2020-2021学年Join in剑桥英语五年级上册专项训练:高频高分题_第1页
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2020-2021学年Join in剑桥英语五年级上册专项训练:高频高分题_第5页
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1、内装订线学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_外装订线绝密启用前2020-2021学年Join in剑桥英语五年级上册专项训练:高频高分题题号一二三四五六七八总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上评卷人得分一、听力题1.选出你所听到的单词。_ 1.A.down B. dust C. dollar_ 2.A.always B. alright C. across_ 3.A.change B. castle C. cyclist_ 4.A.mask B. member C. meet_ 5.A.popular B. pretty C. problem2.

2、听单词,选图片。_ 1. A. B. _ 2. A. B. _ 3. A. B. _ 4. A. B. _ 5. A. B. 3.选出你所听到的句子。_ 1. A. Lets go to the beach. B. Lets go and meet the girls. C. Lets hide behind the bushes_ 2. A. I get up at seven. B. I go to school at quarter to eight. C. I go to school at twenty to eight._ 3. A. I have lots of silver b

3、ells. B. I have twenty friendship bands. C. I have soft toys and many shells._ 4. A. Is he Emmas friend? B. Is she Emmas mother? C. Is he Emmas father?_ 5. A. He doesnt collect comics. B. I dont collect comics. C. She doesnt collect comics.4.听问句,选答语。_ 1. A. Theyre stickers. B. Its a sticker. C. Its

4、a postcard._ 2. A. I never dream about ghosts. B. I have many dreams. C. I often dream about my friends._ 3. A. No, he isnt. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, they have._ 4. A. No, he hasnt. B. Yes, she has. C. No, I havent._ 5. A. I can jump. B. 26 times. C. 50 metres.评卷人得分二、选择题5._m_il ( )Ae; aBa; eCo; a6.

5、c_ _ dy( )AnaBauCan7.h_ _ _( )AreaBearCrae8.t_ _k ( )AalBlaCel9.t_a_el ( )Av; rBr; vCr; r10._ stamps have you got? ( )AHow oldBHow manyCHow longDHow much11.The monster _ out of the window. ( )AjumpingBjump toCjumpDjumps12.When there _ a test at school, I am always really cool. ( )AhaveBhasCisDare13.

6、This is _ mother. ( )AAnnsBAnnsCAnnsDAnn14.I like computers and _. ( )AswimBswimsCswimingDswimming评卷人得分三、翻译英译汉。15.no problem _16.right now _17.watch out _18.so that _19.fast asleep _评卷人得分四、填空题20.My English teacher is a _ (美丽的) woman.21.My uncle is a _ (警察)。22.I can _ (带来) some bananas23.Who knows th

7、e _ (答案)?评卷人得分五、单词拼写24.The window is _ (开着的).评卷人得分六、连词成句25.silver, I, silver, ring, necklace, have, and, a, (.)_26.is, who, behind, parents, your, that, boy (?)_27.are, there, differences, them, between, eight (.)_28.go, to, I, at, bed, quarter, past, nine (.)_评卷人得分七、匹配题A. He is a teacher.B. Its a s

8、oft toy panda.C. Its half past five.D. Stickers.E. Its my fathers.29.Whats the time? _30.Whose car is it? _31.What does your father do? _32.What is it? _33.What do you collect? _评卷人得分八、阅读理解Mark likes sports. Hes tall and strong in his middle school. Now his father and mother work in London. So he be

9、gins to study in a middle school there. Hes a member of the school football team. He likes football very much and plays it on Saturday and Sunday.His grandma lives in a small town. One day she comes to see him. Its Saturday and she doesnt see the boy at home. So she goes to look for him in the schoo

10、l. She sees many boys are running after only one ball. The old woman tells Mark to go home with her.“But, Grandma, I.”“Dont play with them, my dear!” says the old woman. Im going to buy a ball for you!34.Mark is strong because _. ( )Ahes tallBhes a studentChe likes sports35.Mark lives _ now. ( )Ain

11、villageBin LondonCwith his grandma36.Mark _ on Saturday and Sunday. ( )Aplays basketballBplays footballCdoes some housework37._, so the old woman doesnt find him at home. ( )AMark goes shoppingBMark leaves LondonCMark is at school38.The old woman doesnt know how to play football, so she _. ( )Awatch

12、es the game for a long timeBtells the boy to go home with herCgives the team a new ball参考答案1. A C A B C【解析】1. down 2. across 3. change 4. member 5. problem2. B A A A B【解析】1. grandmother 2. cook 3. taxi 4. stamp 5. well3. A B A C A【解析】1. Let s go to the beach.2. I go to school at quarter to eight.3.

