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1、New ideas, new architectureNew ideas, new architecture What is the landmark architecture in China? What are the landmark architectures in European countries? The Great Wallimperial : relating to or associated with an empire 帝王的;帝国的coffer: 1. the money that the government has available to spend. 金库 2

2、. a large strong chest for holing money, jewels, or other valuable objects保险箱 ornate: having a great deal of decoration; not simple adj.装饰的, 华丽的, (文体)绚丽的opulent: having or showing great wealth 富裕的;豪华的guilder: 荷兰盾((荷兰货币单位盾))paneling: wood, especially in long or square pieces , used to decorate walls.

3、 (用于装饰墙壁的)嵌板;镶板fresco: painting in water color on a surface usu. of a wall, made of wet plaster n.在灰泥的墙壁上作的水彩画, 壁画chandelier:枝型吊灯spire: (教堂的) 塔尖, 尖顶catacomb: an underground tunnel with recesses where bodies were buried (as in ancient Rome) 地下墓穴urn: 骨灰盒jumble: a confused multitude of things混合,混乱Versa

4、illes 凡尔赛(法国北部城市);凡尔赛宫Schonbrunn Palace 美泉宫 Rococo 洛可可 Great Gallery 大画廊 St. Stephens Cathedral 圣.斯蒂芬大教堂Imperial Burial Vaults皇室墓穴 Kapuziner Church (奥地利)凯普琴教堂Hofburg 霍夫堡皇宫 Baroque 巴罗克风格 Gothic 哥特式 Renaissance 文艺复兴 哈普斯堡皇室imperial : 帝王的;帝国的coffer: 金库; 保险箱 ornate: 装饰的, 华丽的, (文体)绚丽的opulent: 富裕的;豪华的guild

5、er: 荷兰盾((荷兰货币单位盾))paneling: (用于装饰墙壁的)嵌板;镶板fresco: 在灰泥的墙壁上作的水彩画, 壁画chandelier:枝型吊灯spire: (教堂的) 塔尖, 尖顶catacomb: 地下墓穴urn: 骨灰盒jumble: 混合,混乱Versailles 凡尔赛(法国北部城市);凡尔赛宫Schonbrunn Palace 美泉宫 Rococo 洛可可 Great Gallery 大画廊 St. Stephens Cathedral 圣.斯蒂芬大教堂Imperial Burial Vaults皇室墓穴 Kapuziner Church (奥地利)凯普琴教堂Ho

6、fburg 霍夫堡皇宫 Baroque 巴罗克风格 Gothic 哥特式 Renaissance 文艺复兴 哈普斯堡皇室imperial : 帝王的;帝国的coffer: 金库; 保险箱 ornate: 装饰的, 华丽的, (文体)绚丽的opulent: 富裕的;豪华的guilder: 荷兰盾((荷兰货币单位盾))paneling: (用于装饰墙壁的)嵌板;镶板fresco: 在灰泥的墙壁上作的水彩画, 壁画chandelier:枝型吊灯spire: (教堂的) 塔尖, 尖顶catacomb: 地下墓穴urn: 骨灰盒jumble: 混合,混乱Versailles 凡尔赛(法国北部城市);凡尔

7、赛宫Schonbrunn Palace 美泉宫 Rococo 洛可可 Great Gallery 大画廊 St. Stephens Cathedral 圣.斯蒂芬大教堂Imperial Burial Vaults皇室墓穴 Kapuziner Church (奥地利)凯普琴教堂Hofburg 霍夫堡皇宫 Baroque 巴罗克风格 Gothic 哥特式 Renaissance 文艺复兴 哈普斯堡皇室This palace of nearly 1,500 This palace of nearly 1,500 rooms was completed in the rooms was complet

8、ed in the early 18th century as a smaller early 18th century as a smaller model of Versailles. In earlier model of Versailles. In earlier times it served as summer times it served as summer residence to various Habsburg residence to various Habsburg rulers rulers Due to this historical importance, i

9、ts beautiful location and its gardens this palace is one of the very top sights in Vienna. Furthermore the entire complex was added to the UNESCOs world cultural heritage list.A style of art, especially architecture and decorative art, that originated in France in the early 18th century and is marke

