世纪商务英语函电与单证-unit 1_第1页
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1、BUSINESS LETTERS 商务函电 大连理工大学电子音像出版社大连理工大学出版社Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations建立业务关系建立业务关系 0Introduction1Lesson 1 Importers Self-Introduction2Lesson 2 Exporters Self-Introduction3Lesson 3 Inquiring About Foreign Trade Policy and Supply4Sum-upIntroduction 写信人通过如广播、电视、报纸、他人介绍、商务写信人通过如广播、电视、报纸、他人介绍

2、、商务参赞处、交易会等渠道得知潜在交易人的名称、地址,参赞处、交易会等渠道得知潜在交易人的名称、地址,了解到一点有关对方的经营范围,写信给对方希望建立了解到一点有关对方的经营范围,写信给对方希望建立业务关系,同时介绍一下自己的购买意图、经营范围,业务关系,同时介绍一下自己的购买意图、经营范围,表达对对方的希望与要求。表达对对方的希望与要求。 写作要点及要求写作要点及要求: :这类信函通常包括:这类信函通常包括:开头:开头:1)说明自己的消息来源)说明自己的消息来源; 2) 表达建立业务关系的希望表达建立业务关系的希望;正文:正文: 3) 自我介绍自我介绍; 包括自己公司,经营范围,公司资信情包

3、括自己公司,经营范围,公司资信情 况等;况等; 4) 表达要求表达要求; 结尾:结尾: 5) 期望;此部分其实是客套话,一般是表示希望对期望;此部分其实是客套话,一般是表示希望对 方早日回信,听到对方的好消息等。方早日回信,听到对方的好消息等。回信要点:回信要点:同意建立业务关系的回信:同意建立业务关系的回信:开头:开头:1)收到来信并表示愿意建立业务关系;)收到来信并表示愿意建立业务关系;正文:正文:2)对对方信中提及的要求,问题给予答复,并做自)对对方信中提及的要求,问题给予答复,并做自 我介绍;我介绍;结尾:结尾:3)期望:可以做生意,或收到具体询盘。)期望:可以做生意,或收到具体询盘。

4、 不能与之建立业务关系的回信:不能与之建立业务关系的回信:开头:开头:1)收到来信;)收到来信;正文:正文:2)很遗憾不能建立业务关系,并详细说明原因;)很遗憾不能建立业务关系,并详细说明原因;结尾:结尾:3)期望:以后合作的机会,或再次表示道歉。)期望:以后合作的机会,或再次表示道歉。 每封信件的具体内容会有变化,需要根据实际情况加以每封信件的具体内容会有变化,需要根据实际情况加以调整。调整。Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations建立业务关系建立业务关系 0Introduction1Lesson 1 Importers Self-Introduction

5、2Lesson 2 Exporters Self-Introduction3Lesson 3 Inquiring About Foreign Trade Policy and Supply4Sum-upLesson 1 Importers Self-introduction进口商自我介绍进口商自我介绍TEXTArm yourselfTEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilledMain pointsMake yourself skilledLesson 1 Importers Self-introduction进口商自我介绍进口商自我介绍TEX

6、TArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilledTEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilled1. TEXT Specimen 1 Importers self-introductionSpecimen 2 Reply to the above Lesson 1 Importers Self-Introduction进口商自我介绍进口商自我介绍TEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilledTEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake y

7、ourself skilled2. Arm yourself 1. in the hope that 希望 in the hope of sth./doing sth. 2. establish business relations with 建立业务关系 similar expressions: build up, set up, enter into business relations with sb.n. establishment establishment of business relations 建立业务关系 establishment of L/C 开立信用证3. exten

8、d v. Enlarge; offer, provide扩大;给予,提供;延期 extend range 扩大经营范围 extend business 扩大业务 e.g.我们很想早日与你方建立直接的业务关系。We would like to establish direct business relations with you at an early day.我们写信给你方,希望与你方建立业务关系。We are writing for the establishment of business relations with you.e.g.我 们 写 信 给 你 方 ,希 望 与 你 方 建

9、 立 业 务 关 系 。Were writing to you in the hope that youll establish business relations with us.Or: Were writing to you in the hope of establishing business relations with you.我 们 回 信 给 你 方, 希 望 你 们 给 我 们 最 低 报 价 。We write back to you in the hope that you can quote us the lowest price.句式:extend sb. sth.

