已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 1 A 第一段1. jurisdiction 管辖区,管辖权2. legal family 法系3. civil law 大陆法系4. common law 普通法系,英美法系第四段1. legislation 立法2. case 案例3. the court of Chancery 衡平法院4. equity 衡平法5. petition 诉请(v.),申诉(n.)6. discretionary 自由裁量的第五段1. entrusted territories 托管领地2. impose 实施第六段1. arbitrator 仲裁员2. apply 适用第七段1.Privy Co

2、uncil 枢密院(英国)第八段1. the Twelve Tables 十二铜表法2. citizen 市民第九段1. canon law 教会法2. Corpus Juris Civilis 民法大全3. Justinian Code 查士丁尼法典第十一段1. receive 继受2. private law 私法P.121. civil code 民法典2. codification 法典化第十六段1. interpretation 解释(judicial interpretation 司法解释)2. law doctrine 法律教义课后填空题中的单词1. draft 起草2. ina

3、lienable 不可剥夺的3. precedent 先例4. arbitration 仲裁5. binding 约束力6. redress 救济7. grievance 伸冤8. the idea of legislative supremacy 立法的最高权威原则(立法至上原则)9. legitimate 合法的Unit 1 B第一段1. Empower 授权 2. Political entity 政治实体 3. decide controversies 判决争议4. Obligation 义务,债务 5. tribunal 法庭6. Damage 损害赔偿 7. breach of c

4、ontract 违约8. Advocate 辩护人,律师 第二段1. unpredictability 不可预测性2. Adjudication 裁决 第五段1. normative 规范的2. Precedent 先例 3. routine 程式,惯例4. Curb on抑制 5. adherence to 坚持,遵守6. Arbitrariness 专制 第六段1. Abandonment of an outworn legal doctrine 摒弃过时的法律原则第七段1. Stare decisis 遵循先例 第八段1. Full-fledged precedent 充分有效的判例 B

5、inding precedent 有约束力的判例 Persuasive precedent 有劝导力的判例(没有法律约束力)2. Territorial limitation 区域限制第九段1. identical 相同的第十段1. Trial courts 初审法院 intermediate appellate courts 中级上诉法院Court of last resort 终审法院第十一段1. Rres judicata 一案不再审2. Stare decisis 先例约束3. Reversal 撤销 overruling 推翻,否决第十二段:1.Plaintiff 原告 defend

6、ant 被告第十八段1. render the decision 判决2. Holding 裁定 3. dictum 意见(法官的附带意见)第十九段1. Persuasive authority 说服效力 课后习题:1. Lessor 出租人 lessee/tenant 租客,承租人Unit 2 A 第一段1. nomenclature 系统命名法,命名court nomenclature 法院名称2. hierarchical 等级制度的hierarchical structure 层级结构3. court of last resort 终审法院第二段1. trial court ( the

7、 court in the first instance )初审法院2. court of inferior jurisdiction 有限管辖权的法院3. justice of the peace court 治安官法院4. municipal court 市政法院第三段1. court of general jurisdiction 一般管辖权的法院第四段1. superior court 高级法院2. district court 地区法院3. circuit court 巡回法院4. court of common pleas 普通诉讼法院5. justice 大法官 judge 法官

8、第五段1. appellate court (Court of Appeals )上诉法院2. supreme judicial court 最高审判法院3. supreme court of appeals 最高上诉法院4. tribunal 法庭5. merits 案件事实6. substantive law 实体法第六段1. day in court 出庭应诉,出庭答辩2. matter of grace 法外开恩,恩典3. existing statutes 现行成文法4. docket 诉讼事件表,案件排期表第七段1. discretion 自由裁量权2. screen out 筛选

9、strain out 过滤第八段1. federal court 联邦法院2. interpretation 解释权3. enforcement 实施权第九段1 intermediate appellate court ( called the Court of Appeals )中级上诉法院2 Claims Court 索赔法院3 Tax Court 税务法院第十三段1. entertain 受理2. provision 条款3. diversity of citizenship 公民身份多样性第十四段1. venue 审判地(从数个有管辖权的法院中选出来的那个审判法院)forum 有管辖权

10、的法院2. file a suit 提起诉讼(指民事起诉)第十五段1. actions at law 普通法诉讼2. cases in equity 衡平法案件3. promulgate 颁布,公布第十六段1. judicial circuit 巡回审判地区2. Court of Claims 索赔法院3. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals 海关与专利上诉法院第十七段1. en banc 全体法官听审2. summon 传召,传唤3. litigation 诉讼litigant 诉讼当事人第十八段1. petition 诉请,申诉2. writ 令状3.

