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1、 懂的照顾好自己!苹果是世界公认的对健康最有利的水果之首。苹果营养丰富,除含有蛋白质、复合碳水化合物、食物纤维外,还含多种维生素和矿物质元素。苹果含有丰富的苹果果胶类物质,含有能防止胆固醇上升的钾和降血压的钠,是优质高钾食品。每日食1-3个苹果,可有效防止胆固醇增加,并有助于降低血压和减少血糖含量与心脏的发病率。 Apple is rich in apple pectin substances, containing potassium can prevent the rise in cholesterol and blood pressure sodium, high potassium f

2、ood is excellent. Eating 1-3 apples a day can prevent cholesterol increases, and help lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels and reduce the incidence of heart.Apple is recognized worldwide as the most favorable fruits for health first.Apple nutritious addition to containing protein, complex car

3、bohydrates, dietary fiber, theAlso contains a variety of vitamins and minerals 对于久坐电脑前的人来说,更应常吃苹果,它能与体内的放射性元素相结合,并排出体外,具有减少癌发生率的养生功效。多吃苹果还有助于防治青春痘及老人斑。苹果中所含的锌,可促进大脑的发育、增强记忆力,所以又称为“记忆之果”。经常吃还增加血红素,防治贫血。 For sedentary people in front of the computer, should eat apples, radioactive elements can combine

4、 with the body, and excreted, with a reduced incidence of cancer health effects. Eat apples also helps to control acne and age spots. Zinc contained in apples, can promote the development of the brain, enhance memory, it is also known as the memory of the fruit. Often eat also increase hemoglobin, p

5、reventing anemia.梨有生津止渴、止咳化痰、清热降火、养血生肌、润肺去燥等功效,最适宜于冬春季节发热和有内热的病人食用。尤其对肺热咳嗽、小儿风热、咽干喉痛、大便燥结病症较为适宜。梨含有丰富的糖分和维生素,有保肝和帮助消化的作用。Pears thirst, cough and phlegm, heat pathogenic fire, nourishing myogenic, lungs and other effects to dry, best suited to heat in winter and spring fever and the patient eat. In p

6、articular, Hyperactivity cough, children wind-heat, throat sore throat, dry stool guitar illness is more appropriate. Pears are rich in sugar and vitamins, is protective and helps digestion 石榴汁含有多种氨基酸和微量元素,有助消化、抗胃溃疡、软化血管、降血脂和血糖,降低胆固醇等多种功能。可防止冠心病心病、高血压,可达到健胃提神、增强食欲、益寿谈话派延年之功效,对饮酒过量者,解酒有奇效。 Pomegranat

7、e juice contains many amino acids and trace elements, helps digestion, anti-ulcer, soften blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and blood sugar, reduce cholesterol and many other functions. Prevent coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, can be refreshing to stomach, increased appetite, and pr

8、olonging the effect of sickness were talking, drinking too much on those, hangover wonders.橘子中含有丰富的维生橘子中含有丰富的维生素素C和尼克酸等,它们有和尼克酸等,它们有降低人体中血脂和胆固降低人体中血脂和胆固醇的作用。橘子除了可醇的作用。橘子除了可以提供人体所需的维生以提供人体所需的维生素素A、维生素、维生素C外,还有外,还有一种名为一种名为“枸橼酸枸橼酸”的的酸性物质,可以预防动酸性物质,可以预防动脉硬化、解除疲劳,经脉硬化、解除疲劳,经常食用能长葆青春。常食用能长葆青春。 Orange is r

9、ich in vitamin C and niacin, etc., they have lower body fat and cholesterol. Orange in addition to providing the human body needs vitamin A, vitamin C, there is called citric acid in acid, can prevent arteriosclerosis, fatigue, regular consumption can grow remains young.橘皮中所含的橙橘皮中所含的橙皮油素具有抑制皮油素具有抑制肝

10、脏、食道、大肝脏、食道、大肠及皮肤发生癌肠及皮肤发生癌症的效果。就橘症的效果。就橘子的营养价值来子的营养价值来说,维生素说,维生素C与柠与柠檬酸含量最丰富,檬酸含量最丰富,具有美容和消除具有美容和消除疲劳的作用。如疲劳的作用。如果把橘子内侧的果把橘子内侧的薄皮一起吃下去,薄皮一起吃下去,除了维生素除了维生素C以外,以外,还可以摄取膳食还可以摄取膳食纤维(果胶),纤维(果胶),它可以促进通便,它可以促进通便,并且可以降低胆并且可以降低胆固醇。固醇。 Orange peel oil contained elements inhibit the liver, esophagus, colon and

