1、.Topics in Applied Linguistics: Stability and VariabilityOpole University, November 15-16, 2010Conference ProgramDay 1: November 15th , 2010PLENARY SESSIONS: Room 207Chair: Ewa Piechurska-Kuciel9.00 - 9.15Welcome Address Andrzej Ciuk, Director of the Institute of English, Opole University9.15-10.15M
2、ara Jess Lorenzo Modia Weakening in pronunciation from a learners point of view10.15-11.15Marina MattheoudakisDifferent is nice: Individual differences in second language acquisition11.15-11.30 COFFEE BREAKSection 1Chair: Anna NiegorodcewRoom 207Section 2Chair: Magorzata Adams-TukiendorfRoom 207 ASe
3、ction 3Chair: Anna Michoska-StadnikRoom 20611.30-12.00Danuta Gabry-BarkerMultilinguals learning stories: Stability and changeAgnieszka Otwinowska-KasztelanicRaising awareness of Polish-English cognates at lower-secondary schoolAdriana BiedroPersonality of gifted foreign language learners within a dy
4、namic systems theory paradigm12.00-12.30Marek KuczyskiEarly bilingualism: The role of parents L2 competence in fostering childrens L2 competenceJoanna Kapica-CurzytekAspects of English as a Universal LanguageAnna Mystkowska-WiertelakThe ideal L2 self and motivated learning behavior in the Polish edu
5、cational context12.30-13.00Teresa Maria WosowiczGrammaticality judgments and lexical error recognition in L3: An insight into L3 competence or into strategic behavior?Elizabeth Woodward SmithThe use of humour as a strategy in advertising discourseMagdalena SzpotowiczVariability in young learners voc
6、abulary production in instructed contexts13.00-13.30Katarzyna KulasForeign language anxiety in lower-secondary school contextLiliana Piasecka Identity and language: A foreign and second language learning perspective13.30-14.45: LUNCH BREAKPLENARY SESSION: Room 207Chair: Danuta Gabry-Barker14.45-15.4
7、5Janusz ArabskiMethodology of studies on gender differences in language abilities15.45-16.45Jan ZalewskiWhy have our students write masters theses: Defining literacy goals for a masters seminar in a changing academic environment16.45-17.15: COFFEE BREAKSection 1Chair: Jan ZalewskiRoom 207Section 2Ch
8、air: Marina MattheoudakisRoom 207 ASection 3Chair: Tadeusz PiotrowskiRoom 206Section 4Chair: Andrzej ydaRoom 20517.15-17.45Ewa JocherGender and major differences between L1 and L2 reading motivationAleksandra SchwierzTeaching special education learners foreign languages: Contemporary practice Wachla
9、 AleksandraThe variability of the quality of memorized and retrieved information in novice interpreters and the influence of cognitive tasks in simultaneous interpreting.Zbigniew MoejkoMeasures of advancedness as tokens of linguistic change17.45-18.15Agnieszka PietrzykowskaThe influence of visual in
10、put enhancement on the process of noticingJoanna NijakowskaStability and variability: Educational accommodations towards learners with dyslexiaEwa Gumul Lexical and syntactic markers of ideology in simultaneous interpretingMagorzata Jedynak Effectiveness of the European Language Portfolio among midd
11、le and high school learners: A Polish perspective18.15-18.45Aleksandra SzymaskaReading efficiency in the blended learning contextBeata Wiechua-NapirkowskaA student with autism as a foreign language learnerAnna Agnieszka StandowiczTranslating magic: Translation procedures in the Polish version of T.
12、Goodkinds “Wizards first rule”Fatih YilmazEvaluating the foreign language curriculum at Jagiellonian University in Poland: A case study18.45-19.15Ewa Piechurska-KucielStable gender effects in L2 willingness to communicate of Polish adolescentsDagmara GaajdaContribution of group dynamics to FL intera
13、ctionukasz Grabowski How different is translated literary Polish from non-translated literary Polish: The case of Polish translations of “Lolita”Anna NiegorodcewIntercultural tasks in international education: Reflections on an international teacher trainees Summer School19.30: CONFERENCE DINNER (Klu
14、b Medyka, ul. Grunwaldzka; within the walking distance from the University)Day 2: November 16th , 2010PLENARY SESSIONS: Room 207Chair: Liliana Piasecka9.00-10.00Maria Juan-GarauContext matters: Variability in EFL learning outcomes across formal instruction, CLIL, and study abroad settings 10.00-11.0
15、0Mirosaw PawlakVariability in the use of implicit knowledge: The effect of task, level and linguistic form11.00-11.30 COFFEE BREAKSection 1Chair: Mirosaw PawlakRoom 207Section 2Chair: Joanna NijakowskaRoom 207 ASection 3Chair: Elizabeth Woodward SmithRoom 20611.30-12.00Andrzej yda Rhetorical relatio
16、ns of contrast in simultaneous and consecutive interpreting of political speechesAnna Michoska-StadnikStereotypes die hard: Some remarks on suggested changes in teacher training coursesAlicja Wujec KaczmarekTeaching English with ICT12.00-12.30Lech ZaborFluctuation or variability: Patterns of article
17、 choice in the acquisition of L2 English by Polish learnersBarbara JaroszewiczBurnout among language teachersMirosawa Podhajecka“English self-taught”: Self-instructional materials for speakers of Polish and the methods they applied12.30-13.00Aleksandra WachThe benefits and dangers of ELF: Polish EFL
18、 teachers perspectiveMarek DerenowskiTaking a closer look at the professional development of foreign language teachersMagdalena SzyszkaPronunciation learning strategies: Frequency or variety13.00-13.30Mariusz KamiskiHistorical bias in English dictionaries of the pastDorota WerbiskaStability and vari
19、ability in pre-service language teachers beliefsArkadiusz Rojczyk & Andrzej PorzuczekVowel reduction in English and Polish: Implications for teaching English pronunciation to Polish learners13.30-15.00: LUNCH BREAKSection 1Chair: Lech ZaborRoom 207Section 2Chair: Maria Juan-GarauRoom 207ASection 3Ch
20、air: Mara Jess Lorenzo Modia Room: 20615.00-15.30 Tadeusz Piotrowski Mobile dictionaries: Situations of useSylwia WrzeniewskaMulti-faceted negation in newspaper headlinesMagorzata Adams-TukiendorfCreative potential of students and their academic writing15.30-16.00Janet EneverEarly start language-in-education programmes: Some longitudinal perspectives on the role of parentsHadrian LankiewiczPromoting triadic interactions for the creation of meaning in
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