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1、1.Peoplein differentUnit1partsof Britainliketo usethe nameEnglandtoreferto theircountry.(×)2.Today more than half of the people in Wales still speak the ancient Walsh language(3.America was namedafter Amerigo Vespucci, whoarrivedon the new continent after×)Columbus. ()4.The largest river i

2、n the U. S is the Missouri River. (×)5.The Blacks brought from Africa to America usually worked on plantations or farms in theNorth. (×)6.The United States has 49 states on continent.(×)7.NewYork isthe commercialand financialcenter of the UnitedStates,and it iscomposed of five borough

3、s including Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Staten Island, andQueens.( )8.SanFranciscois the secondlargestcity after New York andthe worldfamousHollywood and Disneyland are located here(×)9.Almost half the immigrants coming to theUnited States in the 1980s were Asians. ()10.Among the four parts

4、 of the United Kingdom, Scotland is the smallest. (×)11.The island of Great Britain is geographically divided into three parts: England, Scotlandand Wales ()12.The state of Texas is the largest in area of all the states in the U.S.(×)13.The United Kingdom is composed of England, Scotland,

5、Wales and Ireland.精品文库(×)14.Great Britain and Ireland are the two main islands of the British Isles.()15.Alaska is the largest state in the United States.()16.The majority of the people in Britain are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons.()17.Some of the world famous universities like Harvard, Yale

6、and MIT are located in NewEngland ()18.BasicAmericanculturalvaluesare freedom,equalityand desireto work hardfor ahigher standard of living()19.In termsof populationand area, NorthernIrelandis the secondlargestpart of theUnited Kingdom.(×)20.On the mainland, California is the largest state of th

7、e United States.(×)1._ _Edinburgh _ is the capital city of Scotland.2.Among the four parts of the United Kingdom, _Wales_ _is the smallest.3.WestminsterAbbeywasbuiltatthetimeof_EdwardtheConfessor_ _.4.Oxford Universityand_ CambridgeUniversity _are the most famousuniversity in Britain.5._ _Londo

8、n University_ _ is the largest university in Britain.6.US consists of _50_ states.7._ New York_ _ is the largest city in US.8.The official residency of American President is _White House_ _.9.The largest river in the U.S.is_Mississippi River_ _.欢迎下载2精品文库10.The largest minority in the United States i

9、s the_African Americans_ _.11.Thefull nameof Britain is _the United Kingdom ofGreat Britain and NorthernIreland_12.Amongallthestates,_RhodeIsland _isthesmallestone,_Alaska_is the largest one.13.London is called as _City of fog _ for its weather.14.The Official Residence of Prime Minister is_10 Downi

10、ng Street _.Unit21.The British history before 55 BC is basically undocumented. ()2.The Anglo-Saxons came to Britain in the mide-5th century()3.The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and thetownspeople. (×)4.America was namedafter Amerigo Vespucci, whoarr

11、ivedon the new continent afterColumbus. ()5.The Second Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia, and the Continental Armyand Navy were founded under the command of Thomas Jefferson(×)6.The Civil War not only put an end to slavery, but also decided that America was a single,indivisible nati

12、on. ()7.The first shots of the American War of Independence were fired in Lexington. ()8.President Roosevelt applied New Deal to deal with the problem of the Great Depression.( )欢迎下载3精品文库9.The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King Henry VIII s effort to divorcehis wife. ()10.Pilgrim Fa

13、thers are a group of puritans who came to America to avoid persecution inEngland( )11.The hundred Years War was a series of wars fought between England and Normansfor trade and territory.(×)12.ThefirstsuccessfulEnglishcolonyinNorthAmericawasfoundedatBoston,Massachusetts.(×)13.The name of B

14、ritain came from a Celtic tribe the Britons.()14.Abraham Lincoln issued Bill of Rights to grant freedom to all slaves.(×)15.Inanefforttomakeacompromisebetweendifferentreligiousfactions,QueenElizabeth I actually defended the fruit of the Religious Reformation.()1.It is said that in the 5th centu

15、ry AD, _King Arthur_ _united Britain, and drovethe Saxons out of the country with his magical sword Excalibur.2.The signing of _ Magna Carta_ _marked the establishment offeudalism in England3.The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between _Royalists and Parliamentarians或 Cavaliers and Roundheads_.4

16、. The Industrial Revolution was accomplished in Britain by the middle of the_19th_ century.5.The Japanese air raid on _Pearl Harbour_ _ was the direct cause for America s entrance into the war.欢迎下载4精品文库6. In 1620, a tiny ship called the _New world, with 102 passengers. 50% of Massachusetts.May Flowe

17、r_ _ sailed from England for thewere Pilgrims landing in what is now Plymouth,7._ Puritans_ _ were wealthy, well-educated gentlemen, who wanted to purifythe Church of England and threatened with religious persecution.8.Between 1607 and 1733 the British established_13 colonies_ _alongtheeast coast of

