Module 8 Letter of Credit_第1页
Module 8 Letter of Credit_第2页
Module 8 Letter of Credit_第3页
Module 8 Letter of Credit_第4页
Module 8 Letter of Credit_第5页
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1、lBe able to write letters of advice of establishment of an L/ClBe able to write letters of urging the establishment of an L/ClBe able to write letters of extension of an L/ClBe able to write letters of amendment to the L/CBasic contents of a L/CAll parties concerned The kinds of L/CsUrging Establish

2、ment of a L/C Advising the establishment of a L/CAsking for extension of the L/C Asking for amendment to the L/C How to check up a L/C Main & Difficult PointslKinds of L/C sight L/C term L/C establish the L/C amend amendment to the L/C extension of the L/C discrepancy lCheck the L/C with the ter

3、ms of contract 进口人进口人出口人出口人合同合同进口地银行进口地银行(开证行)(开证行)出口地银行出口地银行(通知行)(通知行)申请开立信用申请开立信用证证开出开出L/C 寄送寄送审核审核 交信用证交信用证审核审核 发货发货 备齐单据备齐单据垫付货款垫付货款寄送单据寄送单据 索偿索偿审单审单 付款付款递交单据递交单据付款付款/承兑承兑 赎单赎单催开信用证催开信用证信用证改信用证改证、展期证、展期开证通知开证通知信用证信用证(L/C)信用证项下的汇票信用证项下的汇票是否附有货运单据是否附有货运单据 跟单信用证跟单信用证(Documentary Credit) 光票信用证光票信用证

4、(Clean Credit) 有无另一银行有无另一银行加以保证兑付加以保证兑付 保兑信用证保兑信用证(Conformed L/C) 不保兑信用证不保兑信用证(Unconfirmed L/C) 开证行或付款行开证行或付款行付款时间不同付款时间不同 受益人对信用证受益人对信用证的权利可否转让的权利可否转让 即期信用证即期信用证(Sight L/C) 远期信用证远期信用证(Time/term L/C) 可转让信用证可转让信用证(Transferable L/C) 不可转让信用证不可转让信用证(Non-transferable L/C) 开证行所负的责任开证行所负的责任 不可撤销信用证不可撤销信用证(

5、Irrevocable L/C) 可撤销可撤销(Revocable L/C) l以信用证项下的汇票是否附有货运单据划分为:以信用证项下的汇票是否附有货运单据划分为: l跟单信用证跟单信用证(Documentary Credit)是凭跟单是凭跟单汇票或仅凭单据付款的信用证。单据指代表货汇票或仅凭单据付款的信用证。单据指代表货物所有权的单据(如海运提单等),或证明货物所有权的单据(如海运提单等),或证明货物已交运的单据(如铁路运单、航空运单、邮物已交运的单据(如铁路运单、航空运单、邮包收据)。包收据)。 l光票信用证光票信用证(Clean Credit)是凭不随附货运单是凭不随附货运单据的光票据的

6、光票(Clean Draft)付款的信用证。付款的信用证。l在国际贸易的货款结算中,绝大部分使用跟单在国际贸易的货款结算中,绝大部分使用跟单信用证。信用证。 l以开证行所负的责任为标准可以分为:以开证行所负的责任为标准可以分为: l不可撤销信用证(不可撤销信用证(Irrevocable L/C)。指信)。指信用证一经开出,在有效期内,未经受益人及有用证一经开出,在有效期内,未经受益人及有关当事人的同意,开证行不能片面修改和撤销,关当事人的同意,开证行不能片面修改和撤销,只要受益人提供的单据只要受益人提供的单据 符合信用证规定,开证符合信用证规定,开证行必须履行付款义务。行必须履行付款义务。 l

7、可撤销可撤销(Revocable L/C)。开证行不必征得受。开证行不必征得受益人或有关当事人同意有权随时撤销的信用证,益人或有关当事人同意有权随时撤销的信用证,应在信用证上注明应在信用证上注明“可撤销可撤销”字样。如信用证字样。如信用证中未注明是否可撤销,中未注明是否可撤销, 应视为不可撤销信用证。应视为不可撤销信用证。(最新的(最新的跟单信用证统一惯例规跟单信用证统一惯例规定银行不可开立可撤消信用证定银行不可开立可撤消信用证 ) l以有无另一银行加以保证兑付为依据,可以以有无另一银行加以保证兑付为依据,可以分为:分为: l保兑信用证保兑信用证(Conformed L/C)。指开证行。指开证

