1、Unit 1 Automotive BasicsAutomobiles, trucks, and buses are essential forms of transportation. They are complex machines made up of many parts. These parts can be grouped into a number of systems. An understanding of how the system work will help you understand how the automobile works.轿车、卡车和客车是交通运输的
2、重要组成部分。它们都是由许多部件组成的复杂机器。这些部件可以归类为汽车的几个组成系统。了解这些各个小系统是如何工作的将有助于我们理解整个汽车系统是如何工作。An automobile can be divided into two basic parts: a body and a chassis. The body is the enclosure that houses the engine, passengers, and cargo. It is the part of the automobile that you see. The chassis is that part of t
3、he automobile beneath the body.汽车可以分为两个基本部分:车身和底盘。车身包围发动机、乘客和行李,它是汽车你所看到的部分。而车身以下的部分就是底盘。1.1 THE BODY An automobile body is a sheet metal shell with windows, doors, a hood, and a trunk deck built into it. It provides a protective covering for the engine, passengers, and cargo. The body is designed t
4、o keep passengers safe and comfortable. For example, insulation in the body reduces noise and protects against heat and cold. The body styling provides an attractive, colorful, modern appearance for the vehicle. It is streamlined to lessen wind resistance and to keep the car from swaying at driving
5、speeds.轿车车身是一个钣金件壳体,它上面有车窗、车门、发送机罩和行李舱门等部件,它给发动机、乘客和行李提供防护。车身设计来确保乘客乘坐的安全和舒适。比如:车身绝热层可以减少噪音和抵御冷热。车身造型设计使得汽车有一个华美、现代、吸引人的外观。车身的流线型设计可以减少风阻,防止汽车行驰过程中发生摆动。The automobile body has two basic parts-the upper body and the under body.车身有两个基本部分-车身上部和车身下部。1.2 The chassis The chassis is an assembly of those sy
6、stems that are the major operating parts of a vehicle. The chassis includes everything except the body. The three important parts of the chassis are the frame, the engine, and the power train (also called the drive train). Each of these three parts is made up of a number of systems. A system is a me
7、chanical or electrical unit that performs a specific function. Thus, each system (such as steering, brake, or fuel) has a certain job to do in running a vehicle. We shall look at each of these parts and systems to see how they fit together to form the automobile chassis.底盘集中了汽车大部分的运动组件,它包括除了车身以外的所有部
8、件。底盘有三个重要的系统:车架、发动机和传动系统。这三个系统又都有许多个完成某一个特定功能的机械或电气系统组成。为了保证汽车正常运转,每个系统(比如:转向、制动或燃油系统)都要实现一定的功能。下来我们看看这些系统和组件是如何相互连接从而组成汽车底盘的。1.2.1 The frame The first major part of the chassis is the frame. It is made from tough steel sections welded, riveted, or bolted together. The frame looks like a steel ladde
9、r, though it sometime has an X shape for extra strength. It forms a foundation for the car body and the parts of the several systems. The body is joined to the frame with bolts. Rubber shock mounts or washers are used at each joint. These reduce vibration and road noise. In most modern cars the fram
10、e is built into the body. A car with the frame built into the body has a unitized body or unibody. The frame supports the suspension system, steering system, and the braking system.底盘最重要的部分就是车架。车架由钢件通过焊接、铆接或螺栓联接而成,看上去就像一架钢梯。有时为了得到额外的强度,车架做成了X形状。车架为车身和很多系统部件提供了底座。车身和车架使用螺栓联接。每个联接使用橡胶防震支架或垫圈来减振降噪。现代轿车
11、车架和车身做在了一起。采用这个形式的汽车车身叫做承载式车身。车架支撑悬架、转向和刹车系统。The front and rear wheels are attached to the chassis by a suspension system. This system is made up of springs, shock absorbers, control arms, and stabilizers. These support the vehicle and cushion it from road bumps for better ride and handling.前后轮通过悬架系