11、certiorari 调卷令4. discretion 自由裁量权第十九段1. umpire 裁判员Unit 3 B 第一段1. The Supreme Court 最高法院2. Interpret the constitution 解释宪法3. Judicial review 司法审查4. Render decisions 做出判决第二段1. State legislature 州立法机关2. Federal administrative agency 联邦行政机构第三段1. Constitutional review 宪法审查2. Partisan politics 党派政治3. Just

12、ice of the peace 治安法官4. Vest 授予5. Ordain 任命6. Provision 规定7. Designate 指定 指派8. Hierarchy 等级9. Jurisdiction 管辖权10.Hear 审理11.Provision 款12.Precedence 先例13.Consensus 一致同意14.Intrigue 阴谋15.Consolidate 巩固第四段1.Sectary of state 国务卿2.Affixing the seal 盖国玺3.Senate 参议院4.Inadvertence 不注意5.Inaugurate 开始任职6.Withh

13、old 撤回第五段1. A writ of mandamus 执行令状第六段1. The executive branch 行政部门2. Dilemma 两难3. Acquiesce 默许第七段1. Ministerial detail内阁主张第八段1. Original jurisdiction 初审管辖权2. The judiciary act 司法法3. Tour de force 精心杰作4. Grant 授予5. Relief 救济6. Cede 放弃第九段1. Void 无效2. Mandamus 执行令3. A government of limited powers 有限政府第

14、十一段1. Judicial duty 司法责任第十二段1. Syllogism 三段论第十三段1. Logical rigor 逻辑严密性第十四段1. Criminal proceeding 刑诉2. Thwart 阻碍,反对3. Rescind 解除4. the supremacy clause 最高条款第十五段1. Tenure 任期第十六段1. Futility 徒劳 无果而终2. Desegregate 废除种族隔离第十七段1. Executive privilege 行政特权课后1. Separation of powers 三权分立2. Administrative regula

15、tion行政规章3. Statutory instrument法定文书4. Veto否决5. Interpretation字面解释6. Construction上下文解释7. Federalism联邦制8. Statute法(特指)9. Act 法(泛指)10.Writ 文书11.Certiorari 移送命令 调卷令12.Servitude 服役13.Bill 法案14.Administrative regulation 行政法规(美国的用法)15.Statutory instrument 法定文件(英国的行政法规用词)Unit 4 A 第一段1. omission 疏忽,懈怠,不作为(ne

16、gligence)2. Removal from public office 开除公职3. Disqualification from holding public office 剥夺政治权利4. Probation 缓刑5. Restitution 返还原物,恢复原状(monetary restitution 金钱赔偿)第二段1. Press charges、bring charges、bring a suit 、file a suit 提起诉讼第三段1. State prosecutor 州检察官2. Process the claim (claim=chargesuit)提起诉讼第五段1

17、. Execution 执行死刑 (capital punishment 死刑)(以下为老师上课补充)3. Punitive damages 惩罚性损害赔偿4. Exemplary damages 惩罚性损害赔偿5. Award 裁定损害赔偿金的判决 (相当于sentence or make a judgment)第六段1. Assault 企图伤害罪2. Battery 殴击罪 (assault and battery 殴击罪)第七段1. Apprehension 逮捕2. Miranda warnings 米兰达警告3. Probable cause 合理的根据第八段1. Felony 重

