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1、好不容易凑起来的!用人格担保绝对全!英语1 .常见标志A 不准停车安全出口肯德基小心路滑B No parkingNosmokingNo photos不会C No foodNo music2 . 广告英语1.1 'm lovin'it (我就喜欢) 麦当劳1.2 bey your thirst. (服从你的渴望。) 雪碧3 .We lead Others copy. (我们领先,他人仿效。) 理光复印机4 .The taste is great. (味道好极了。) 雀巢咖啡5 .Let's make things better. (让我们做得更好。) 飞利浦电子6 .Go

2、od to the last drop. ( 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。) 麦斯威尔咖啡7 .Feel the new space. (感受新境界。) 三星电子8 .Just do it. (只管去做。) 耐克运动鞋9 .Focus on life. (瞄准生活。) 奥林巴斯相机10 . We're the dot. in. com. (我们就是网络。) 太阳微系统公司广告英语的语言特点简单,明了一般都是几个字3. 动物与英语pig dog cat1 .Love me,love my dog. 爱屋及乌1.1 wanted mother s present to be secret,but

3、my sister let the cat out of thebag.给妈妈的礼物我本想保密,但妹妹却露出了马脚面临驾驶考试,他急得像3 .He was lake a cat in hot bricks before his driving test.热锅上的蚂蚁4 .The pian is a dead duck :there is no money.计划泡汤了,因为没有钱5 .My new car gose like a bird.It runs fairly well.我的新车行驶自如,它跑得非常好。6 .You can taik till the cows come home;you

4、'll never make me clange my mind.你就算说出大天来,也休想改变我的主意7.I smelt a rat when he strted being so helpful.他主动帮忙,我怀疑里面另有文章8.They lead a cat-and-dog life,so they decided to get separated.他们老是吵架,所以决定分开It s not my pigeon 跟我没关系4. 色彩与英语a white night 不眠之夜a white elephant 累赘之物/无用物品a white crow 罕见的事物the White H

5、ouse 白宫a white lie 善意的谎言white flag 投降black sheep 败家子black tea 红茶black coffee 黑咖啡black Dog情绪低落black gold石油green hand 新手green tea 绿茶blue day 乏味的一天blue collar 蓝领blue fear 极度的惊恐I had a white night(一)1 basketball bookshop housework writer helpful shop water land name2. straighttall alwaysmarket smarthave

6、 squarehair airportmeat cleansee beef weekbear pearshirt sirzoo coolsoap coattour housecowtoystorycurly nurseback rockthat weatherfish fashiondolphin elephantwhere whencheap beacher :height ertherother-mother-another-brother make-lake-take-bake-snake rain-train-drainage duck-luck-lucky-chuck twin-wi

7、n-sing-winner end-tend-send-spend wet-fet-set-pet-get-let call-fall-tall-small-hall-ball cold-told-fold-mold-sold eat-meat-seat-east-feast sea-tea-seat-plead-each low-slow-flower-flow cow-how-now-down feet-meet-meeting-street sweep-steep-sleep-weep ill-will-till-hill-still it-hit-sit-pit-git-dither

8、cat-pat-fat-mat-nat-that ate-fate-gate-mate-skate noon-moon-toon-spoon an-man-tan-any-ant-many yet-met-net-let-ret-ket lay-may-lay-hay-say-stay yard-gard-card-art-smart dish-fish-wish-finish top-atop-drop-pop(二)1 .thicker better easisr2 写出三种用于比较的结构:as you.1 )原级比较用as+ 原级 +as. I have read books as man

9、y2 2) 两者比较用: 比较级 +than. I have watched more films than you. So mylistening is better than yours(3)多者之间的比较常用: 比较级 +than+any other+ 单数名词/the other+ 复数名不规则形容词和词 Mary is more optimistic than any other student in our class.2. 副词的比较级和最高级有原级good( 好的 )/well( 健康的 ) bad ( 坏的 )/ ill( 有病的 )old ( 老的 ) much/many(