12、统和底盘相连。悬架系统由弹簧、减振器、控制臂和横向稳定杆组成。它们支撑着车身,并减缓由于路面不平引起的颠簸,以获得更好的乘坐舒适性和操作稳定性。The steering system controls the cars direction of travel. It includes a wheel and column, steering gears, rods, and linkages. As the steering wheel is turned, its motion is transferred to the idler arm and tie rods. These cause
13、 the front wheels to turn to the right of left. On some cars, a power unit (called power steering) makes steering easier.转向系统控制车辆行驰的方向。它包括方向盘、转向管柱、转向器、转向拉杆和转向传动装置。当转动方向盘,方向盘的运动被传递到随动臂和横拉杆,从而使得前轮向左或向右转动。有些车辆使用助力转向装置,从而使得转向更加轻便。The brake system gives the automobile its stopping power. Hydraulic brakes
14、 are found on all modern cars. As the brake pedal is pushed with the foot, brake fluid is forced through brake lines into cylinders that press the brake shoes against a drum. This stops the motion of the car. Power units (power brakes) are used to make braking easier. Most modern cars have disc brak
15、es on the front wheels. (Some have them on both the front and rear wheels.) Disc brakes work like a pair of pliers squeezing a rotating disc. Drum brakes are also used.制动系统给车辆制动的动力。现代轿车都使用液压制动。当踩下制动踏板,制动液通过制动管路流入制动缸,强迫制动蹄接触制动鼓,从而阻止车辆运动。为了使刹车更加轻便,车辆也使用助力制动。现代轿车在前轮装备盘式制动器。(一些轿车在前后轮都使用盘式制动器。)盘式制动器工作原理类
16、似一对钳子夹住旋转的盘片。也有前后轮都使用鼓式制动器的汽车。1.2.2 The engine The engine provides power to move the automobile. The most common type of automobile engine is the gasoline-burning piston engine. It is found in most automobiles. Diesel-fuel burning engines are also used in modern passenger cars, as well as in large t
17、rucks. All engines have fuel, exhaust, cooling, and lubrication systems. Gasoline engines also have an ignition system.发动机给汽车提供动力。最常见的发动机是汽油机。大多数汽车都使用它。现代客车和大型卡车使用柴油机。所有的发动机都具有燃油、排放、冷却和润滑系统。汽油发动机还有一套点火系统。The ignition system supplies the electric spark needed to ignite the air-fuel mixture in the cyl
18、inders. When the ignition switch is turned on, current flows from the 12-volt storage battery to the ignition coil. The coil boosts the voltage to produce the strong spark of 20,000V needed to ignite the engine fuel. The distributor directs the electrical current to the right spark plug at the right
19、 time. Diesel engines use the heat caused by engine compression to ignite the fuel charge. These engines are called compression ignition engines.点火系统提供点燃气缸内油气混和物的电火花。当打开点火开关,电流从12V电池流向点火线圈。点火线圈升高电压,产生用于点火的20000V尖峰电压。分电器引导电流在正确的时刻流向正确的火花塞。柴油机使用压缩发动机产生的热量来点燃燃料,因此被称为压燃式发动机。The automobile supplies all t
20、he electricity it needs through its electrical system. For example, the electrical system supplies electricity for the ignition, horn, lights, heater, and starter. The electricity level is maintained by a charging circuit. This circuit consists of the battery, alternator (or generator), and the regu
21、lator. The battery stores electricity. The alternator changes the engines mechanical energy into electrical energy and recharge the battery. The regulator prevents damage to the system by regulating the maximum voltage in the circuit汽车通过自身的电气系统给自身供电。比如:电气系统给点火系统、喇叭、灯光、供暖系统和起动器供电。系统电压通过充电系统保持稳定。充电系统由
22、电池、发电机和调节器组成。电池储存电能。发电机将发动机的机械能转变为电能,并给电池充电。调节器调节电气系统的最大电压,提供过压保护。The fuel system stores liquid fuel and delivers it to the engines. The fuel is stored in the tank, which is connected to a fuel pump by a fuel line. The fuel is pumped from the fuel tank through the fuel lines. It is forced through a
23、filter (which removes moisture and dirt) into the carburetor, where it is mixed with air, or into the fuel injection system. The fuel is mixed with air to form a combustible mixture in the carburetor, the manifold, or the cylinders themselves.燃油系统储存液态燃料,并且把燃料送至发动机。燃料储存在通过油管与油泵连接的油箱里。油泵通过油管将油箱内的油泵出,并
