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1、1 / 83英语写作(二)为了能使考生在较短的时间内获得考试作文的高分,根据不同的命题形式总结了大量模板,以方便大家在考试中使用。需要说明的是,给出的 多个模板考生们不必都牢记在心,只要根据自己的情况在每种类型中选择 一到两种作参考使用。原因陈述类1 1、题型总结:原因型作文要求考生对社会现象或社会问题进行解释。出题者以某 一社会现象、问题或趋势为议论对象,要求考生就其形成的原因进行充分 地、客观地解释,并从考生自身的视角出发对这一现象(或问题)的前景、 后果或影响做出结论性分析或预测。模板 1 12 / 83Nowadays, we ofte n hear that1、提出一种.This p

2、he nomenon is not accide ntal.要探讨的现and there are social and in dividual backgro un ds.象。Why cannot2、现象产生.For one thing.的原因之一For3、举例说明ano ther,4、现象产生As an的原因之一Example,5、举例说明.From that we6、作者本人的观点As far as I am concern ed, I agree that.I thi nk that模板 2 2In the past 15 years China has experieneed an a

3、larming in crease in1、提出要讨论的问题3 / 83It rose from 8 perce nt in 1982 to 24 perce nt in 1995 Thestatisticslook Quite disturbingand cause people to ask why.The factors for a great rise in A are complex, Some attribute it to4 / 83and other place the reas on towhichWhatever the causes, only particularext

4、ernalcircumstanceshave bee nExamined. The factors, actually, are psychological as wellas social.Most peopletowardsThe effort to_ ,_ and the n we may con duct a more exte nsivecampaig nTo_._For all these reas on s, it comes as no surprise that3、原因之They also4、提出建议一5、提出建议二6、得出结论5 / 83模板 3 3Have you eve

5、r?Have you ever?Have you ever?If you have no experieneelike these, your life is anin adequate on e. I n my point of view. I like A much more tha n B.Every pers on can see the first reas on.1、 以三个并 列的问句开 头,别有新意2、 作者在A与B之间的取 舍3、 理由一4、 理由二5、说明B也 有优点,但比 较而言,作者 更喜欢AThe sec ond reas on for my prope nsity

6、for A is thatB is somewhat challe nging as well. Such as .How-ever,I still prefer A, for they teach me how to6 / 83比较分析类1 1 题型总结一种是运用比较的手段阐述自己观点,在比较所讨论的两个事物的优 点缺点时,要有自己的看法。具体写作时,对赞成的事物优点要详写,缺 点少写或略过,对反对的事物,优点要少写或略写,缺点则要详写,使观 点得以实现。另一种是所比较的两个事物都有明显的优点和缺点时, 贝y y既不完全肯 定某一个事物,也不能彻底否定另一个事物。模板 1 1As two m

7、ain soluti ons for1、提出两种,and不同的观点draw more atte nti on of the public tha n ever before. Some2、先承认所place more stress on the former while others attach heavier反对的事物weight to the latter.If asked to make a choice between the有优点two forces, I would not hesitate to choose the latter over3、转而说明the former.所反

8、对事物There is no n eed to deny that存在的缺点but it seems4、详述反对Justcon siderthe理由之一situati on5、反对理由7 / 83in which之二8 / 83.Moreover,.By con trast.en ables us to feel,in fact, asno thi ng brings more ben efit than.And what is more,As can be con cluded from an alyses above, whe n you judgebetween both on the

9、basis of their nature, dont you think that6、 所赞成的 事物的优点7、 详述优点 之一8、 详述优点 之二9、做出结论,说明选择后 者是一种正 确的决定Therefore,模板 2 2With the improved sta ndard of livi ng, Aplaysanin fluentialpart in our everyday life. Although it is widely acceptedthat A1、 举出要比 较的事物,并 说明作者本 人的观点2、首行说明A9 / 8310 / 83具有一定的 优点,接着着 重说明其缺

10、 占八、3、A的缺点之4、 反过来说明B的优点5、B的优点之6、B的优点之7、说明B也 有缺点,但比 较而言,其优 点更为显著8、结论,阐 明作者的观 占八、,But i n my opinion, BIt is true that A brings us into a whole new world wherewe can easily see the changes in our life. However, just likeanything else, A also brings us some problems. For example.To make things worst, i

