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1、外研版三年级英语下册Module8模块知识梳理卷班级姓名得分 时间:30分钟 满分:100分基础知识梳理一、单词过关(英汉互译)(24分)1.玩具 2.在下面3.为,给4.盒子5 .在后面6 .公园7.湖8. 树9. fly的第三人称单数形式10. 步行 11. Bedroom12. fishing二、核心短语(英汉互译)(10分)1. 去钓鱼2. on your desk3. in the box4. under your chair5. behind the door6. in your bedroom7. in the park8. in the lake9. under the tre

2、e10. in the snow三、重点句子(英汉互译)(14分)1 . Where is my toy?2 .它在你的桌子上。It's your desk.3 .它在你的包里。It's your bag.4 .它在你的椅子下。It's your chair.5 .它在门后。It's the door.6 .大明在公园里放风筝。Daming a kite in the7 . In autumn, he goes fishing under the tree.四、核心语言点(10分)本模块我们学会了怎样用英语询问某物在哪里及其回答,还学习了如何表达某人经常做的事情

3、。请小朋友们根据句意以及首字母提示把这些重点知识补充 完整吧。It's 2. b1. Wis my ball?It s 3.uis my cat?the door.the chair.is Daming?7 / 6a kite 5.iHe is in the park. He 4.f the park.模块强化检测五、根据图片用适当的介词填空。(10分)1. The books are the desk.2. The baby isthe desk.3. A dog is the box.4. This girl is sleepingher bedroom.5. A cat is t

4、he door.六、根据图片选句子。(6分)()()()A. He's on the bed.8 . Happy birthday to you!9 . It's in the box.10 An elephant is under the tree.11 She is behind the door.12 The fish is in the lake.七、单项选择。(6分)()1. Here's a present you.A. toB. forC. at()2. is my book? It's in your bag.A. WhatB. Where()3

5、. He a kite in the park.A. fliesB. fly()4. This book is animals.A. toB. about()5. In autumn, he fishing under the tree.A.goB.goes()6. Where the books?A. areB. is八、给下列问句选择合适的答语。(5分)()1.Is that a tiger?()2.What does she doin spring?()3.What's this?()4.Where is my cat?()5.Is she under the tree?A. N

6、o, it isn't.B. Yes, she is.C. It's behind the door.D. She flies a kite.E. It's a lion.C. WhoC. flyingC. forC. goingC. am九、判断下列句意与图片是(T)否(F)相符。(5分)()1. He plays football in the park.()2. She flies a kite in the park.()3. The girl is on the tree.()4. She goes fishing in the lake.()5. He wa

7、lks in the zoo.十、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)This is Bob's bedroom. There are many thingsfB里有很多东西 ).What a mess! (太乱啦!)His football is on his bed. He likes football. He often plays football with his friends in the park. His bag is under the desk. His pens are on the chair. His books are behind the door

8、. His favourite subject 科 目)is Chinese. Where is his basketball? Wow!It's in his bag. He likes basketball, too. He can play basketball very well.()1. Bob's pens are on the desk.()2. Bob's football is under the bed.()3. Bob's bag is on the desk.()4. Bob's books are behind the door

9、.()5. Bob's basketball is in the bag.Module 8 模块知识梳理卷基础知识梳理:1、 1.toy 2.under 3.for 4.box 5.behind 6.park 7.lake 8.tree9.flies 10.walk 11.卧室12.钓鱼2、 1.go fishing 2.在你的桌子上3.在盒子里4 . 在你的椅子下5.在门后6.在你的卧室里7.在公园8 .在湖里9.在树下10. 在雪中3、 1.我的玩具在哪里?2.on 3.in 4.under 5.behind 6.flies; park7. 在秋天,他在树下钓鱼。4、 1.Where 2.behind 3.under 4.flies 5.in模块强化检测:5、 1.on 2.under 3.in 4. in 5.behind6、 1.D 2.F 3.C 4.A 5.E 6.B7、 1.B 点拨:介词for 意思是“给,为”。2. B点拨:根据回答可知是提问地点,what “什么”,where “哪里”,who“谁”。3. A4. B点拨:介词about意思是“关于”。5. B点拨:主语he属于


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