英语高二译林牛津选修8unit 1同步学案(3之1)(精品)_第1页
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1、英语高二译林牛津选修8Unit 1同步学案(3之1)(精品)课题名称M8U1课型New words课时:【学习目标】1. To learn and master the new words.2. To improve the ability of memorizing the new words.3To understand and use the new words correctly.【学习重点】1. To help the students read new words correctly.2. Help the students to learn the new words bette

2、r.【学习难点】1. How to make the students understand and master the usage of the new words.2. How to help the students finish all the exercises.【学法指导】Teachers -class, individuals, pairs, read, practice【知识链接】Students will learn about the important words and phrases. In this part, according to explanation,

3、usage and practice. They are supposed to master and understand these new words. 【导学过程】(学习方式,学习内容,学习程序,问题)个案补充预习导学(10分钟)写出 下列名词:经典著作_ 古董,古物_ 智慧,明智_灰尘_ 改编,改写_ 作品,著作_书的章,篇_ 不确定 _紧张_小说的情节_ 财富,运气 _提醒,提示_缺点,短处_ 偏见_ 同伴_主题,主旨_ 财富 _ 相识,熟人_小说家_ 贫民收容院_ 罪犯_百万富翁_ 法庭_ 罪行,罪恶_暴力,暴行_ 不幸,灾祸_动词:改过自新,改革_ 对。施加压力_ 抵制,抵抗_

4、形容词:古典的_ 文学的_ 被承认的_ 单纯的,简朴的_ 慷慨的_ 突然的,生硬的_持续的_ 破旧的_ 浅薄的_死板的,严格的_有教养的_ 华而不实的_受过教育的_ 不正常的 _短语:对。有偏见_ 一心想要_ 和。相识_课中合作探究 展示导思(25分钟)1.received adj.被承认的;被认可的;公认的The presidents view has become the received view.总统的观点已成为公认的观点。School should teach students the received pronunciation.学校应该教学生标准发音。be well receiv

5、ed 受到好评;普遍认可Received Standard English标准英语 well-received受欢迎的;被认可的receive vt.收到;受到;接待;款待;接纳;承认receive。as 承认。是。活学巧用(1)这本书受到老师们的一致好评The book _ _ _ by the teachers.(2)他不愿承认她是他的儿媳。He would not _her _his daughter-in-law.2.adaptation n.改编;改写;适应This is an adaptation for children of the play King Lear by Shak

6、espeare.这是为儿童改编的莎士比亚作品李尔王的剧本。Desert species need the adaptationadaptto 使适合使适应 adapt (sb / oneself) to We had to adapt quickly to the new system.我们不得不迅速适应新制度。adapt sth.for/from sth.改编;改写Three of her novels have been adapted for television.她的长篇小说中有三部已改编成电视剧。活学巧用1)他很快适应了这种新的气候。_.2)为孩子编写的教科书 _3)这部影片是由张爱

7、玲的小说改编而来的_3. fortune n. C 财产,财富U 运气,好运(luck)词汇拓展:不幸,灾祸 misfortune幸运的,侥幸的 fortunate不幸的 unfortunateadv. unfortunately常用搭配:运气好/坏 have good / bad fortune (luck)发(大)财 make a (considerable / big) fortune外出找出路 seek one's fortune. 碰运气 try one's fortune(1) 我真幸运,被选中出国旅行。I_to be chosen for a trip abroa

8、d.(2) 他靠卖废料发了大财。He _ by selling waste materials.(3) 父亲死后她得到/继承了一大笔财产。She _ after her father passed away.4. prejudice n. / v. adj. prejudiced 有偏见的,对有偏见be prejudiced against / have (a) prejudice against 使某人对抱偏见种族偏见 color / racial prejudice我不知道他们为何对这么好的主意如此反感。I don't know why they are prejudiced ag

