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1、第三模块第一单元基础练习题一、根据要求写出相应的英语单词:1. She g_ at her watch and left in a hurry. 2. Chuck survived the cash and landed on a d_ island. 3. She spoke quietly for f_ of waking the baby up. 4. When electricity was cut off, all the people in the lift p_. 5. He put forward two suggestions. The l_ sounds much bett

2、er.6. Though it looked f_ , the dog was gentle really.7. The little boy held his mother's hand f_ when crossing the street.8. She leaned over and _(低声说)something in his ear.9. Many people are against the idea of_(实验)on animals.10. A team of 200 _(自愿者)arrived in the disaster-stricken area. 11. Th

3、e number of the students in the area has been_(减少).12. He sensed _ (感觉到) that something had happened to his family.二、句型转换:1. We'll start early tomorrow morning. We'll _ _ early tomorrow morning.2. It's possible that he will be late for the train. He _ _ _ be late for the train.3. While y

4、ou are walking across the street, you should be careful. _ _ across the street, you should be careful.4. That everyone got back safely was good news. _ _ good news _ everyone got back safely.5. The woman held out her hand to get the book on the shelf. The woman_ _ _ the book on the shelf.6. There wa

5、s a terrible noise that followed the sudden burst of light. There was a terrible noise _ the sudden burst of light.7. The boy lay on the grass and his eyes were looking at the sky. The boy lay on the grass, _ his eyes _ _ the sky.8. The difficulty I met was nothing, if it was compared to yours. The

6、difficulty I met was nothing _ _ yours.9. I wish you to finish your homework on your own. I wish _ you _ your homework on your own.10. Suddenly all lights went out. _ _ _ _ , all lights went out.三、用动词的适当形式填空:1. They found himself _(hide) in the cave.2. The boy _(freeze) with fear at the sight of the

7、 snake.3. What he said just now _(remind) me of the American professor.4. The professor _(refer) to at the meeting is from Beijing university.5. In the United States, lunch _(provide) for students for free at school.6. Im afraid this is the best way we can think of _(help) you.7. They _(run) out of

8、their water and food, which worried them a lot.8. _(enter) the room, I found him lying in bed, lost in thought.9. Have you ever considered _(travel) abroad.10. He was reported _(cover) 30 miles on foot that day.11. Mary _(work out) in the college gym at the moment.12. He suggests us _(start) early.1

9、3. He seemed to _(drop) most of his friends.17. We should _(inform) of how the work is getting on.18. Greatly _(affect) by his sons failure, the father was in low spirits.19.The hotel _(run) by Mr Wang is very successful.20. _ your plan _(approve) yet?四、单项填空:1. The boss will _ right away. Give him t

10、he report the moment you see him. A. very likely to come B. much likely to come C. most likely come D. greatly likely coming2. Project Hope aims at helping the poor children in remote areas to _ education. A. keep B. accept C. help D. receive3. A sheep _ on this kind of special grass usually grows m

11、uch faster than _ on ordinary. A. feeding; one B. feeds; the one C. fed; that D. feeding; it4. It is no longer a question now _ man can land on the moon. A. that B. which C. whether D. what5. Word came _ he would be employed by the company. A. which B. why C. that D. whether6. _ different life today

12、 is from _ was fifty years ago. A. What a; what B. How; what C. What; what D. What a; how7. I didn't know that _. A. was the matter B. is the matter C. matter was D. the matter is8. Is there a shop around _ we can buy something to eat? A. which B. of which C. where D. what9. Who do you want to h

13、ave _ the article for the wall newspaper? A. wrote B. writing C. written D. to write10. Does it make any _ whether they will win the match or not this afternoon? A. difference B. time C. way D. sense11. He is the only one of the students who _ a winner of scholarship for three years. A. is B. are C.

14、 have been D. has been12. Don't worry! Not you but I _ to blame for the mistake. A. are B. were C. am D. isxercises for Module3 Unit1一、写出下列单词相应的英语1观察21目的地2扫视22突然的3被离弃的23临时的4粗糙的24治疗5黑暗25有希望地6坚定 的26接纳7呆住27方法8自信的28凶猛的9当面29机会10减少30淹死11志愿者31后者12试验32致命的13另人不快的33伤口14相关的34距离15总体的35珠宝16紧张的36光亮的17误用37避免18

15、日常的38恐慌19忽视39闪电20深深地40出汗二、写出下列单词相应的英语1取得巨大进步15记住2被覆盖16上网3那么远17被卡在、4下车18以、为主食5可以看见19听取某人的建议6出发20呼吸进7感觉心脏由于害怕在跳动21眨一看8希望得到22前进9偿还23看不见10穿过、明白24在遥远11共有25提供帮助12把灯光调弱26在午饭时13以、为例27伸手14听说28盯着看工作总结李明景 2001年8月被评为中学英语一级教师。 2002年调入江苏省江阴市华士高级中学。任职以来主要表现如下: 教学方面:我忠诚党的教育事业,有强烈的敬业心和奉献精神,有强烈的进取意识。自2001年被评为中学英语一级教师