18、 North America.9.In Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln said“ Government of the Pleopby the Peopleand _ for the People_ _shall not perish from the earth”10._ AbrahamLincoln _ issuedEmancipationProclamation to grantfreedom to all slaves.11._ _BlackDeath_ spread throughEurope inthe 14th century,andswe

19、pt through England in 1348 without any cure, killing half of the population and causingenormous economic losses.12.InMay1775,_theSecondContinentalCongress _washeldinPhiladelphia and began to assume the functions of a national government.13.TheendoftheWarsoftheRosesledtotheruleoftheHouseof_Tudor _.14

20、. _ George Washington_ _ was appointed(1775) commander in chiefof the Continental army. After victory (1783), he presided over the council which drafted(1787) the U.S. constitution, and was unanimously elected president.15._ The Civil Rights Movement_ was a fight between the White and欢迎下载5精品文库the Bl

21、acks and the fight of the Blacks for racial segregation and racial discrimination.16.President Roosevelt applied _New Deal _ to deal with the problems ofthe Great Depression.17. _ Thomas Jefferson _ was assignedto draftthe DeclarationofIndependence, and was elected as the third President of U.S.18.T

22、he first English colony in America was founded at_Virginia _, in 1607,known as the mother state.Unit31.Food served on the Eve of the Lunar New Year is usually full of symbolism.()2.Usually, on Chinese New Year s eve for the reunion dinner, the fish“ yu” is one of themost popular foods, and it is ser

23、ved whole, withhead and tail attached, symbolizingagood beginning and ending for the coming year.()3.There are five features of Chinese food culture, they are nutrition, flavor, regionalization,variety and folk custom()4.The principle of homology of medicine and food is not used now in China. (×

24、;)5.The most popular dish in Britain is fish and chips. ()6.High tea is usually served on high table at 6p.m. in the living room. (×)7.Pub is short for public house . ()8.Fast food and carbonated drinks are numerous in America, but there is no drive-in fastfood stores(×)9. As a nation of i

25、mmigrants, there are diverse typesof food in America. (×)欢迎下载6精品文库10.Boston is famous for its roast potatoes and blue crabs. (×)11.Based on regional feature, Chinese cuisines have been divided into eight main schools:Shangdong Cuisine, Sichuan Cusine, Guangdong Cuisine, Fujian Cusine, Jian

26、gsu Cusine,Zhejiang Cuisine, Hunan Cuisine, and Shanxi Cuisine.(F)(×)12.Yi Yin admired Lao Zi for his governing a great nation just like cooking a small delicacy(×)13.People eat dumplings on Lunar New Year s Eve because its pronunciation is similar to“ Gengsui Jiaozi” ( 更岁)交,子with“ Jiao ”

27、meaning“ switch ” and“ Zi ” meaning“ at midnight”.()14.Red boiled eggs are usually cooked and served to celebrate the birth of a new baby.()15.British afternoon tea is eaten from the top to bottom.(×)16.Britishpeoplewouldliketo go to thepub to havesomedrinks,playgamesandcommunicate with friends

28、.()17.Noodles are the symbol of longevity in Chinese culture.()18.Shen Nong tasted herbs to distinguish the poisonous and edible ones()1.TherearethreeessentialfactorsbywhichChinesecookingisjudged,namely_color, aroma and taste_2.The _ _flavor_ _of food in China basically includes sour, sweet, bitter,

29、 spicy andsalty.3. Food is the paramount _necessity_ _of people.4._ Homology of food and medicine _ is a principleof Chinesefood欢迎下载7精品文库culture,by whichthe nutritionof foodis well perceivedthroughtraditionalmedicinalconcept.5. The core of flavor of Chinese food lies in _ _the harmony of five flavor

30、s_.6.Based on regional features, Chinese cuisines have been divided into _eightregional cuisines_.7. According to Chinese culinary tradition, fish symbolize _surplus and abundance_.8. Ducks represent _ _fidelity_ in Chinese culture.9. Known as _a land of fish and rice_ _, Jiangsu Province has a rich

31、 variety ofingredients available for cooking.10. American people favor _fast food_ _ like BurgerKing, KFC, MacDonald setc.11.The _ _flavor_of food in China basically includes sour, sweet, bitter, spicy andsalty.12.According to Chinese culinary tradition, noodles symbolize _longevity_ _13.According t

32、o Chinese culinary tradition, eggs symbolize _fertility14. It is a Chinese New Year tradition to eat _ to usher in good luck andwealth in the New Year.dumplings15._ wasthefirstmanto prosethe notionofharmony infive flavors.Yiyin 或 Yi Yin或 Yi yin16.There is ain Britain,allthesefoodscan beeasily gotand