10、 多的 )最高级betterbestworseworstolder/elder oldest/eldestmoremostlittle(少的) far (远的)lessfarther/furtherleastfarthest/furthest4. .dearernearer.bettermore most.far further.leastcheaptell you something great .But my was lasy .So i金钱积少便成Xinhua bookstore . because books in Xinhua bookstore are very 5. Now I

11、am on summer vocation ,and l will about my studies.My Chinese and math was english was terrible ,my teacher said that i should hard-working 6. Waste not,want not. 俭以防匮。 From saving comes having.富有来自节俭。A penny saved is a penny gained.省一文是一文。Take care of the pence and the pound will take care of thems

12、elves. 多。 Frugality is an estate alone.节俭本身就是一宗财产。(三)1 .just like a long lost friend(像分别很久的朋友)1.1 t made me smile(它使我笑容满面)3 .过去时态4 .,put . cut Hit readlet beathurt cost规律:都是不变化的都是原型 kept,slept, swept , eptep 变 pt taught, caught, rach atch 变 aught brought, bought, thought,变 ought began,drank, rang, s

13、ang, swam, sat, i改变a lent,sent,spent, built,d改t sold, told,ell变为01d said, pard,变y为i力口 d met,fed去掉E grew, knew,threw flew 变为 ewfly flew;find found;5.Dear mum:i am having a good time in london.i_got_(get) to the airport at about 12 o'clock last friday.i_ took_(take)a taxi to our language school an

14、d then i _went(go)to my host family.in the afternoon i_did_(do)some shopping in downtown.then i_had_(have)my first dinner at about eight that evening.the food_was_(be)delicious and i liked it.it_was_(be)Saturday yesterday.my teacher_took(take)us sightseeing in the city.i_saw_(see)the Big ben and the

15、 Palace where the queen_lives_(live).I_bought_(buy)some postcards in the shop.they are beautiful and i hope you_will love_(love)them.it _was_(be)late when we_got_(get)back to the host home.i_felt_(feel)tired but excited.i think i_havefallen_(fall)in love with thecity.Your loveDami ng四1阅读短诗,找出诗中押韵的单词

16、 :live,T.V,tea,me2 .整首诗用的主要时态是:现在进行时其中结构是: V+ing3 .working buying visiting规律:直接加 ingtaking having driving规律:去 e加ing stopping shopping getting规律:双写辅音字母,再加ingLying规律:变ie为y,再加ing4 .否定句 The boy is not playing basketball一般疑问句 Is the boy playing basketball?肯定回答yes , he is否定回答No , he is not对 The boy 提问 Who

17、 is playing basketball ?2 ) She is opening the windowWho is cleaning the window ?She is ' t closing the door nowI am doing my homeworkThey are singsing under the tree nowAre the Young Pioneers helping the old woman?is swimmingNo.5 is having/taking a shower6 .夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹

18、息一声,飞落在那里。Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.7 .gotisdoingis writingmakeIs doing is lying Tell take is watching is takingKeepI have a happy summer vacation. I stay at home and go to the co

19、untryside during the summer vacation.At home, I do my homework. I watch TV, too. I love English Today. Because I likeEnglish very much. I als o like “Tell it like it is” . I watch them everyday. Sometimes Iplay the computer. I can watch MV and learn English on the computer. I often clean my room.I l

20、ive in the countryside with my grandpa and my grandma. They are both sixty years old. In the countryside, I can do many interesting thing there. I play with dog. The dog is cute. I like fishing with my fiends. I really feel happy living in the countryside.1. Excuse me.Where are you from? I'm fro

21、m London. Excuse me.Is there a bank near here?Yes.The bank is next to the city libray on Fifth Avenue.Why do you like pandas?Because they are cute._What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be an English teacher.What are you reading?I'm reading an English story books.How is your friend?M

22、y friend is tall and he has long hair.What do you think of the TV programs?The TV progams are boring.I don't love them.How is the weather now?It's raining hard.3. Is it (very) warm today? would you like to go with us?I'd like toI can't go with youit doesn't matterWhenAll right /I