11、 skin cancer effect. On the nutritional value of oranges, the vitamin C and citric acid is the most abundant, with beauty and eliminate fatigue. If the inside of the thin-skinned oranges eat together, in addition to vitamin C, it can also intake of dietary fiber (pectin), which can promote bowel mov

12、ement, and can lower cholesterol.黑木耳具有益气强身、滋肾养胃、活血等功能,它能抗血凝、黑木耳具有益气强身、滋肾养胃、活血等功能,它能抗血凝、抗血栓、降血脂,黑木耳的作用降低血粘,软化血管,使血抗血栓、降血脂,黑木耳的作用降低血粘,软化血管,使血液流动动畅,减少心血管病发生。黑木耳还有较强的吸附作液流动动畅,减少心血管病发生。黑木耳还有较强的吸附作用,经常食用利于使体内产生的垃圾及时排出体外。黑木耳用,经常食用利于使体内产生的垃圾及时排出体外。黑木耳对胆结石、肾结石也有较好的化解功能,黑木耳的作用因为对胆结石、肾结石也有较好的化解功能,黑木耳的作用因为它所含的植

13、物碱具有促进消化道、泌尿道各种腺体分泌的特它所含的植物碱具有促进消化道、泌尿道各种腺体分泌的特性,植物碱能协同这些分泌物催化结石,润滑肠道。性,植物碱能协同这些分泌物催化结石,润滑肠道。 Physical black fungus with Qi, nourishing stomach, blood and other functions, it can anti-clotting, anti-thrombosis, blood fat, reduce the role of black fungus blood viscosity, softening blood vessels, so b

14、lood flow moving smooth and reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular disease . Black fungus there is a strong adsorption, regular consumption of benefit to the body of waste generated in a timely manner from the body. Black fungus on gallstones, kidney stones and has a good resolving capabilities, th

15、e role of black fungus because it contains alkaloids with the promotion of the digestive tract, urinary tract characteristics of various glands, secretions of plant base catalysis of these stones can be coordinated , lubricate the intestinal tract.翠叶芦荟是最适宜直接美容的芦荟鲜叶,翠叶芦荟是最适宜直接美容的芦荟鲜叶,即库拉索芦荟,它具有使皮肤收敛、

16、柔即库拉索芦荟,它具有使皮肤收敛、柔软化、保湿、消炎、漂白的性能。还有软化、保湿、消炎、漂白的性能。还有解除硬化、角化、改善伤痕的作用,不解除硬化、角化、改善伤痕的作用,不仅能防止小皱纹、眼袋、皮肤松弛,还仅能防止小皱纹、眼袋、皮肤松弛,还能保持皮肤湿润、娇嫩,同时,还可以能保持皮肤湿润、娇嫩,同时,还可以治疗皮肤炎症,对粉刺、雀斑、痤疮以治疗皮肤炎症,对粉刺、雀斑、痤疮以及烫伤、刀伤、虫咬等亦有很好的疗效。及烫伤、刀伤、虫咬等亦有很好的疗效。对头发也同样有效,能使头发保持湿润对头发也同样有效,能使头发保持湿润光滑,预防脱发。光滑,预防脱发。 Cuiye aloe vera is the mo

17、st appropriate direct beauty of aloe leaf, aloe vera that is, it converges with the skin, soft-based, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, bleaching performance. Also lift the hardened, keratosis, scar improvement effect, not only can prevent small wrinkles, bags under the eyes, skin laxity, but also to

18、 keep the skin moist, delicate at the same time, you can also treat skin inflammation, acne, freckles, acne and burns, knife injury, insect bites, etc. are also good results. Equally effective on hair, make hair smooth and moist, to prevent hair loss.可以直接将芦荟去刺去皮,可以直接将芦荟去刺去皮,用清水洗净,再用开水烫用清水洗净,再用开水烫热后食用,比较简单。热后食用,比较简单。 面部美容:用鲜叶汁早面部美容:用鲜叶汁早晚涂于面部晚涂于面部1520分钟,分钟,坚持下去,会使面部皮坚持下去,会使面部皮肤光滑、白嫩、柔软,肤光滑、白嫩、柔软,还有治疗蝴蝶斑、雀斑、还有治疗蝴蝶斑、雀斑、老年斑的功效老年斑的功效 Facial: Apply to face morning and eveni


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