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1、书名:汽车专业英语ISBN: 978-7-111-37171-7作者:刘海雄出版社:机械工业出版社本书配有电子课件汽车专业英语 高职高专 ppt 课件Part Automobiles SummaryUnit 2汽车专业英语 高职高专 ppt 课件TextFigure 2-1 Automobile Exhausts汽车专业英语 高职高专 ppt 课件New Words and Phrasesmagnitude mgnitju:d n. 大小,重要 nitrogen naitrdn n. 氮 hydrocarbon haidruk:bn n. 碳氢化合物accumulate kju:mjuleit

2、 v. 积聚,堆积sewage sju:id n. 脏水,污水dispose dispuz v. 处理,处置,销毁enact inkt v. 制定constituent knstitjunt n. 成分,构成物crankcase krkeis n. 曲轴箱toxic tksik a. 有毒的汽车专业英语 高职高专 ppt 课件noxious nks a. 有害的,有毒的 lean li:n a. 瘦的,贫乏的fragility frdiliti n. 脆弱,虚弱 elimination i,liminein n. 除去,消除,淘汰stringent strindnt a. 迫切的,严厉的man

3、date mndeit v. 命令,要求carbon monoxide 一氧化碳catalytic converters 催化式排气净化器lead compounds 先导化合物汽车专业英语 高职高专 ppt 课件Notes1 In addition, rubber (which wears away from tires), motor oil, brake fluid, and other substances accumulate on roadways and are washed into streams, with effects nearly as serious as thos

4、e of untreated sewage.此外,(从汽车轮胎上磨损下来的)橡胶、车用机油、制动液和其他物质积聚在路面上并最终被(车用机油)冲刷进河流里,并带来的严重后果不亚于未经处理的污水。2 To some extent this difficulty is solved by adding recycled exhaust gas the fuel mixture, thus avoiding the oversupply of oxygen that favors formation of nitrogen oxides.从某种程度上讲,只有将废气加燃料混合气中再循环才能解决这个难题,

5、这样可避免过度供应有助于产生氮氧化物的氧气。汽车专业英语 高职高专 ppt 课件3 The fragility of the catalysts used in these systems required the elimination of lead compounds previously used in gasoline to prevent engine knock.由于这些排气装置中催化剂的不稳定性,以前加在汽油中的防震的先导化合物就必须淘汰。4 . as with the elimination of lead, measures taken to control air pol

6、lution have a negative impact on fuel efficiency.正如先导化合物淘汰的结果一样,防止空气污染的措施对燃料使用率有负面影响。汽车专业英语 高职高专 ppt 课件Exercises. Answer the following questions according to the text. 1. What environmental problems are due to automobile? 2. What is automobile exhaust gas made up of? 3. On what conditions will carbo

7、n monoxide be produced? 4. To control carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons in the automobile exhaust, what measures should be taken? 5. Whats the purpose mix gasoline with ethanol?汽车专业英语 高职高专 ppt 课件. Mark the following statements with T(true) or F(false) according to the text.1. Scrap automobiles are ea

8、sy to dispose nowadays. 2. Hydrocarbons are toxic, while nitrogen oxides are not. 3. The conditions that produce minimum emission of hydrocarbons tend to reduce emission of nitrogen oxides. 4. Measures taken to control air pollution have an active impact on fuel efficiency. 汽车专业英语 高职高专 ppt 课件Transla

9、ting Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧科技英语翻译方法与技巧It 的用法的用法1. it 作代词作代词1)it作无人称代词。2)it作人称代词。The zener diode maintains the voltage across its terminals by varying the current that flows through it. 稳压二极管通过改变流过它的电流来维持稳压二极管的电压。(这里的it是指稳压管)汽车专业英语 高职高专 ppt 课件2. it 作形式主语作形式主语1) it代替不定式的句型有:it is ( was ) +形容词+不定式 it+谓语动词+不

10、定式例如:It requires power to drive machines. 开动机器需要动力。2)it代替主语从句的句型有:it is +形容词+主语从句It is certain that 是确定的. It is desirable that 是理想的it + 谓语动词的被动态 + 主语从句It is reported that据报道 It is generally recognized that 大家公认为It is supposed that假设 It is assumed that 假定例如:It has been found that a force is needed to

11、 change the motion of a body.人们发现,要改变一个动物的运动(状态)需要加外力。It is + 名词 + 主语从句It is a pity that 遗憾的是 It is common knowledge that 常识是It + 不及物动词+主语从句It seems that 好像是 It turns out that 显然,It now appears that 现在开来3. it作形式宾语作形式宾语1) it代替动词不定式短语。When we want to measure very small currents we find it convenient t

12、o use milliamperes and microamperes. 当要测量很小的电流时,我们觉得用毫安和微安是比较方便的。2) it代替宾语从句The effects we have just discussed make it apparent that there is a means of converting mechanical energy into electrical energy.由刚才的讨论结果可以很明显地看出,存在一种将机械能转化为电能的方法。4. it用于强调句型用于强调句型It is in the form of alloys that metals are

13、often used in industry.在工业中就是经常以合金的形式使用金属。Reading MaterialGear MechanismNames and Symbols Of Different Gear Parts1. Number of Teeth 2. Addendum circle, Dedendum circle3. Tooth Thickness. The Width of the Keywall, Teeth Space4. Reference Circle5. Tooth Addendum, Tooth Dedendum, Whole DepthCorrect Mes

14、hing Conditions of the Involute Straight Tooth Column GearFigure 2-2 The names and symbols of different gear partsFigure 2-3 The proper meshing condition and the condition of involutes gears continuous transmissionNew Words and Phrasessymbol simbl n. 符号,标志,象征 addendumdendmn .齿轮的齿顶gear gin . 齿轮,传动装置

15、dedendumdidendmn.齿轮的齿根columnklmn .柱,圆柱,柱形物 externalekst:nln .外部a .外部的,外用的 randomrndma,任意的,随机的n .随意,随机internalint:nla .国内的,内部的 radiusreidisn .半径circumferenceskmfrnsn,圆周,周围profileprufailn .轮廓formulaf:mjuln .公式 artificially,:tifiliad .人工的,人为的modulusmdjulsn .率,系数,模数 standard stndda .标准的meshme v .啮合 ipsi

16、lateralipsiltrla .同侧的,在同一侧的involuteinvlju:t n .渐伸线,渐开线 modulimd,lain .模(模件,基本单位),模数该词为modulus的复数形式profileprufail n .轮廓intersect,intsektv .贯穿,和相交,交叉transmissiontrnsmin n .传输,传送 respectivelyrispektivliad .各自地,分别地ratioreiun .比,比率straighttooth 直齿 radial distance 径向距离extemalgear 外齿轮 teeth space 齿距internal wheel 内齿轮 arc length 弧长teeth bar 齿条 to


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