23、 agree (with you)经典欣赏1、He is sleeping.2、He wants to go to school.3、Because he wants to know whether Nemo is clear in his mind.4、休息阅读欣赏1.尼蒙的语言是所有Nemo后面的句子,特点是:简短,有力,表现了他急切的想上学的心情。2马琳的语言表现了他胆小,但爱孩子的性格特点。精彩故事1.A Lamb and A Wolf2.She's very clever.阅读思考 Who is the story about?a lamb and a wolf When d

24、oes the story take place?the story took place one day Where does the story take place?the story took place in the field Why does the lamv ask the wolf to ring the bell?the lamb want the ring will call the sheepherder for help. How does the story go?it goes acording to time. What's the result of

25、the story?the barking dogs frightened the wolf away and saved the lamb社会传真1 .The story is about the airport security which keeps flying safe.2 .X-ray machines3 .Knives or scissors阅读技巧1 第一个 "itMT plane accidents飞机事故第二个"i谑airline safety book航空安全手册2 I am not worried about her.我并不担心她 Car accid

26、ents happens everyday in China中国每天者 B 有车祸发生 The police are concerned about the safety警察关心的是安全 There are big machines in the factory 工厂里有大机器Will the plane take off on time?飞机能准时起飞吗?新闻快递A (3) B (1) C (4) D (2)阅读思考1除了使用名词之外 ,还偏爱选用那些短小精悍或字母较少的词。这些短小易懂、形 象生动的措词不仅能增强新闻的简洁性和可读性,而且还能调解美化版面节约篇幅2. Cambodia

27、9;s Duch is found guilty轻松写作A They are working hard.He is studying hard.The train arrives late.The plane flies quickly.The boy tried again and again.He tried again and again. We won the match.She passed the exam.The workers finished the work ahead of time.The students completed the exam ahead of tim

28、e.I forgot to mail the letter yesterday.She forgot to buy the book last week.He stopped crying suddenly.They stopped fighting suddenly. My father gave me a new bicycle.My mother bought me a new dress.I'll buy you a car like that.My mother will give me a pen like that. He is a university student.

29、She is a college student.The light is still on.The shop is still open.The match is exciting. The film is moving. I helped the boy find his mother.He helped me finish the work.They want me to become a teacher.My parents want me to became a doctor.I made it a rule to read English in the morning.I made

30、 it a rule to get up early in the morning. BDespite the fact that ; not only ,By air做飞机I used to travel by air a great deal when I was a boy. My parents used to live in South America and I used to fly there from Europe in the holidays. A flight attendant would take charge of me and I never had an un

31、pleasant experience. I am used to travelling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened. After taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height, when the plane suddenly turned round and flew back to the airport. While we were waiting to land, a flight attendant

32、 told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as ithad touched down. Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened. Later we learnt that there was a very important person on board. The police had been told that a bomb had been planted on the plane.

33、 After we had landed, the plane was searched thoroughly. Fortunately, nothing was found and five hours later we were able to take off again.CMy Last School Trip*I had a pleasant school trip last weekend.* I had been very excited for this trip. We have been to XXX. There was a play field. I played Me

34、rry-go-round, roller coaster and so on. I have eaten XXX.It tasted fabulous.I will remember this memory foreverMy Last School Trip(2)We have been to XXX. I was excited about it and planned a lot.Unfortunatly, there was a typhoon come to XXX, We should stay at the hotel. Watching the boring TV. The p

35、lanning we had planned, has been canceled.*So we had a terrible school trip.*My Last School Trip(3)We have been to XXX. I was so pleased that I can't fall asleep the night before my lasy school trip. However, XXX was rainy. If it keep raining, we must stay at the hotel.But luckily, two hours lat

36、er, the sun was shining. I could go out to play!I had a great fun in XXXDDear Li Hua:You've mentioned that you felt bad about telling lies. That means you understand your parents, it's really a good thing. Sometimes parents just figure that internet game is terrible, they just don't want

