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1、国际商务英语复习题国际商务英语单元综合测试(一) l absolute advantage 绝对利益 2 visible trade 有形贸易 3 farm produce 农产品 4 primary commodities 初级产品 5. roll-on and roll-off traffic 滚装滚卸运输 6 ASEAN 东盟(东南亚国家联盟)7GDP 国内生产总值 8 European Commission 欧盟委员会 9. Dual-Ministerial Meeting双部长会议 10. day-to-day running 日常管理 11.贸易壁垒 trade barriers

2、12.无形贸易invisible trade 13.电子数据交换EDI( Electronic Data Interchange) 14.多式联运multimodal transport 15.跨国公司母公司parent MNC 16.董事会 board of directors 17.非关税壁垒1 non- tariff barrier 18.初级产品 .primary commodities 19.进口关税 import duties 20.税率表 tariff schedule 国际商务英语单元综合测试(二)1. documentary letter of credit 跟单信用证 2

3、Partial shipment 分批装运 3n et position 头寸 4c lean bill of lading清洁提单 5 clearing system 清算系统 6 confirming bank 保兑行 7 the validity period 有效期 8 contract carrier契约承运人 9.1eading bank 主要银行 10. revocable credit可撤销信用证 11.循环信用证revolving credit 12.国际价格协议international price agreement 13.即期信用证 sight credit 14.海关

4、发票customs invoice 15.信用证the letter of credit 16.商业全球化globalization of business 17.提单 bill“lading 18.销售合同 sales contract 19.自有承运人 private carrier 20.互购贸易counter purchase 国际商务英语单元综合测试(三)1s tock exchange 1 证券交易所 2. the most-favored nation clause 2 最惠国条款 3. International Monetary Fund 3。 国际货币基金组织 4 equi

5、ty investment 4 股权投资 5. risk transfer mechanism 5 风险转移机制 6 financial resources 资金 7 raw materials 原材料 8 IBRD 国际复兴开发银行 9insurable interest 可保险权益 10. terms of trade 贸易条件(进出口比价) 11.免责条款 escape clauses 12.代位追偿 subrogation 13.保证金 1 margin 14.布雷顿森林会议 The bretton Woods Convention 15有价保单 valued policy 16.套期

6、保值 hedging 17.私营经济 private sector 18.国际经济新秩序 new international economic order 19.免税期 tax holiday20.海上保险 marine insurance 国际商务英语仿真试题演练(一)1 Trade fairs1 贸易洽谈会 2 production approach 生产方式 3. in bulk1 散装 4 net weight 净重 5. confirmed letter of credit保兑信用证 6。 counter offer还盘 7 specific duty近海运输 8. short-se

7、a maritime transport近海运输 9 par value 平价 10. World Bank Group世界银行集团11.议付行negotiating bank = 12.货交承运人FCA( Free Carrier) 13.承兑交单documents against acceptance 14.保险单insurance policy 15.从价税ad valorem duty 16.大额存单 certificate of deposit 17.规模经济economies of scale 18.投票权 voting power 19.绿地战略 the Greenfield s

8、trategy 20.长期资本 long-term capital 国际商务英语仿真试题演练(二)1 grace period 宽限期 2. Generalized System of Preferences 普惠制 3. competitive devaluation 竞争性贬值 4 financial market 金融市场 5. international economic environment 国际经济环境 6. international specialization 国际专门化 7 metal reserves 金属资源 8 FOB 船面交货价 9 trunk call 长途电话

9、 10.1easing trade 租赁贸易 11.最大诚信 utmost good faith 12.唛头 shipping marks 13.所得税 income tax 14.制成品 finished goods 15缔结双方 contracting parties 16.不可转让信用证 non-transferable credit 17.落后工业 aging-industry 18.资产与负债 assets and liabilities 19.契约承运人 contract carrier 20.双重保证付款 double assurance of payment 国际商务英语仿真试

