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1、Victor LuoM9M10重点词重点词组、句型、短文组、句型、短文必须牢记呀!必须牢记呀!我们的目标是我们的目标是保保60、争争85、创、创100!Module 9 A trip _ the zoo to 1老虎来自欧洲吗?老虎来自欧洲吗?-Does the tiger come from Europe?不,它来自亚洲。不,它来自亚洲。-No, it doesnt. It comes from Asia.2咱们去看看熊猫吧。咱们去看看熊猫吧。Lets go and see a tiger. 你想要看熊猫吗你想要看熊猫吗? Would you like to see pandas?3猴子是我

2、最喜欢的动物。猴子是我最喜欢的动物。The monkey is my favourite animal.4大象不喜欢吃肉。大象不喜欢吃肉。The elephant doesnt like eating meat.5狮子吃肉吗?狮子吃肉吗? 对,它吃肉。对,它吃肉。 -Does the lion eat meat? -Yes, it eats meat.6访问中国访问中国visit China7每天每天every day8更多的动物更多的动物more animals9骆驼在沙漠里生活,以草为食。骆驼在沙漠里生活,以草为食。The camel lives in the desert and eat

3、s grass.10有些大象在森林里劳动。有些大象在森林里劳动。Some elephants work in the forest.11 袋鼠生活在草原里。袋鼠生活在草原里。The kangaroo lives in the grassland.12在热带雨林在热带雨林 in the jungle13全世界全世界 all around the world14公园里没有狼。公园里没有狼。There arent any wolves in the park.15在野外在野外in the wild16每天每天15千克竹子千克竹子 15 kilos of bamboo a day17每天每天12小时小

4、时12 hours a day18请给我些水。请给我些水。 Please give me some water.19保持健康保持健康stay healthy20熊猫吃什么?熊猫吃什么?-What does the panda eat? 它吃竹子。它吃竹子。-It eats bamboo.必背对话必背对话 P54Module 10 ComputersnUnit1. 我怎样用电脑写作业我怎样用电脑写作业?n How do I write my homework on the computer?nUnit2. 你多久用一次电脑你多久用一次电脑?n How often do you use a com

5、puter?1connect to 把把与与相连相连2switch on 打开;接通打开;接通3save the document 保存文件保存文件4open a document 打开文件打开文件5go online 上网上网6download from the Internet 从网上下载从网上下载7connect the Internet 连接网络连接网络8download information 下载信息下载信息9visit a website 访问网站访问网站10send an email 发邮件发邮件11switch on a computer 打开电脑打开电脑12print yo

6、ur document 打印文件打印文件13 click save 点击保存点击保存14play a computer game 玩电脑游戏玩电脑游戏15make a travel plan 制定旅行计划制定旅行计划16How do I write my homework on the computer ? 我如何用电脑写作业呢?我如何用电脑写作业呢?17What do I do next ? 下一步我该做什么?下一步我该做什么?18.What do you usually do on yourcomputer ? 你通常在电脑上做什么?你通常在电脑上做什么?20 I dont often u

7、se the Internet. 我不常使用互连网。我不常使用互连网。21 Xiao Mei uses her laptop for work 小梅用她的笔记本电脑工作小梅用她的笔记本电脑工作比背对话:比背对话: P 60 Grammar : 行为动词的一般现在时行为动词的一般现在时肯定:肯定:I often do my homework on the computer. He often goes online.否定:否定:I dont often do my homework on the computer. He doesnt often go online.疑问:疑问:Do I oft

8、en do my homework on the computer ? Does he often go online ?回答:回答:Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.Module10 Unit3 Page145n二.1. download2. playn 3. sends4. getn 5. print 6. checkn 7. Click8. saven 9. goes10. visitn三.1. Dohave/ Have gotn 2. Doesgo3. doesplayn 4. When doesn 5. Ye

9、s, I doPage 146.nI have a new computer. I often use it to do my homework, draw pictures, go online, send emails. It is very helpful for my study. Sometimes I play computer games, but I dont play all day. I like my computer very much.Page148.n四.C A C B B A B C B B n五. C B B D B B B D B A n六. D A C B

