1、深圳职业技术学院应用外国语学院深圳职业技术学院应用外国语学院Reading AWarming-upReading AListeningSpeaking436ProjectReading BWritingVocabulary and Structure51278Self-evaluation9Grammar10Warming-upTask 1Task 2Warming-upTask 1 Look at the following pictures of prototyping and complete the form below.Warming-upxx xAs an industrial d
2、esigner, what will you do during the prototyping process? Put a tick () for “yes” or a cross () for “no” in the box.Task 2Reading ATextTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Background InformationTask 5Reading A1. Prototype A prototype is an original type, form, or instance of something serving as a typical exampl
3、e, basis, or standard for other things of the same category. Reading A2. Duct tape Duct tape is a vinyl, fabric-reinforced, multipurpose pressure sensitive tape with a soft and tacky pressure sensitive adhesive. It is genrally silver or black in color but many other colors and transparent tapes have
4、 recently become available. Its strength, low cost, and remarkable versatility make it a household staple for temporary repairs and general-purpose use. Reading A3. Baling wire Baling wire, otherwise known as “farm wire” or “soft wire”, is primarily used in an agricultural setting for everything fro
5、m mending fences to manually binding square bales of hay, straw, or cut grass. Baling wire is commonly used in many non-agricultural applications, usually in an informal, make-do (代用的) manner. It is frequently referred to as one of the basic repair materials. Reading ATask 1 Look at the following ch
6、art. Name THREE phases of product design that can be completed more easily by means of CAD.Reading ATask 2 How does prototyping fit into the design process? Brainstorm at least THREE advantages of Rapid Prototyping.Reading APrototyping Prototyping is the design verification phase of product developm
7、ent used to demonstrate or prove aspects of a design. Prototyping is simply taking the design from the virtual and imaginary realm to the physical world. Reading A There are many levels of prototypes. Some are simple duct-tape and baling wire to visualize how something might work; others are highly
8、polished but fragile representations for show and tell; still others are functional representations that work. The kind of prototype used should fit the needs of the projectespecially since there is often a significant cost involved.Reading A Typical prototyping methods include clay (or other) mocku
9、p, fabrication and machining, and rapid prototyping. Mockups are typically done very early in the design for visualization and feel, and to allow adjustments or fiddling with shape and size. Fabricated prototypes are typically functional versions that may or may not look like the final product but g
10、ive the opportunity to test function and prove that something works.Reading A The term “Rapid Prototyping” encompasses a range of technologies that create 3D physical parts directly from the computer. This is becoming very popular because of the speed and accuracy available. These can be done in alm
11、ost any shape and can be finished to look exactly like a production partthough usually much more fragile. A whole host of service bureaus have sprung up to meet the need, so for more information, a quick web search will usually yield an overload of information. Reading A Regardless of methods, proto
12、types should be thought of as toolsfor learning, for visualization and for design improvement. However, these tools are costly both in time and money. So, before diving into the prototyping phase, there are a few questions you should ask: Is a prototype desirable or necessary? Is there a need for de