37、 their child spend all the time for games , not study. I think the most important thing you should do is make your parents know some advantages about internet games,such as it can make you relax after study ,things like that.By the way ,you should also ensure that you can make good use your time.Ed

38、itor语文(一)1.2.跳过(二)汗青”是史册的意思,这要追溯到纸张发明之前了。那时古人记事要用“竹简 ”,亦即用上好的竹自记写镌刻事情和文章,此一片片的竹即称“竹简 ”。竹简的制作并不简单,首先要选择上等的青竹(此“青竹 ”指绿色之竹),称其为“青 ”;然后,削成长方形的竹片,再用火烘烤一片片的青竹,一方面是为了便于书写,另方面也为干燥防虫。烘烤之时,本来新鲜湿润的青竹片,被烤得冒出了水珠,像出汗一样。这道烘烤青竹的工序就叫做“汗青 ”了。 “汗青 ”的原意是青竹出汗的工序,渐渐成了竹简的代名词了。从出土的古代竹简来看,长的竹简常用于书写儒家经典;短的竹简常用其记载诸子事迹及史传。因此“汗

39、青 ”代称竹简再演变,人们便地一步又将其代称竹简所记载的“史册 ”了。桃李.据汉朝韩诗外传记载,春秋时,魏国有个叫子质的大臣,他得势时曾保荐过很多的人。后丢官只身跑到北京,见到一个叫简子的人,向他发牢骚,埋怨自己过去培养的人在危难时不肯帮助他。简子听后笑着对子质说:春天种了桃树和李树,到夏天可在树下纳凉休息,秋天还可吃到可口的果实。可是,如果你春天种的是蒺藜,到夏天就不能利用它的叶子,而秋天它长出来的刺倒要扎伤人。你过去培养、提拔的人都是些不值得保荐的人,所以君子培养人才,就象种树一样,应先选好对象,然后再培植啊!古稀是中国人自古指七十高龄的说法。它源于唐代大诗人杜甫曲江二首诗,杜甫吟咏道:“

40、人生七十古来稀。”一千二百多年前的杜甫慨叹人生苦短,能活到七十岁,自古以来十分稀少安乐窝 出自宋 邵雍无名公传:所寝之室谓之安乐窝,不求过美,惟求冬暖夏凉敲竹杠清朝末年,鸦片走私十分严重,走私贩子为躲避关卡检查,挖空心思藏匿鸦片。水上走私的贩子把毒品密藏在竹制的船篙里,随船从水路运往各地。一天,一艘商船驶至浙江绍兴码头,缉私官带人上船检查,查遍了船舱的每个角落也没发现鸦片。 这时, 一个师爷吸着长烟筒,漫不经心地走到船艄,信手在撑船的竹篙上敲烟灰,敲得竹篙“嘟嘟 ”直响,别人没有反应,船主却吓得面色大变,知道师爷已看透了秘密,慌忙把这位师爷请到后舱,掏出大把的银子悄悄塞给他,请他关照,不要再敲

41、竹篙了。师爷得到银子便没说什么,随缉私人员下船去了。此后,“敲竹杠 ”便成了讹诈财物的代名词,并一直沿用下来。“敲竹杠 ”的来源,还有一种说法:四川山区,有钱人进山烧香时乘坐着一种用竹杆做的滑杆,滑杆由人抬着。走到半山腰抬滑杆的人就敲着滑杠,要求加工钱,否则就不抬人,乘坐滑杆的只好加钱。还有一说:清朝末年,市场上小额的买卖,以铜钱作为单位,店家接钱后便丢在用竹杠做的钱筒里,晚上结账时再倒出来,谓之“盘钱 ”,又称之为“盘点 ”。当时上海城里有家店铺,老板很不老实,陌生顾客进门,往往随意提价。每当伙计在接待顾客时,店主就敲竹杠一下,示意提价。(三)表示信心十足时用(十拿九稳)表示某人打小算盘时用