10、题演练(三)1 Consumerism 消费,消费主义 2 buying rate 买人价 3 emerging nation 新兴国家 4.income tax 所得税 5。cargo receipt 货物收据 6 direct quote 直接标价7 tariff concessions 关税减让 8. earning in foreign trade1 外汇收入 9 export volume 出口量 10. financial center 金融中心 11.增值税 VAT( Value Added Tax) 12.世界贸易组织 WTO( World Trade Organization

11、) 13现金账户 account of cash 14.售后服务 after-sales service 15.年度预算 annual budget 16.银行危机 bank crisis 17.品牌 brand name 18商业税 business tax 19.补偿贸易 compensation trade 20.领事发票 consular invoice 国际商务英语仿真试题演练(四)mon pool共同基金 2 periodic payments 分期付款 3 open account 记账交易 4 absolute profit 绝对利润 5 additional tax 附加税

12、6 agency agreement 代理协定 7 all risks 一切险,全险,综合险 8 attract funds 吸引资金 9 basic law 基本法 10. business law商法 11.环太平洋圈 Pacific Rim 12.单价 unit price 13.资信可靠状况 credit worthiness 14.东道国 host countries 15.预付现金 cash in advance 16.售货确认书 sales confirmation 17.零库存 just-in-time inventory 18.储备货币 reserve currency 19

13、.交易场地 market floor 20.利弊 pros and cons 国际商务英语仿真试题演练(五)1 absolute inflation 绝对通货膨胀 2 advertising war 广告战 3 air transport 航空运输 4 gain profit 获利5 hard currency 硬货币 6.home market 国内市场 7.injured party 遭受损失方 8 key commodity 主要商品 9. legal weight 法定重量 10. quality control 质量管理 11.信誉第一 credit first 12.出口配额 ex

14、port quota 13.商品的等级 grade of goods 14.大宗商品 major items 15.国家资产 national assets 16.选择港 optional port 17.赤字red figure( deficit) 18.管理权 right of management 19.装运通知 shipping advice 20。全损 total loss 国际商务英语考前密押试卷(一)1 management contract 管理合同 2. factors of production 生产要素3Pacific Rim 环太平洋圈 4 Shareholders 股

15、东 5 credit worthiness 资信可靠状况 6D/A 承兑交单 7。unit price 单价 8 face value 面值 9 common carrier 公共承运人 10. direct quote (汇率)直接标价 11.知识产权 intellectual property 12.关税配额 tariff quota 13.知识密集型产业 knowledge-intensive industry 14.财务状况 financial standing 15.价格条款 price terms 16.资金周转 capital turnover 17.无汇票信用证 non-dra

16、ft credit 18.被通知人 notify party 19.清洁浮动 clean float 20.人口计划 population-planning 国际商务英语考前密押试卷(二) 1。 Host countries 东道国 2. Labor intensive 劳动密集型 3. international banking 国际银行业务 4 financial standing 财务状况 5D/P 付款交单 6 airway bill 空运提单 7. level of consumption 消费水平 8 offer 发盘 9 forwarding charges 交货费用 10. r

17、eserve currency 储备货币 11.合理的成本 reasonable costs 12.贸易惯例 trading practices 13.运载船只 carrying vessel 14.双重保障 double assurance 15.特别提款权 special drawing right 16.外汇管制 foreign exchange control 17.客户流动 customer mobility 18.合资企业 particular market area 19.具体市场 particular market area 20.反贴补措施 countervailing me

18、asures 国际商务英语单元综合测试(一)40. Most multinational corporations are made up of vast numbers of foreign subsidiaries, companies in which over 50 percent is owned by the parent company. Like all corporations, MNCs are organized according to the goals they set for themselves. They strive to retain access to

19、the necessary resources: raw material, man-power and capital. Furthermore, they try to grow through global cooperation by increasing their access to world resources. This leads them to expand their foreign market position, in other words, to increase their market share. MNCs grew into strong entitie

20、s by reinvesting their profits prudently so as to further increase access to resources. They had to hire more and more talented local people abroad, and they had to purchase raw materials in foreign countries.多数跨国公司都是由很多国外子公司组成的,母公司拥有子公司50%以上的股份。和所有公司一样,跨国公司也是按照他们自己的目标来组织的。他们努力得到必需的资源:原料、劳动力、资金,同时通过

