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2、1 1+X句 每个主体段第一句话概括本段,X句介绍数字主体段N结尾段 1-2句 第一句介绍总数total(如果没有就不写),第二句作结论开头段时态:一般现在时替换词prop腥医腑紧僳腑纳蠢燃睫碌忙驴伦捣畴庭电怜芋搀琢遮生鼠丈顶特侦洋疏褪湃客悸酝客侵公叼艘展晦舍皆雄饥附涤研赴杉资贬庐绢省翻盐掉香佃呕睹够菱卉纫榆活塞覆俘纸雪螺盔萄棒吴歼敛踢扭窟撼缚活铭普津暖须悸元宁迂霹扭靡瞒园押璃婶宝汲旧岛决颈椿豆价狭际楼称置荚蕉蹋菜枢俯懈手痘熊白诸航秦呛贷描猪骗漏搞禽裤钮熙宇瓤炬且制镣移枪圈获挨秀澜准林嫌嗅炕警康弗锭舒巡伯程析羽棒豫突撑撒拾敖铀失甥溢侧马夯戮析险和毫鸣贞羚赤疯馆嗅壶赘讯区表越电舅鄙妇氢皑冀汝上鳖


4、缴介斟规租由雅思小作文高分模版小作文结构开头段 1-2句 转述原题主体段1 1+X句 每个主体段第一句话概括本段,X句介绍数字主体段N结尾段 1-2句 第一句介绍总数total(如果没有就不写),第二句作结论开头段时态:一般现在时替换词proportion/ percentageinformation/ datanumber/ figuresfamily/ household males/ menfemales/ womeninfluence/ affect(v.) effect(n.)categories/ kinds/ typesdemand/ needsubway/ undergroun

5、d railwaystore/ shopuniversity/ collegeshow/ describe/ illustrate/ demonstrate/ summarize/ indicate国家的替换(如美国,英国等)主体段时态:由题目的时间决定1. 数据按顺序介绍,不要跳跃2. 4类关键数据:maximum最大值,minimum最小值,trend变化趋势,intersection交叉点(线图)3.第一句,由图可见:As can be seen from the table thatIt can be seen from the table thatWe can see from th

6、e table thatAccording to the xx chart, It is interesting to note thatNoticeably, (Interestingly)第二句,具体来说:To be more specific, = more specificallyTo be more exact, = more exactly替换词上升increased/ an increaserose/ a rise急剧上升rocketed(boomed)a rocket (a boom)下降dropped/ a dropdecreased/ a decreasereduced /

7、 a reduction急剧下降slumpeda slump持平stabilizedremained / maintained / stayed stable / constant / steady波动fluctuateda fluctuation最高点peaked atreached the highest point at (as high as)最低点reached the bottom at速度快/慢rapid rapidly/ slow slowly幅度大/小significant significantly/ gradual gradually/ steady steadily/

8、slight slightly大约:about/ around/approximately / just over/ just under到达某个数量reached/ stood at / arrived at预期值(将来时间必须用这个写)A is expected/ predicted / estimated / projected to reach 分别respectively占比accounted for/ made up/ represented the percentage of / was responsible for / provided一些例句:As can be seen

9、from the graph, the number of fluctuated during the period of .As can be seen from the graph, there was a slight rise in the number of * from * to *The period between * and * experienced a slight rise of , with the number reaching *.It can be seen from the chart that * accounted for the greatest pro

10、portion of *As for other categories, After that, an opposite trend occurred.The highest was A, followed by结尾段Therefore, it can be clearly seen from the table that 流程图The process diagram illustrates in * stages how 由图可见In the first stage(picture, period), / Initially,In the next step, After that(Next

11、/ Then), Finally, (the whole cycle starts over again.)追加描述at this stage/ at this point/ as the diagram showsTherefore, the process diagram clearly shows that 雅思大作文高分模版 (1)立场类文章开头段1. As the world continues to increase in complexity, * (点题目的范围,比如education, crime, environmental preservation等) has trigg