42、(小九九)表示某人干事麻利时用(三下五除二)表示一样东西两人平分时用(二一添作五)表示实实在在,不可更改时用(一是一,二是二)表示做事不考虑周到,干了再说时用(一不做,二不休)(4)小葱拌豆腐 一一 一青(清)二白和尚的住处 庙(妙)河边洗黄连 一一河(何)苦荷塘里着火 一一 藕(偶)燃(然)花盆里栽松树 成不了材(才)怀里揣篦子一一梳(舒)心黄河水一一难清(请)瞎子进烟馆 摩登。(摸灯)。空中布袋装疯。(装风)。宋江的军师无用。(吴用)。老太婆上鸡窝笨蛋。(奔蛋)。卖草帽的丢扁担-留神。(留绳)。哥哥不在家 少来。(嫂来)。外甥打灯笼照旧。(照舅)。雨打黄梅头倒霉。(倒梅)。半两棉花 免谈。

43、(免弹)。秃子打伞无法无天。(无发无天)。矮子过渡安心。(淹心)。马店买猪没那事。(没那市)。腊月天气动手动脚。(冻手冻脚)。父亲向儿子磕头 -岂有此理。(岂有此礼)。公共厕所仍石头 -引起公愤。(引起公粪)。反穿皮袄装佯。(装羊)。孔夫子搬家净是输。(净是书)。孕妇走独木桥铤而走险。(挺而走险)。外婆死了儿子 无救。(无舅)。老公拍扇凄凉。(妻凉)。秀才的毛巾包输。(包书)。乌龟爬门槛但看此一番。(但看此一翻)。针尖尚挑毛巾不足为奇。(不足为旗)。钝刀破竹想不开。(响不开)。电线杆上绑鸡毛-好大的胆子。(好大的押子)。磕瓜子磕出臭虫 -什麽人都有。(什麽仁都有)。灯草打鼓不想。(不响)。灯草

44、拐杖做不了主。(做不了拄)。盐店里谈天闲得没事做。(咸得没事做)。张天师过海不用船 -自有法度。(自有法渡)。隔窗吹喇叭 名声在外。(鸣声在外)。龙王爷搬家 厉害。(离海)。老九的兄弟老实。(老十)。空棺材出葬目中无人。(木中无人)。王八中解元规矩。(龟举)。六月裹戴手套保守。(保手)。生花生非吵不可。(非炒不可)。皮匠不带锥子 真行。(针行)。何家姑娘嫁给郑家 -正合适。(郑何氏)。和尚的房子庙。(妙)。河边洗黄莲 何苦。(河苦)。盲人戴眼镜 假聪明。(假充明)。做梦变蝴蝶 想入非非。(想入飞飞)。猴子学走路假惺惺。(假猩猩)。精装茅台好久。(好酒)。蜘蛛拉网自私。(自丝)。瞎子背瞎子忙上加

45、忙。(盲上加盲)。万岁爷流鼻血 正红。(朕红)。打破沙锅问到底。(纹到底)。西瓜地裹散步 左右逢源。(左右逢圆)。脱了旧鞋换新鞋 -改邪归正。(改鞋归正)。麻布袋草布袋一代不如一代。(一袋不如一袋)。碗底的豆子 历历在目。(粒粒在目)。卖布不带尺 存心不良。(存心不量)。民间传说无所不包一一某饺子馆广告 无所不包”本来指没有什么东西不被包括在内,也就是包容了事物的全部的意思,其中的 包”义为 容纳在里头这则广告用来指包饺子的包”,使得这个多义词的语义连接也很合理。(5)东风破.句句压韵(6)有一财主,父子花钱各捐了一个进士,心中十分得意,大年三十,在门前贴了一副对联,以示庆贺。联曰:父进士,子