21、提高在世界范围内获得资源的能力,通过全球范围内的合作获得发展。这使他们不断提高自己在国外市场的地位,即增加他们的市场份额。通过将利润谨慎地进行再投资,跨国公司得以发展成为强大的实体,从而进一步提高了自身获得资源的能力。于是,他们不得不雇佣更多有能力的当地人,并从外国购买原料。41.Incotrms have been revised to take account of changes in transportation techniques, such as the unitization of cargo in containers, multimodal transport and ro

22、ll on-roll off traffic with road vehicles and railway wagons in “ short-sea” maritime transport-certain terms have been consolidated and rearranged-and to render them fully compatible with new developments in electronic data interchange( EDl).国际贸易术语解释通则的修改考虑到了运输技术上的变化,如货物集装箱成组运输,多式联运以及公路滚装滚卸式运输和铁路货车

23、近海海洋运输的应用其中某些术语已经进行了合并和重新组合以充分适应电子数据交换系统的迅速发展。 42.劳务输出输入可以是由个人,或是由公司或是国家组织完成。它正在成为一种重要的无形贸易形式。Import and export of labour service may be undertaken by individuals, or organized by companies or even by states. It is becoming an important kind of invisible trade. 43.绝对利益理论认为,一种商品将在其耗费资源成本低的国家进行生产。The

24、theory of absolute advantage holds that a commodity will be produced in the country where it costs least in terms of resources.44.经济全球化不仅涉及经济,而且对政治、文化、价值观和生活方式都有重要影响。Economy is not the only element involved in economic globalization since it also has an important bearing on politics, culture, value

25、and way of life. 45.跨国企业组织内部公司之间大量的交易构成了世界贸易的很大一部分。Extensive intra-MNE transactions constitute a very significant proportion of total international trade. 46.各国政府经常采取的贸易保护主义措施也是贸易障碍,典型的例子是关税和配额。Protectionist measures which are often taken by governments are also barriers to trade, and typical exampl

26、es are tariffs and quotas 国际商务英语单元综合测试(二)40.It is quite natural that disputes arise in the course of the execution of a business contract or relating to the interpretation of the provisions of a contract. Some businessmen resort to unscrupulous(不道德的)means to break the contract when the market price

27、of the contract goods is falling drastically or the rate of exchange is fluctuating in a direction adverse to their interests. They will spare no effort to try to terminate the contract. With a view to prevent this from happening and also providing the ways to solve the trade disputes in case they a

28、rise, the two parties in a business transaction normally incorporate in the contract such provisions as regarding disputes, claims, penalty, force majeure, and the ways of settling trade disputes should they arise.合资企业“这一术语通常是用来泛指本国和外国的投资者为生产产品或进行其他经营活动而共同兴办新的企业的安排。在大多数情况下,投资者会在企业中追逐最大利益以维持其对企业经营的控制

29、和在企业最终利润中的应得份额。合资各方对经营的控制程度的协商可能围绕各方准备投入合资企业的资本或其他资产的数额进行。协商要实现的最终的结果是成立一个合资企业,该合资企业要能够保证各方在企业的政策和管理以及企业损益中得到双方所商定的份额。41.The documentation for air freight is far simpler than that for ocean freight. If exporting by air freight, the exporter normally begins by completing an air-consignment note, or l

30、etter of instruction, to the airline. This note gives basic details of the cargo, the customers name and address and the services the exporter requires, such as cash on delivery or special insurance arrangements. The air waybill is an internationally standardized document, printed in English and in

31、the language of the air carrier. Unlike the bill of lading, the air waybill does not give title to the goods.国际开发协会成立于1960年,它与国际复兴开发银行的目的一样,用于提供援助。但它主要贷款给相对较贫穷的发展中国家,其贷款条件对贷款国家的国际收支的影响不像复兴开发银行贷款产生的影响那么大。开发协会提供软贷款,即得不到偿还的风险相当大的贷款。 42.汇票可以是光票或跟单汇票。在后一种情况下,随同汇票一起的有相关的单据,如提单、 发票、保险单等。Insurance is a risk