18、罪2. Misdemeanor 轻罪3. Infraction 一般违法 (相当于violation)第九段1. Transgression 违法2. Corroborative evidence 加强证据,实证证据,佐证3. Complaint 自诉起诉书4. Issuance of an arrest warrant 签发逮捕令第十段1. Involuntary manslaughter 非预谋故意杀人,过失杀人 第十一段1. Motives 犯罪动机1. Intent 犯罪意图第十二段1. Strict liability 严格责任2. Acquittal 宣告无罪 第十四段1. A f

19、irst degree murder 一级谋杀2. Imbecile 低能者第十五段1. Mens rea 犯意2. Actus reus 犯罪行为3. Causation 因果关系第十六段1. The grossly negligent behavior 重大过失行为第十七段Hold-up 抢劫课后练习单词1. Infamous crime 不名誉犯罪2. Infamy 声名狼藉3. Ineligible 不适铬4. Commence 开始 (commencement 毕业典礼)5. Search or seizure 搜查或扣押6. Criminal sanction 刑事制裁7. Psy

20、chological pressure 心理压力8. Requisite 必备的,必不可少的9. Model Panel Code 模范刑法典Unit 5 B 第一段1. Pretrial steps 审前程序第二段1. The bill of information 检察官公诉书 2. Complaint 起诉书(针对misdemeanor)3. Law enforcement 执法,法律实施4. The subject matter 诉讼标的5. Magistrate 地方执法官6. Be bound over 具结(bound over for trail法官接受公诉书后,被告会受审)7

21、. Misdemeanor 轻罪第三段1. The grand jury process 大陪审团程序2. Appearance 出庭3. Refute 驳斥4. Put on a defense 提出抗辩第四段1. The arrest 逮捕2. Take a suspect into custody 拘捕嫌疑犯3. Charge 指控4. Official arrest warrant 正式逮捕令5. Probable cause 合理根据第五段1. Booking 登记备案2. Inventory search 物品清查3. Contraband 违禁品4. Preliminary in

22、vestigation 初步调查5. Seizure 扣押第六段1. The decision to prosecute (检察官)公诉决定第七段1. The initial appearance 首次出庭2. Constitutional rights and guarantees 宪法权利和保证3. Bail 保释金4. Nominal bail fee 名义担保费5. Released on ones own recognizance 自我保释第八段1. Merit of the case 案件事实 1. A guilty plea 有罪答辩第九段1. The preliminary h

23、earing 预审程序2. A grand jury hearing 大陪审团听证3. Reasonable doubt 合理怀疑4. Burden of proof 举证责任5. Safeguard for the rights 权利保障6. Cross-examine 交叉询问7. Favorable evidence 有利证据第十段1. Adjudicate 判决2. Formal indictment 正式的起诉书(大陪审团起诉书)第十一段1. The arraignment 传讯2. Not guilty by reason of insanity 因精神病而无罪3. Nolo co

24、ntendere (no contest) 既不辩护也不认罪4. File all relevant pretrial motions 提交所有相关的审前动议第十三段1. Waive 放弃2. Bench trial 法官审判3. A plea bargain 辩诉交易,认罪协议第十四段1. Voir dire 陪审团资格审查2. Peremptory challenge 绝对回避(无因回避,但有人数限制)3. The challenge for cause 相对回避(有因回避,没有人数限制)第十五段1. Opening statement 开场陈述2. Mistrial 无效审判第十六段1.

25、 Acquit 无罪释放2. Bad faith 恶意3. Reversible error 可撤销判决的错误第十七段1. The prosecutors case 控方举证2. Presumption of innocence 无罪推定3. Tangible evident 有形证据(物证)第十八段1. Motion for directed verdict 指示裁决动议第十九段1. The defendants presentation 被告辩护2. Testimonial 证人证言3. Take the stand and testify 站到证人席作证4. Self incrimina

26、tion 自证其罪5. Rebuttal (检察官对被告方证据)驳斥6. Surrebuttal (rejoinder) (被告方对公诉方驳斥)反驳斥7. Rebut 反驳第二十段1. Closing argument 结案陈辞2. Summation 总结3. Extol the virtues of ones claim 肯定己方诉求真实性第二十一段1. Discrepancy 不一致,矛盾2. Claim for conviction 有罪主张第二十二段1. Refute 反驳2. Discredit witness 质疑证人3. Discredit the case 质疑案子本身(质疑

