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1、仁爱英语七年级下册五、六单元复习提纲   Unit 5 Our School Life Topic1 How do you usually come to school ? 你通常如何去上学一、重点短语:1. on foot go on foot = walk ( to )2. by + 交通工具 “乘坐” by bus / bike / plane / train / subway / ship / boat / carby bus / bike / plane / train / subway / ship =on a bus/ by car= in a carby p

2、lane=by air=on a plane3.take the bus = go by bus ride a bike = go by bike take the subway = go by subway4. on weekdays 在平日 6. in their free time 在空闲时间 7. have a rest 休息一下 8. read books 读书 11. go swimming/fishing 去游泳 /钓鱼12. listen to music 听音乐 12. watch TV 看电视 13. do(ones) homework 做作业14. go to the z

3、oo / park 去动物园 / 公园 15. once a week 一周一次 16. every day 每天 17. have classes 上课 18. for a little while 一会儿 19. go to bed 上床睡觉 20. have breakfast / lunch / supper(dinner)吃早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐 22. at the school gate 在校门口 23. come on 快点 、 加油 24. get up 起床 25. talk with / to sb.与某人谈话 26. at school 在学校、在上课 27. go

4、to school 去上学 28. and so on 等等 29. after breakfast / lunch / supper早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐后 after school 放学后 after class 下课后 e to school来校31. be late for (doing) sth 做。来迟 32. by subway 乘地铁 33.fly to Shanghai=go to Shanghai by plane 坐飞机去上海 34.see a movie=see a film=watch a movie 看电影 35.know about 了解36.eat out 下

5、馆子 37. on school days 38.have a ball game 进行球赛39.What time is school over? About 3:00. 40.Nice talking to you.和你说话真好/愉快。41.read a map 看地图 42.be different from 与。不同43.get home 到家44. leave school 毕业二、语法:(练习10题)表时间频率的副词:never 从来不 seldom 极少often 经常 usually 常常 always 总是(系动词之后,行为动词之前) sometimes 有时(系动词之后,行

6、为动词之前,也可放句首,放句末用逗号隔开。) 100 always 表示“总是;一直;始终”。如: He always comes late. 他总是迟到。 90 usually 表示“通常,经常”。如: I usually go to bed at 10:00. 我通常10点钟睡觉。 70 often 表示“常常,经常”。如: They often clean the classroom after school. 他们常常在放学后打扫教室。 40 sometimes 表示“有时,不时”。如: We sometimes go skiing in winter. 冬天我们有时去滑雪。 5sel

7、dom表示“几乎从不;很少;难得”。如: He seldom goes to bed before nine oclock. 0 never 表示“几乎从不;很少;难得”。如: He never goes to bed before nine oclock. 三、 重要句型:1. Happy New Year! The same to you. 2. Your new bike looks very nice. Thank you.3. How do you usually come to school ? By bus / car / bike. On foot.4. Its time fo

8、r class. = Its time to have class. 该是上课的时候了。5. The early bird catches the worm. 笨鸟先飞。/ 捷足先登。6. We have no more time. 我们没有更多的时间了。 7. I have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.我早上上四节课,下午上两节。 8. She goes to bed at about a quarter to ten. 她九点四十五分睡觉。9. How often do you come to the libra

9、 ry ? Very often / Twice a week / Once a week / Every day.10.What time do classes begin?At 8:00.四、背:书7页2作文 Jims Day五、背:书5页1a对话六、用How often提问: 1.She always does her homework. _ 2.They watch TV every day. _ 3.The boy has a music class once a week. _ 4.Im often late for classes. _ 5.We never play cards

10、. _Unit5 Topic2 He is running on the playground. 他在操场上正在跑步一重点短语:1. make cards 制作卡片 2. on the playground 在操场上 3. in the library 在图书馆4. in the gym在体育馆 5. on the shelf在书架上(shelves 复数) 6. at the Lost and Found 在失物招领处 7.clean the room打扫房间 8.have a soccer game 举行足球比赛 9. have an English class 上英语课 10. writ