32、 transfer mechanism, by which the individual or the business enterprise can shift some of the uncer- tainty of life onto the shoulders of others. 43.有效期对于确盘是必不可少的。在规定的时间之前,或在被对方接受或拒绝之前确盘一直是有效的。The purpose of IMF is to provide medium term assistance to those Fund members with payment difficulties. 44

33、.在国际贸易中使用正确的单据很重要,否则进口商提货时会遇到困难。The insurance company will not entertain the claim if the risk covered is not the proximate cause of the loss. 45.易货贸易、回购贸易和互购贸易都有一个有趣的共同特征,即“互相捆绑”,货物和服务交 换相互捆绑在一起。IBRD loans generally have a grace period of five years and are repayable over fifteen to twenty years. 4

34、6.运输对工业社会的发展和运行起着至关重要的作用,一个没有先进运输系统的社会只能处在原始落后状态。In addition to company securities, options are also available on gilts, currencies and indices. 国际商务英语单元综合测试(三)40,“ Joint venture”(合资企业)is the term generally used for an arrangement between foreign and domestic investors establishing a new corporation

35、 for the purpose of producing goods or carrying out other operations. In most cases the investor will seek a majority interest in the venture so as to optimize his control of operations and his share in eventual profits. Negotiations over the degree of control will revolve around how much capital or

36、 other assets each partner is prepared to contribute to the undertaking. The end result being sought is a joint venture that will ensure each partner a mutually agreed share in control over corporate policy and management and in the companys profits and losses. “合资企业”这一术语通常是用来泛指本国和外国的投资者为生产产品或进行其他经营

37、活动而共同兴办新的企业的安排。在大多数情况下,投资者会在企业中追逐最大利益以维持其对企业经营的控制和在企业最终利润中的应得份额。合资各方对经营的控制程度的协商可能围绕各方准备投入合资企业的资本或其他资产的数额进行。协商要实现的最终的结果是成立一个合资企业,该合资企业要能够保证各方在企业的政策和管理以及企业损益中得到双方所商定的份额。41. The International Development Association was established in 1960 to provide assistance for the same purposes as IBRD, but primar

38、ily in the poorer developing countries and on terms that would bear less heavily on their balance of payments than would IBRD loans. It offers soft loans, i. e. loans with significant risk of not being repaid. 国际开发协会成立于1960年,它与国际复兴开发银行的目的一样,用于提供援助。但它主要贷款给相对较贫穷的发展中国家,其贷款条件对贷款国家的国际收支的影响不像复兴开发银行贷款产生的影响

39、那么大。开发协会提供软贷款,即得不到偿还的风险相当大的贷款。 42.保险是一种风险转移机制。通过保险,个人或企业可以将生活中一些不确定因素转移给 其他人。Insurance is a risk transfer mechanism, by which the individual or the business enterprise can shift some of the uncer- tainty of life onto the shoulders of others. 43.国际货币基金组织旨在向那些在付款方面有困难的基金会员国提供中期贷款。The purpose of IMF is

40、 to provide medium term assistance to those Fund members with payment difficulties. 44.如果投保的险别不是造成损失的直接原因,保险公司将不予赔偿。The insurance company will not entertain the claim if the risk covered is not the proximate cause of the loss. 45.世界银行的贷款一般有5年的宽限期,15至20年偿清。IBRD loans generally have a grace period of

41、five years and are repayable over fifteen to twenty years. 46.除了公司有价证券期权,金边债券、货币和指数都有相应的期权。In addition to company securities, options are also available on gilts, currencies and indices. 国际商务英语仿真试题演练(一)40. Freight forwarders act, first, as your agent in moving your product overseas. Second, they are

42、 knowledgeable about customs duties, documentation, credit transaction, and insurance in addition to their fundamental role of moving your goods from one point to another. Professional international freight forwarder and instructor do for cargo what travel agents do for passengers. There is no law s

