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1、机构名称:青岛检验检疫技术发展中心注册号:旧0324地址:A:山东省青岛市黄河东路99号获准认可能力索引厅P地址能力范围评审类型更新时间1A授权签字人(中文)初评2012年12月24日2授权签字人(英文)初评2012年12月24日3A认可的检查能力范围(中文)初评2012年12月24日4认可的椅杳能力希闱(英文)初评2012年12月24日Name : Qingdao Inspection & Quarantine TechnicalResearch CenterRegistration No.:旧0324ADDRESS :A: No.99, Huanghe East Road, Qin

2、gdao, Shandong,ChinaINDEX OF ACCREDITED SIGNATORIESNo.AddressRangeTypeUpdate date1AApproved signatories (Chinese)Initial assessment2012-12-242Approved signatories (English)Initial assessment2012-12-243AACCREDITEDINSPECTION(Chinese)Initial assessment2012-12-244ACCREDITEDINSPECTION(English)Initial ass

3、essment2012-12-24CNAS中国合格评定国家认可委员会认可证书附件(注册号:CNAS旧0324 )名称:青岛检验检疫技术发展中心地址:山东省青岛市黄河东路99号类型:A签发日期:2012年12月24日有效期至:2015年12月23日更新日期:2012年12月24日附件1认可的授权签字人及领域厅P姓名授权签字领域备注1岳春雷货物数量、重量鉴定;煤和焦碳、矿石和矿 物、精矿和金属检查项目2车礼东货物/化学品鉴定检查项目3卢健货物数量、重量鉴定;货物 /化学品鉴定检查 项目4丁仕兵货物/化学品鉴定检查项目5目图货物数量、重量鉴定;煤和焦碳、矿石和矿 物、精矿和金属检查项目6郭武天然气、

4、石油和石化产品检查项目7戚佳琳货物/化学品鉴定;天然气、石油和石化产品 检查项目8陶强包装性能检查项目CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(Registration No. CNAS 旧0324)NAMEQingdao Inspection & Quarantine Technical Research Center ADDRESSNo.99, Huanghe East Road, Qingdao, Shandong, Ch

5、ina Type: ADate of Issue:2012-12-24Date of Expiry:2015-12-23Date of Update : 2012-12-24APPENDIX 1 ACCREDITED SIGNATORIES AND SCOPENameAuthorized Scope of SignatureNote1Yue ChunleiQuantity and Weight Survey ; Coal and coke、Mineral and Ores、Concentrate and metal2Che LidongCargo/chemicals verification3

6、Lu JianQuantity and Weight Survey ; Cargo/chemicals verification4Ding ShibingCargo/chemicals verification5Guan SongQuantity and Weight Survey ; Coal and coke、Ores and minerals、Concentrate and metal6Guo WuNatural gas, petroleum & petrochemical products7Qi JialinCargo/chemicals verification ; Natu

7、ral gas, petroleum & petrochemical products8Tao QiangPerformance of PackagingCNAS中国合格评定国家认可委员会认可证书附件(注册号:CNAS旧0324 )名称:青岛检验检疫技术发展中心地址:山东省青岛市黄河东路99号类型:A认可依据:ISO/IEC 17020:1998 以及CNAS特定认可要求签发日期:2012年12月24日有效期至:2015年12月23日更新日期:2012年12月24日附件2认可的检查能力范围序 号检查 领域检查项目依据的检查标准/方法领域 代码限制范围 或说明序 号名称1货物数 量、重

8、量鉴定1水尺计重进出口商品重量鉴定规程水尺1t重 SN/T0187-199307052衡器计重进出U商品衡器鉴重规程第3部分:汽车衡器鉴重 SN/T 0188.3-201007053石油及液体石油产 品容量计重进出口商品重量鉴定规程石油及其液体产品静态计重 SN/T出口商品重量鉴定规程 液体产品静态计 重 SN/T 0993-2001石油计量表 GB/T 1885-1998石油测量表的使用标准指南ASTMD1250-082煤和焦1煤炭、焦炭取样商品煤样人工米取方法GB 475-20080403序 号检查 领域碳检查项目依据的检查标准/方法领域 代码限制范围 或说明

9、号名称固体矿物燃料-煤流中采样ISO 13909-2:2001 (E)2煤和焦 碳1煤炭、焦炭取样无烟煤和焦炭人工取样ISO 18283:20060403焦炭采样 ISO2309-19803矿石和 矿物1铁矿石取样铁矿石安全卫生检验技术规范第1部分:取样 手工法 SN/T 1797.1-200800402铁矿石 取样和制样方法GB/T10322.1-2000铁矿石取样和制样程序ISO 3082:2009铁矿石(烧结矿、球团矿)物理试验用试样的 取样和制样方法 GB/T 10122-1988袋装矿产品取样通则SN/T 2720-2010散装矿产品取样、制样通则手工取样方法GB/T 2007.1-