10、d by elaborate ornamentation, as with a profusion of scrolls, foliage, and animal forms. adj.洛可可式的, 过分修饰的 Gothic cathedral in the city center Gothic cathedral in the city center was the site of Mozarts funeral in was the site of Mozarts funeral in 1791. Its lace-stone spire has 1791. Its lace-stone

11、spire has become Viennas signature. Its become Viennas signature. Its construction began in the 12construction began in the 12thth century during the reign of century during the reign of Ottokar II of Bohemia. The Ottokar II of Bohemia. The cathedral, devastated during World cathedral, devastated du

12、ring World War II, was so essential to the War II, was so essential to the Austrian identity that all Austrian identity that all Bundeslander (Regional States) Bundeslander (Regional States) contributed to its reconstruction. contributed to its reconstruction. Austrias most prominent national Austri

13、as most prominent national symbol, this magnificent cathedral symbol, this magnificent cathedral is known for its intricately tiled is known for its intricately tiled roof and its nearly 500-foot-tall roof and its nearly 500-foot-tall South Tower, which provides South Tower, which provides amazing v

14、iews of the entire city. amazing views of the entire city. A burial chamber for the royal family, especially when underground. The intestines (肠) of the dead bodies of Habsburgs are kept in the copper urns.(铜壶). Copper urnThe citys stately imperial palace once served as the residence of the powerful

15、 Hapsburg emperors and today is home to several museums relating to, or characteristic of a style in art and architecture developed in Europe from the early 17th to mid-18th century, emphasizing dramatic, often strained effect and typified by bold, curving forms, elaborate ornamentation, and overall

16、 balance of disparate partsn.巴洛克时期艺术和建筑风格的, 巴洛克式adj.巴洛克式的, 结构复杂的, 形式怪样的Of or relating to an architectural style prevalent in western Europe from the 12th through the 15th century and characterized by pointed arches, rib vaulting, and a developing emphasis on verticality and the impression of height.

17、 n.哥特式 adj.哥特式的, 野蛮的You are going to hear a description abut the most outstanding monuments in Viennaa royal city. Listen and supply the missing words. Try to get the ideas before you start to write down the missing words.Europe; enrich; empire; palaces; buildings; opera house; museums and libraries

18、; government buildings; themselves; Viennacost; 1 million; 260; gold; precious35-foot; frescoes; crystal; mirrors;skyline; 450; 343; 12thcopper urns; ornate caskets; visited.Pedestrian malls; ruins; underground museum. The Museum of Fine Arts;2,600; jumble ; times; styles; 13th ; 1700sart gallery a

19、room or series of rooms where works of art are exhibited (艺术画廊)main entrance 正门transparency the quality or state of being transparent (透明度 )contrast the opposition or dissimilarity of things that are compared(对比) complement 补充continuity uninterrupted connection or union (连续性)Palais du louvre 卢浮宫 Gla

20、ss Pyramid 玻璃金字塔 art gallery (艺术画廊)main entrance 正门transparency (透明度 )contrast (对比) complement 补充continuity (连续性)Palais du louvre 卢浮宫 Glass Pyramid 玻璃金字塔 art gallery (艺术画廊)main entrance 正门transparency (透明度 )contrast (对比) complement 补充continuity (连续性)Palais du louvre 卢浮宫 Glass Pyramid 玻璃金字塔 A castle

21、was built around 1190 and in 1370 this castle was converted into a Palace on the orders of King Charles V. This was demolished in 1527 and a Renaissance design was planned for Francis I, completed during the reign of Henry II. Further developments continued until in 1667. In 1678 the royal residence

22、 moved to Versaille and the Palais du Louvre became an art gallery. The Lourve became the “Museum Napoleon” in 1803 and further work was completed along Rue Rivoli. During the reign of Napoleon III, the Tuileries and the Louvre palaces were linked and further courtyards completed.In the 1980s, Chine

23、se-American architect I.M Pei designed the celebrated p r y a m i d i n t h e m a i n courtyard. This leads into a new central circulation space for the main wings of the galleries and as a visual centre point for the vast sprawling exterior.You are going to hear an introduction of Palais du Louvre