8、行开出的信用证,由另一银行保证对符合信用开出的信用证,由另一银行保证对符合信用证条款规定的单据履行付款义务。对信用证证条款规定的单据履行付款义务。对信用证加以保兑的银行,称为保兑行。加以保兑的银行,称为保兑行。 l不保兑信用证不保兑信用证(Unconfirmed L/C)。开证。开证行开出的信用证没有经另一家银行保兑。行开出的信用证没有经另一家银行保兑。 l根据付款时间不同,可以分为根据付款时间不同,可以分为 l即期信用证即期信用证(Sight L/C)。指开证行或。指开证行或付款行收到符合信用证条款的跟单汇票付款行收到符合信用证条款的跟单汇票或装运单据后,立即履行付款义务的信或装运单据后,立

9、即履行付款义务的信用证。用证。 l远期信用证远期信用证(Time/term L/C)。指开证。指开证行或付款行收到信用证的单据时,在规行或付款行收到信用证的单据时,在规定期限内履行付款义务的信用证。定期限内履行付款义务的信用证。 l根据受益人对信用证的权利可否转让,根据受益人对信用证的权利可否转让,可分为:可分为: l可转让信用证可转让信用证(Transferable L/C)。l不可转让信用证不可转让信用证(Non-transferable L/C)l在其他付款方式中,银行职能作托收和汇付在其他付款方式中,银行职能作托收和汇付的工作,对进口商不付货款不予负责;而在的工作,对进口商不付货款不予

10、负责;而在信用证的情况下,开证行以自己的信用为交信用证的情况下,开证行以自己的信用为交易垫付货款。易垫付货款。l就卖方的利益来说,信用证(就卖方的利益来说,信用证(L/C)比付款)比付款交单(交单(D/P)好,)好,D/P at sight 比比D/P after sight 好,而付款交单(好,而付款交单(D/P)又比承兑交单)又比承兑交单(D/A)好。在国际贸易中,只在进口商财务好。在国际贸易中,只在进口商财务状况良好,或过去一系列业务中进口商付款状况良好,或过去一系列业务中进口商付款可靠,从而取得出口商信任,才可以接受托可靠,从而取得出口商信任,才可以接受托收的支付方式。收的支付方式。

11、lIdentifying the reference of your letterlReferring to the 5,000 pieces of Poplin under our Sales Contract No. 518, we wish to call your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is drawing near, but up till now, we have not received the covering Letter of Credit.lThank you for your L/C No.312

12、 for the captioned goods. On perusal, we find that partial shipment and transshipment are prohibited.lOn 3 April, we sent you an irrevocable letter of credit which expires on 30 June.lIf you do not open the L/C in time, you will be responsible for the loss resulting from the delay.l(2) stating the m

13、ain idea of your letterla. Please do your utmost to expedite L/C, so that shipment would be effected in We regret to say that, owing to a delay on the part of our suppliers, we will not be able to get the shipment ready before the end of this Owing to the late arrival of the steam

14、er ,we would appreciate your extending the shipment date and the validity of your L/C to Oct. 15 and Oct.30 respectively.ld. We are pleased to inform you that the L/C covering the above goods has been opened in your favor today.le. We have received your L/C No.345, but we find it contains the follow

15、ing discrepancies:.We would request you make necessary amendment to your L/C. lf. Please delete the word “about” before the quantity in your L/C.lg. Please amend your L/C to read“partial shipment and transshipment allowed”.li. Please amend your L/C No.7869 as follows:1) Amount to be increased up to

16、US$120.000. 2) Validity to be extended to May 30.l(3) Endingsla. Looking forward to receiving your L/ Thank you for your cooperation in extending the L/ Please make necessary amendment to your L/C so as enable us to make shipment smoothly.ld. Thank you in advance for your close cooperation