11、e a letter (to sb) 写信 11. some of his photos= some photos of his 他的一些照片12. on time 准时/in time及时13.show sb. around 令某人参观 14. do better in sth 在某方面做得较好 15.teachers office 教师办公室16.look for寻找17.Whats in it? Some money.18.have a soccer gane/match 举行足球赛19.sit there 坐那儿20.in the swimming poor在游泳池21.over th

12、ere 在那边22.at the back of 在。后面23.work on the computer 操作电脑24.like doing sth =like to do sth 喜欢做。25love doing sth = love to do sth喜欢做。26.look happy 看起来开心27.on the Great Wall 在长城28.one day=some day某一天/有朝29.put on 穿、戴上、上演(put it / them on ) 二现在进行时态:表示正在进行或发生的动作。(见书116页表格)构成:  主语+ be(is / am /

13、are )+ 动词ing + 其他 。常与now = at the moment 现在 、 look看 、 listen听 等连用。(open opening listen - listening eat eating)如:1. Im looking for my purse. 2. They arent sleeping at the moment. 3. Are you doing your homework ? Yes, I am. No, Im not. 4. Is he / she singing now ? Yes, he / she is. No, he / she isnt.

14、5. What is your brother doing ? He is running in the gym.三、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式和现在分词go_   _    enjoy_   _  teach   _ _eat_   _  draw_ _  walk   _   _take_   _  dance_   _

15、 write  _ _ run_   _  swim_   _  get  _  _stay_ begin_ forget_ lie_ die _ prefer_ give_ ring_ dance_ hope_ open_eat_ see_四、现在进行时态(Be+ ving)用现在进行时完成下列句子: 1.我们正在吃晚餐。   We _.         

16、               2、我们在跑步。  We _ 3你们在聊天吗?是的。   _ you_?  Yes, we_.                 4、他们在聊天吗?不是。_ they often _ ? No, they _.5、他在做什

17、么?他在做作业。What _he  _?  He_.      1.What_you_(do)? 2.I_(sing) an English song.3.What_he_(mend)? 4.He_(mend) a car.5._you_(fly) a kite?Yes,_. 6._she_(sit) in the boat?7._you_(ask) questions? 8.We_(play) games now.1.  What are you _(do) now? I _(eat) bread.2.

18、  Its nine oclock. My father_(work) in the office.3.  Look, the boy_(put) the rubbish into the bin.4.   _he_(clean) the classroom? No, he isnt. He_(play).5. Where is Mak? He_(run) on the grass.6. Listen, who_(sing) in the music room? Oh, Mary_(sing) there.五、按要

19、求改写句子1.  The boy is playing basketball.否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_对“ The boy”提问:_2.造句:1).she,the window,open,now.(用现在进行时连词成句.)_2).is,who,the window,cleaning?(连词成句)_3).She is closing the door now.(改成否定句)_4.)You are doing your homework.(用"I"作主语改写句子)_5).they,the tree,sing,now,under.(用现在进行时连

20、词成句.)_6).The Young Pioneers are helping the old woman.(改成一般疑问句)_ 3. 将下列句子变成肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及回答、提问 Shes reading._ The boys are swimming now._ Im fishing at the moment._ The children are playing ._ 1. We are eating lunch.               

21、;                    We eat lunch at noon._                          &

22、#160;                                                 &



25、;                                 2He is swimming at a pool.              &

26、#160;               He swims at the pool every day._       3.Jim and Tony are playing basketball at school.          Jim and Tony play basketball on Sunday

27、s.  _4.Sandra is running.                                     Sandra likes running_六、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Miss Li _(

28、like) sleeping in the day. 2. Listen! Who _ (talk) with your parents?3. The girl _( not dance ) on Wednesday. She dances on Friday.4. He wants _ (be) a teacher. 5. Everyone _(say) she is a good shop assistant.6. Can she _ (sing) in English? 7. They like _ (read) under the tree. Look! They _ (sit) th