10、19872铭矿石取样进口散装铭矿石取样,制样方法SN0066-1992铭矿石;份样取样ISO 6153:1989袋装矿产品取样通则SN/T 2720-2010散装矿产品取样、制样通则手工取样方法GB/T 2007.1-19873铝矶土取样散装矶土取样、制样方法 GB/T 2009-1987铝土矿石取样方法ISO 8685:1992袋装矿产品取样通则SN/T 2720-2010散装矿产品取样、制样通则手工取样方法GB/T 2007.1-19874镒矿石取样散装镒矿石取样、制样方法 GB/T 2011-1987镒矿石取样第1部分:份样取样ISO4296-1:1984镒矿石 取样 第2部分:试样的制

11、备ISO4296-2:1983袋装矿产品取样通则SN/T 2720-2010散装矿产品取样、制样通则手工取样方法GB/T 2007.1-1987序 号检查 领域检查项目依据的检查标准/方法领域 代码限制范围 或说明序 号名称3矿石和 矿物5馍矿取样亚太地区红土馍矿合作组织散装红土馍矿取样、制样、检验方法 APOL/IS/200905-0010402袋装矿产品取样通则SN/T 2720-2010散装矿产品取样、制样通则手工取样方法GB/T 2007.1-19874精矿和 金属1铜精矿取样散装重有色金属浮选精矿取样、制样通则GB/T 14260-20100403铜、铅和锌精矿 金属和水分测定的取样

12、程序 ISO 12743:2006散装浮选铜精矿取样、制样方法GB/T14263-20102铅精矿取样散装浮选锌精矿取样、制样方法GB/T14261-2010铜、铅和锌精矿 金属和水分测定的取样程序 ISO 12743:2006散装重有色金属浮选精矿取样、制样通则GB/T 14260-20103锌精矿取样散装浮选铅精矿取样制样方法GB/T14262-2010铜、铅和锌精矿 金属和水分测定的取样程序 ISO 12743:2006散装重有色金属浮选精矿取样、制样通则GB/T 14260-20105天然 气、石 油和石 化产品1石油、燃料油、汽 油、煤油、柴油取 样石油及石油产品手工取样标准方法AS

13、TMD 4057-06 (2011)0404石油液体手工取样法GB/T 4756-1998进出口石油及液体石油产品取样法(手工取样)SN/T 0826-19992化肥取样进口化肥检验规程 SN/T 2937-20113硫磺取样工业硫磺及其试验方法GB 2449-20066包装性 能1集装袋性能出U商品运输包装柔性集装袋检验规程SN/T运出口危险货物塑编集装袋性能检验规程 SN/T 0893-2000集装袋 GB/T 10454-2000序 号检查 领域检查项目依据的检查标准/方法领域 代码限制范围 或说明序 号名称7货物/ 化学品 鉴定1货物运输危险性识 别联合国

14、关于危险货物运输的建议书规章范本(第17修订版)ST/SG/AC.10/1/Rev.170705不做第1类 爆炸品、第4.1项的自 反应物质、第5.2项有机过氧化物、第6.2 项感染性物 质、第7类放射性物 质、第8类 蓄电池、第 9类的磁性 物质和锂电池。国际海运危险货物规则(35-10版IMOIMDG code )国际民航组织 危险物品安全航空运输技术细则(2011-2012 版)Doc 9284-AN/905公路危险货物运输欧洲协定(2011)ECE/TRANS/215内河危险品国际运输欧洲规则(2011)ECE/TRANS/220国际铁路运输危险货物规则(2011)危险货物品名表GB

15、12268-20050705根据已列明 物质名称检 查危险化学品名录(2002)7货物/ 化学品 鉴定2化学品危险性分 类、化学品安全技 术说明书(SDS) 及标签联合国全球化学品统一分类和标签制度(第四修订版)ST/SG/AC.10/30/Rev.40705利用试验数 据和已知信 息检查欧盟物质和混合物的分类、标签和包装法规REGULATION ( EC) No 1272/2008欧盟物质和混合物的分类、标签和包装法规第一次修正案 COMMISSIONREGULATION (EC)No 790/2009联合国关于危险货物运输的建议书规章范本(第17修订版)ST/SG/AC.10/1/Rev.