10、/ extend sth. to sb. 给予某人某样东西 extend us the support (give ,extend the support to us) extend the accommodation to sb. 提供某人某物 extend L/C 延期信用证 extend the L/C to August 1 将信用证展期至8月1日 extend the date of the delivery in the L/C to 将信用证中的交货期展至n. extension 扩大,展期,给予 extension of the L/C 信用证展期 make extension

11、 of the L/C 展期信用证 adj. extensive 广泛的; 大量的 extensive connection 广泛的联系* range n. 范围 a range of 一系列 a wide range of 广泛的v.range fromto 从范围内变动4. appreciate v. be thankful or show gratitude for; admire greatly感谢,欣赏 We shall appreciate it if . it is appreciated if (that). we shall appreciate you doing. We

12、shall appreciate sth.e.g. 如我们早日收到你方来信,我们将不胜感激。 We shall appreciate your early reply.5. competitive adj. 有竞争力的,竞争的 competitive price 有竞争力的价格 v. compete (+with) 与竞争e.g. 贵方商品质量能与其他产品质量相竞争。 Quality of your goods can compete with that of other products.e.g.你们会喜欢我方产品的颜色和款式的。 You should appreciate the colo

13、rs and designs of our goods. 如你方能尽早给予答复,我们将不胜感激。 We shall appreciate it if you could give us an early reply. competition 竞争竞争e.g. 国际市场上竞争很激烈。There is a keen competition in the international market.Or: Competition in the international market is very keen.n. competitiveness 有竞争性,有竞争力e.g. 为了提升公司的竞争力,我们

14、要不断改进产品的质量。We should improve the quality of products continuously in order to increase the competitiveness of our company.6. place an order with sb.for sth. want to buy sth. from sb. 向某人定购e.g. 如你方价格有竞争力,我方将向你方订购手套。If your prices are competitive, we shall be pleased to place an order with you for glo

15、ves.现向你方订购100匹印花细布。We are placing an order with you for 100 pieces of printed shirting.place an order for a large quantity (of) 大量订购有关订单的表达法:regular order 长期订货trial order 试订单first/ initial order 首笔订单substantial order 大宗订单repeat order 再次订单/ 续订单*order sth. with sb. 向某人订购 7. look forward to think of (a

16、 future event) with pleasurable 盼望 句式:look forward to sth./doing sth. look forward to your early reply look forward to receiving your reply e.g.我们盼望,通过我们共同的努力,能与你 方做成生意。 We look forward to, by joint efforts, doing business with you. 8be desirous to have a desire to, be eager to, be anxious to 热切盼望,渴

17、望 句式:be desirous of doing sth./be desirous to do sth.e.g. 我们热切盼望与贵方做生意。 We are desirous to do business with you.v. desire 希望,期望;想要n. desire 希望,渴望;要求,请求 have a desire to do sth. (the same as “desire to do sth.”)句式:desire to do sth. desire sb. to sth. desire that desire sth. It is desired that 9. sati

18、sfy different market needs meet the various needs in the market 满足 satisfy needs 满足要求(需求) 10. in compliance with according to, in agreement with与.一致,符合;按照,根据e.g. 价格与国际市场行情一致。 The price is in compliance with the international market. v. comply (+with) 遵从,按照,根据,与一致e.g. 应你方要求,给予贵方最低价。 We comply with yo

19、ur request and give you the lowest price. 11. under separate cover by separate mail, in another letter 另邮, 另寄 similar expression: serve the needs, meet the needsunder cover in an enclosure for mailing 随函附上e.g. 关于目录与价目表,我们将另邮寄给你方。 We will send you under separate cover catalogue and priceliste.g. 应你方的

20、要求,我们已通知银行在日内开立信用证。 In compliance with your request, we have instructed the bank to open the L/C in a few days.v. comply (+with) e.g. 我们应按买方要求,选择与市场一致的价格。 We shall comply with the buyers request and choose the prices in line with the market. 12. covering about, including; to pay, to meet 关于, 支付 e.g.