29、ere to read. 8. Lets _ (eat) lunch together(一起). 9. Look! A cat _ (run) up the tree. 10.Its 6:30. My brother _ (see) a movie. 11.Sam _ (go) to school at 7:00 every day.12. Peggy is _ (clean) the bedroom now. She is a good girl.13. Where _ Mr. Green _ (live) ? He _ in London.14. _ you _ (cl

30、ean) your bedroom?No, Im not. Im cleaning the living room.15._ Nancy _ (talk) on the phone?No, she isnt. She _ (eat) lunch now. 16.  We often_(play) in the playgound. 17. He _(get) up at six oclock.18. _you _(brush) your teeth every morning. 19.What       

31、0;(do) he usually       (do) after school?20. Danny          (study) English,Chinese,Maths,Science and Art an school.21. Mike sometimes _(go) to the park with his siste22. At eight at night, she _(watch) TV with his parents23.

32、0;_Mike_(read) English every day?24. How many lessons_your classmate_(have) on Monday? 25. What time_his mother_(do) the housework? 七、选择填空 1. Father usually_ his newspaper after dinner. A. read B. reads Creading   2. The Blacks often _ to the cinema on Saturday evenings.A. go

33、0; B. goes C. is going     3.Look! The boy _ with his mother in the pool. A. is swimming     B. is swiming     C. are swimming     4. What is Tom doing in the classroom? He _ something on the blackboard.A. draws

34、0;     B. draw       C. is drawing      5.Old Tom usually _up at six and _sports in the garden.A. gets, dos  B. gets, does  C. get,does   6. Its ten oclock and Jack _ still(仍然) _ his homework A. is, d

35、o B. is, doing    C.are, doing 7. The waiters _ to work at five every morning.A. start  B. starts   C. starting     8.I _ a letter, so I cant go out with you.A. is writing     B. am writing     C. am

36、writeing   ( )1.我在照看孩子. (A)I am looking after the baby.(B)I'm look aftering the baby.( )2._friend's making_a kite.(A)I,me (B)My,my (C)My,me (D)His,his( )3.Is the woman _ yellow your teacher?(A)in (B)putting on (C)wearing ( )4.Look!The twins_their mother do the housework.(A)are

37、 wantinB)help(C)are helping ( )5._are the birds doing? They are singing in a tree.(A)Who (B)What (C)How ( )6.Is she_something?(A)eat (B)eating (C)eatting (D)eats( )7.你在干什么?(A)What is you doing? (B)What are you do? C)What are you doing? ( )8.What are you listening_? (A)/ (B)for (C)at (D)to( )9.我正在听他说

38、话.(A)I listening to hi(B)I'm listening to him.(C) I'm listening him.( )10.They are_their clothes. (A)makeing (B)putting (C)put away (D)putting on( )11.Listen! She_in the classroom. (A)is singing (B)sing (C)to sing (D)is sing12.Today Jim_ his white shirt and brown trousers(A)is putting on (B)

39、wear(C) is wearing( )13._are you eating?I'm eating_meat.(A)What,some (B)Which,any (C) What,a14.They_TV in the evening.They do their homework.(A)are watching (B)can't watching (C)don't watch 15.The children_football.(A)is playing (B)are playing (C)play the 16.They are flying kites.(A)他们喜欢

40、放风筝. (B)他们在放风筝吗?(C)他们在放风筝. 17.Look,They are swimming in the river.I want_you.(A)to go with (B)go with (C)helpin( )18.Look.Lucy is_a new bike today.(A)jumping (B)running (C)riding (D)takeing八、作文12页:2b九、背书11页1a、12页2a。十、重要句型1.Excuse me, may I borrow your story book ? Of course. = Sure. (borrow sth from

