已阅读5页,还剩104页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Are you Wang Bing?No, Im Liu Tao.Good morning.Good morning, Bobby.很高兴见到你。早上好,杨玲朋友兄弟Good night. 晚安。Song time 歌曲放送时间歌曲放送时间 -8big letter A 像山有条路像山有条路, small letter a 像头长小辫。像头长小辫。big letter B 13脸对脸脸对脸, small letter b 像肚朝向右。像肚朝向右。big letter C 像个大月亮像个大月亮, small letter c 像个小月亮。像个小月亮。big letter D 就像半块饼就像半块饼

2、, small letter d 像肚朝向左。像肚朝向左。big letter E 就像视力表就像视力表 , small letter e 像一只小鹅。像一只小鹅。big letter F 像把大牙刷像把大牙刷 , small letter f 伞柄倒过来。伞柄倒过来。big letter G C上加横竖上加横竖, small letter g 像像 9有个勾。有个勾。Hhbig letter H 河上有座桥。河上有座桥。small letter h 像把靠背椅。像把靠背椅。Iibig letter I 工字写得高。工字写得高。small letter i 像支小蜡烛。像支小蜡烛。Jj big

3、 letter J像鱼钩像鱼钩.small letter j海狮顶个球。海狮顶个球。Kk big letter K老人靠树上。老人靠树上。small letter k 也一样。也一样。big letter L是直角。是直角。small letter l 就是就是1。big letter M山连山。山连山。small letter m 两扇门。两扇门。big letter N两竖连起来。两竖连起来。small letter n 一扇门。一扇门。big letter O圆圆嘴巴。圆圆嘴巴。small letter o 也一样。也一样。big letter P停车站。停车站。small letter

4、 p 也一样。也一样。big letter Q圆圈加一点。圆圈加一点。small letter q 就是九。就是九。big letter RP下有撑脚。下有撑脚。small letter r 像小苗。像小苗。big letter S弯弯路。弯弯路。small letter s 也一样。也一样。big letter T三叉路口。三叉路口。small letter t 是伞柄。是伞柄。big letter U像陷阱。像陷阱。small letter u也一样。也一样。big letter V是胜利。是胜利。small letter v 也一样。也一样。big letter W小山倒过来。小山倒过来

5、。small letter w也一样。也一样。big letter X是叉叉。是叉叉。small letter x也一样。也一样。big letter Y是树杈。是树杈。small letter y u下弯个勾。下弯个勾。big letter Z是佐罗。是佐罗。small letter z也一样。也一样。认一认:认一认:接龙:接龙:AaEeIiIiOoUuSing a song:Aa Ee IiOo UuCome with me(Come with me(招兵买马招兵买马) ):元音字母元音字母元音字母AaKkJjJjHhAa、Hh、Jj、Kk, Aa、Hh、Jj、Kk.Aa、Aa、Aa.Le

6、ts sayEeCcBbDdTtPpGgVvEe、Bb、Cc、Dd,Gg、Pp、Tt、Vv, Ee、Ee、Ee、Ee.Lets sayIiIiYyIiIi、Yy, Yy, Yy Yy 、Ii.Ii.IiIi、IiIi、Ii.Ii.Lets sayOo元音字母:元音字母:UuWwQqUu、Qq、Ww, Ww、Qq、Uu.Uu、Uu、Uu.Lets sayAaHh Jj KkEeBb Cc DdGg Pp Tt VvIiYyOo-UuQq WwNnMmLlFfZzXxSs/Lets chant: A, a, its Aa.Its a date(枣枣). Its a nice(好吃的好吃的) dat

7、e.Lets chant: H, h, its Hh.Its a bench(凳子凳子). Its a new(新的新的) bench.Lets chant: J, j, its Jj.Shes(她是她是) Jane(简,女孩简,女孩). Shes(她是她是) little(小小的小小的) Jane.Lets chant: K, K, its K.Its a cake(蛋糕蛋糕). Its a nice(好吃的好吃的) cake.E, e , its Ee.Its a sheep(羊)(羊).Its a white(白色的)(白色的) sheep.Lets chant: Lets chant:

8、 B, b, its Bb.Its a bee(蜜蜂蜜蜂). Its a nice(漂亮的漂亮的) bee.Lets chant: C, c, its Cc.Its sea(海海). Its blue(蓝色的蓝色的) sea.Lets chant: D, d, its Dd.Its a deer(鹿鹿). Its a big(大的大的) deer.G, g, its Gg.its a jeep(吉普车)(吉普车) .Its a yellow(黄色的)(黄色的) jeep.Lets chant: Lets chant: P, p, its Pp.Its a pea(豌豆豌豆). Its a li

9、ttle(小小的小小的) pea.Lets chant: T, t, its Tt.Its tea(茶茶). Its nice(好看的好看的) tea.Lets chant: V, v, its Vv.Its a TV(电视电视). Its a new(新的新的) TV.IiIi元音字母:元音字母:YyLets chant: I, i, its Ii.Its a kite(风筝风筝). Its a nice(好看的好看的) kite.Lets chant: Y, y, its Yy.Its a fly(苍蝇苍蝇). Its a small(小小的小小的) fly. Lets chant: O,

10、 o, its Oo.Its a bone(骨头骨头). Its a big bone.Oo、Oo、Oo、Oo.Lets chant: U, u, its Uu.Its you(你你). Nice to see you!(见到你很高见到你很高兴!兴!) Lets chant: Q, q, its Qq.The cat is cute(可爱可爱). The cat is very(非常非常) cute.Lets chant: W, w, its Ww.Shes a woman(妇女妇女). Miss Ge is a woman.Aa、Ee、Ii、Oo、Uu.F, f, its Ff.Its a

11、wolf(狼)(狼).Its a big(大的大的) wolf.Lets chant: Lets chant: L, l, its Ll.Its a shell(铃铛铃铛). Its a lovely(可爱的可爱的) shell.Lets chant: M, m, its Mm.Shes Pam(女孩的名字女孩的名字). Shes little(小小的小小的) Pam.Lets chant: N, n, its Nn.Hes Ben(本,男孩的名字本,男孩的名字). Hes my friend.Lets chant: S, s, its Ss.Hes Hans(汉斯,男孩的名汉斯,男孩的名字字

12、). Hes little(小小的小小的) Hans.Lets chant: X, x, its Xx.Its a fox(狐狸狐狸). Its a red(红色的红色的) fox. Lets chant: Z, z, its Zz.Its a zebra. (斑马斑马) Its a nice(漂亮的漂亮的) zebra. Ff、Ll、Mm、Nn, Ss、Xx、Zz.e、e、e、e.Hello!Spell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):Good morning.Spell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):MissSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):Hi.Spell the wo

13、rd(拼拼一一拼拼):Good afternoon.Spell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):classSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):areSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):amSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):noSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):notSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):friendSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):sheSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):heSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):tooSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):thisSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):isSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):sisterSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):fatherSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):motherSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):brotherSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):meSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):grandmaSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):grandpaSpell the word(拼拼一一拼拼):youSpel


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