17、.lWarming-up Discussion lSuppose you ,China National Garments Imp. & Exp. Corporation, have signed sales contract with the buyer (Fashion Trading Company in U.K.). According to the S/C, you have got the goods ready for shipment, but you still have not received the relevant L/C from the buyer. Wh

18、at will you write to the buyer?lidentifying the reference of the letter lstating the reasons for urging the establishment of the L/C lrequesting for immediate establishment of the L/ClEndingsv refer to 查看;提及;提交查看;提及;提交 ,有关有关有争议的问题须提交仲裁人处理。 Language PointsThe matter of difference shall be referred to

19、 arbitrators. The technical specifications referred to herein is the documents prepared for this project. 这里提及的技术规格说明书是本项目的文件。 请你方查阅我方二零零三年五月七日的去函。 We refer to our letter dated May 7,2003. 你方关于真丝女衫的询价已转交我方处理。 Your enquiry for silk blouses has been referred to us for attention. expedite v. 加快(进程等);促进

20、加快(进程等);促进(措施等措施等);迅速处理(事务);迅速处理(事务) 请尽力加快有关信用证的开立。 Please try your best to expedite the establishment of the relative L/C. 3. execute v. 执行执行 没有详细说明,我们无法执行你方订单。 We cannot execute your order for lack of particulars. All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof should be set

21、tled amicably by negotiation. 涉及本合同的争执或执行本合同中所发生的一切争执应通过友好协商予以解决。 4. prescribe v 规定、指示规定、指示 请查阅你方第2003号信用证,该信用证规定不允许转船。We refer you to your L/C No.2003 which prescribes that transshipment is not allowed. 我们相信你方会在规定的时间内装运我方订货。 We trust you will ship our order within the time prescribed. 5. shipping 装

22、运;运输装运;运输 shipping company 轮船公司 shipping agent 货运代理人 shipping instruction 装运指示;装运须知 shipping advice 装运通知 shipping documents 装运单据 shipping mark 装运标志 shipping container 船运集装箱 shipping order 装货纸;装货单 shipping space 舱位;船位 shipping date 装船日期 shipping day 开船日期 steamer ship 蒸汽机轮船 motor vessel 内燃机轮船 6. due a

23、dj. 应得的;适当的;到期的;应支付的;定于(到达)应得的;适当的;到期的;应支付的;定于(到达) be/fall due 到期(应付给,应偿付) due to do 定于(某时做某事) due for 应该得到 汇票到期了。 The bill is due. 航班预计中午到达上海。 The flight is due in Shanghai at noon. 双方定于下周签订合同。 Both sides are due to sign a contract in the next week. 明年我们的薪水等级应该修改。 Our salary scales are due for revi

24、sion next year. 7. see to it that 要注意使要注意使;务必使;务必使;保证使;保证使 请确保信用证在装运期前三十天开出。8. subsequent amendments 随后的修改随后的修改 Please see to it that the stipulations in the L/C should be in strict accordance with those of the contract.务请你方做到信用证的条款要与合同的条款完全一致。Please see to it that the L/C is timed to reach here bef

25、ore the end of this month.请注意安排使信用证在月内到达这里。Please see to it that the L/C is opened 30 days before the time of shipment. Language Points9. be in strict conformity with 与与严格一致严格一致 Be in exact accordance with sth Be in conformity with / to sth执事先生:执事先生:事由事由:我方第我方第518号销售合同号销售合同 关于我方第关于我方第518号销售合同项下的号销售合

26、同项下的3000打真丝打真丝衬衫,交货期日益逼近而有关的信用证尚未收到,衬衫,交货期日益逼近而有关的信用证尚未收到,这一事实提请你方予以注意。请立即赶开该信用证这一事实提请你方予以注意。请立即赶开该信用证以便使此订单得以顺利执行。以便使此订单得以顺利执行。 顺便告知顺便告知,根据此地船运公司计划根据此地船运公司计划,“和平和平”轮预轮预计下月中旬驶往贵港。如能在本月底前收到你方的计下月中旬驶往贵港。如能在本月底前收到你方的信用证,我们则可能赶上这一班轮。信用证,我们则可能赶上这一班轮。 为避免随后的修证,请务必做到信用证的条款为避免随后的修证,请务必做到信用证的条款与合同条款完全一致。与合同条