24、通过滤清器(去除湿气和杂污)送达化油器与空气混合或者喷油系统。燃油在化油器、歧管或气缸自身内与空气混合,形成可燃混和物。The exhaust system has four jobs:1.To collect burned gases from the engines.2.To remove dangerous emission that pollutes the air.3.To reduce exhaust noises.4.To get rid of the exhaust gases.排放系统要实现四个功能:1、收集发动机的废气。2、去除污染空气的排放物。3、减少排放噪音。4、排出废
25、气。Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons, and oxides of nitrogen. Since all of these are harmful, the exhaust system is designed to reduce them as much as possible. In the United Stares all modern automobiles have emission control systems.汽车废气包含一氧化碳,未燃烧的碳氢化合物和氮氧化合物。所有的这些都是有害的,排
26、放系统设计要尽可能多减少这些有害物质。美国所有的现代车都配备了排放系统。The cooling system removes excessive heat from the engine. The temperature in engine combustion chambers is about 1094°C. Since steel melts at around 1354°C, this heat must be carried away to prevent engine damage. Air and a coolant are used to carry awa
27、y the heat. The radiator is filled with a coolant. The water pump circuits this coolant through the engine and the walls of the engine block and head. Heat also is removed by the radiator fan, which draws air through the narrow fins of the radiator. This system also supplies heat to the passenger co
28、mpartment and the window defroster.冷却系统去除发动机多余的热量。发动机燃烧室的温度可以达到1094摄氏度。钢的熔点大约是1354摄氏度,发动机多余的热量必须消除来防止发动机过热。空气和冷却剂用来带走这个热量。散热器内装满了冷却剂。水泵使冷却剂在发动机、发动机壳体和发动机盖循环流动。也可以使用冷却风扇来降温。冷却风扇将风从散热器狭窄的孔径吹出,从而带走热量。这个系统可以给乘客舱和车窗除霜器提供热量。The lubrication system is important in keeping the engine running smoothly. Motor
29、oil is the lubricant used in the system. The lubrication system has four functions:1.It cuts down friction by coating moving parts with oil.2.It produces a seal between the piton rings and the cylinder walls.3.It carries away sludge, dirt, and acids.4.It cools the engine by circulating the motor oil
30、.润滑系统非常重要,它使得发动机平滑工作。润滑系统使用机油作为润滑剂。润滑系统有四个功能:1、通过运动部件油膜,它可以减小摩擦。2、它在活塞环和气缸壁之间产生油封。3、它可以带走金属碎屑、杂污和酸。4、通过机油的循环,它可以冷却发动机。To keep this system working effectively, oil filters and motor oil must be change regularly. All other moving parts in an automobile must also be lubricated. These include the transm
31、ission, differential, wheel bearings, and steering linkage.为了使得润滑系统有效工作,机油滤清器和机油必须定期更换。汽车内所有的运动部件都必须要润滑,这包括变速器、差速器、轮轴轴承和转向传动机构。1.2.3 The power train The power train, or drive system, delivers power from the engine to the wheels. The power from the engine moves through the transmission. Transmissions
32、 are either standard, with a manual shift lever and foot clutch, or automatic.传动系统将发动机动力传给车轮。来自发动机的动力传递给变速器。变速器可以是一个带手动换档杆和离合器的手动变速器或者自动变速器。The transmission has gears that control the amount of power delivered to the wheels. The transmission increases the power (torque) to start the car moving. This
33、 torque is reduced when the transmission changes gears at higher speeds. The transmission also contains a set of gears that can reverse the direction of the wheels. The transmission delivers the power to the differential. A drive (or propeller) shaft with universal joints at either end of the drive
34、shaft allows axle movement of front-engine, rear-wheel drive cars. These flexible universal joint prevent the drive shaft from breaking. The differential delivers power to the wheels through axle. Certain gears allow one wheel to turn faster than the other wheel when the vehicle is turning a corner.