24、and Louvre Pyramid. Complete the following facts.The Palais du Louvre:Location: heart of Paris.Beginning year of construction: 1527Time when first used as a public art gallery: 1793Designer: Ieoh Ming PeiUse: the main entrance to the Palais du LouvreHeight: 21mWidth: 33mMaterials: steel tubes; cable

25、s; sheet glassYear of completion: 19881. She likes the Louvre Pyramid because of the transparency, and it has a light effect.2. She likes the Louvre Pyramid for its contrast of shapes. It emphasizes the beauty of the Louvre.3. She thinks the right thing is to put something so contradictory to the Lo

26、uvre. They stand in dialogue with each other and they dont try to complement each other.4. She thinks it would have been the biggest mistake to try to build something similar to the eco-city 生态城市生态城市sustainability the property of being sustainability the property of being sustainable

27、 (sustainable (可持续性可持续性 ) )sustainable development sustainable development 可持续发展可持续发展ecologically friendly ecologically friendly 生态友好生态友好projected planned for the future (projected planned for the future (规划的规划的) )sustainability the property of being sustainability the property of being sustainable

28、(sustainable (可持续性可持续性) )set the scene(set the scene(作事前的现场情况描述作事前的现场情况描述 ) )sustainable capable of being sustained (可持续的)compost a mixture of decaying vegetation and manure used as fertilizer (堆肥)fertilizer any substance such as manure or a mixture of nitrates used to make soil more fertile 肥料, 化肥

29、pedestrian village 步行村 Dongtan 东滩Manhattan 曼哈顿 World Future Council世界未来委员会 Plans are progressing for what the Chinese say will be the worlds first eco-city, at Dongtan, on an island off the coast of Shanghai. Dongtan is currently a large area of mostly agricultural land. But this area is expected ev

30、entually to house half a million people in a planned city slightly smaller than Manhattan, at a projected cost of $1.3 billion. Herbert Giradet is the director of programs of the World Future Council and serves as a sustainability consultant on the Chinese eco-city project. (Herbert Girardet:) I thi

31、nk Dongtan will really set the scene for sustainable development of cities for the coming decades. Girardet told Earth & Sky that its difficult and expensive to shift the existing infrastructure of cities to a more ecologically friendly model. He said Dongtan is being planned from the beginning

32、to minimize impact on nature. Its expected to produce much of its own food from the surrounding countryside. Energy will come from solar and wind power. Waste will be composted and then recycled for power and fertilizers. Plus, the city is being planned as a series of pedestrian villages, and only e

33、lectric cars will be allowed on the island.Key words:environmentally-sustainable 环境可持续的 dream house 梦想中的房子environmentally-beneficial 对环境有益的 eco-conscious 有环保意识的Vocabulary:w e l l - l i t 采 光 好 的 , 光 线 好 的 biodegradable 能被生物降解的 nontoxic not producing or resulting from poison (无毒的)incorporate make int

34、o a whole or make part of a whole 合并thermal rising current of warm air 上升的热气流galvanized metal 镀锌金属 volatile a substance that changes readily from solid or liquid to a vapor (易挥发的)showerhead a perforated nozzle that showers water on a bather (淋浴喷头)Boulder a town in north central Colorado,a rocky moun

35、tains resort center and university town (博尔德)Pre-listening discussion:What is home automation? In your opinion, what are some of the things that could be examples of home automation?What are some of the main interests in creating automated houses?Can home automation offer benefits and lifestyle impr

36、ovements for elderly and disabled people? Imagine now.1. a dream-house which is sustainable by the environment an environmentally-sustainable dream-house2. windows that face south south-facing windows3. a kitchen that is well lit a well-lit kitchen4. paint that is based on milk or uses milk as a bas

37、e milk-based paint5. solutions which are beneficial to the environment environmentally-beneficial solutions south-facing windows: day-lighting, solar heat no furnace no air-conditioning solar heater: hot water three-foot outside walls: adobe + insulation + adobe thermal mass milk-based paint ceiling: galvanized inside wall: plaster no carpet not connected to a water system:


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