27、款完全一致。 期待佳音。期待佳音。 谨上,谨上, lWe are eager to know when you can open the relative L/C as the goods have been ready for shipment for quite a few days.l我方想知道你方何时能开立相关信用证,我方想知道你方何时能开立相关信用证,因为货物已经准备装运很久了因为货物已经准备装运很久了lP110. II-1,2,3lWarming-up Discussion lSuppose you are China National Garments Imp. & Ex

28、p. Corporation, and have signed Purchase Contract with the seller (Fashion Trading Company in U.K.). According to the S/C, you have applied to the opening bank for establishment of the relevant L/C. What will you write to the seller?l1.identifying the reference of the letter rming the seller

29、of the establishment of the L/C l3.requesting for punctual shipmentl4.Endings draw ones attention to 请请注意;提请注意;提请注意注意 Invite/ direct/ call/ bring ones attention to 请你方注意这样一个事实请你方注意这样一个事实,信用证的有效期已信用证的有效期已临近。请尽力完成装运不得有进一步的延误。临近。请尽力完成装运不得有进一步的延误。 We would like to draw your attention to the fact that th

30、e validity of the L/C is drawing near. Please do your utmost to effect shipment without further delay. 提请你方注意信用证的有效期。提请你方注意信用证的有效期。We would like to call your attention to the validity of the goods .q Similar Expressions expiration n. 期满;终止期满;终止 expiry n. 期满;截止日期期满;截止日期 q 信用证于五月十五日期满。信用证于五月十五日期满。 The

31、 L/C expires on May 15. q expire v. 期满期满 这批货物必须在许可证期满前运到。这批货物必须在许可证期满前运到。 The shipment must arrive here before the expiration of the license. 信用证的截止日期是五月十五日。信用证的截止日期是五月十五日。 The date of expiry of the L/C is May 15. busy season 销售旺季销售旺季 selling season你方在装运方面的延误,使我方陷入极大的困境中。Your delay in shipment will

32、undoubtedly involve us in no small difficulty. involve us in problem with buyers 使我方(在向客户交货方面)陷入困境执事先生:执事先生: 我们想提请你方注意我方第我们想提请你方注意我方第321号订号订单订购的单订购的500匹纯毛兰哔叽布。匹纯毛兰哔叽布。 我方已于我方已于4月月3日寄给你们不可撤销的日寄给你们不可撤销的信用证,该信用证有效期截止为信用证,该信用证有效期截止为6月月30日。日。 现在正值销售旺季,我们的客户急需现在正值销售旺季,我们的客户急需此货。因此希望尽快装运。此货。因此希望尽快装运。 我们必须重

33、申在装运我订单货物方面我们必须重申在装运我订单货物方面的任何延误都将使我方陷入困境,也会影的任何延误都将使我方陷入困境,也会影响我们双方未来的交易。响我们双方未来的交易。 如蒙早复将不胜感激。如蒙早复将不胜感激。谨上,谨上, lP110lIII. -3lWarming-up Discussion lSuppose you ,China National Garments Imp. & Exp. Corporation, have signed sales contract with the buyer (Fashion Trading Company in U.K.). Accordi

34、ng to usual practice, you have received the relative L/C and found that everything in the L/C is in good order. Then you should make shipment accordingly, but owing to the delay on the part of your suppliers, you cannot ship the goods in time. What will you write to the buyer?l1.identifying the refe

35、rence of the letter l2.stating the reasons for extension to the L/C l3.requesting for extension to the L/Cl4.extending apologies,l5.expressing your good will to make prompt shipment展证信的由来:展证信的由来:造成出口人要求展证的原因是多方面的:造成出口人要求展证的原因是多方面的:主观上主观上货源不足,生产事故,运输货源不足,生产事故,运输脱节等;客观上脱节等;客观上自然灾害,社会动自然灾害,社会动乱或进口人未能在合