13、sign verification? Is testing needed for design improvement? Dose the design make best use of existing information? Reading A Depending upon your answers to these questions, and the product itself, a prototype may or may not be necessaryor perhaps more importantly, it may be that only parts of the d
14、esign need prototyping. This is not to say that prototypes should not be built, just to emphasize that prototyping is costly in both time and money, so the need should be evaluated.Reading A原型制作原型制作 原型制作是产品开发的验证阶段,用以演示和验证设计原型制作是产品开发的验证阶段,用以演示和验证设计的各个方面,即把设计从虚拟、想象的层面带入现实世界。的各个方面,即把设计从虚拟、想象的层面带入现实世界。R
15、eading A 原型有不同层次。有些仅由布基胶带和贝灵线构成,用以原型有不同层次。有些仅由布基胶带和贝灵线构成,用以显示某种产品的工作原理,有些制作精细但展示或讲解时容易显示某种产品的工作原理,有些制作精细但展示或讲解时容易损碎,还有一些则是实用原型,可以使用。究竟使用哪种原型损碎,还有一些则是实用原型,可以使用。究竟使用哪种原型应符合设计项目的需要,尤其是考虑到原型制作成本通常都很应符合设计项目的需要,尤其是考虑到原型制作成本通常都很高昂。高昂。Reading A 典型的原型制作方法包括粘土(或其他材料)实体模典型的原型制作方法包括粘土(或其他材料)实体模型法、制造及机加工技术和快速原型制
16、作技术。实体模型型法、制造及机加工技术和快速原型制作技术。实体模型通常在设计的初期阶段就制作出来,以便可视可触,也便通常在设计的初期阶段就制作出来,以便可视可触,也便于对其形状和大小进行调整或揣摩。通过第二种方法制造于对其形状和大小进行调整或揣摩。通过第二种方法制造出的原型通常是实用型的,可能像或不像最终产品,但可出的原型通常是实用型的,可能像或不像最终产品,但可测试其功能,证明是可行的。测试其功能,证明是可行的。Reading A “快速原型制作快速原型制作”包括一系列直接从计算机生成三维实体部包括一系列直接从计算机生成三维实体部件的技术。该技术因其速度快、准确性高而日益普及。几乎任何件的技
17、术。该技术因其速度快、准确性高而日益普及。几乎任何形状的部件都可以进行快速原型制作,并且看上去与生产部件毫形状的部件都可以进行快速原型制作,并且看上去与生产部件毫无二致,尽管通常会脆弱很多。为满足无二致,尽管通常会脆弱很多。为满足“快速原型制作快速原型制作”的需求的需求, 现已涌现出一大批服务机构。欲知详情,只要在网上快速搜现已涌现出一大批服务机构。欲知详情,只要在网上快速搜索一索一下,就会找到这些机构的海量信息。下,就会找到这些机构的海量信息。Reading A 无论采取哪种制作方法,原型都应视为着眼于学习、可视化无论采取哪种制作方法,原型都应视为着眼于学习、可视化和改进设计的工具。然而这些
18、工具都费时费钱。因此,在进入原和改进设计的工具。然而这些工具都费时费钱。因此,在进入原型制作阶段之前,有几个问题需要回答:原型是否需要或必要?型制作阶段之前,有几个问题需要回答:原型是否需要或必要? 是否需要设计验证?对于设计改进是否需要测试?设计是否充是否需要设计验证?对于设计改进是否需要测试?设计是否充分利用了已有信息?分利用了已有信息?Reading A 原型制作有无必要取决于对上述问题的回答以及产品本身。原型制作有无必要取决于对上述问题的回答以及产品本身。或许更重要的是,可能只是设计的某些部分需要制作原型。这并或许更重要的是,可能只是设计的某些部分需要制作原型。这并不是说不应制作原型,
19、只是强调制作原型费时费钱,因此应先评不是说不应制作原型,只是强调制作原型费时费钱,因此应先评估是否有此必要。估是否有此必要。Reading Ademonstrate 论证;证明e.g. 1. A long time ago people could already demonstrate that the earth is round. 很久以前人们就能证明地球是圆的。 2. The salesman demonstrated how to use the washing-machine. 这位售货员演示怎样使用这台洗衣机。v.Reading Avirtualadj. 实际上的e.g. 1.
20、It is a virtual refusal. 这是种名副其实的拒绝。 2. To finish this task, we should first use digital tools to create virtual working teams. 为了完成这项任务,我们先得运用数字工具来创建实际 的工作团队。 Reading Aimaginaryadj. 想象的;虚构的e.g. 1. The equator is an imaginary circle around the earth. 赤道是假想的绕地球的圆圈。 2. Although the main characters in
21、the novel are so close to life, they are imaginary. 虽然这部小说中的主要人物非常贴近生活,他们仍是虚 构的。 Reading Apolishedadj. 1. 擦亮的;光滑的2. 优雅的e.g. 1. His shoes were always well polished. 他的鞋总是擦得光亮。 2. The new president presented a polished speech. 这位新总统发表了一场优雅的演说。 Reading Afragileadj. 脆的;易碎的e.g. 1. When Susan open the box
22、, she found there is a fragile china in it. 当苏珊打开盒子,她发现里面有个易碎的瓷器。 2. The postman told me that this parcel should be marked “fragile”. 邮递员告诉我这个包裹要表明“易碎的”。Reading Afiddle1. 乱动2. 拉小提琴e.g. 1. You shall not fiddle away your spare time. 你不能瞎混空余时间。 2. She fiddled with her watch so much that it broke. 她胡乱摆弄
23、手表,最终把它弄坏了。v.Reading Aencompasse.g. 1. The atmosphere encompasses the earth. 大气层包围着地球。 2. The scholar felt as if he had been encompassed with enormous respect. 这位学者感觉他好像被无限的尊敬包围着。围绕;包围v.Reading Aspring upe.g. 1. A suspicion sprang up in her mind. 她心中泛起了一片疑团。 2. After World War II, new nations sprang
24、 up like bamboo shoots after spring rain. 二战后,一些新兴国家像雨后春笋迅速崛起。跳跃;出现v.Reading Ayieldv.生产;屈从e.g. 1. That apple tree yields plenty of apples. 那棵苹果树结出了许多苹果。 2. He yielded the temptation. 他屈服于诱惑。Reading Aregardless of 不顾;不注意e.g. 1. We are determined to go regardless of your intentions. 我们不顾你的想法执意要走。 2. D