10、B A A C B Cn七. 51. Computers52. saven 53. Finally54. againn 55. travel56. downloadn 57. check58. informationn 59. kinds60. visitPage 151.n八. 61. Yes, I / we don 62. doesnt sendn 63. What doesdon 64. or65. go onlinen九. 66. What do you usually don 67. play games, download music and send emailsn 68. go

11、es online to get informationn 69. switches onn 70. There are all kinds of websitesPage152nMy names Li Ming. I have a computer nat home. My father is a writer, he oftennwrites novels on the computer. Some-ntimes I do my homework on it and playncomputer games. My sister often goes online, she likes to

12、 download music andnlisten to music. The computer helps usna lot and it makes us happy.Page 154.n四四. C A A C B C B A A B n五五. A D C C D A C B B Dn六六. D C B D B B C A D C n七七. 51. her52. leaves53. somen 54. make 55. Potatoes56. nevern 57. invites 58. different59. kindsn 60. connectn八八. 51. from China

13、 Chinesen 52. goes online, but he doesnt sendn emailsPage157.n53. listens to musicn54. Welcome to n55. plays games onn九九. 66. Her name is Mary.n 67. Yes, she does.n 68. No, they dont .n 69. They do their homework on Saturday.n 70. They are going to the park on SundaysPage158nMiss Wu is my English te

14、acher.Shes very pretty. Shes tall and slim. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is long. She likes her students very much. And she likes singing and dancing, too. Her English is very good. We often play games in English class . Shes very kind to us. We all love her.n(55 words)书P67n5. 1.

15、 Would you like2. onn 3. Lets4. Would you liken 5. Lets6. in n 7. lets 8. in n 9. at n6. 1. has2. makes3. isn 4. gets up 5. opens6. getsn 7. makes 8. come9. dont eatn 10. like11. gets12. dontn 13. give14. enjoysPage68.n8. 1. elephant; Asian; forestn 2. monkey; South American; junglen 3. panda; Chine

16、se; forestn 4. wolf; European; forestn 5. kangaroo; Australian; grasslandn 9. 1. printer2. monitorn 3. computer 4. keyboardn 5. mousen 10. 1. connect 2. visit 3. clickn 4. switch5. send http:/ 时彩计划软件 括悦心集、御选语录、圆明语录、集云百问、破尘居士语录等等。而与王爷研讨过佛法禅师们都认为他颇具慧根,可以领悟怫法境界,那也是王爷在日常治政、处世、人生等诸方面,有着独到玄空观重要原因。?王爷有两各法号


18、王公大臣们,被皇上赐予园林,而那些没什么资格受赏赐人们,只得是自掏腰包购置产业。皇上在畅春园处理政务闲暇之余,也时常会来到他三小格、四小格园子里共享天伦之乐。据史料记载,诚亲王在自家园子接驾次数高达十七次之多,而雍亲王在圆明园接驾竟也达到十三次之多,可见两位皇子受皇上重视恩宠程度。那壹天,皇上临时突发其想,既没什么事前安排,也没什么提前传达圣旨,就带着包括魏珠在内壹众近侍奴才,悄没声儿地来到咯皇四子圆明园里。园子大门口太监突见圣驾来临,惊出壹身冷汗,慌忙跪迎,同时心急如焚地想要去给自家爷传口信,皇上见状直说:“别着急,别着急,四小格在哪里,朕就去哪里。四小格别是总说他亲自务农,体察民之艰辛吗?今天朕就看壹看他到底是怎么体察民情。”皇上壹声令下,奴才们谁也别敢多言,只得小心翼翼地恭迎圣驾。皇上发话,四小格在哪里,他就去哪里。奴才们只晓得王爷在晓月湖畔,于是就直接将皇上恭迎到咯湖边,可是奴才们哪里晓得,他们王爷此时正在和水清、悠思母女俩人采莲呢。第壹卷 第668章 玩兴今天又是悠思要去园子里玩,死活别肯呆在陶源里。水


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