36、同规定的期限内把乱或进口人未能在合同规定的期限内把信用证开到等等。信用证开到等等。 展证信涉及到两个期限:装运期和有效期。展证信涉及到两个期限:装运期和有效期。 展证信的中心内容:提出具体的展证要求,即要求展延展证信的中心内容:提出具体的展证要求,即要求展延多少天或展延到具体某一天,同时一定要充分说明原因多少天或展延到具体某一天,同时一定要充分说明原因和理由。和理由。 q 展证信的要点:展证信的要点:根据责任的不同,采取相应的措辞和语气。但目的都是根据责任的不同,采取相应的措辞和语气。但目的都是促使进口人同意展证,从而保证合同的顺利执行。促使进口人同意展证,从而保证合同的顺利执行。on the

37、 part of 就就而言;在而言;在方面方面 on ones part 就就而言;在而言;在方面方面 on the part of sb 就就而言;在而言;在方面方面 这是轮船公司方面的错误。这是轮船公司方面的错误。 The fault is on the part of the shipping company. 就我们这方面来说,一贯遵守诺言。就我们这方面来说,一贯遵守诺言。 On our part, we always keep to our promise. We are sorry that owing to some delay on the part of our suppli

38、ers, we are unable to get the goods ready before the end of this month. 很遗憾,由于我供货商的延误,我方无法在本月底前将货物备妥。很遗憾,由于我供货商的延误,我方无法在本月底前将货物备妥。 我方同意自负费用,向你方提供试用打字机,你方不承担任何责任。我方同意自负费用,向你方提供试用打字机,你方不承担任何责任。We should be pleased to send you any of our typewriters on approval at our own expense, and without any oblig

39、ation on your part. in the early part of May 五月初;五月上旬五月初;五月上旬 in the mid-May 五月中旬五月中旬 late in May 五月下旬五月下旬 ultimo 简写简写ult. means last month 上个月上个月 instant 简写简写inst. means this month 本月本月 proximo 简写简写prox. means next month 下个月下个月 extend v. 展期;扩展;给予展期;扩展;给予 extension n. 展期展期 我们希望与你方扩大这一领域的业务。我们希望与你方扩大

40、这一领域的业务。 We would like to extend our business with you in this line. to that effect 就就意思意思 to this effect to the above effect上周我们给你去信大意是说我们正在检查这批货物。上周我们给你去信大意是说我们正在检查这批货物。 We wrote you last week to the effect that we were inspecting the goods. We are faxing you to this effect.我们按这个意思传真给你方。我们按这个意思传真给

41、你方。 l执事先生:执事先生:l 有关有关2000打男式衬衫订单的信用证已收悉,打男式衬衫订单的信用证已收悉,谢谢。谢谢。l 然而,我们深感抱歉由于供货商方面的延然而,我们深感抱歉由于供货商方面的延误致使我方未能在本月底前将货物备妥。因此,误致使我方未能在本月底前将货物备妥。因此,今日早些时候我方就此意传真告知你方。今日早些时候我方就此意传真告知你方。l 预计货物将于预计货物将于9月初备妥,并准备安排装月初备妥,并准备安排装运到运到9月月3日从大连启航的日从大连启航的“五月花五月花”轮上。轮上。l 期待早日收到对上述信用证的传真修改书期待早日收到对上述信用证的传真修改书以便于我方完成装运。以便

42、于我方完成装运。l 本公司就此次延误深感歉意,不便之处,本公司就此次延误深感歉意,不便之处,敬请原谅。敬请原谅。l 谨上,谨上,l敬启者:敬启者:l事由:延展信用证事由:延展信用证l收到你方支付收到你方支付15000本笔记本订货的第本笔记本订货的第3511号信用证,谨致谢意。号信用证,谨致谢意。l十分抱歉,由于制造商的延误,我方不可十分抱歉,由于制造商的延误,我方不可能在能在3月底以前把货备齐。我公司最早也只月底以前把货备齐。我公司最早也只能在能在4月中旬安排装运。月中旬安排装运。l为此,请将该证的交货期和议付有效期分为此,请将该证的交货期和议付有效期分别延展至别延展至4月月16日和日和4月月