33、reheated.ready-meal欢迎下载8精品文库boomUnit 41.OnChineseNew Year sDay, seniors wishjuniors ahappy new year andjuniorsgive seniors gift money.×2.TheancientChineseadopted the agriculturalcalendaror lunar calendar. TheancientChinese adopted the agricultural calendar or lunar calendar.3. At night of Mid-A

34、utumn festival, the moon appears to be at its roundest and brightest. The full moon is a symbol for family reunion, which is why that day is also known as the Festival ofReunion. 4. Easter Day is a festival most enjoyed by children, who can play “treat or trick” on that×day.5. It is said that S

35、anta Claus will get down the chimney on Christmas Eve and fill Children s socks with gifts. 2.AtnightofMidAutumnfestival,themoonappearstobeatitsroundestandbrightest.Thefull moonis a symbolfor familyreunion,whichis why that day is alsoknown asthe Festival of Reunion.6. Thanksgiving day, observed on t

36、he fourthThursday of November, is a festival of familyreunion for the British.×7. The two most important Christian religious festivals are Christmas which commemorates the Birth of Jesus and Halloween which marks the end of Summer. ×3.TheQingmingFestivalincludesvariouscustoms,suchastombswe

37、eping,springouting, planting trees and eating dumplings.×4.Easter Day is a festival most enjoyed by children, who can play“ treat or trickthat” onday.×5.Itis saidthatSantaClauswillgetdownthechimneyon ChristmasEveandfill欢迎下载9精品文库Children s socks with gifts.8. When the French first adopted t

38、he Gregorian calendar in 1564, some people continued touse the old calendar to celebrate New Year's Day on April 1. These people were called AprilFools. 9. Made with flour and stuffed with different fillings, dumplings are usually eaten on Lunar New Year s Eve.10. The most widely accepted custom

39、s of Duan Wu Festival are dragon boat race and eating moon cakes. ×6.Thanksgivingday,observed onthe fourth Thursdayof November,is a festivaloffamily reunion for the British.×11.As the term“ Guo Nian ” may mean“ Survive the Nian” , the character“ Guo” in Chinboth the meaning of-“overpass” a

40、nd“ observe ” . So the custom of putting up red paperndfiingafirecrackers to scare away“ Nian ” had been wellpreserved.7.WhentheFrenchfirst adoptedtheGregorian calendarin 1564,somepeoplecontinuedtouse theold calendartocelebrateNewYear'sDayonApril 1.Thesepeople were called April Fools.8.Made with

41、 flour and stuffed with different fillings, dumplings are usually eaten onLunarNew Year s Eve. 9.Themostwidelyacceptedcustomsof DuanWu Festivalare dragonboatraceandeating moon cakes.×12. On Chinese New Year Day,s seniors wish juniors a happy new year and juniors give seniors gift money. ×1

42、3. The Qingming Festival includes various customs, such as tomb sweeping, spring outing, planting trees and eating dumplings. ×10. The day before Qingming Festival was the traditional Chinese Cold Food Day.11.ThetwomostimportantChristianreligiousfestivalsareChristmaswhich欢迎下载10精品文库commemorates

43、the Birth of Jesus and Halloween which marks the end of Summer.×12. Astheterm“ Guo Nian ” maymean“ Survive theNian ” ,thecharacter“ Guo”inChinese is both the meaning of“ pass-over ” and“ observeSo”the. custom of putting upred paper and firing firecrackers to scare away“ Nian ” had been well pre

44、served.13. The pumpkin lantern has become a symbol of the Halloween.14. Chinese Valentine s Day or Qi Xi is celebrated on the seventh lunar month inChinesecalendar.15. The ancient Chinese adopted the agricultural calendaror lunar calendar.()1.We took animals as a token of some holiday, for example,

45、_ is a token ofEaster Day.rabbit2._ istraditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people onfools errands, and fool the unsuspecting.April Fool s Day3.OnOctober3, 1863,_ and the U.S.Congressdeclaredthe lastThursday of November to be Thanksgiving dayAbraham Lincoln4.To make up for the

46、gap between lunar calendar and solar calendar, ancient Chinese setup the _.leap month5.A meaningful custom of the _ is eating Yuan Xiao and guessing lanternriddles.欢迎下载11精品文库Lantern Festival6.Accordingtoa legend,thetraditionalChineseColdFoodDayis inmemoryof_.Jie Zitui7.When the French first adopted

47、the _ in 1564,some people continued to use theold calendarto celebrateNewYear'sDay on April1. ThesepeoplewerecalledAprilFools.Gregorian calendar8.ThetwomostimportantChristianreligiousfestivalsareChristmaswhichcommemorates the Birth of Jesus and _ which marks his resurrection.Easter9.The ancient Chinese calendar divides a year into four seasons and 24 _.jieqi10.ItiswidelybelievedthatHalloweentraditionsoriginatedfromancient_harvest festivals particularly the Gaelic festival Samhain.Celtic11._ on


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