25、enis decided to go traveling in Africa regardless of expense. 丹尼毫不顾及费用,一定要去非洲旅行。 Reading Athink of as v.考虑;提出建议e.g. 1. His proposal is thought of as practical. 他的建议被视为合理现实的。 2. Can you think of another nice place as replacement? 你能够提出作为替代的另一好去处吗? Reading Aemphasizev.强调;重视e.g. 1. They wished to empha
26、size more fundamental issues. 他们期望重视更为基础的事物。 2. He emphasized the importance of careful driving. 他强调谨慎驾驶的重要性。 Reading APrototyping is the design verification phase of product development used to demonstrate or prove aspects of a design.Three. Some are simple duct-tape and bailing wire to visualize h
27、ow something might work; others are highly polished but fragile representations for show and tell; still others are functional representations that work.Task 3 Read the passage and answer the following questions.1. What role does prototyping play in product development?2. How many levels of prototyp
28、es are mentioned in the passage? What are they?Reading ATypical prototyping methods include clay or other mockup, fabrication and machining, and rapid prototyping.Rapid prototyping is popular because of the speed and accuracy.Because prototypes, thought of as tools, are costly both in time and money
29、.3. What are some typical prototyping methods?4. Why is “Rapid Prototyping” popular for design improvement?5. Why do some questions need to be asked before prototyping?Reading AFFFTTTask 4 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.Reading Amanufactura
30、blefills a needtooling cost not excessiveeasy to useTask 5 Take a look at the Product Success Puzzle on the rightand discuss what information a prototype conveys.Task 5 Take a look at the Product Success Puzzle on the right and discuss what information a prototype conveys.ListeningTask 1Task 2Task 3
31、Task 4Task 5ListeningI dont know how to choose a prototype maker. Could you please give me some advice?You could hire a professional prototype maker, a handyman, or even a student from a local industrial design college.Task 1 Ms. Wallace, a young industrial designer, is talking with the chief design
32、er about prototype making. Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write key words to support your answers.ListeningIt depends on your budget.A professional prototype maker charges more than the other two.Besides reaching agreement on fees, you
33、should discuss your project thoroughly with your prototype maker. Tell him exactly what you want. And also, you should ask him to sign a nondisclosure agreement before you ask him to do work for your design.Listening Smith: Hi, Ms. Wallace, come in. Sit down, please.Wallace: Good morning, Mr. Smith.
34、 Im here for your help. Smith: Ok. What can I do for you?Wallace: Well, my team has just finished the rendering of a project. Now, I want to make the prototype. But I dont know how to choose a prototype maker. Could you please give me some advice?Smith: Sure. Generally speaking, there are many ways
35、you could go at this stage. You could Listeningmaking a prototyperecommendedwork with developingTask 2 Ms. Wallace is talking with a prototype maker. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear.Listeningin common use feel like functional brochure Listening Wallace: How do yo
36、u do, Mr. Longman. Ive been looking forward to meeting you.Longman: How do you do, Ms. Wallace. Im excited about making a prototype for your design.Wallace: Mr. Smith has told me that youre an excellent prototype maker. He recommended you to make a prototypefor my design.Longman: Thank you, I promis
37、e youll not be disappointed if you work with me.Wallace: Great. We are developing an entirely Listening Rapid prototyping.Its a bit expensive.10%.May 25th.Because Wallace doesnt want him to reveal details of his design before they go public with it.Task 3 Ms. Wallace continues talking with the proto