43、30日。日。l对我方延迟交货引起的不便,表示歉意。对我方延迟交货引起的不便,表示歉意。lDear Sirs,lRe: Extension of L/ClThank you for your L/C No.3511 covering your order for 15,000 notebooks. We regret to notice that, due to some delay on the part of our manufacturers, we are unable to get the goods ready by the end of March. The earliest sh

44、ipment we can arrange is just in the middle of April.lFor the above reason, we appreciate that you will give us cooperation by extending the shipment date to April 16 and the negotiation validity to April 30 respectively./ Please extend the shipment date to April 16 and the negotiation validity to A

45、pril 30 lWe feel sorry for the inconvenience caused by our delay in delivery.lYours faithfully,lWarming-up Discussion lSuppose you,China National Garments Imp. & Exp. Corporation, have signed sales contract with the buyer (Fashion Trading Company in U.K.). According to usual practice, you have r

46、eceived the relative L/C, but after checking the L/C with your S/C, you found something wrong or not in agreement with the stipulations of your S/C. What will you write to the buyer? l1.identifying the reference of the letter l2.pointing out the discrepancies between the L/C and the S/Cl3.requesting

47、 for immediate amendment to the L/Cl4.endings1.1.信用证的种类及条款与合同一致。信用证的种类及条款与合同一致。2.2.信用证中的两个主要当事人,即开证人和受益人的名称必须准确无误。信用证中的两个主要当事人,即开证人和受益人的名称必须准确无误。3.3.信用证中的合同号码是否正确。信用证中的合同号码是否正确。4.4.信用证是否有效。信用证是否有效。 5.5.信用证金额应与合同规定一致。信用证金额应与合同规定一致。 6.6.付款是即期还是远期。付款是即期还是远期。 7.7.信用证有效期、交单期及到期地点是否充裕。信用证有效期、交单期及到期地点是否充裕。

48、 8.8.货物或商品的说明必须与合同一致。货物或商品的说明必须与合同一致。 9.9.装运港及目的港必须与合同一致。装运港及目的港必须与合同一致。10.10.有关保险的规定应与合同一致。有关保险的规定应与合同一致。 11.11.信用证中是否存在其它不合理的要求。信用证中是否存在其它不合理的要求。 我们一个一个地检查,发现每个都有不同程度的渗漏。 more or less 溢短装条款;或多或少溢短装条款;或多或少 discrepancy n. 异样;差异异样;差异 ,不一致,不一致We examined them one by one and found that each of them was

49、 leaking more or less. 折扣或多或少能给我们一些鼓励,能使我们更加努力地推销你方的产品。 Discount will more or less encourage us to make every effort to push sales of your products. 如果单价与总金额之间有出入,应以单价为准。请核查原有的成本估算表与实际帐单之间的差额。In case of any discrepancies between unit prices and total amount, unit prices shall govern.Please check the

50、 discrepancies between the original estimate of the cost and the actual bills.instead of 代替,代替, 而不是而不是As stipulated, payment is to be made by sight L/C instead of sight D/P.The tea offered should have been first grade instead of second grade. 根据合同规定,付款条件应为即期信用证而不是即期付根据合同规定,付款条件应为即期信用证而不是即期付款交单。款交单。

51、所报价的茶叶应是一级茶叶,而不是二级茶所报价的茶叶应是一级茶叶,而不是二级茶叶。叶。执事先生:执事先生: 收到你方第收到你方第88888888号信用证,谢谢。但是发现信用号信用证,谢谢。但是发现信用证与第证与第01120112号合同不符,差异如下:号合同不符,差异如下: 信用证:信用证: 合同:合同: 1) 不允许转船不允许转船 1) 允许转船允许转船 2) 3、4月份等量装运月份等量装运 2) 不迟于不迟于4月月1日装运日装运 3) 无溢短装条款无溢短装条款 3) 允许允许5%的溢短装的溢短装 为了能顺利地完成装运,请立即对你方的信用证为了能顺利地完成装运,请立即对你方的信用证作必要的修改。

52、作必要的修改。谨上,谨上,lP110. II-7 III-4, 5Letter 5examination n. 检查;检验检查;检验 examine v. 检查;检验 transshipment n. 转船转船 经审核发现你方信用证有与合同规定不符的地方。 upon examination 一经检验就 on examination 一经检验就 after examination 经过检验后 Upon examination, we have found there are some discrepancies in your L/C.经销商允许厂家随时检查他与零售商的账户和合同。 Distri