46、进士,父子同进士;妻夫人,媳夫人,妻媳皆夫人。才人王某读罢,在对联上寥添数笔,其联顿成:父进土,子进土,父子同进士;妻失夫,媳失夫,妻媳皆失夫。财主见了又羞怒,只得把对联撕去。(7)口日(8)会徽图案形似汉字“世”,并与数字“2010 ”巧妙组合,相得益彰,表达了中国人民举办一届属于世界的、多元文化融合的博览盛会的强烈愿望。会徽图案从形象上看犹如一个三口之家相拥而乐,表现了家庭的和睦。在广义上 又可代表包含了 “你、我、他”的全人类,表达了世博会“理解、沟通、欢聚、合作” 的理念。会徽以绿色为主色调,富有生命活力,增添了向上、升腾、明快的动感和意蕴, 抒发了中国人民面向未来,追求可持续发展的创

47、造激情。(一)1 .折柳折柳一词最早出现在汉乐府折杨柳歌辞第一中:上马不捉鞭,反折杨柳枝。所以折柳是一支曲子名,所以 曲中闻折柳折柳”一词寓含惜别怀远”之意:在我国的古代,亲朋好友一旦分离,送行者总要折一支柳条赠给远行者。折柳”一词寓含 惜别”之意。我国 折柳送行”的习俗最早见于我国第一部诗歌总集诗经里 的小雅;采薇: 昔我往矣,杨柳依依;今我来思,雨雪霏霏 ”。古时柳树又称小杨 或杨柳,因 柳”与 留”谐音,可以表示挽留之意。离别赠柳表示难分难离、不忍相别、 恋恋不舍的心意。2 .这样一改,语句精炼多了。 但原诗中由 纷纷”路上“借问“牧童"四个意象组成的乡 村清明的特有意境也被破

48、坏了。所以说,从语句的精炼角度来看,修改是成功的;从 意境的提炼角度看,修改则是失败的。3 .直抒胸臆的句子是:千万恨,恨极在天涯。2,后三句写景,以山月、风水、落花和碧云的无情,与千万恨”、心里事”的有情相对照,突出思妇内心的怨恨和忧伤。(二)1 我们应该向那原学习他贫不丧志,立志求学的精神和他在学习上刻苦勤奋的精 神。书塾中的老师值得我们敬佩的是他免收那原的学费,不计报酬地教书,为下一代 无私奉献的精神魅力。2 .轻视怨恨.像这样用学习来损害自己,还不如不要学习。学习要永不满足,做人要谦虚,切忌傲气3 .的到现在你欺骗他,这是教育孩子欺骗人诚信,言出必行。答应别人的事一定要做到(三)许爹男

49、(四)安徒生的世界是如此丰富神奇,充满着诗与童话,充满着爱与感动,充满着美与悲剧。这个世界有着令人神往使人欲罢不能的魔力,它既能使我们远离世俗的世界,又能被我们亲切地理解;既能使我们听到来自天外上帝的脚步声,又能使我们感受到 自己的脚步声。从某种意义上说,世界儿童文学的太阳是从北欧丹麦的地平线上升起 来的。安徒生童话中所蕴涵的温暖的人性美、艺术美、幻想美已经温暖和照亮了全世 界一代又一代的小读者乃至大读者的心灵。经典是永恒的,常读常新的,安徒生所创 造的童话艺术世界也是如此。安徒生童话将不断地被年轻的童心所阅读和接受,从这 个意义上讲,安徒生是永生的。扩展阅读1 .想到的为人2 .后悔 愧疚伤

50、心 勇敢执着3 .贾佳:好开心哦,小强终于变回来了,我以后不要做这种傻事了,小强再怎么说也 是我的好朋友嘛,他总是帮我,别人欺负我的时候他给我解围,自己却挨了打,多好 的同学啊。张小强:好开心,好惭愧哦,我不该这么对待贾佳,她虽然把我变成了小狗,但她 也很着急的帮我想办法变回来,甚至想陪我变成小狗,多好的同学啊,以后再也不做 恶作剧了。(五)1。我以为那是一个自私的孩子是对生命的大不敬2 .时间的残酷人生的短暂世上有永远无法报答的恩情生命本身不堪一击的脆弱。3 .伤害了别人,就无法弥补;东西摔坏了,弄丢了,这可以弥补。一般可以弥补的 是物质上的,无法弥补的精神上的。4 .同意。因为连生他养他的

