



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Environment/animal protectionSolution:1. The government is supposed to take steps to set the relative laws and rules to punish the action of .2. The government should enhance the investment on the environmental protection techniques.3. It is necessary for the government draft some serio

2、us policies and measures to control the phenomenon of.4. The main trend media is supposed to spread and strengthern the public environmental protection awareness .5. Some relative organisations should be established to raise the fund for the environmental protection programs.6. Some International Pr

3、otocols should be signed for the .7. Those companies and factories are supposed to have some revolution to improve their ways of manufacture, in order to reduce the use or waste of resources.Reasons for protection1. Animals and plants are the most significant natural resources of versatile utilities

4、.2. Animals and plants play an essential role in the biology system, they just avail the system balanced.3. We human beings might threantened directly after the destoruction of the animals and plants.Reasons for use1. Animals and plants are the most significant natural resources of versatile utiliti

5、es.2. It do make sense for scientific research, which promote the development of medicene.3. Base on the fact that animals and plants abound in nutritions, they benefit our health a lot.4. At the present, there is no suitable substitude for those animals and plants.5. It is acceptable that what we d

6、o is just suits the competition rule in the nature.Reasons for against the use1. Animals and plants are the most significant natural resources of versatile utilities.2. It is really cruel to violate the rights of other lives.Education/teenager1. The students' learning abilities and skills may ge

7、t improved a lot with reasonable educational methods and ways.2. It can help students develop a good study habit and keep themselves healthy physically and psychologically.3. Students can adopt to the society of fierce competition after being possessed the essential skills and abilities of getting a

8、 job and living.4. We can accumulate some important social experiences, which benefit our employment in the future.5. It can improve students' abilities to solve a problem and they can benefit from the various viewpoints and experience.6. It can improve their social skills, which led them to com

9、e to realise the importance of cooperation. 7. It can prepare ourselves for the future, also avail for our profession develop.8. It helps the students to promote their awareness fo moral standards , and keep observing to the social regulations.9. It can promote the acknowlede of those badness, decre

10、ase the school violence and intemperance as well as those behaviors aganist the society.10. To be survival in such a fierce competition, we need education constantly to improve our quality and special skills.Scinece/Internet/electronic products1. They enrich our daily life and make our life more cov

11、enient and comfortable.2. They contribute to the mount the communication of imfromation and the frequancy of trade.3. They improve the working efficiency and shorten the working time.4. They make it possible for individuals spend more time with their families.5. They changed our life style totally,

12、which result in a better level of life.6. They allow more ways to get access to the informations, and enrich our knowledge.7. They provide more chances to get educated.Cons1. They result in a more fierce competition in our society, also put more strains on our work and life.2. They accelerate the wo

13、rking rhythm and reduce our time to communicate with our parents.3. To some extent, our working time is extended.4. We turned to be out of imagination and just receive the infromation passively.5. The acceleration of working rhythm has arouse some diseases like obesty, stroke, glycuresis.6. The undu

14、e development of industry has resulted in more serious environmental problems, such as greenhouse effect, lack of water resource, the decrease of animals and plants.7. The communication between us become less and less, what we care is just ourselves, which result in a self-centred society.SocietyUrb

15、anisationReasons1. The development of the transport and communication vehicles make it a breeze to live in rural area.2. Due to the development of industry and economy, more factories and business area are being built in villages.3. Because of the population bang , more peasant-workers come to citie

16、s for better jobs.4. For the more spacious room and better environment, people tend to choose to live in urbans.Negative effects1. Due to the huge population mobility, the crime rate is ascending, which affect the harmony of our society very much.2. The fundamental facilities' cost mounted rapid

17、ly due to the population bang.3. The urbanisation has a great impact on the environment, which bring about the pollution problems and threatened our health.4. The urbanisation reasults in more traffic congestion, which influence the working efficiency and delay the trasport of products and services.