53、butor shall permit examination by the producer at any time of such accounts and any contracts with his retailers. 货物必须在伦敦转船。 The goods will have to be transshipped at London. partial shipment 分批装运分批装运infrequent 稀少稀少 few and far between 稀少稀少 direct steamer 直达轮船直达轮船 more often than not 常常;多半常常;多半 with

54、 regard 关于关于 part shipment 分批装运direct sailing 直达船 with reference as regards regarding as to about in connection with referring to Respecting in respect of关于你方刚刚提出的问题,我们将进行调查。With regard to the point you have just raised, we will have it investigated. 关于合同中的第三条款,我们已通知银行开立信用证。 As to Item 3 in the cont

55、ract, we have instructed our bank to open the covering L/C. 关于你方五月十八日的要求,我们遗憾地通知你们,你方价格太低。In connection with your request of May 18th, we are sorry to tell you that your price is too low. Kindly let us hear from you regarding the possibility of shipment to be made in June. 请来信告知你方能否在六月份装船。 关于装运时间,我们

56、希望十月份交货。 In respect to the time of shipment, we want the goods to be delivered in October.amend v. 修改修改 amendment n. 修改;修改书修改;修改书 协议书的措辞需要修改。协议书的措辞需要修改。 The wording of the agreement calls for amendment. 请对信用证速作修改。请对信用证速作修改。 Please rush the amendment to the L/C. amendment advice = advice of amendment

57、 修改通知书修改通知书 请将信用正上的金额修改为请将信用正上的金额修改为“允许允许5%上下幅度上下幅度”。 Please amend the amount of the L/C to read“5% more or less allowed”. Language Points本协议的任何修改必须遵守并对当事人具有约束力。本协议的任何修改必须遵守并对当事人具有约束力。 Any and all amendments of this agreement shall be adhered to and binding upon the parties. Please amend the credit

58、as allowing partial shipments. 请将信用证改为允许分批装运。请将信用证改为允许分批装运。 via prep. 由;通过;取道由;通过;取道 Language Points这批货物将由香港转运。这批货物将由香港转运。The goods will go via Hongkong.The goods are to be shipped to Vancouver, thence via Overland to Montreal.货物由船运到温哥华,再由温哥华陆运至蒙特利尔。货物由船运到温哥华,再由温哥华陆运至蒙特利尔。你方要求的样品已航空寄去。你方要求的样品已航空寄去。T

59、he sample you required were sent via airmail.执事先生:执事先生: 由巴克莱银行开立的第由巴克莱银行开立的第2233号信用证已如期收到。号信用证已如期收到。 经详细阅读(审核)发现不允许转船和分批装运。经详细阅读(审核)发现不允许转船和分批装运。 由于直达你港的直达班轮稀少,我们不得不经常在伦敦由于直达你港的直达班轮稀少,我们不得不经常在伦敦转船。至于分批装运,如能将手头现有货物立即装运而不转船。至于分批装运,如能将手头现有货物立即装运而不必等到整批货物全部备妥一次性装运,这对我们双方都有必等到整批货物全部备妥一次性装运,这对我们双方都有益处。益处。

60、 因此,今天我方传真你们要求你方将信用证修改为因此,今天我方传真你们要求你方将信用证修改为“允允许分批装运和转船许分批装运和转船”。 相信上述安排会得到你方的赞同并立即将此意传真我方。相信上述安排会得到你方的赞同并立即将此意传真我方。谨上,谨上, Letter 61. oversight n. 粗心大意,粗心大意, 疏忽疏忽2. in order 正确无误正确无误l执事先生,执事先生,l 感谢你方感谢你方5月月20日的来信。日的来信。l非常抱歉,由于我们的疏忽而导致在开证非常抱歉,由于我们的疏忽而导致在开证时出现了错误。我们已经指示银行采用电时出现了错误。我们已经指示银行采用电报对信用证作了相应的修改,并希望一切报对信用证作了相


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