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1、2019年七年级暑假生活指导答案 查字典语文网小编给同学们编辑整理了2019年七年级暑假生活指导答案,希望能够帮助到同学们,答案仅供参考。 P80读音 1.give library lazy friendly disscuss 2.weather went 3.beach agree 4.rule pool 5.mail 6.cry fight 7.south dowm 8.menu unit9.geography large10.king词汇练习Bgo to summer campstay at homebe late for classin the cornerdelicious food

2、of medium buildTV showturn left payphone remember Ca.zoos tomatoes photos leaves men children beachesstrawberriesboxesmonthsb.visits visiting visitedreads reading readfly flying flew studies studing studiedgets getting gotopens openning openedswims swimming swamsees seeing sawwrites writing wroterun

3、s running ranc.badlightunfriendlyrermemberdislikebehindrightearlyinregularbent P83 单项选择 1c2d3c4d5a6a7c8b9c10a11a12c13a14d15c16b17c18d19a20c21a22b23d24a25d26b27a28c29a30c31c32d33c34d35c 数学答案P55填空题 页 1 第1.2a+3b2.13.14.(x的平方+2xy+y的平方)5.8+4x-3x2(平方不会打,请见谅)6.ab+bc+ac7.28.-49.略10.x*(x+2)+1=(x+1)的平方11.75选择

4、题1c2d3b4a5d 英语 一 1、 Argument 2、 Suit 3、 Disagree 4、 pollute 5、 Suggestion 6、 Politely 7、 Mice 8、 Usefui 9、 Its 10、 Surprised 11、 Decision 12、 Fortunate 13、 Lucky 14、 Borrow 15、 Companies 16、 Freedom 二fewer least more most crazier craziest fatter fatest more excellent most excellent less least farthe

5、r farthest (further furthest) brighter brightest worse worst More common the most common 三.第三人称单数,现在分词,过去式,过去分词 1.eats eating ate eaten 2.collects collecting collected collected 3.guides guiding guided guided 4.flies flying flied flied 5.lies lying lied lied/ lay lain 6.forgets forgetting forgot for

6、gotten 7.drops dropping dropped dropped 8.chooses choosing chose chosen 9.sees seeing saw seen 10.hears hearing heard heard 11.pays paying paied paied 12.enjoys enjoying enjoyed enjoyed 13.welcomes welcoming welcomed welcomed 14.understands undertanding understood 页 2 第understood 15.feels feeling fe

7、lt felt 翻译: 汉英互译 1 complain about sth 2 be interested in study 3 be friendly to 4 be angry with 5 forbid sb to enter 6 get along well with 7 ten years later 8 on the other hand 9 in order to 10 be expected to 11 用尽,用光 12 扑灭(火) 13 审查 14 以-款式 15 最初活动 16 捐献 17 排队等候 18 把书忘在了家里 19 被.用 20 破坏规矩 填空(一) 填空: 1

8、.has been 2.has seen ;wants 3.personal 4.himself 5.supposed 6.closed 7.will bake; am 8.passing 9.was playing; was cooking 10.be 二.根据汉语填入适当单词 1.Indians 2.studying 3.look though 4.especially 5.worse 6plaining 7.months 8.graduated 9pany 10.requirement 单选 CCDBB BDCCA BBDAB CBDCB ADDCA CBDCC BAABA ACCDA

9、CDDDB BAADB 完型填空 A: CADBA DCDAC B: DBACD DABAD DBCCB 阅读 ABBBD AABDD CBBDC BCAC TFTT 句型转换: 1.How is ;getting on 2.why not 3.Lily said that she will go to zhe Summer Palace. 4.My clothes are in stlye. 5.I don't know how to do it. 6.I bought the snoopy doll fortwo years. 7.I don't think

10、 there will be fewer cars or more buses. 8.It is a good way 页 3 第to study English for singing English songs. 9.Robert had no new shoes,doesn't it? 10.How long haveyou been collecting things. 11.If you think hard, you will have a good idea. 12.He read the novel at that time. 13.What an intere

11、sting book! 14.The teachers are not both Frenchmen. 15.How soon will Steven finish the middle school. 16.He hasn't already had much. 17.Don't you think she is in? 18.Will there be more and more threes?yes,there will be. 19.what did he do? 20.She lived in a new house last year. 1、三长两短

12、 2、同生共死 3、无足轻重 4、水落石出5、半信半疑 6、阴阳顿挫 7、能屈能伸 8、老少皆宜9、推陈出新 10、自古至今 11、以逸待劳 12、欢天喜地13、横七竖八 14、异口同声 1、没精打采 2、精兵简将 3、救死扶伤 4、神机妙算5、阴谋诡计 6、奇峰异石 7、万古长青 8、拜鬼求神9、穷途莫路 10、粉身碎骨 11、走投无路 12、沾花惹草13、高瞻远曙 14、调兵遣将 15、七嘴八舌 16、三年五载 17、三心二意 18、一心一意 19、齐心协力 一咬1.公交车上,一个农民工的儿子给粗暴的司机咬了一口,结果换来了全车人的帮助与爱心。 2.这“一咬”指的是小男孩留在司机手上的那两

13、排浅浅的牙印,昭示着小男孩对对他一直所“向往的城市竟如此粗 页 4 第暴”的伤心、恐惧与批判,同时也是这2.“一咬”唤醒了城市人的爱心。所以这一咬既是要在了司机的手上,更是要在了城市人的心口。 3.(1)这一“笑”既是对少妇幽默机智言行的赞许,又缓解了车厢内的紧张气氛,驱走了孩子的恐惧。(2)这里的“笑”表现了人们帮助过别人后内心的愉悦与轻松。( 3)司机的“笑”中既是谅解,更是歉意与自我解嘲 4.示例:别担心,到了番禺我再还给你。 最温暖的墙1、为了不让老师的手被粉笔的灰尘腐蚀,学生用纸裹住了粉笔,在寒冬里,给老师送云关怀,犹如一堵挡住寒风的墙。2 、(1)这是一位爱岗敬业、默默奉献、热爱学生的好老师。(2)不专心的上课叽叽喳喳说话的学生见状后不再说话 学生们的眼神和往常不一样,有一种期待、一种激动 有的孩子把母亲的化妆的唇膏筒也拿来裹粉笔3、(1)因老师不明白孩子们用纸裹住粉笔的用意,以为是开玩笑。撕了粉笔灰尘就会腐蚀到老师的手,体现了孩子们对老师的爱戴。(2)她被孩子的可爱打动了,心灵受到了振动,精神受到了激励,要努力工作 4.我会送给老师一双手套 5


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