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1、安徽专升本英语提升专项训练Part I V ocabulary词汇答案DBBBC ABDDD 阅读答案:CADCA ABDDC1. If you want this pain killer, you?ll have to ask the doctor for a.A transaction 交易B permit 允许C settleme nt 解决D prescripti on 开药2. Theform childhood to adulthood is always critical time for everybody.A con versi on 转变B tran siti on 过渡C

2、 turnover营业额D tran sformati on 变换3. It is hard to tell whether we are going to have a boom in the economy or aA concession妥协与 compromise近义,认识即可。B recessi on 衰退C subc on scious潜 意识D tran smissi on 发射4. His use of color, light and form quickly departed from the conventional style ofhis, as he develope

3、d own tech nique.A desce ndan ts后代B predecessors前#C successors继承者D an cestors祖先5. Failure in a required subject may result in theof a diploma.A refusal 拒绝B betrayal 被判C den ial 否认D burial 埋葬6. The author of report is wellwith the problems in the hospital becausehe has bee n work ing there for many y

4、ears.A acqua in ted 熟悉B in formed被通知C accustomed 习惯D known知道7. When the farmers visited the city the first time, they wereby its complicated traffic system.A predicted 语言B bewildered 困惑C excluded 排外D expired过期,报废8. You shouldto one or more weekly magaz ines such as time, orNewsweek.A ascribe归咎于B ord

5、er命令C reclaim要求归还,D subscribe 订阅9. Most people tend to thi nk they are so efficie nt at their job that they areA in accessible无法接近的B irregular无规律的C immovable无法移动的D irreplaceable 无法替代10. For a particular reas on, he wan ted the in formati on to be treated as.A assured保证的B reserved预定的C in timate亲密的D c

6、on fide ntial 机密的阅读理解答案:CADCA ABDDCPassage OneQuesti ons 11 to 15 are based on the follow ing passage.t any crims biggestIn the villages of the English countryside there are still people who remember the good old days whe n no one bothered to lock their doors. There simply was n to worry about.第一段事实

7、陈述1。原来恬静的生活,出门不用锁门,Amazingly, these happy times appear still to be with us in the worldcom mun ity. A new study by Dan Farmer, a gifted programmer, using an automated investigative program of his own called SATAN, 一个自动侦查程序 shows that the owners of well over half of all World Wide Web sites have set

8、up home without fitting locks to their doors.引出的事实陈述2:因特网上用户也家门打开。SATAN can try out a variety of well-k nown hack ing (黑客的 tricks on an In ternet site without actually break ing in. Farmer has made the program publicly available, amid much criticism. A person with evil intent could use it to hunt do

9、wn sites that are easy to burgle (闯入行窃.这个程序在网上公开了,结果充满争议。仍然是事实陈述 3。大家看到前三段的时候要清醒的发现没有转折,只有第二段的amazingly顺承, 递进,一直都是事实陈述,直到第四段:But Farmer is very concerned about the n eed to alert the public to poor security and, 转折出现:文章作者讨论主题出现:因特网安全问题,同时STATAN利大于弊。so far, events have proved him right. SATAN has don

10、e more to alert people to the risks than cause new disorder对于 SATAN 的结论式评价 So is the Net becoming more secure? 提问 Far from it.回答 In the early days,时间状语,举例标志 when you visited a Web site your browser simply looked at the content. Now the Web is full of tiny programs that automatically dow nl oad whe n

11、 you look at a Web page, and run on your own mach ine.These programs could, if their authors wished, do all kinds of n asty things to your computer. 1恶意软件在你浏览网页时自动安装。At the same time,顺承,递进的逻辑 the Net is increasingly populated with spiders, worms, age nts and other types of automated beasts desig ned

12、 to pen etrate the sites and seek out and classify in formatio n.各种恶意程序收集信息。All these make won derfultools for an tisocial people who want to in vade weak sites and cause damag上 两段说至 U 因特网上令人不安的 安全隐患。Anti social people是指反社会的,孤僻,扰乱社会秩序的人群。But let ' s look on the bright side. Given the lack of loc

13、ks, the Internet is surely theworld ' s biggest (almost cri-fee society. 1Maybe that is because hackers arefundamertally honest. Or that2 there currently isn' t much to steal. Or 3because vandalism(恶意破坏 isn ' t much fun unless you have a peculiar dislike for someotfe有好的一面,因特网因为没有锁,自然相对来说

14、也是治安最好的:社会”原因有三:1,2,3Whatever the reason, let?s enjoy it while we can. But expct it all to change, andsecurity to become the nu mber one issue, whe n the most in flue ntial in habita nts of the Net are selling services they want to be paid for.11. By saying “. owners of well over half of all World W

15、ide Web sites have set up home without fitt ing locks to their doors-4fPa(Lanes the author means that句子理解题,mba这几年都没有考,因为读懂句子是最起码的。选 CA those happy times appear still to be with usB there simply was n?t any crime to worry aboutC many sites are not well-protectedD hackers try out tricks on an Internet

16、 site without actually breaking in12. SATAN, a program desig ned by Dan Fanner can be used.1确定为细节题:2关键词:SATAN DAN FARMER 3.定位:第二段第2句4. 理解题干:SATAN能被用来做什么5. 精读选项:A to investigate the security of Internet sitesB to improve the security of the Internet system无 中生有C to preve nt hackers from break ing int

17、o websites无 中生有D to dow nl oad useful programs and in formatio n无中生有。13. Fann er?s program has bee n criticized by the public because.1确定为细节题:2关键词:criticize 3.定位:第三段最后一句。4. 理解题干:为什么被公众指责?5. 精读选项:A it causes damage to Net browser主 观答题B it ca n break into In ternet sites定位出错到第三段第一句话,然后也没有读懂。C it can b