21、 我们寄给你方一张支票,支付第一笔船货。 We send you a cheque covering the first shipment. v. cover 包括 13. enquiry n. questions or query 询问,打听,询盘 v. enquire 询问,打听,询盘 句式:enquire for sth. 询盘某种商品 enquire about sth. 打听某事 enquire into sth. 调查某事 make enquiries enquire 询盘 e.g. 寄上一份价目表,内容包括我们所经营的商品。We send you a price list cov

22、ering goods we are handing.我们的业务范围已扩大到包括化工产品在内了。Our activities have now been extended to cover Chemicals.e.g. 我们昨天收到的信是关于劳动分工的询问的。The letter we received yesterday is an enquiry about the division of labor.获悉你方对纺织品的询盘,谢谢。Thank you for your enquiry for textiles. Lesson 1 Importers Self-Introduction进口商

23、自我介绍进口商自我介绍TEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilledTEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilled3. Main pointsSpecimen 1 a. source of information and intension b. self introduction and detailed requirements c. expectation of early replySpecimen 2 a. receipt of letter and agreement to the

24、wishes b. sending of catalogue and pricelist c. expectation of a specific enquiry. Chinese Version信件一信件一麦克唐那和伊万有限公司美国纽约劳顿大街58号福建鞋业进出口公司中国福建福州保定大街45号送交:销售部吴刚先生敬启者:我们从伏特公司得知贵司商号与地址,特此来函,希望能同贵司发展商务关系。多年来,本公司经营休闲鞋类进口生意,目前想扩展业务范围。请惠寄商品目录与报价单。如贵司产品价格有竞争力,本公司必定向你方试订。恭候佳音。麦克唐那和伊万有限公司(签名)麦克. 伊万 经理 谨上2006年8月2

25、0日 信件二信件二福建鞋业进出口公司福建鞋业进出口公司中国福建福州保定大街中国福建福州保定大街45号号麦克唐那和伊万有限公司麦克唐那和伊万有限公司美国纽约劳顿大街美国纽约劳顿大街58号号敬启者敬启者:感谢贵公司八月二十日的来函,我们非常渴望与贵公司建立商务关系。感谢贵公司八月二十日的来函,我们非常渴望与贵公司建立商务关系。我们鞋厂致力于设计和生产各种传统和时尚男女鞋产品。我们已开发和上我们鞋厂致力于设计和生产各种传统和时尚男女鞋产品。我们已开发和上市了市了EVA拖鞋,室内拖鞋,棉拖鞋,新款刺绣拖鞋;童鞋和布鞋。可以满拖鞋,室内拖鞋,棉拖鞋,新款刺绣拖鞋;童鞋和布鞋。可以满足国内外不同市场需求。

26、足国内外不同市场需求。谨遵要求另函奉上最新的出口商品目录及报价单,涵括目前可供的出口谨遵要求另函奉上最新的出口商品目录及报价单,涵括目前可供的出口商品。商品。如你方对任何一款感兴趣,请让我方知道。期盼你方具体询盘。如你方对任何一款感兴趣,请让我方知道。期盼你方具体询盘。福建鞋业进出口公司福建鞋业进出口公司(签名)(签名)吴刚吴刚经理经理谨上谨上2006年年8月月31日日 Lesson 1 Importers Self-Introduction进口商自我介绍进口商自我介绍TEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilledTEXTArm yoursel