13、I have lots of silver bells.4. Is he Emmas father?5. He doesnt collect comics.4. A C B A B【解析】1.What are these?2. What do you often dream about?3. Are these your parents?4. Has he got a bike?5. How many times can you jump in a minute?5.A6.C7.B8.A9.B【解析】(1)根据所给部分和选项,可知考查单词email电子邮件,故选A。(2)根据所给部分和选项,可

14、知考查单词candy糖果,故选C。(3)根据所给部分和选项,可知考查单词hear听见,故选B。(4)根据所给部分和选项,可知考查单词talk讲话,故选A。(5)根据所给部分和选项,可知考查单词travel旅行,故选B。10.B【解析】句意:你有多少张邮票?A多大,B多少(询问可数名词的数量),C多长,D多少(询问不可数名词的数量),根据句意可知询问数量,横线后面是名词复数,故选B。11.D【解析】句意:怪物从窗户跳了出来。分析句子及选项,可知句子是一般现在时,the monster是单数,后面的动词用第三人称单数,故选D。12.C【解析】句意:学校有考试的时候,我总是很冷静。本题考查there

15、 be句型,排除AB;a test是单数,be用is,排除D。故选C。13.A【解析】句意:这是安的妈妈。表示谁的用名词所有格,Ann的名词所有格是Anns,故选A。14.D【解析】句意:我喜欢电脑和游泳。like后跟动词,动词要用动名词形式,swim的动名词是swimming,故选D。15.没问题16.立刻17.小心18.以便19.熟睡的【解析】(1)no不,problem问题,故答案为没问题。(2)right now固定用法,翻译为立刻,故答案为立刻。(3)watch out是动词短语,翻译为小心,故答案为小心。(4)so that固定用法,翻译为以便,故答案为以便。(5)fast asl


17、解析】25.I have a silver necklace and silver ring.【解析】silver银的,I我,ring戒指,necklace项链,have有,and和,a一条/一个,根据所给句号,可知句子是陈述句,根据词义连成句子:我有一条银项链和一个银戒指。/我有一个银戒指和一条银项链。故答案为I have a silver necklace and silver ring./I have a silver ring and silver necklace 26.Who is that boy behind your parents?【解析】is是,who谁,behind在后

18、面,parents父母,your你的,that那个,boy男孩,根据所给问号,可知句子是疑问句,根据词义连成句子:你父母后面那个男孩是谁?故答案为Who is that boy behind your parents?27.There are eight differences between them.【解析】there are有,differences不同点,them他们,between在之间,eight八个,根据所给句号和单词,可知句子是there be句型,根据词义连成句子:他们之间有八个不同点。故答案为There are eight differences between them.

19、28.I go to bed at quarter past nine.【解析】go to bed上床睡觉,I我,at在,quarter past nine九点十五分,根据所给句号,可知句子是陈述句,根据词义连成句子:我九点十五分上床睡觉。故答案为I go to bed at quarter past nine.29.C30.E31.A32.B33.D【解析】所给各项汉语意思:A. 他是一名老师。B. 它是一个柔软的玩具熊猫。C. 五点半。D. 贴纸。E. 它是我爸爸的。(1)句意:几点了?答语回答点钟,选项C符合,故选C。(2)句意:这是谁的车?答语回答谁的,选项E符合,故选E。(3)句意:你爸爸是做什么的?答语回答职业,选项A符合,故选A。(4)句意:它是什么?答语回答是什么,选项B符合,故选B。(5)句意:你收集什么?答语回答


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