long time of drought(干旱). 11. The nurse told the visitors
53、(not speak) not to speak so loudly as to disturb the patients. 12. (General) Generally speaking, first year students would miss their families and friends very much at college. 13. T-shirts are so popular today that they can (see) be seen
54、on everyone. 14. I am very (please) pleased to inform you that you have won the first prize. 15. If you prefer to keep your own valuables, we recommend you keep them (lock) locking in your room safe. 17. It is suggested that th
55、e project (delay) delay for a month because of the shortage of funds. 2012年12月A级真题一、假设你是办公室秘书Susan,请按照经理的计划给美国某公司市场部写一份电子邮件。内容:1. 我公司销售部经理Mr. Clark Johnson 一行3人将于12月23日抵达纽约;2. 计划与贵公司市场部举行会谈,商议合作事宜;3. 希望贵公司的产品能在中国大陆地区有很大的市场;4. 表示感谢。To: Marketing DepartmentFrom: Susan, Execu
56、tive SecretarySubject: TalksDate: December 23, 2012The sales manager of our company, Mr. Clark Johnson, together with other two clerks will arrive in New York on 25th of this month. They plan to negotiate the cooperation with the marketing department of your company. We sincerely wish you could have
57、 a large market for your products in Chinese mainland.Thank you for your consideration.Yours faithfully,SusanExecutive Secretary二、假设你是一位外企职员,因故要辞职,特向公司总经理Mr. White 写辞职信,内容如下:1.你在本公司已工作了5年,为公司尽了自己的努力;2.因住宅和公司相距较远,每天来回不易,所以想换一个离家近点的公司工作;3.告诉公司总经理自己希望辞职的具体日期;4.对公司总经理数年来对自己的关心和培养表示感谢和留恋;5.如公司一时找不到合适的接替人
58、,自己可推迟2个月辞职。Word: 辞职:resign 留恋:reluctant to leaveMay.13th,2012Dear Mr. White,I am the employee in your company and now I am sorry to tell you that Id like to resign.I have worked here for five years and I have paid my dues /tried my best to work, for I like this job very much and I am reluctant to l
59、eave. But my house is a little far away from the company, which is difficult for me to travel in and out to work every day, so I want to look for another company near my house to avoid this inconvenience.Id like to leave on 20th of this June. If the company couldnt find the right person for my posit
60、ion, my resign can be delayed by two months.Last, Id like to thank you for your years of care and cultivation.Yours sincerely,Li Gang三、说明:假定你是某公司的销售经理,代表公司给老客户写一封通知涵。内容:为了更好地推销本公司的新产品,公司特向所有老客户发出通知,告知他们本公司已把网站全部进行了更新,并在网上提供了一批新产品,供客户选购,欢迎客户访问更新的网站。写信日期:2012年12月24日要求:按照书信的格式公司网站名:Word:推销:promote the sales更新:update Dec.24, 2012 Dear Sir/Madam, We would like to inform you of
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