35、变速器使用齿轮来控制传递到车轮力矩的大小。当车辆起步时,变速器增大扭矩。当车速增大,变速器改变齿轮来减小扭矩。变速器还有一套使得车轮反向运动的齿轮。变速器将扭矩传递给差速器。发动机前置后轮驱动轿车的驱动轴两侧装有万向节,可允许产生轴向运动。万向节防止驱动轴断裂。差速器通过半轴将扭矩传递给车轮。当车辆转弯时,齿轮使得一侧车轮比另一侧车轮旋转得更快。These are the basic systems of the automobile. Each of the systems is designed for a specific job.以上就是汽车的基本系统。每个系统都为了一个专门的功能而设
36、计。1 ExercisesThe automobiles further development will be determined by already existing and steadily increasing requirements, by additional further requirements and by the technical possibilities for meeting these requirements. The following focal points for development and research efforts can be d
37、iscerned: 汽车的进一步发展取决于已经存在的、目前稳定增长和未来的需求以及为了满足这些需求的技术。下来给出发展研究的几个要点:Further improvements of the automobile through products innovation in all classis functions, i. e. performance, fuel economy, environmental impact, safety, comfort and reliability. Further development of new technologies such as elec
38、trics, alternative materials, new test and production methods. Long-range solutions for traffic problems such as highway congestion, smog in cities and carbon dioxide enrichment of our atmosphere.传统功能的产品革新,比如:性能、燃油经济性、环境友好、安全、舒适性和可靠性。 新技术的发展,比如:电气、替代材料、新型测试和生产技术。 解决交通问题的技术,比如:交通拥堵,城市烟雾和温室效应。Unit2 Au
39、tomotive engine2.1 Purpose and locations of engines The purpose of an automobile engine is to supply the power needed to move the vehicle. The engine produces this power by burning fuel inside it. Because the engine burns fuel inside, or internally, the engine is known as an internal combustion engi
40、ne (ICE).汽车发动机的功用是提供汽车行驰所需的动力。发动机通过发动机内部燃烧燃料来产生这个动力。由于燃料燃烧在发动机内部进行,这种发动机被称作内燃机。Most automobile engines are located at the front of the vehicle. Many engines drive the rear wheels. This requires a long drive shaft extending from the front wheels to the rear wheels. Other engines drive the front wheel
41、s. In the rear-wheel-drive arrangement, the engine sits longitudinally. Its long dimension is from front to back.对于大多数汽车,发动机布置在汽车前部。许多发动机驱动后轮,这就要求从前轮到后轮的长驱动轴。其余发动机驱动前轮。对于后轮驱动的汽车而言,发动机由前到后纵向布置。In the front-wheel-drive arrangement, the engine sits crosswise, transversely. With either arrangement, the
42、power is carried to the drive wheels (rear or front) by gears and shafts.对于前轮驱动的布置,发动机横置。无论哪种布置方式,能量都是通过齿轮和传动轴传到驱动轮(前轮或后轮)。Some cars have the engine mounted in back of the front seat. This is called a mid-engine arrangement. Other cars have been built with the engine mounted at the rear, in back of
43、rear seat. The Volkswagen “beettle” is an example of rear.有些汽车的发动机位于前排座椅的后面。这种布置被称为发动机中置。还有些汽车的发动机位于后部,安置在后排座椅后面。大众汽车的甲壳虫就是发动机后置的一个例子。2.2 Engine types Various kinds of engine are used in automotive vehicles. The two major types are:The piston engine inwhich pistons move up and down, or reciprocate,
44、in the engine cylinder. This is the engine used in all cares today, except for some models of Mazda.2. The Wankel rotary engine in which rotate, or spin. The Mazda Motor Corporation of Japan is the major manufacturer of this engine.汽车上使用着不同种类的发动机。它们可以分成两大类:1、往复活塞式发动机:发动机在气缸内作上下往复运动。除了马自达公司的几款以外,现今几乎
45、全部轿车都采用这种发动机。2、转子发动机:活塞在气缸内作旋转运动。日本的马自达公司是这类发动机的主要生产商。There are two types of piston engines-spark ignition (SI) and compression ignition (CI). Spark-ignition engines use an electric system with spark plugs. Electric sparks at the spark plugs ignite, or set fire, the fuel in the engine cylinders. The
46、 combustion of the fuel makes the engine run and produce power. This is the engine used in most produce power. This is the type of engine used in most automotive vehicles.活塞式发动机可以分为两类:点燃式和压燃式。点燃式发动机使用带火花塞的点火系统。火花塞的电火花点燃发动机气缸内的燃料。燃料燃烧驱动发动机,并做功。这是大多数动力源采用的发动机,也是大多数汽车采用的发动机形式。The compression-ignition e
47、ngine uses the heat of compression to ignite the fuel.When air is compressed, it gets very hot. In the diesel engine, the air is compressed so much that its temperature goes up to 538 degrees Celsius or higher. The diesel fuel is sprayed into this very hot air and is ignited by the heat. Some automo