38、type maker. Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions.Listening Wallace: Rapid prototyping seems to be a good choice for us. Then, how about the fees?Longman: Oh, here is the price list.Wallace: Uh, its a bit expensive. Do you give any discount? You see, its Mr. Smith who recomme
39、nded you to me. Longman: Ok. For Mr. Smiths recommendation, Ill give you a 10% discount.Wallace: Good. Its a deal! The detailed documents are in this package. Here you are.Longman: Thanks. You can be sure Ill make the ListeningTask 4 When making the prototype, Mr. Longman is confused about some deta
40、ils. He is discussing this with Ms. Wallace. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Listening Listening Longman: Ms. Wallace, Im confused about the viewfinder in the rendering. It looks a lot larger than that in other digital cameras. Wallace: Yes,
41、its our new design. The big, round viewfinder makes it easy for you to see the entire frame. Its pretty comfortable. Longman: And whats this at the bottom? Wallace: Its the battery door. Its a removable rubber door. It can be fixed in a hole in the battery pack for safekeeping.Longman: And this is t
42、he monitor screen?Listening 127.52.8-in widescreen79.5130.0metal650prototypespecificationsTask 5 Mr. Longman continues talking with Ms. Wallace about the prototype. Listen to the convesation and help him complete his notes.Listening Longman: Well, Ive got it. Youve designed the big round viewfinder
43、for a special purpose.Wallace: Right.Longman: And the monitor screen is a 2.8-inch widescreen LCD. Body dimensions are 127.5 mm wide, 79.5mm high and 130.0mm deep.Wallace: Exactly.Longman: According to your design, the body is made of a special plastic.Wallace: Yes. We want to reduce the weight of S
44、peakingTask 2Task 3Task 4Task 1SpeakingTask 1 Work in pairs. Practice asking for help. Refer to the following expressions if necessary.SpeakingTask 2 Work in pairs. Practice introducing a product you have designed to your partner. Refer to the following tips if necessary.SpeakingTask 3 Work in pairs
45、. Practice clarifying information. Refer to the following expressions if necessary.SpeakingTask 4 Work in pairs. Practice giving technical support to the prototyping of your design. Your instruction may include the following points.Reading BTask 1Task 2TextTask 3 Reading BCasio Digital Camera Protot
46、ypeCasio Digital Camera PrototypeCasio Digital Camera Prototype - 6.0 Megapixel 12x Optical zoom The prototype of Casios latest revolutionary camera features a new high-speed CMOS sensor and a high-speed LSI image processing chip. This 6.0-Megapixel, 12x-optical zoom, high-performance digital camera
47、 prototype with CMOS-shift image stabilization offers not only ultra-high-speed burst shooting for still images, but also high-speed movie recording. Reading BCasio 60 fps Digital Camera Specifications Effective pixels: 6.0 million Imaging element: 1/1.8 inch high-speed CMOS sensor (total pixels: 6.
48、6 million) High-speed burst shooting: 60 images per second at 6.0 million pixels, JPEG High-speed movie: 300fps, Motion JPEG, AVI format, VGA Lens/focal : 12 lenses in 9 groups, F2.7 to 4.6, equiv. 35-420mm on 35mm camera Zoom: 12X optical zoomReading B Image stabilization mechanism: CMOS-shift imag
49、e stabilization Monitor screen: 2.8-inch widescreen TFT color LCD, approx. 230,000 pixels Viewfinder: Color LCD, approx. 200,000 pixels Dimensions: 127.5mm(W)79.5mm (H)30.0mm (D) Weight: Approx.650g(excluding battery and accessories)Reading BCasio High-Speed 60fps Camera PrototypeRelease and Determi