17、学最新的发展趋势,不断地更新认识,不断提高自己的业务能力和教学水平。于1997年加入连云港市英语教育协会;2007年加入了江苏省教育协会,撰写了大量教育教学方面的论文。现已有4篇论文发表于省级以上刊物。一篇获省师陶杯三等奖。青兰结队方面:本人一直主动辅导青年教师,经常给他们上师范课,听他们的课,共同备课,分析教材、钻研教法,互相交流经验。今年,我申报中学英语高级教师资格,不论成功与否,我仍将一如既往,将以更大的热情为教育事业努力奋斗。Module 4 Unit 3Words 1. 非凡的,特别的 _ 2 使能够 _3疲劳,疲倦(n) _ 4 人物,角色 _5传送,传递 _ 6 欣喜若狂的 _7

18、 极好的,特棒的 _ 8机会 _9 印象(n) _ 10 展品,陈列品 _11 宣布,宣称 _ 12 雇佣,_13 流行,使欢迎(n) _ 14 批评 _15 营救,援救 _ 16 计划书,方案 _17 表面 _ 18 液体 _19 负责的 _ 20 南方的,南部的 _21 安全地 _ 22 缺乏经验的 _23 监视,监控 _ 24 投资 _25 逐渐暗淡,消失 _ 26 决赛 _ 27 询问,怀疑 _ 28 操纵,引导,带领 _29程序设计,编程 _ 30 经由,通过 _31 温和的,文雅的_ 32 因此,所以 _ 33 研究 _ 34 行业,工业 _35 幸福,快乐 _ 36 中央的,中心

19、的 _37 肥皂 _ 38 英雄 _ 39 无名的 _ 40 援救,营救 _Phrases1 事实上 _ 2 提出一个计划书_3 以中国为背景 _ 4 与.相连接 _5 发出(气味,热等)_ 6 在战斗中 _7 有机会做某事_ 8 对留下深刻的印象 _9 做一个口头通知_ 10 朝的方向_11 最后但同样重要的是_ 12 建立一家公司 _13被控告犯有谋杀罪 _ 14 关闭,使停业_15 引导某人成功 _ 16 发表他的观点_17 偶然发现这本书 _ 18 科幻小说_19 在教学方面有经验_ 20 做手势让某人做某事_21签名_ 22 对负责_23 毫无疑问 _ 24 在我看来_25 代代相传

20、_ 26 踢进一个决胜球_27 令人信服的事实 _ 28 对感到厌烦_29 一到达山顶 _ 30 体验成就感 _31 以每秒 的速度 _ 32 烧光 _第四模块第二单元基础练习题单词填空1. Do you consider it convenient for us when every domestic appliance can be m_ by computer ?2. I have decided to make a living by d _ newspaper.3. The artist s_ his name on the painting which he had just fi

21、nished.4. Do you play any other sports b_ football and basketball ?5. The World Cup F_ are being broadcast live to over fifty countries.6. The soldier was _ (指控) if running away when the enemy attacked.7. The result of this examination will be _ (宣布) tomorrow.8. Miss Liu is _ (雇佣) in a Chinese-forei

22、gn joint company.9. Tom , _ (厌烦) of the boring talk, went out of the hall.10. -You passed your test. - _(棒极了)!句型转换1 He seemed very confident during the interview, but actually he was quite nervous.He seemed very confident during the interview, but _ _he was quite nervous.2 The farmers continued to w

23、ork by the light of the tractor. The farmers _ _ _ _ the help of the tractors light.3 School is important to the development of society. School plays _ _ _ in the development of society.4 Hardly had he arrived in London when he went to call on his sister. _ _ had he arrived in London _he went to cal

24、l on his sister.5 He tried to impress me with his extraordinary knowledge og wine. He tried to _ _ _ _ me with his extraordinary knowledge of wine.6 The problem can be solved only in this way . Only in this way _ _ _ _ solved.7. I was amazed at his great progress in English. I was amazed _ he had _

25、_ _ in English.8. The gentleman saved the little girl from the burning building at the risk of losing his life. The gentleman _ _ _ of losing his life to save the little girl from the burning building The gentleman _ _ _ _ to save the little girl from the burning building9. The student has much expe

26、rience in cheating. The student is _ _ cheating.10 He signed to the waiter to bring the bill.He _ _ _ to the waiter to bring the bill.动词填空1. Scientist have successfully tested a new aeroplane which _ (develop) by a university in Canada.2. He attended the party without _ (invited)3. _ (finish) his ho

27、mework on his own, the boy had to look up the dictionary.4. His proposal that the system _ (change) was reasonable.5. Im sorry that I _ (not able) phone you yesterday.选择1.-Where is Jack ? - I saw him walking hurriedly _ the direction of the station just now.A. to B. towards C. from D .in2.He seems t

28、o have no interest in going there, _ , his clothes were not good enough. A. therefore B. since C. besides D.otherwise3. The drowning boy is reported _ by the young man. His parents were very thankful. A, to have rescue B. to rescue C. to have been rescued D. to being rescued4. -Have you finished your homework yet? - Not yet.I _ to do it just a few minutes ago.A, get down B. set out C. set off D. set up5. The skill _ over five generations and itll come down forever.A. has been passed by B. has passed on C.has handed down D.has been passed down6. The suit fitted him well _ the color is a


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