48、biles have diesel engines. Many heavy-duty trucks and buses are powered by diesel engines.压燃式发动机使用压缩产生的热量来点燃燃料。当空气被压缩,它可以达到非常高的温度。对于柴油式发动机,压缩空气可以使得空气温度达到538度或者更高。此时,柴油被喷射到这炽热的空气中,被空气的热量点燃。一些轿车使用柴油发动机。重型卡车和客车普遍使用柴油发动机。There are other engines still in the experimental stage that might someday become i
49、mportant. These include gas-turbine engines, steam engines, Stirling engines, and electric motors.还有一些目前尚且处于试验阶段,但未来可能会非常重要的发动机,比如:燃气涡轮机、蒸汽机、斯特灵发动机和电动机。2.3 Basic engine systems A spark-ignition engine requires four basic systems to run. Diesel engines requires three of these systems. They are fuel s
50、ystem, ignition system (expect diesel), lubricating system and cooling system. Each performs a basic job in making the engine run. These are described briefly below. 点燃式发动机运转需要4个基本系统,而柴油发动机需要3个基本系统。它们是燃油系统、点火系统(柴油发动机不需要),润滑系统和冷却系统。每个系统实现一个基本功能来使得发动机运转。下文将简短介绍这些系统。2.3.1 fuel system The fuel system su
51、pplies gasoline or diesel fuel to the engine. This fuel is mixed with air to make a combustible mixture (a mixture that will run). Each cylinder is repeatedly filled with the mixture. Then, the mixture is ignited or burned, producing high pressure. The high pressure makes the piston move (or rotors
52、spin). This turns shafts that rotate the wheels, causing the vehicle to move. 燃油系统给发动机提供汽油或柴油燃料。燃油与空气混合形成可燃混合气。发动机的每个气缸重复充满这种可燃混合气,然后它们被点燃或压燃,产生高压。这个高压使得发动机活塞运动(或者转子旋转),驱动轴来旋转车轮,从而使得汽车行驶。2.3.2 ignition system Every time the fuel system delivers air/fuel mixture to a cylinder, the ignition system fol
53、lows up by a delivering an electric spark. This ignite the mixture which creates the high pressure that moves the pistons and turns the car wheels. The action is repeated many times each second while the engine is running. 每当燃油系统将可燃混合气送至气缸,点火系统接着就发出电火花来点燃缸内的可燃混合气,从而产生高压,使得活塞运动和汽车行驶。当发动机运转时,每秒钟要点火多次。
54、The ignite system takes the low voltage of the battery and builds it up to a very high voltage: as high as 47,000 volts in some systems. This high voltage jumps the gaps in the spark plugs, producing the sparks that ignite the air/fuel mixture in the engine cylinders.点火系统将电池的低电压升压到高压。对于某些系统,可以达到4700
55、0伏。这个高压击穿火花塞间隙,产生电火花,点燃发动机气缸内的可燃混合气。2.3.3 The lubricating system The engine has many moving metal parts. If metal parts rub against each other, they will wear rapidly.To prevent this, engines have lubricating oil. The oil gets between the metal parts so they slide on the oil, and not on each other.
56、发动机有许多运动金属部件。如果这些金属部件相互摩擦,那它们磨损就会很快。为了防止这种情况,发动机使用润滑油。润滑油在金属部件之间,使得金属部件在油膜上滑动,而不是彼此之间的摩擦。The lubricating system has an oil pan at the bottom of the engine which holds several quarts (liters) of oil. An oil pump, driven by the engine, sends oil from this reservoir through the engine. After circulatin
57、g through the engine, the oil drops back to the oil pan. The oil pump continues to circulate the oil as long as the engine is running.发动机润滑系统在发动机底部有一个储存几升汽油的油底壳。由发动机驱动的油泵将油从油底壳泵到发动机循环流动。在发动机循环后,润滑油流回到油底壳。只要发动机在运转,油泵就始终使润滑油循环流动。 2.3.4 Cooling system Where there is fire (combustion), there is heat. Bu
58、rning of the air/fuel mixture raises the temperature inside the engine cylinders several thousand degrees. Some of this heat produces the high pressure that moves the pistons to produce power. Some of the heat leaves the cylinders with the exhaust gas. The exhaust gas is what is left after the air/f
59、uel mixture burns. It is cleared out of the cylinders after the combustion is complete. 哪里有燃烧,哪里就有热量。可燃混合气的燃烧使得发动机气缸内温度上升数千度。部分热量产生高压来驱动活塞产生动力。部分热量伴随排放气体被带出气缸。排放气体指的是可燃混合气燃烧后剩余物。当燃烧结束,排放气体被排出气缸。Some of the heat is removed by the circulating oil. After the hot oil drops down into the oil pan, the oil gives up some of this heat to the air passing under the
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