9、ainst / have (a) prejudice against this wonderful idea.5. bent adj. 决意的,极想的be bent on / upon doing 一心想做,决心要 bend oneself/sb.to sth.专注于bend the truth 歪曲事实;扭曲真理bend sb.to sth.使屈服于;使顺从于bend over 将身子倾向于bend down 弯腰;屈膝make a bend 转弯 take a bend 拐弯(1) 他一心想让他们高兴。He _ making them happy.(2) 一心看书,他没有看到狗跑了。_,

10、he didn't see the dog escape.拓展:潜心于,专心于,类似表达有:be lost in / be absorbed in / be determined to / be devoted to / be engaged in6. fancy adj. 华而不实的,高档的,极好的n. 幻想,想象相关短语:have a fancy (that) 感到,感觉have a fancy for 喜爱,渴望take a fancy to 喜欢上,爱上(无明显原因)take (catch) sb's fancy / take (catch) the fancy of

11、sb / attract sb吸引某人,引起喜爱我感觉他将迟到。I _ he'll be late.展品深受参观者喜爱。The exhibits _ the visitors.7. acquaintance n. 相识;熟人v. acquaintadj. acquainted相关短语:make the acquaintance of sb. / make sb's acquaintance 结识某人(get to know)get / be acquainted with (be familiar with)acquaint sb. / oneself with (make s

12、b. / oneself familiar with)Translate: She is an old acquaintance. _He has some little acquaintance with the Japanese language. _我是在一个聚会上认识他的。_你对莎士比亚的作品熟悉吗?_8. abuse vt.虐待;辱骂;滥用n.滥用;妄用;虐待;辱骂Some governors abuse their power and position. 有些政府官员滥用职权。an abuse of trust辜负别人的信任 abuse ones authority滥用权力她滥用自

13、己的职权将工作安排给朋友们。She _ _ _ by giving jobs to his friends.9. 。 检测导练(10分钟一单词拼写:1. C_ literature still has a place in the world today.2. The presidents view has become the r_ view.3. It is g_ of you to share your food with me.4. The old man drove the car at a c_ speed, making us feel very comfortable.5. T

14、he photo is a r_ of the happy time we spent together.6. Their decision was based on ignorance and _(偏见).8. Tom was my c_(同伴)on the journey.9. Its time you s_(解决)your differences with your father.10. They put forward some proposals to r_(改革)the social security system.二翻译句子:1. 报纸被指控歪曲事实。The newspaper

15、was accused of _ _ _.2. 他在房地产上发了财。He _ _ _ in real estate.3. Few people will admit to _ _ _.(种族歧视)4. 我是在一个聚会上认识他的。I _ _ _ _ him at a party.5. 吉姆受不了别人拿他的秃顶开玩笑。Jim _ _others making jokes about his baldness.6. 他们不幸遇上了猛烈的风暴。They had the _to be hit by a violent storm.课后巩固练习:三 单项填空1. It took him a while _

16、himself _his new surroundings.A. to adapt; to B. to adopt; to C. adapting; toD. adopting; to2. Two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea._, neither of them could swim.A. In fact B. Luckily C. Unfortunately D. Natural3. In the past 20 years quite a lot of ambitious young people have gone abroad to

17、 seek their _.AhelpBequalsClivesDfortunate4. Mary is _ getting the first place in the competition so she practised all day long.Abusy withBbent forCbent uponDanxious to5. The old man _scientific research and has little time to stay with his family.A. is bent on B. is bended on C. is bent forD. is be

18、nt in6. Why do you go to the dancing hall three times a week?I've taken a(n) _ to dancing.AinterestBhobbyCfancyDcourse7. With a lot of problems _, the manager will have a hard time this week.8. With a lot of problems _, the manager felt happy.Ato settleBsettling Cto be settledDsettled9. He gaine

19、d his D by printing of famous writers.Awealth; work Bwealths; worksCwealths; work Dwealth; works10. As is well-known to us all, drinking too much can _ one's health.AwoundBhurtCharmDinjure11. The law needs _.A. reformed B. to be reformed C. being reformedD. to reform12. I made _ acquaintance of several musicians around that time.A. theB. a C. anD./is well receivedreceive,asHe adapted (himself) quickly to the new climate.extbooks adapted for childrenThis film is adapted from


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