50、nation Product release date, pricing, brand name and specifications remain to be determined. Casio will continue working on the camera to further improve performance and functionality, and is determined to produce an amazing digital camera that offers brand-new ways of enjoying photography and creat
51、es new applications for digital photography.Reading B卡西欧数码相机原型机卡西欧数码相机原型机 卡西欧数码相机原型卡西欧数码相机原型6 6百万像素百万像素1212倍倍光学变焦光学变焦 卡西欧最新一代变革性相机原型采用新的高速卡西欧最新一代变革性相机原型采用新的高速CMOSCMOS传感器传感器和高速大规模集成电路图像处理芯片。这款和高速大规模集成电路图像处理芯片。这款600600万像素、万像素、1212倍倍光学变焦、高性能、具有光学变焦、高性能、具有CMOSCMOS移动影像防抖晃功能的数码相机移动影像防抖晃功能的数码相机原型,不仅能超高速连拍静
52、态图像,还可以高速拍摄动画。原型,不仅能超高速连拍静态图像,还可以高速拍摄动画。Reading B卡西欧卡西欧60fps60fps数码相机技术规格:数码相机技术规格: 有效像素:有效像素:600600万万 成像元件:成像元件:1/1.81/1.8英寸高速英寸高速CMOSCMOS传感器(总像素:传感器(总像素:660660万)万) 高速连拍:高速连拍:6060帧帧/ /秒,秒,6 6百万像素,百万像素,JPEGJPEG 高速动画:高速动画:300300帧帧/ /秒,秒,MJPEGMJPEG编码编码, AVI, AVI格式格式,VGA,VGA 镜头镜头/ /焦距:焦距:9 9组组1212片镜头,片
53、镜头,F2.7F2.7至至4.64.6毫米毫米,相当于相当于3535毫毫米米 胶片相机胶片相机3535420420毫米毫米 光学变焦:光学变焦:1212倍倍光学变焦光学变焦 影像防抖机制:影像防抖机制:CMOSCMOS移动影像防抖移动影像防抖 显示屏:显示屏:2.82.8英寸宽屏幕英寸宽屏幕TFTTFT彩色高清液晶,约彩色高清液晶,约2323万像素万像素 取景器:彩色高清液晶,约取景器:彩色高清液晶,约2020万像素万像素 尺寸:尺寸:127.5127.5毫米毫米( (宽宽)x79.5 )x79.5 毫米毫米( (高高)x130.0)x130.0毫米毫米( (厚厚) ) 重量:约重量:约650
54、650克(不包含电池和附件)克(不包含电池和附件)Reading B卡西欧高速卡西欧高速60fps60fps相机原型相机原型产品发布与承诺产品发布与承诺 该款相机的确切产品发布日期、价格、品牌名称和规格该款相机的确切产品发布日期、价格、品牌名称和规格仍有待确认。卡西欧将继续致力于进一步提高改进相机的性仍有待确认。卡西欧将继续致力于进一步提高改进相机的性能和功能。卡西欧一定会制造出一款令人惊叹的数码相机,能和功能。卡西欧一定会制造出一款令人惊叹的数码相机,提供享受数码摄影的全新方式,为数码摄影创造新的应用领提供享受数码摄影的全新方式,为数码摄影创造新的应用领域。域。Reading Ba new
55、high-speed CMOS sensor a high-speed LSI image processing chip with CMOS-shift image stabilization function ultra-high-speed burst shooting for still images high-speed movie recording 6.0 million N12 lenses in 9 groups, F2.7 to 4.6, equiv. 35-420 mm on 35 mm camera12Xoptical zoom Color LCD, approx.20
56、0,000 pixels27.5mm(W)x79.5mm(H)x130.0mm(D)Task 1 Read the passage and fill in the following table.Reading BTask 2 Match the following terms with their Chinese meanings.Reading B 技术规范是某一材料,产品或服务必需满足的一套明确的要求。理解并认可所有的技术规格对于供应商,采购商和用户极为重要。技术规格是合同或文件常用的一种参考标准,它提供了具体要求的必要细节。Task 3 Translate the following
57、passage into Chinese.WritingTask 2Task 1WritingTask 1 Suppose you are Paul Smith, Chief Designer for the Casio 60 fps Digital Camera Prototype. Complete the following follow-up letter by translating the bracketed Chinese into English.WritingCasio digital camera prototypefor allowing us the opportuni
58、ty to provide design services for youyou will be happy with out serviceswe have meet your expectations in terms of the criteria that we set up for the design project obtaining your feedback concerning the design and services that you receive from us were all lookingforward to more opportunities to c
59、ooperate with you in the futureyou can fill out the enclosed Customer Service FormWritingRobert Dixon570 Mount Pleasant Avenue Dover NJ 07801 USA818-249-Task 2 The following is the enclosed Customer Feedback Form mentioned in Task 1. Fill it out with the information given in Task 1.WritingProjectPro
60、jectSelf-evaluationVocabulary and StructureTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5Vocabulary and Structureemonstratemaginarymphasizeirtualieldragileiddleolishedegardless ofpring upTask 1 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases from Reading A that match the meanings in the column on the right. The first
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- 2025年标准借款合同协议范本示例
- 房地产项目营销推广策略手册
- 2025新型防火门生产与安装工程合同样本(合同版本)
- 思旺河(含田贵水库)岸线保护与利用规划报告
- 品管圈PDCA改善案例-降低术中低体温发生率
- 整合型医疗卫生服务体系构建
- 网络 外包合同范例
- 医学教程 春季过敏性疾病预防
- 21 项目四 外币的真假鉴别
- 《论文写作培训》课件
- 全省小学音乐教师赛课一等奖人音版六年级下册《守住这一片阳光》课件
- IEC 62368-1标准解读-中文
- 15J403-1-楼梯栏杆栏板(一)
- 项目部临建工程施工方案项目部临建施工方案