27、控方举证不足以起诉)第二十三段1. Jury instruction 陪审团指示2. Charge the jury 陪审团指示3. Submit 提交4. Standard jury instruction forms 标准陪审团指示模板第二十四段1. The jury deliberation 陪审团评议2. Venireman 陪审员3. Private conference chamber 秘密会议室4. Stenographer 速记员5. Acquiescence 缄默6. Apathy 冷漠(对裁决漠不关心)7. The toss of a coin 掷硬币第二十五段1. Una

28、nimous 一致同意的2. Acquittal 无罪3. Conviction 有罪4. Double jeopardy 双重追诉第二十六段1. The verdict 裁决,裁定2. Involuntary manslaughter 过失杀人3. Hung jury (因陪审团不能达成一致裁定而造成的)无效审判第二十七段1. Sentence 判刑2. The state statute 州成文法律3. Suspension 停职4. Probation 缓刑5. Jail term 监禁刑6. Fine 罚金7. Disqualification to hold public offic

29、e 开除公职8. Capital punishment 死刑第二十八段1. The appeal 上诉2. Significant procedural error 重大程序错误(可以构成reversible error)3. Harmless error 无害错误(对判决结果无影响的程序错误)4. Procedural deficiency 程序错误后面表格词汇1. Preponderance of evidence 优势证据2. Prima facie case 初步案件3. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt 排除合理怀疑的证据后面练习题词汇1. Overze

30、alous 过分热心的2. Dual sovereignty 双重主权(区别于double jeopardy)Unit 6 B 第一段1. lawsuit 诉讼2. substantive law/ procedural law 实体法/程序法3. will 遗嘱 (make a last will stick 使遗嘱生效)4. formality 手续 (what formalities are necessary to make a last will stick)5. issue stock 发行股票6. lease or deed of land 土地租赁或转让契约 (lease租赁,

31、 leasor出租人, lessee承租人, leasehold 通过租赁而占有)第二段1. have standing to do 有资格 (whether a particular person has standing to bring a particular suit)2. afford the remedy 给予救济3. courtmade juctice 法庭正义4. good procedures 正当程序 (the road to.courtmade juctice is paved with good procedures)第四段1. the pleading stage

32、起诉阶段2. client 当事人3. ascertain 确认,查明4. be prone to (=incline to) 倾向于第五段1. emotion distress 精神损害2. personal injury 人身伤害3. property damage 财产损失第六段1. can be proved in court 在法庭上可被证实2. state a claim 诉讼请求3. allege (claim/allege/ascertain) 主张4. renege 食言,反悔5. breach of contract 合同违约, 违反合同约定(state a claim f

33、or breach of contract 合同违约之诉)6. norm 规范7. a true account 如实报道8. file bankruptcy 申请破产9. invation of privacy 侵犯隐私第七段1. the amount of money 标的额2. residence 住所3. subject matter jurisdiction 事务管辖权,事项管辖权,对事管辖权4. personal jurisdiction 属人管辖权,对人管辖权5. the person sued = defendant 被告6. render the judgment (rend

34、er = give) 作出判决第八段1. service of process 送达程序 (service of process on the defendant 向被告送达程序)2. initiate the lawsuilt 启动诉讼,提起诉讼3. summons 传票 (serve a summons 送达传票)4. complaint 起诉状 (serve a complaint 送达起诉状)5. Civil Procedure 民事诉讼程序第九段1. pleading 主张 (the comlaint is the pleading in which the plaintiff st

35、ates the facts) 2. cause of action 诉讼理由,诉因,诉由 (constitute a cause of action 构成诉讼理由)第十一段1. interval 期间 (a proper interval)2. default judgment 缺席判决 (enter a default judgment)3. collect 执行 (collect against your client's property)第十二段1. motion 动议2. motion to dismiss 申请撤销3. demurrer 抗辩4. recover 赔偿 (