51、母亲都不爱,那么其他人他更不可能爱。(六)1 .做个有文化的好学生!2 .书是人类最要好的朋友!读一本好书,会让你在读书过程中得到许多知识。利用暑假,快看些课外书籍,让你 的生活变的更充实,快乐。做个有文化的好学生。初次见面说(久仰 )好久不见说(久违)请人批评说(指教)求人原谅说(见谅)求人帮忙说(劳教)求给方便说(借光)麻烦别人说(打扰 )向人祝贺说(恭喜)求人看稿说(斧正)求人解答说(请教)求人指点说(赐教)托人办事说(拜托)(二)1 : A、喝了不渴,渴了就喝,喝了就不知渴,渴了就必须喝.口渴就得喝,不喝就口渴, 再渴还得喝,越喝越口渴B、渴时需水一口喝 ,有水方解渴,用口始能喝.2:

52、睛是睛,晴是晴,两字之间差一横,清字偏旁三点水,又与两字大不同。(3)男孩:少一些,你数起来不是更方便吗?(4)1 .黄河岸边核桃园吃饭钓鱼又 K歌2 .田园,是你我的绿色天地! !快乐农家、快乐田园、共建文明!一片真心、关心绿地、一片真情、关注健康扔一片垃圾不等于施肥!折一枝鲜花不等于嫁接!数学1. X2. V3. V1.B2.B3.B4 .D5 .A1 . Z BCE =/ ABC2 .南偏西55 °3 .对顶角相等 等量代换平角等量代换平角等量代换补角4.25四.1 .解:2 + Z 3=180 °a / b (同旁内角互补,两直线平行)- / 3= / 4c / d

53、 (同位角相等,两直线平行)- a / b.Z 3= / 1 = 60 ° (两直线平行,同位角相等). / 3 + Z 5=180 °/ 3=60 ° 5= 120 °2 .跳过3 .证明如下:AB ± BC ABC=90 °BC ±CD BCD=90 ° . / ABC=90 ° / BCD=90 ° / BCD= / ABC /1=/2 /2 + / FBC= / ABC Z 1 + Z BCE= / BCD / FBC= / BCE / FBC= / BCEBF / CE (内错角相等,

54、两直线平行)4 .解:AB / CD 理由如下: BE 平分/ ABD ABD = 2/ 1 DE 平分/ BDC BDC =2/2, / 1 + / 2=90 °ABD +Z BDC=180 °1 .垂直于同一条直线的直线是平行的2 .作垂线要是两条垂线的长度相等那么就是平行的3 .利用平行线的内错角相等:两个镜子平行,所以90- / 2=90- / 3所以/ 2= / 3,则/ 1+Z2= Z3+Z4,即进入光线和离开光线的内错角相等,所以平行一.1. V2. X3. V4. X二.1.A2 .D3 .A4.B5.B6.D7.B8.D9.B2 .第二3 .-14.105

55、 .甲追乙的时间是11.25小时。需要4.5小时相遇甲追乙需要 12小时6 .方程组 32 (x+y)=400180(x-y)=4007.108.因为两个的值不一样,所以有一个数为负数当 x 为负数时,x+y=4 |x|+|y|=-x+y=7解得 x=-1.5y=5.5x-y=-7当 y 为负数时,x+y=4 |x|+|y|=x-y=7x=5.5y=-1.5x-y=7四.1 .略2 .略3 .若该矩形 ABCD 中,是 AB=6,AD=4 。那么在 AB上取一点 E使AE=2 ;在 AD上 取一点F使AF=1。过点E、点F分别作 AD、AB的平行线 EM、FN ,交于点 O,即 O为原点,EM为x轴,FN为y轴,则 D点坐标为(-2 , -3)。另外三点的坐标为 A(-2 , 1)、B (4, 1)、C (4, -3)。4 .将x=2 , y=1分别代入两个式子里,有2a+b=3,2


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