27、fMain pointsMake yourself skilled4. Make yourself skilled I. Basic Training 1. Translate the following expressions into Chinese: quotation export range extensive connection latest catalogue leading importer order(n.) specific enquiry extension of L/C 报价报价出口产品范围出口产品范围广泛的联系广泛的联系最新目录最新目录一流的进口商一流的进口商订单订

28、单具体询盘具体询盘 信用证展期信用证展期2. Choose the best answer:1) We would _ very much if you send us a few sample books. a. appreciated b. appreciate it c. appreciate you d. appreciate2) We send a copy of our export list _ the main items available at present. a. covered b. covering c. cover d. are covered3) We woul

29、d like to receive your inquiries _ our hardware. a. about b. to c. for d. into4) We wish to establish direct business relations _ you. a. with b. for c. from d. to5) We are _ your detailed requirement. a. forwarding b. looking to c. looking forward d. looking forward to bbcad6) We are planning to _

30、our business activities to our neighboring countries. a. execute b. extend c. extension d. enlarging7) We are interested in your cotton piece goods and wish to receive your _ soon. a. specific enquiry b. special enquiry c. specific enquire d. enquire specifically8) We are writing you _ you can give

31、us the lowest quotation. a. hope b. hoping to c. in the hope that d. in the hope of 9) We _ make business contact with you. a. desirous to b. desire c. are desirous to d. are desirous of10) We intend to place an order _ you _ 300 sets “Huanan” brand sewing machines. a. fromabout b. withfor c. withof

32、 d. fromfor bbacc3. Improving Training: 1) We would like to introduce our business range.2) We obtained your name and address from Mr. Smith, who has done business with us for many years.3) We shall appreciate it if you could inform us of the goods you are interested in.4) We have received many enqu

33、iries from abroad.5)They used to import machines from UK, but now they would like to establish business relations with us.6) We are the leading importer of electronic products in Lagos, handling the import of electronic goods.7) If your price is competitive, we trust we can close great deals with ea

34、ch other.8)It shall be appreciated if you could pass this letter on to the person in charge.9)We informed you in our letter of December 1that we would like to place with you an order for 500 sets Flying Pigeon bicycles.4. Letter-writing practice: You are an importer of electronic goods in US. Recent

35、ly you got a piece of information about a Rainbow Electronic Products Co., Ltd in China on the Internet as follows: 彩虹牌电风扇使用军工技术生产的,低噪声,噪声低,彩虹牌电风扇使用军工技术生产的,低噪声,噪声低,风力柔和。按照国际标准生产,建立质风力柔和。按照国际标准生产,建立质量保证体系,获得中国电工产品认证合格证书,取得长量保证体系,获得中国电工产品认证合格证书,取得长城标志。彩虹牌系列电风扇,有落地扇、台扇两大类共城标志。彩虹牌系列电风扇,有落地扇、台扇两大类共十多个花色品

36、种。十多个花色品种。 Sample letter: Dear sirs, We are one of the leading importers of electric goods in this city and shall be pleased to establish business relations with your firm. At present we are interested in your electric fan, details as per our enquiry note no. 1345 attached, and shall be glad to rece

37、ive your lowest quotation as soon as possible. We would like to mention that if your price is attractive and delivery date acceptable, we shall place our order with you immediately. Your early reply will be highly appreciated.Yours faithfully, More exercises 1. Fill in the blanks with proper forms o

38、f given words:compete enquire establish extend desire comply1) Upon receipt of your specific , well airmail the quotation and sample books.2) Your price is and acceptable to us.3) Were writing you for the of business relations with your company.4) In with your request, a pricelist covering the vario

39、us bicycles available for export has been airmailed to you.5) We have a to buy this product from you.6) We are looking forward to receiving the of L/C immediately. enquirycompetitiveestablishmentcompliancedesireextension2. Complete the following sentences in English:1) We are interested to 购买你公司的永久牌

40、自行车。购买你公司的永久牌自行车。(buyForever bicycles) buy your Forever bicycles 和你公司建立友好关系。和你公司建立友好关系。(establish business relations) establish friendly relations with you 知晓你公司是最大的电风扇进口商。知晓你公司是最大的电风扇进口商。(largest) know that you are the largest importer of electronic fan 2) We shall be pleased to 马上收到你方最新价目表。马上收到你方最