36、permit X to recover against F on those facts)第十三段1. answer 答辩 (serve/file an answer 作出答辩)2. general denial 全部否认 (qualified/specific denial)3. issue 争议,问题 第十四段1. affirmative defense 积极抗辩 (serve/file an affirnative defense)2. a plea by way of confession and avoidance 自认其罪又持异议的抗辩3. statute of limitatio

37、ns 诉讼时效第十五段1. grant/deny a motion 允许/否决动议 (motion granted/denied 被允许/否决的动议)2. replead 二次申诉第十六段1. controvert 否定, 反对, 对持异议2. negligent/negligence 过失3. impair 损害第十八段1. bench trial 法官审判 (jury trial 陪审团审判)第二十段1. opening statement 开庭陈述 (closing statement/argument 结案陈辞)第二十一段1. direct/cross examination 直接/交

38、叉提问2. inadmissible 不可采信的 (admit, admission, admissible, inadmissible)3. except 不同意 (defendant will "except" to the rulling and so preserve her right)第二十三段1. testimony 证人证词 (direct testimony and cross-examination of witnesses)2. exceptions 保留意见 (objections to the evidence and exceptions to

39、the court' rulling)第二十四段1. burden of proof 举证责任2. assert 主张,坚称第二十五段2. sum up 结案陈词 (=closing statement/argument)第二十六段1. charge to the jury 对陪审团的指示 (jury instructions)2. the instruction stage (instruction = charge) 指示阶段3. applicable 可适用的4. find 确认,认定 (if you the jury find that the defendant sent t

40、he postcards)5. bring in a verdict 作出裁决6. a reasonable person “理性人”(具有一般智商的普通人)7. impair 妨碍 (his emotional distress would impair his ability to drive)第二十七段 1. draft 草案,草稿2. submit 提交 (submit the draft instructions to the judge)3. record objections 记录反对意见4. erroneous 错误的 (an erroneous statement of th

41、e law)第二十八段1. in substance 实质上2. tort action 侵权第二十九段1. retire for deliberation 退席评议2. general verdict 一般裁决,概括裁决 第三十段1. terminology and practice 理论与实践第三十一段1. judgment notwithstanding the verdict (judgment non obstante verdicto) (judgment n.o.v) (j.n.o.v) (grant judgment n.o.v ) 不顾陪审团裁决的判决, 直接审判 (法官认为

42、案件事实清楚不需交付陪审团而直接作出的判决)2. judgment as a matter of law (JMOL) 直接审判 (联邦法院的叫法)3. jury finding 陪审团裁定第三十二段1. set aside 推翻 (=overrule) (set aside the verdict = disregard the verdict2. grant a new trial 重新审判3. sufficiency of the evidence 证据充分性4. time-honored 历久弥新5. a minimum amount of evidence 基本证据 6. scint

43、illa 一点点,微乎其微第三十三段1. move for 提出申请 (move for a new trial)2. rule in 认定 (rule in evidence)3. misconduct 行为不当4. excessive damages 过高赔偿金第三十四段1. award the verdict 作出裁决2. notice 告知,申请 (notice of appeal)第三十五段1. execution of the judgment 执行判决2. writ 权利(=right) (the plaintiff obtains a writ from the court d

44、irecting the sheriff to seize property of the defendant)3. seize/seizure 扣押 (seize the property)第三十六段1. debtor 债务人2. compliance 遵从,服从第三十八段1. retry 重审2. the case on its merits 案件实质,案件相关事实3. scrutiny 审查 (=review) 4. the transcript of the testimony 庭审笔录5. exhibits 证物6. briefs 上诉意见 第三十九段1. circulate 传阅

45、(the draft opinion will be circulated for initialing)2. initial 草签 (本意"首字母",即草签只签名字首字母)3. concurring opinions 附随意见4. dissenting opinions 不同意见第四十段1. rule 裁定,裁决 (trial judges can avoid eroror in every rulling in a complicated case)2. the leisure of hindsight 后见之明 (hindsight 后见;foresight 前见)3