11、tIn stead,theadva ntages of Bcarrymore weight tha n adva ntages of A. For one thing, BFor ano ther, B also.Although B cannot,few things can match B in termsofFor all the above, reas on s, I believe that11 / 83分析利弊型1 1 题型总结分析利弊型作文,其特点是对某一个现象或事物的优点或缺点进行正 反两个方面的分析,最后得出结论或发表自己的看法。注意是针对一件事 物,要与比较分析类相区分。模

12、板 1 1A now play such an important part in so many peopleslives thatObviously, A has both adva ntages and disadva ntages.As is ofte n poin ted out, A makes us knowSo that.In additi on,_._ Yet here again,there is a danger. Themain problem with it is that_:It is criticized on the groundsthat it con tri

13、butes (leads to rise in )_._ Besides (In addition)1、主题段,总体说明A有利有弊2、 有利的理由之一3、 理由二4、 不利一面5、理由一6、具体说明理由一12 / 83In any case, whether the ultimate of A is good or not, onething is certain that_ 7、理由二13 / 83which it is put that determ ine its value to society.It is the uses to&结论14 / 83模板 2 2The most

14、 serious problem is.Besides,Therefore,give nanopport un ityto,One must con sider both sides of factors carefully beforemaking up his mind. On the whole, it is a good thing to_,_ but on the other hand, one must mot lose sight for thedisadva,adva ntages, toHowever just as everythi ng has

15、two sides, there are some disadvantages in.1、 首 先 论 述有利的一面2、 优势之一3、优势之二4、 优势之三5、 由此得出的结论6、 不利的一一 面7、 不利因素8、 不利因素9、平衡观点15 / 83观点陈述型1 1 题型总结1有人认为 ,有人认为 ,我认为。有人认为 ,另外一些人认为 ,我的观点 。2提出一种现象:不同的看法(有人认为,有人认为)观点。模板 1 1Con versely, many people have an aodor for A. They argue thatThis notion is unacceptable to

16、 those who_because they believe thatIn conclusion, my idea is that,我的A is held in con tempt by many people. In these peopleeyes A is always_ . They show great concern forthe fact that,because for them1、对A所持的一种观点2、原因3、 另一种观占八、4、原因5、作者的观占八、16 / 83模板 2 2Should1、以反问开?This is much talked头Nowadays. Some h

17、old that2、观点一.For one thing.3、理由一.And for ano ther,4、理由二.Hence,5、观点一的结论Other people, however, maintain that6、观点二7、观点二理.It is well-k nown that由一8、观点二理.Besides,由二.So,9、作者的观占八、Person ally, I firmly believe thatbecause.17 / 83解决问题型1 1 题型总结这种类型的短文主要是针对某个问题或现象做出解释并说明原因。其结构主要如下:1提出某个现象或问题,并从总结上把握该现象或问题。2对该

18、问题给出解释,并提出相应的解决方案。3总结模板 1 1The whole society should pay close attentionto the problem1、现实生活of中出现的问Itsresults may题be2、他产生的后果It will also bring the changes to our society such as3、社会问题带来的社会When we think about it, we find threecon structive变化soluti ons.4、建议性意First.见一Second5、建议性意And fin ally见二6、建议性意.The

19、n we will find见三7、改进后会出现的局面14 / 8319 / 83模板 2 2We are facing majorProblems it is reported thatThere are two basic sources of these problems. One is man-made, forexample,The other is a n atural catastrophe.Then, how should we? One method isOr perhapsis a better way to_In additi on,1、提出问题2、 问题来源之一3、 问

20、题来源之二4、 解决方法之一5、 解决方法之二6、 解决方法之三20 / 83模板 3 3No doubt, every one wishes to1、提出问题When we discuss this,some 2、解决措施fun dame ntal之一prin ciples should be brought in mind.3、解决措施The first key factor to solve this problem is之二4、这两种方is ano ther key factor法的缺陷But the two methods may 5、解决措施bring us some side e

21、ffects, for example之三Of course,6、总结themost effective way to solve the problem is thatBut thecon diti ons are not yet met.All in all, the solutions may not bring the perfect result,but as longAs we do it with our bra ins and han ds, we will one day resolve21 / 83it.22 / 83模板 4 4More and more attentio