41、新价目表。(latest pricelist) receive your latest pricelist 收到你方订单。收到你方订单。(order) receive your order 3) We are looking forward to 早日收到你方复信。早日收到你方复信。(reply) receiving your early reply 你们的好消息。你们的好消息。(good news) your good news 3. Complete the following letter in English:Dear Sir, 我们作为毛衣主要进口商我们作为毛衣主要进口商15年,年,

42、and are planning to 扩大业务扩大业务 to our neighboring countries, from the clients 我们收到了许多有关毛衣的询价。我们收到了许多有关毛衣的询价。We are considering the possibility of 与你方建立业务关系与你方建立业务关系 if possible. 盼望贵方尽早回复。盼望贵方尽早回复。 Yours faithfully, We have been the leading importers of sweater for 15 years,extend our businesswe have r

43、eceived many enquiries for sweater.establishing business relations with youYour early reply shall be appreciated.Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations建立业务关系建立业务关系 0introduction1Lesson 1 Importers Self-Introduction2Lesson 2 Exporters Self-Introduction3Lesson 3 Inquiring About Foreign Trade Policy an

44、d Supply4SumupLesson Two Exporters Self-Introduction出口商自我介绍出口商自我介绍 TEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilledTEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilled Lesson Two Exporters Self-Introduction出口商自我介绍出口商自我介绍 TEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilledTEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake you

45、rself skilled 1. TEXTSpecimen 1 Exporters Self-introductionSpecimen 2 Favorable ReplyLesson Two Exporters Self-Introduction出口商自我介绍出口商自我介绍 TEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilledTEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilled 2. Arm yourself1. through the courtesy of obtainfrom承蒙承蒙介绍介绍 2. b

46、e given to understand get to know 获悉获悉e.g. 承蒙中国驻华盛顿大使馆介绍,使我们得知贵公司的名称和地址。 Through the courtesy of Chinese Embassy in Washington, we come to know your name and address. similar expression: be informed thate.g.我们获悉你方发来的货物在市场上大受欢迎。 We are given to understand that your goods are popular in the market. 3.

47、 fall within belong to 属于属于 fall within the scope of ones business activities 属于某人的经营范围(业务范围) similar expression: lie within e.g. 从你处10月3日来信获悉这项业务属于你方经营范围。 We learn from your letter of 3rd October that the goods fall within the scope of your business activities. 4. give you a general idea 为使你方大致了解为使

48、你方大致了解 similar expressions: give a rough idea of 为使大致了解 give a detailed idea of 为使详细了解 give an idea of 为使了解 e.g. 为让你方了解现在可供出口的各种棉布的大致情况,我们给你方寄去价格表。 In order to give you a general idea of the cotton piece goods available for export, we send you a pricelist. have an idea of 对有了解 5. line n. range 范围,经营

49、业务范围,经营业务 business line 业务范围,经营产品业务范围,经营产品 be in line of 经营经营 be in line with 与与一致,符合一致,符合, be out of line with 脱离,与脱离,与不一致,不符合不一致,不符合 e.g. 你方主要经营什么产品? Whats your main line? 你方给的价格与市场行情不符合。 The price you give us is out of line with the market. 如果你方价格符合行情,我们可以接受。 If your price is in line, we can acce

50、pt it. n. line 行业,事业 airline 航空公司 a steamer ship line 轮船公司 price line 价格相同的一批货物 sight line (观众)视线 railway line 铁路线 the main line 铁路干线 a branch line 铁路支线 6. enclose v. send with,随函附上随函附上 句式:句式: enclose sth. Enclosed please find Enclosed are/is e.g. 我们随函附上一份价目表。 We enclose a copy of pricelist.Or. A pr

51、icelist is enclosed. Or. Enclosed please find a pricelist.e.g. 随函附上一份目录。 We enclose herewith a copy of our catalogue. 随函附上一份最新式样的样品。 We enclose herein a sample of our latest style. 已收到你方4月15日的来信及附件。 We thank you for your letter of April 15 with enclosure. adj. enclosed 随附的 enclosed catalogue 随附目录n.