41、从借回某物)2. How Long may I keep the book ? Two weeks. ( keep 借用,后面常跟一段时间连用)3.You must return them on time. ( return 归还,return sth to 把归还给)4. Thank you. Its a pleasure. = A pleasure = My pleasure. 别客气。5. Sorry, I dont have any. Thank you all the same. 仍然感谢你。6. See you soon. 回头见. 7. What else ? 还有别的什么?(

42、else 其他的、别的,常放在疑问词what/ where / who和不定代词something/ somebody等的后面)Unit5 Topic3 My school life is very interesting. 我的校园生活非常有趣一重点短语:1. do outdoor activity 进行课外活动 2. easy and interesting 容易又有趣 3. difficult and boring 又难又乏味 4. be friendly to sb. =be kind to sb. 对某人友好5.betweenand 在之间 6. learnfrom 向学习/ 从中学

43、 7. fromto 从到 8. in the morning / afternoon / evening 在早上/ 下午/ 晚上 9.on Monday (morning)在星期一(的早上) 10. tell sb. about sth告诉某人关于某事11.be over 结束 12.learn about 了解13.work on math problems 做数学题14.talk about 讨论,谈论15.speak English with和。说英语16.be friendly to sb对。友好17.What about yours?你的怎么样?18.a piece of news

44、一则消息19.Thank you for (doing)sth谢谢你做。20.Best wishes to sb 向。致以美好的祝愿21.watch animals观看动物二语法:一般现在时 主语+ 动词原形/ 动词第三人称单数s/es + 其他。表示经常或习惯性的动作。常与频率 副词:never 从来不 seldom 极少 sometimes 有时 often 经常 usually 常常 always 总是或every day 每天、in the morning / afternoon / evening 在早上/ 下午/ 晚上 等连用。例如: I often do my homework

45、in the evening. I dont often go shopping on Sunday. Do you usually come to school by car? Yes, I do. No, I dont. Sometimes she watches TV in the evening. She doesnt like Chinese.Does she often take a bus to school ? Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.(一般现在时态)改句子1.      Do you oft

46、en play football after school? (肯定回答)_ 2.      I have many books.  (改为否定句)_ 3.      Gao Shans sister likes playing table tennis (改为否定句)_ 4.      She lives in a small town near New York.    (

47、改为一般疑问句)_5.    I watch TV every day. (改为一般疑问句)_ 6.    David has got a goal. (改为一般疑问句)_ 7.    We have four lessons.(否定句)_ 8.     Nancy doesnt run fast (肯定句)_ 9.    My dog runs fast. 否定句:一般疑问句:_10. 

48、; Mike has two letters for him.一般疑问句:_ 否定句:_11.   I usually play football on Friday afternoon.否定句: _ 一般疑问句: _划线提问_12. Su Yang usually washes some clothes on Saturday.否定句: _ 一般疑问句: _划线提问: _13. Mingming usually waters the flowers every day否定句: _一般疑问句: _划线提问_14. Tom does his homework at home.

49、否定句: _ 一般疑问句: _ 划线提问_ 现在进行时:_   三. 重要句型1.What day is it today?Its Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday.(在英语国家每周 的第一天是星期天而不是星期一)2. What class are they having ? They are having a music class. 3. What time does the class begin ? At ten oclock.4. What do you think of

50、 math? = How do you like math ? 你认为数学怎么样? Its difficult and boring.5. Why (为什么)do you like English ? Because(因为)its easy and interesting.7.What subject (学科)do you like best ?=Whats your favorite subject? I like history best.8. At school, my teachers and classmates are very friendly to me.9. I study

51、Chinese, English, politics, geography and some other subjects.(other泛指其他的,别的+ 名词复数)10.English is my favorite (最喜欢的)subject. I also like P.E and music.= I like P.E and music , too. (也)11.Can you tell me something about it ?四词语辨析 1.a few 几个,一些 + 名词复数 2. a little 一点儿 +不可数名词 3.many 许多+名词复数 4.few几乎没有+ 名词复数 5.little 几乎没有 much许多、大量的+不可数名词6.other泛指其他的,


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