16、17序 号检查 领域检查项目依据的检查标准/方法领域 代码限制范围 或说明序 号名称7货物/ 化学品 鉴定2化学品危险性分 类、化学品安全技 术说明书(SDS) 及标签国际海运危险货物规则(35-10版IMOIMDG code )0705利用试验数 据和已知信 息检查国际民航组织 危险物品安全航空运输技术细则(2011-2012 版)Doc 9284-AN/905公路危险货物运输欧洲协定(2011)ECE/TRANS/215内河危险品国际运输欧洲规则(2011)ECE/TRANS/220国际铁路运输危险货物规则(2011)7货物/ 化学品 鉴定2化学品危险性分 类、化学品安全技 术说明书(SD

17、S) 及标签危险货物品名表GB 12268-20050705利用试验数 据和已知信 息检查化学品分类和危险性公示通则 GB13690-2009化学品安全标签编写规定GB15258-2009化学品安全技术说明书内容和项目顺序GB/T 16483-2008基于GHS的化学品标签规范GB/T22234-2008化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 GB 20576-2006 GB 20599-2006 GB 20601-2006 GB 20602-20063固体废物属性鉴别国家环境保护总局国家发展和改革委员会 商务部海关总署国家质量监督检验检疫 总局公告2006年第11号固体废物属性 鉴别导则(

18、试行)0705CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(Registration No. CNAS 旧0324)NAMEQingdao Inspection & Quarantine Technical Research Center ADDRESSNo.99, Huanghe East Road, Qingdao, Shandong, China Type: AAccreditation Criteria : ISO/IEC

19、17020:1998 and relevant requirements of CNASDate of Issue:2012-12-24Date of Expiry:2015-12-23Date of Update : 2012-12-24APPENDIX 2 ACCREDITED INSPECTIONField of InspectionType and Range of InspectionStandard, Method and ProceduresCode of FieldRestriction or NoteName1Quantity and Weight Survey1Draft

20、SurveyRules for the weight survey of import and export commodities 一Weight by draft SN/T 0187 199307052Weight by ScaleRules for the weight survey by weighinginstrument on import and export commodities Part 3:weight survey by vehicle weigh-bridge SN/T 0188.3-201007053Weight of Petroleum andLiquid Pet

21、roleum products byVolume CapacityRules for the weight survey of import and export commodities Static measurement of petroleum and petrolic liquid products SN/T 0185-199307051Quantity and Weight Survey3Weight of Petroleum andLiquid Petroleum products byRules for the weight survey of import and export

22、 commodities -Static measurement of liquid products SN/Tield of InspectionType and Range of InspectionStandard, Method and ProceduresCode of FieldRestriction orNoteNameVolume CapacityPetroleum measurement tablesGB/T1885-1998Standard Guide for Use of thePetroleum Measurement TablesASTM

23、D1250-082Coal and coke1Sampling ofCoal、CokeHard coal and coke. Manual sampling GB 475-20080403Hard coal and coke-Mechanical sampling Part 2:Coal-Sampling from moving streams ISO 13909-2:2001 (E)Hard coal and coke - Manual sampling ISO 18283:2006coke; sampling ISO2309-19803Mineral andOres1Sampling of

24、 Iron OreTechnical regulation on safety and sanitation for inspection of ore-Part 1:Sampleing-manual method SN/T 1797.1-200800402Iron ores-Sampling and sample preparation procedures GB/T10322.1-2000Iron ores-Sampling and sample preparation procedures ISO 3082:2009Iron ores (sinter and pellets)一 Samp

25、ling and sample preparation for physical testing GB/T 10122-1988General rules for the sampling of minerals packed in bags SN/T 2720-2010General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk-Sampling by manual method GB/T 2007.1-19873Mineral andOres2Sampling ofChrome OreMethod for

26、 sampling and sample preparation of chrome ores in bulk for import SN 0066-199200402Chromium ores - Increment sampling ISO 6153:1989Field of InspectionType and Range of InspectionStandard, Method and ProceduresCode of FieldNameGeneral rules for the sampling of minerals packed in bags SN/T 2720-2010G

27、eneral rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk-Sampling by manual method GB/T 2007.1-19873Sampling of BauxiteMethod of sampling and sample preparation of bauxite in bulk GB/T 2009-1987Aluminium ores - Sampling procedures ISO 8685:19923Sampling of BauxiteGeneral rules for th

28、e sampling of minerals packed in bags SN/T 2720-2010General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk-Sampling by manual method GB/T 2007.1-19874Sampling ofManganese OreMethod of sampling and sample preparation of manganese ores in bulk GB/T 2011-1987Manganese ores - Sampling

29、 -Part 1: Increment sampling ISO 4296-1:1984Manganese ores-Sampling -Part 2: Preparation of samples ISO 4296-2:1983General rules for the sampling of minerals packed in bags SN/T 2720-20103Mineral andOres4Sampling ofManganese OreGeneral rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bul

30、k-Sampling by manual method GB/T 2007.1-198700402Restriction orNoteField of InspectionType and Range of InspectionStandard, Method and ProceduresCode of FieldRestriction orNoteName5Sampling of nickel oreAsian Pacific Organization for Lateritic-Nickel-Ore(APOL) Industry Standards of Sampling, Sample