52、enclosure 附件7. showing 显示,说明显示,说明 ing 形式用以说明前面的来信来电,去信去电,报盘,定单,合同等形式用以说明前面的来信来电,去信去电,报盘,定单,合同等的内容。在函电中有很多类似的用法的内容。在函电中有很多类似的用法,如:如:asking ,offering, advising等。等。e.g. 我们随函附上一份关于我们业务范围的清单。 We are enclosing a list showing our business activities. 我们给你方发了份电报,希望你们给我们报最低价。 We sent you a cable, hoping that

53、 you can give us the lowest price. 我们收到你方来信,信中要求我们给你方寄份最新价目表。 We have received your letter, asking us to send you our latest pricelist. 请给我们报最低价,同时说明最早的装船日期。 Please quote us your lowest price, stating the earliest date of shipment. 请写信给这家电风扇出口商,要求和他们建立贸易关系。 Please write a letter to an exporter of el

54、ectronic fan, asking for the establishment of the business relations. 请给中国银行去函,要求开出以星星有限公司为抬头的不可撤消的金额为 3,000美元的信用证。 Please write to Bank of China asking them to open an irrevocable L/C for $3,000 in favor of Star. ltd. 8. in supply that can be provided 可供应的可供应的 n. supply 供应,供应的产品(常用复数)供应,供应的产品(常用复数)

55、 be in short supply 供应短缺供应短缺 v. supply 供应供应 supply sb. with sth. n. supplier 供应商供应商 supply position 供应情况 limited supply 供应有限 regular supply 稳定的供货e.g. 该货现供应短缺。 The goods are in short supply. v. supply 供应 e.g. 我们相信你们能供应我方50箱青岛啤酒。 We believe that youll supply us with 50 cases of Qingdao Beer. 9. contac

56、t v. approach 与与联系联系 n. contact (with) 与与联系联系e.g. 目前我们无法接受你方定单,你们是否与我们上海分公司联系,该公司也出口类似产品。 As we can not accept your order at this moment, could you contact our Shanghai branch, which also exports similar products.n. contact (with) .connection, touch 与联系 有关句式:get in contact with sb establish contact

57、with sb 建立 类似的搭配词还有have, enter into, make, set up, etc. e.g. 我们与在美国的客户有很多联系。 We have many contacts with our customers in America. 10. be of interest to 使使感兴趣感兴趣 句式:句式: be interested in sth./doing sth./to do sth. be interesting to sb. e.g.我们的一个客户对你方的新产品有兴趣。我们的一个客户对你方的新产品有兴趣。 One of our clients are in

58、terested in your new products.e.g. 去年流行的样式我们不再有兴趣。 The designs that were in fashion last year are no longer interesting to us. 现航寄客户感兴趣的各种型号样品各一件。 We are sending you one each of these models by air in which clients are interested.关于interest 的句式还有: interest sb. have (take ) interest in 11. assure v.

59、tell (somebody) positively or confidently 向向保保证,担保证,担保, ,使使放心放心 句式:句式:assure sb. of sth. assure sb. that 12. have our best and prompt attention 得到我们最认真和及时的得到我们最认真和及时的关注关注 e.g. 尽可放心,我们会及时处理你方询盘的。 You may be assured that your enquiries will receive our prompt attention. 我们保证向你方提供最好的服务。 We assure you o

60、f our best service to you. 句式还有:be assured of sth. 相信,放心 be assured that may rest assured that similar expression: receive our attention give our attention to 对及时关注/处理 bring sth. to sb.s attention使某人注意某事 call (draw, invite, attract, bring )sb. s attention to sth. 促使某人注意某事,使某人着眼于 e.g. 你方的要求会得到我方最认真和及


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