43、ays that you must use freight forwarder. Just like the airlines or advertising, you can book your own ticket or buy media space directly. Freight forwarders from airlines and the media. Freight forwarders receive their commissions from airlines and the media. Freight forwarders receive their commiss

44、ions from steamships.运输代理,首先是作为你的代理人向海外运输货物;其次,除运输货物的基本作用外,他们还熟悉关税、单证、赊购交易和保险业务。专业的国际运输代理和运输指导对货物所做的工作与旅行社为旅客所做的工作一样。没有法律规定必须使用运输代理。就像乘飞机和做广告一样,你可以直接订票和购卖广告播出时间,也可委托旅行社和广告代理商进行。运输代理就像旅行社和广告代理商一样开展工作。所不同的是,后两者从航空公司和广告公司收取佣金,而运输代理则是从运输公司收取佣金的。41. Letter of credit can be worded so that payment is made

45、on the very date that the shipping documents are received by the confirming bank, or, if you wish to give the buyer extra time, an L/C can also be worded so that payment is made 30,60,or up t0 180 days, which is the customary maximum. It is vitally important, though, that the wording in the L/C be c

46、lear and specific and equally important that the words in the shipping documents conform precisely with the wording of the L/C. Even slight variations can cause delays in payment until the questions are clarified and answered. Letter of credit can be extremely flexible. An unlimited number of provis

47、ions can be specified. For example, the buyer can even indicate what types of marking should be appear on the shipping containers.信用证可以表明在保兑银行收到货运单据的日期付款,或者,如果你想给买方多一点时间付款,信用证也可以表明在见单后30天、60天或习惯上最长的期限-180天付款。但是确保信用证上的措辞清楚明确是非常重要的,航运单据上的内容也必须与信用证上的内容完全一致,这点也同样重要。即使是细微的出入也会导致延期付款,直到问题得以澄清和解决。信用证可以是非常灵

48、活的,可以规定无限多的条款。例如,买方甚至可以对货运集装箱上出现的标志类型做出要求。42.合同依法实施,未能履行合同义务的一方可能受到起诉,并被强制做出赔偿。A contract is enforceable by law, and any party that fails to fulfill his contractual obligations may be sued and forced tomake compensation. 43.即期付款交单要求进口商立即付款以取得单据。Documents against payment at sight requires immediate p

49、ayment by the importer to get hold of the documents 44.所有的运输方式以及其代表性的运载工具在整个运输系统中起着重要的作用。All the modes and their representative carriers play important roles in the overall transportation system. 45.世界贸易组织的重要决策由两年举行一次的部长会议作出。Important decisions of the WTO are made at its biennial ministerial meeting

50、. 46就出口商而言,即期付款交单比远期付款交单有利,付款交单比承兑交单有利。So far as the exporters interest is concerned, D/P at sight is more favorable than D/P after sight, and D/P is more favorable than D/A. 国际商务英语仿真试题演练(二)40.In choosing a transportation mode for a particular product, shippers consider as many as six criteria: spee

51、d, frequency, dependability, capability, availability, and cost. Thus, if a shipper seeks speed, air and truck are the prime contenders. If the goal is low cost, then water and pipeline are the prime contenders. Shippers are increasingly combining two or more transportation modes, thanks to containe

52、rization. Containerization consists of putting the goods m boxes or trailers that are easy to transfer between two transportation modes. Each coordinated mode of transportation offers specific advantages to the shipper. For example, piggyback is cheaper than trucking alone and yet provides flexibili

53、ty and convenience.为了给某种产品选定一种运输方式,货主要考虑六个问题:速度、频率、可靠性、能力、便利性和成本。因此,若货主要求速度,空运和汽车运输是首要选择。如果目标是低成本,那水运和管道运输最好。由于集装箱化的发展,货主越来越多地将两种或更多的运输方式结合在一起。集装箱化是指将货物装于便于在两种运输方式间互换的箱子里或拖车上。每种联运都为货运人提供了某些便利。例如:铁路一公路联运要比完全用汽车运输便宜而且更灵活、更方便。41.There are two types of letter of credits, revocable and irrevocable. As an export seller you should always insist on irrev


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