46、. warrant 确保,保证 (v.) (Should all such errors warrant reversal by the apprellate court ?)4. cure 纠正 (the errors are "cured" by subsequent events)5. prejudicial 损坏性的 (prejudice 损害;with/without prejudice 在有/无损害前提下;dismissal with/without prejudice 永久性驳回起诉/非永久性驳回起诉,可补正之撤销诉讼)课后练习题词汇1. in rem jur

47、isdiction 对物管辖权/ in personam jurisdiction (= personal jurisdiction) 对人管辖权, 属人权2. juvenile 青少年 / minor 未成年 (juvenile delinquency青少年越轨行为)3. deposition 口头质询 / interrogatory 书面质询 (都属于discovery证据发掘阶段)4. nonresident 非本州居民5. have certain minimum contacts with 最低限度联系 (long-arm jurisdiction 长臂管辖权 / long-arm

48、statute 长臂法)6. probative matter 提供证明的事项,有证明力的内容7. adversary/inquisitorial trial 对抗式庭审/纠问式审判 8. special/general verdict 特别裁决/一般裁决9. bench/jury trial 法官审判/陪审团审判10. court clerk 法庭书记员11. concurrent 竞合12. probate 遗嘱检验13. executrix (female administrator) 女执行人Unit8A第一段1. civil wrongs 民事不法行为2. tortious act

49、侵权行为3. act 作为4. omission不作为5. personal interest人身利益 6. property interest财产利益7. intent 故意 8. negligence过失 9. inadvertence疏忽,不小心 (没有尽到注意义务)10. mistake误解 错误第二段1. liability责任 义务 2. tort liability 侵权责任 3. contract liability合同责任4. damages赔偿金5. remedies救济第三段1. intentional torts 故意侵权2. negligent torts过失侵权3.

50、 state of mind 主观心态4. circumstantial evidence间接证据 环境证据(行为时的客观情况)第四段1. personal torts 人身侵权2. property torts财产侵权3. assault威胁a threatened or attempted physical attack by someone who appears to be able to cause bodily harm if not stopped4. battery攻击an assault in which the assailant makes physical contac

51、t5. false imprisonment非法拘禁6. trespass to land 非法侵入土地7. trespass to chattels非法侵入动产8. layperson 法外之人第六段1. confinement监禁 拘禁2. false imprisonment 非法拘禁第八段1. commitment order拘禁令第九段1. alcoholism酒精中毒2 .detention拘留 扣留第十段1. the right to exclusive possession of the land对土地的排他性占有权第十一段1. prima facie case初步证明的案件第

52、十四段1. expire 到期 期满第十五段1. standard of care注意标准2. reasonable person standard理性人标准3. duty of care注意义务4. assumption of the risk自担风险第十八段1. proximate cause最近原因2. public policy argument 公序良俗论辩理由第十九段1. foreseeability可预见性2. actionable可起诉的第二十段1. intervening causes介入因素第二十一段1. contributory negligence共同过失 2. com

53、parative negligence比较过失3. recovery救济 赔偿金第二十二段1. automobile accidents交通事故第二十三段1. pure comparative negligence 纯比例比较过失2. partial comparative negligence部分比较过失第二十五段1. unreasonable conduct不当行为2. voluntary consent自愿同意第二十六段1. strict liability严格责任 2. liability without fault无过错责任3. abnormally dangerous activi

54、ties高度危险活动第二十七段1. privity of contract合同关系第二十八段1. defamation诽谤2. slander口头诽谤3. libel书面诽谤Unit 8B 侯润颖第一段1. Contend 主张2. Compensatory and punitive damages 补偿性和惩罚性赔偿金第二段1. Cause of action 诉讼理由第五段1. Recuperate 休养2. Skin grafts 皮肤移植第六段1. Out-of-pocket 自掏腰包第七段1. Summary dismissal 驳回起诉的动议2. Proximate cause 近因原则;直接原因第十段1. Find for 作有利于.的判决 第十一段1. Runaway 坐视不理2. Undisclosed amount 未公开的赔偿数额第十三段1. A defective product 缺陷产品 2. Scrutiny 推敲课后题II (P138)1. Infringe legal right 侵犯权利2. Nondisclosure 保密3. Referee 裁判员4. The cou


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