18、e used to cause disorder on all site无中生有。D it can be used by people with evil intent正确答案14. The author?s attitude oward SATAN is.局部推理题:定位:第四段第二,三句话:so far, events have proved him right.SATAN has done more to alert people to the risks tha n cause new disorder.A en thusiastic 直接排除B critical对SATAN无此态度C

19、 positive正确答案D indifferent直接派出15. The author suggests in the last paragraph that.局部推理题:难题,关于but是转折逻辑还是补充说明的逻辑。But这里是补充说明,而不是转折,所以重点是but之前。最后一段主题句:Whatever the reason, let ' s enjoy it while we can.围绕这句话:只能推出AA we should make full use of the Internet before security measures are stre ngthe ned 符合

20、最后一段的主旨。B we should alert the most in flue ntial bus in essme n to the importa nce of securityAlert提醒有影响力的生意人安全的重要性?不贴近最后一段主旨。C in flue ntial bus in essme n should give priority to the improveme nt of Net security 与B选项是平行选项。D net inhabitants should not let security measures affect their joy of surfi

21、ng theIn ternet无中生有的乱编选项。无依据推论每周一练的第二篇阅读理解一般难度较大作为拔高测试题。追求高分的同学自由选择。Passage twoQuesti ons 16 to 20 are based on the follow ing passage.IBill Gates, the billionaire Microsoft chairman without a single earned universitydegree, is by his success rais ing new doubts about the worth of the bus in ess wor

22、ld favorite academic title: the MBA (Master of Busin ess Admi nistrati on.主题句:开门见山, 用比尔盖兹的例子怀疑MBA title的重要性。2The MBA, a 20th-ce ntury product, always has borne the mark of lowly commerceand greed 贪婪 on the tree-l ined campuses ruled by purer discipli nes such as philosophyand literature. Mba学位产生的商业气

23、息与贪婪充斥了被纯净的哲学与文学统治的大学校园。3But eve n with the recessi on appare ntly cutt ing into the hiri ng of bus in ess schoolgraduates, about 79,000 people are expected to receive MBAs in 1993. This is n early 16times the nu mber of bus in ess graduates in 1960, a testim ony to the wide spreadassumption that th

24、e MBA is vital for young men and women who want to run companiessome day. But之后说明了 mba学位热潮逐步消退后的数量但仍然有假想:MBA学位 对于年轻人往后创业很重要。4 “If you are going into the corporate world it is still a disadvantage not to have one,said Don ald Morris on, professor of marketi ng and man ageme nt scie nee.“ But in the l

25、astfive years or so, whe n some one says,Should I attempt to get an MBA,? the an swer alot more is: It depends.作为转折后面的信息很重要。是否要去追求MBA学位,仍然不一定。以下的3段话阐述MBA学位的作用值得怀疑。5The success of Bill Gates and other non-MBAs, such as the late Sam Walt on ofWal-Mart Stores In c., has helped in spire self-c on scious

26、 debates on bus in ess school campuses over the worth of a bus in ess degree and whether man ageme nt skills can be taught.例子:比尔盖茨等。管理知识能教授么?6The Harvard Busin ess Review prin ted a lively, ficti onal excha nge of letters to dramatize compla in ts about bus in ess degree holde杂.志对 mba 学位持有者的抱怨。7The

27、article called MBA hires“extremely disappointing” and said “MBAs want tmove up too fast, they don?t un dersta nd politics and people, and they aren?t able to function as part of a team until their third year. But by then, theyVreout looking for othe rjobs. ” M学位持有者的令人失望。以下写为什么会有这种情况呢?8The problem, m

28、ost participa nts in the debate ack no wledge, is that the MBA has acquired an aura 光环 of future riches and power far bey ond its actual importa nee and usefulness光环大于实际的用处,重要性。9En rollme nt in bus in ess schools exploded in the 1970s and 1980s and created theassumpti on that no one who pursued a bu

29、s in ess career could do without one. The growth was fueled by a backlash 反冲 aga inst the an ti-bus in ess values of the 1960s and by the wom en? smoveme nt.Be fueled by由。加强,被。火上浇油。70,80年代商学院爆炸式增长造成假象:no one who pursued a bus in ess careercould do without one ,商业人士必备 mba学位。10Bus in ess people who ha

30、ve hired or worked with MBAs say those with the degreesof ten know how to an alyze systems but areiot so skillful at motivat ing people.“ They,said James Shaffer, vdon?t get a lot of grounding in the people side of the bus in esspreside nt and prin cipal of the Towers Perri n man ageme nt con suit i

31、ng firm.Mba holder 欠缺 motivating people 的能力。21. A 22. B 23. D 24. D 25. C21. Accord ing to Paragraph 2, what is the gen eral attitude towards bus in ess on campuses domin ated by purer discipli nes?The MBA, a 20th-ce ntury product, always has borne the mark of lowly commerce and greed 贪婪 on the tree

32、-l ined campuses ruled by purer discipli nes such as philosophy and literature. Mba学位产生的商业气息与贪婪充斥了被纯净的哲学与文学统治的大 学校园。A Scornful.轻蔑,嘲笑,嘲讽B Appreciative.欣赏C En vious.嫉妒D Realistic.现实的22. It seems that the con troversy over the value of MBA degrees had bee n fueledmai nly by.文章第五段第一句 :The success of Bill Gates and other non-MBAs, such as the late Sam Walt on of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., has helped in spire self-c on scious debate


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