22、n has been focused on the problem of1、社会生活中出 现的问题2、 冋题带来的后 果之一3、 冋题带来的后果之二4、这一问题产生 的最严重的后果5、从反面论证问 题的严重性6、针对问题提出 的建议7、解决问题后出 现的前景It brings not only,but also.ButthemostSerious result of the problem isIf the problem is not settled down.The suggestio n we can make to the problem is.In that case,23 / 83

23、解释说明型1 1 题型总结包括“ whatwhat”型和“ howhow”型文章,具体解释如下:1“whatwhat”型:whatwhat 型说明文是对客观事物的形体的构造、性质、功能、特点等进行说明。如果文章要求发表自己的观点,就称为 whatwhat 型说明 文。2“hoWhoW 型:以说明 howhow 为主的文章是把握一过程或顺序向别人加以介绍和解释。因此它注重的是一个“howhow”字以及回答或说明“ howhow”这个字所涉及的方面。写时要注意以下几点:表达清晰,用词准确,层次分明。要忠于客观事实,不便用带有感情色彩甚至偏见的词语,不采用夸张手法。强调逻辑严密,文章按逻辑条理或时间

24、顺序来写。模板 1 1A has always placed an importa nee on1、主题句and disti net effects on an in dividual. There2、A的影响之are many practical reas ons for that.-一-One effect of A is that3、A的影响之A rein forces a sec ond effect4、A的影响之24 / 83Perhaps the most powerful effect of A is5、总体评述,并给出建议Many peoplebecause of.Others

25、Because ofRegardless of the reas ons for A, however, the effects are con siderable.Si neeWe all would do well if模板 2 2The other day, I happe ned to1、提出要探Thestory is not rare,and it is one of索的主题the thousa nds who ben efit form2、优点之一One of the ben efits derived formTo have a3、举例说明betterun dersta ndin

26、g of4、结论.We may look atAno therben efitisconcerned with point is.A good case in25 / 83Of all the ben efitsresult ingform.none has bee n more sig ni fica nt tha nThus, it can be see n that26 / 83Another effect relates toOf all the ben efits result ing form, no thi ng is as sig ni fica nt asIn my opin

27、ion, A is just.If, it may be usefulforWhatever A is, the key poin t lies in模板 3 3We ofte n come into that A_ n ique, itis oneof the thousa nds who suffer from1、提出要探索的主题2、益处之一One of the ben eficial effects onis_ reciati onof3、举例说明4、益处之5、举例说明we may turn to6、益处之三A typical example of this is_ 7、结论27 / 8

28、3模板 4 4For a long time we have been using A as a means of deciding whetherAlthoughA does the job quite sufficiently, its side effects are also eno rmous.The most un desirable effect is that.Forin sta nee,.A do not,but to;it does not,but to.A alsoActually, few of us admit thatIf that is the case, why

29、 cannot we makea change and devisesometh ing more efficie nt and reliable tha n A.1、 引出要讨论的事物2、危害之一3、举例说明4、 危害之二5、结论28 / 83图表作文图表作文就是命题者要求考生在看懂各类图表的基础上,把相关的数 字统计、线条、曲线等浓缩的信息转化成文字的材料。图表作文重于说明事实。通过对图表中所反映的具体数据的说明、分 析、比较,对某种事物、现象的事实或变化情况加以说明,并得出结论或 看法。图表作文常采用议论文体的写法。1 1、图表作文的构思图表作文的构思应从以下三方面考虑:1交代图的性质及

30、所示主要内容一一段落简单、明确。2阐述图中所示要点及相互联系文中主体部分。3通过第二段的说明、比较、分析,作者对此可以表明自己的看法,发表议论,做出结论或评价。2 2、图表作文需要注意的问题1不能在中文一一罗列所给的数据, 选择典型的, 有代表性的数据就 可。2注意观点要与数据一致而且与数据分析出的结果统一。3结论要有说服力,合情合理,既可以总结,也可以预测。29 / 83模板 1 1The draw ing of the carto on probably wants to tell us that1、漫画所包含的意义The purpose of the drawer is quite clear. He/She uses the2、社会现实carto on to mirror our daily life. Today,生活中与漫画意义相似的现象The reas on of the con diti on is3、产生社会现象的原因4、为了扭转We can do and must do someth ing about it. We should社会现象,我And们所应采取Then it can be see n that的步聚之一5、步骤之二6、改变现状后的前景模板 2 2The first graph shows us1、图表反映.At the


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