31、Preparation and Inspectiuon method of Laterite Nickel OreAPOL/IS/200905-001General rules for the sampling of minerals packed in bags SN/T 2720-2010General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk-Sampling by manual method GB/T 2007.1-198704024Concentrate and metal1Sampling f

32、or Copper ConcentrateGeneral rules for sampling and sample preparation of heavy nonferrous metals flotation concentrates in bulk GB/T 14260-2010Copper, lead and zinc sulfide concentrates - Sampling procedures for determination of metal and moisture content .ISO 12743:200604031Sampling for Copper Con

33、centrateMethods for sampling and sample preparation of flotation copper concentrates in bulk GB/T 14263-20102Sampling for Lead ConcentrateMethods for sampling and sample preparation of flotation zinc concentrates in bulk GB/T 14261-20104Concentrate and metal2Sampling for Lead ConcentrateCopper, lead

34、 and zinc sulfide concentrates - Sampling procedures for determination of metal and moisture content .ISO 12743:200604033Sampling for Zinc ConcentrateMethods for sampling and sample preparation of flotation lead concentrates in bulk GB/T 14262-2010Field of InspectionType and Range of InspectionStand

35、ard, Method and ProceduresCode of FieldRestriction or NoteNameGeneral rules for sampling and sample preparation of heavy nonferrous metals flotation concentrates in bulk GB/T 14260-2010Copper, lead and zinc sulfide concentrates - Sampling procedures for determination of metal and moisture content .I

36、SO 12743:2006 General rules for sampling and sample preparation of heavy nonferrous metals flotation concentrates in bulk GB/T 14260-20105Natural gas, petroleum & petrochemical products1Sampling of petroleum、fuel oil、gasoline> kerosine、gasoilStandard Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum

37、and Petroleum Products ASTM D 4057-06(2011)Petroleum liquids - Manual sampling GB/T 4756-1998 Method for sampling of petroleum and liquid petroleum products for import and export (manual sampling) SN/T 0826-199904042Sampling of fertilizerInspection rules for import fertilizer SN/T2937-20113Sampling

38、of SulphurSulphur for industrial use GB 2449-20066The performance of Packaging1The performance of flexible plastic intermediate bulk containerRules for the inspection of transport packaging for export commodities Flexible plastic intermediate bulk container SN/T 0264-199307006The performance of Pack

39、aging1The performance of flexible plastic intermediate bulk containerRules for the inspertion of performance test of woven plastic flexible intermediate bulk containers used for exported dangerous goods by sea transport SN/T 0893-2000Flexible intermediate bulk containers GB/T 10454 -20000700Field of

40、 InspectionType and Range of InspectionStandard, Method and ProceduresCode of FieldRestriction or NoteName7Cargo/chemic als verification1Inspection for dangerous properties of transport goodsUNITED NATIONS Recommendations on theTRANSPORT OF DANGEROUS GOODS Model Regulations(Rev. 17) ST/SG/AC.10/1/Re

41、v.170705Except for Class 1Explosives, self-reactive substances of Division 4.1, Division 5.2Organic peroxides,Division 6.2 Infectious substances,Class 7 Radioactive material,Batter ies of Class 8, Magnetic material andLithium batteries ofClass9.IMO International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG c

42、ode 35-10 edition)ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (2011-2012 Edition) Doc 9284-AN/905European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR 2011)ECE/TRANS/215Field of InspectionType and Range of InspectionStandard, Method

43、 and ProceduresCode of FieldRestriction orNoteName7Cargo/chemic als verification1Inspection for dangerous properties of transport goodsEuropean Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (AND 2011) ECE/TRANS/220Regulations Concerning the International Carr

44、iage of Dangerous Godds by Rail (RID 2011)0705Except for Class 1Explosives, self-reactive substances of Division 4.1, Division 5.2Organic peroxides, Division 6.2Infectious substances,Class 7 Radioactive material,Batter ies of Class 8, Magnetic material andLithium batteries ofClass9.List of Dangerous

45、 Goods GB 12268-2005European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (AND 2002)0705Inspection according to the listed substances2Classification of chemicals, safety data sheet(SDS) & chemicals labelGlobally Harmonized System of Classification and La

46、belling of Chemicals(GHS Rev.4) ST/SG/AC.10/30/Rev.40705Inspection according to the experimental data and known informationField of InspectionType and Range of InspectionStandard, Method and ProceduresCode of FieldRestriction or NoteName7Cargo/chemic als verification2Classification of chemicals, saf

47、ety data sheet(SDS) & chemicals labelEuropean Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on Classification,Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures (CLP Regulation) COMMISSIONREGULATION (EC) No 790/2009UNITED NATIONS Recommendations on theTRANSPORT OF DANGEROUS GOODS Model Regulations(Rev. 17)ST/SG/AC.10/1/Rev.17IMO International Mar


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