18、Positive effects1. The urbanisation improved the living level and get rid of the gap between urbans and suburbs gradually.2. The urbanisation resulted in the development and prosperity of some relative industries, and bring more job opportunities to those who living in rurals, also our incomes incre

19、ased.3. Alleviate the gap between the affluent and the poor, which is really good for the harmony and stability of our society.4. The urbanisation made our government pur more investment on the rural areas, which can better the fundamental facilities.5. The urbanisation enrich the quality of the sci

20、ence and culture of farmers, thus the productivity got improved.Solutions to negative effects1. Our government is expected to establish some rational laws and regulations to control the population mobility and decrease the crime rate.2. The government must put more investment into the fundamental fa

21、cilities and strengthen the people's awareness of environmental protection.3. THE SOLUTIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS4. Ensure that the new construction projects would not damage the local environment and biological system, only in this way can the local natural and cultural resources be preserv

22、ed.The reflections/influences/consequences of the gap between urbans and rural areas1. It enlarged the gap of incomes, which led to the unfair of the allocation of wealth.2. The resources allocation turned out to be unbalanced, since the villages lack various fo fundamental facilities and service.3.

23、 Due to the lack of approaches to get access to education, the illiteracy rate is pretty high.4. The main resources of medical treatment and education are all in the urbans.5. The population density in the cities is pretty high, as well as the job opportunities.Solutions to the gap between urbans an

24、d rural areas1. Our government is supposed to make some preference policies to propel rural development.2. The government should increase the investment on the fundamental facilities in rural areas, better the transport and the communication and energy supplies in villages.3. The government should b

25、ring the advanced education resources to the countryside, and increase the educational investment to improve the villagers' cultural quality.4. It is necessary to encourage the individuals in rural areas to be self-empolyed and provid them with more job opportunities in order to increase their i

26、ncomes.Aging populationReasons1. Our living level improved a lot, thus we can live longer than before.2. The medical treatment improved very much.3. The birth rate is much higher than death rate, which result in a totally change of our population composition.Negative effects1. It put on more finicia

27、l burden on individuals and family.2. It is really a challenge for current medical treatment resource.3. The population composition changed and the aged population account for a increasing part, consequensely the working rhythm was influenced.4. Under the circumstance of the increasing of aging popu

28、lation, the labour turned out to be deficient all the time.Possitive effects1. To some extent, our medicine techniques improved due to the soar of aging population.2. The augment of the aging population arouse some requirements of new industries, and result in the development and prosperity of those

29、 industries like insurance, medical treatment, saving, etc.3. To some degree, the mount of aging population means the average lifespan is longer and people can devote their knowledge and talants for our society for more time.Solutions to negative effects1. The government must take steps to invest in

30、 the fundamental facilities, ensure the old's rights.2. The government and relative organisations are supposed to establish some special department to care the old and their family, and anesis their finacil burdens.3. The society and individuals should create a hamonious and healthy environment,

31、 in order to let them enjoy their twilight ages.4. The old should be encouraged to go on their study and receive education, in this way can they make more contribution to our society.GlobalisationPros1. The globalisation enlarged our knowledge, also enable us consider a problem in a different perspe

32、ctive.2. The globalisation promoted our communication and study of languages, and enable the youth go abroad for further study.3. People can learn various cultures and values, which allow us living in a peaceful way and preserve the multiculture.4. With the communication among the countries turned o

33、ut to be more frequent, the collisions can be avoided and the global issue can be settled in a reasonable way.5. People can learn more about the different culture, which help us to get through the cultural obstales to communication with others.6. The underdeveloped country can import the modern tech

34、niques and experience to develop the local economy, meanwhile the developed country can make up their deficiency of labour through skilled migration.7. The globalisation can help us join in a new culture and environment.8. The globalisation can help us understand the local tradition and led us to ge

35、t more opportunities to achieve success.9. The globalisation benefit a lot to the further understanding among different countries and reduce the cultural shock.Cons1. Our local culture and language may get party destoried , thus the cultural independence is threatened.2. The labour in developing cou

36、ntries are being exploited, and the industries of those countries were badly impacted.3. The youth prefer oversea products, entertainments and life styles, which had great impact on their values.4. The increase of industrial manufacture and transport result in more greenhouse gas.5. The augment of o

37、versea migration led to the decrease of job opportunities, which result in more pression on employment.Investments of governmentPros1. Those investments cater to the public interests and bring more convenience to the public.2. The investments on education can help those people lift themselves out of poverty.3. The investments on education can advance the working capacity of individuals, which could result in a great influence on our


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