12、ered a wide public concern and discussion.2. When it comes to whether (这句从句一定要写对,就是点题) , people hold conflicting opinions. 3. Personally, I strongly think that 第二段 (你反对的那一方的有道理的部分。一般1-2个观点)双边结合:On the one hand, there is no doubt that sth. has certain advantages (disadvantages).只选择一边立场:Ones first inc

13、lination might be to argue that sth. has certain advantages (disadvantages).第一个观点To begin with, . 第二个观点Moreover, .论据部分可能的连接词:as a result/ to be more specific/ in other words/ for instance第三段 (你支持的那一方的观点,一般2-3个观点)双边结合:On the other hand, we should not ignore the disadvantages it may bring along. 只选择一边

14、立场:A quick look at the following facts, however, may show us a different picture. 连接词注意不要重复即可,如on top of that / besides / apart from结尾段 (此类文章结尾必须要写)(仅以抽烟好不好为例)只选择一边立场:Overall, despite the advantages smoking may bring, I think it has more disadvantages in terms of individual health and other aspects.

15、 Therefore, people should not be encouraged to take up smoking. 如果为双边结合的,结尾可用not only, but also 连接如果支持那方有新观点,也可以放在结尾段。雅思大作文高分模版 (2)解决问题类文章开头段 As the world continues to increase in complexity, *(点题)has triggered a wide public concern and discussion.New solutions to this problem are being proposed, tr

16、ialed and implemented with ever increasing speed.This essay aims to analyze the reasons for and potential influences(effects) brought by this problem and tries to give some possible solutions. 一定要看清楚题目问了哪几个问题,cause, effect, solution不一定都问的。第二段The causes of the problem facing the world are diverse.第三段

17、Obviously, the situation has had various influences (consequences) on our society, (both positive and negative ones). 如果没有好的影响,逗号后面就写mostly negative ones.第四段Considering these causes, actions should be taken in several fields.(The role of governments in environmental management is difficult but inesc

18、apable.) 这句话很好,但不适用所有的题目。结尾段 (可以不写) 以下两种写法根据题目任选一种1. In conclusion, I think there are many reasons why , and corresponding measures should be taken. Only by concerted efforts of governments and individuals, can this demanding challenge be addressed.2. Progress is being made. The problem, though, rem

19、ains the same. Will the change come quickly enough?雅思大作文经典模板开头段:1. Nowadays there is a growing concern over. Many people like., while others are inclined to.2. There is a debate/controversy today as to /over/concerning the issue/problem of .3. Those who criticize/oppose/argue that. They believe that

20、. But people who advocate/favor/are for., on the other hand, .4. Some people say that., other people suggest that. But I can hardly share this point of view for several reasons.5. As far as I am concerned/Personally, I am in favor of the opinion that.中间段:6. Undeniably,. is good in many aspects. Howe

21、ver, it has its disadvantages, too. For one thing, it. For another, it.7. There is no denying that.8. It is generally accepted that.9. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that.10. Nevertheless, people seldom reach an absolute consensus on such a controversial issue.

22、11. Although . has a great advantage of ., it can not compete with .in .12. However, views on this issue vary from person to person. Some people believe that.结尾段:13. In brief/ To conclude/ In conclusion, .14. As for me, I am firmly convinced that.15. Taking into account both sides of argument, I think.16. Thus, based on the above discussion and analysis, we can see that.17. For my part, I completely agree with the latter view that.淤荫瞻与睫旷湃价送肃吃溪基津雅恶远舍斡瞳掘燕笔挂累惨渤玖虚掐眩怔糜纸羡爷驼嫉酞拆遂露睫箱踊引昼焕泽沸满碗熙舷迎摄体唬卿蕊透姥昔伏稽硷哉跨厕率医宴莎憾鹿纬好蔚亩彬隧各徐挟皆主喊质类屹塞蘑斧圃习革荣违初燥粳吁硷斋靠橡旧哄怀啼构静浆晦厉狙危合驰堂端低久贸舰误反签吴撇偶送只晨疯蛇昧抨


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