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1、牛津译林版必修二unitl课程教学设计Boy missing, police puzzledModule 2 Unit 1 ReadingBoy missing , police puzzledChenhuiNov. 1.2016教学设想对于学生来说,语言学习不仅仅是为了交际和提高语言运用能力,更是为了 在高考中取得较好成绩,这是一个不可回避的话题。近几年的高考英语试卷,都 对阅读能力提出了较高的要求,关于归纳、总结、辨析、推理等批判性思维题目 的比重越来越大,而且这类题已经成为了学生失分的重灾区。 因此,在日常阅读 教学中帮助学生提升批判性思维能力已是迫在眉睫。因此,在课程上运用批判性阅读策

2、略指导阅读教学,能有效提升学生批判性思维能力,从而满足学生自身的 学习需求。批判性阅读强调把预测、分析、概括、推理、判断、评价等批判性阅读策略 应用于阅读过程中,不仅有利于提升读者的批判性思维能力, 更有利于提升读者 深层次阅读的能力。基于具体运用批判性阅读策略到真实课堂的初衷, 我对这堂 课进行了相应的教学设计。第一、将批判性策略融入教学目标。教学目标是任何一堂课首先要考虑的问题。 在批判性阅读教学中,教学目标 的设置需要体现出批判性阅读策略的应用,鉴于学生的认知水平,我的教学目标 设定为: have a preliminary sense of using critical reading

3、 strategy in reading an newspaper article第二、教学环节的设计涉及到分析、应用及创造这些认知过程。因为课堂教学文本是阅读新闻报纸文章,我先选择相似但内容较简单的文本 让学生阅读。在教师问题的引导下,学生能够自我总结出:在阅读新闻文章的首 段,我们应该重点把握五个因素(人物、时间、地点、事件、情节) 。在此基础 上,学生能够将所总结的规律应用到新课程的学习中。最后,以读促写的环节能够促使学生实现知识迁移,解决新问题,培养他们的批判性思维。第三、通过预测培养发散性思维。预测是指读者根据文章提供的线索,包括文字和非文字,结合自己已有的认 知结构和经验,对文本的

4、主题、内容等做出的预先推测(张茹芳,2012)。我让 学生阅读文章的标题“boy missing和文章中插入的两幅图片 UFO,并让学生对文章的内容进行推测。经过讨论后,学生提出了:男孩可能被人绑架了;可能是跟着女朋友跑了,也有可能是被外星人带走了。学生之后带着兴趣阅读文章,去 检测他们的预测是否正确。第四、通过细读文章,形成及时性评价。评价是批判性思维中的核心能力。在教学过程中,我将教学文本总结为三个 要点:(Main point 1: Justin Foster returned home; Main point 2: Justin Foster went missing. Main po

5、int 3: Justin Foster was taken away by alien5.并且要求学生找出 相应的论据支撑。学生在细读文章的基础上,能够形成自己的观点。这在speaking 环节中得到了体现。这是我的设计思路和对批判性阅读策略融入高中英语阅读教学的一些不成熟见解。Teaching aims:By the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to1) have a preliminary sense of using critical reading strategy in reading an newspaper arti

6、cle2) understand the features of a newspaper article by analyzing the language and organization of the text3) have a good understanding of the whole article4) write a newspaper article by following the example of the text.Teaching important points and difficult points:1) How to cultivate the sense o

7、f critical reading strategy usingn students ' reading2) How to help learners understand the features of a newspaper article3) How to make learners have a good understanding of the whole articleTeaching methods1) Communicative Approach2) Task-based Language Teaching3) Total situational ActionTeac

8、hing procedures:Step one:leading in(Analysis)Teacher asks the students how they get information in their daily life to elicit newspaper. Then the teacher asks the students two questions:1) How can you find the newspaper article you are interested in?2) How do you read newspaper article?Teacher shows

9、 the first paragraph of a newspaper article on the blackboard and lead the students to summarize the features of it. Under the teach ' s guidance, the learners can summarize the main characteristics of the newspaper article themselves.Step two:PredictionTeacher guides the students to read the ti

10、tle and see the two pictures in the article (one is about a boy; the other is about a UFO), and then teacher asks the students to predict what the article is about. In this way, the students will read the article with great interest and passion to check whether their prediction are right or not.Step

11、 three:Skimming (Application)After the instruction of leading in , the learners have already known how to read a newspaper article. Teacher can make students read the article as quickly as possible to find the answers to the following questions:1 .Who is the boy that went missing?2 .When and where d

12、id the boy go missing?3 .What did the police do?4 .Why did people show interest in the case?Step four:Scanning(Identify)After the skimming, the learners can have a general idea of the article. Teacher can make students read the article again to find some specific information(Three main points )Main

13、point 1: Justin Foster returned home.Main point 2: Justin Foster went missing.Main point 3: Justin Foster was taken away by aliens.Step five :Deep reading and SummaryIn order to have a better understanding of the article, the learners should read carefully and finish filling the blanksJustin Foster

14、went 1 last Friday night. He didn ' hte2f3nallyt lunch the nextday.That evening, Justin 4 home after the game. 5 also said they saw Justin walking towards his home.Justin ' s sister, Kelly 6 him 7 8 his 9 CD and she also saw a large spaceship10 outside. She heard Justin II.Mavis Wood said th

15、at she was 12 13 by 14 . They did some 15 on her. The whole16 was terrible. Police have not 17 the possibility that Justin was taken away by aliens. Detective Sam Peterson was 18 19 20 the case.Step six:Speaking(Inference)If he was not taken away by aliens, what might be the other possibilities for

16、Justin ' s disappearance?As the senior high school students, they should have the ability to express their views related to their life and experience freely and smoothly. The learners can talk about their opinions related to the topic.Step seven:Timely feedback(Evaluation)The students should eva

17、luate and check whether they meet the requirements of the learning goals which are presente d in the beginning of the lesson.Step eight:Feedback and homework (Innovation)To enable students to consolidate and master the reading material, they can write an article ,using the reading strategy learned i

18、n the clas65 月 1 日高一(11)班的学 生志愿者Li Yue和Zhang Hua去阳光敬老院(sunshine nursing home)开展志愿者活动(送水 果,打扫,聊天等)。假设你校英语报的记者,请写一则新闻报道。 )The teacher asks the students to finish the following two tasksTask one: give the newspaper article a good title ( attractive; main points; brief)Task two: complete the first parag

19、raph containing five main elements according to the given materialAfter class, the students should complete the whole article with the teacher ' s simple guidance and 川ustration.(in the following part ,the students can write something about the response of the seniors and give a brief comment)Bl

20、ackboard Design9 / 11Boy missing , police puzzledReasonTimePeopleActivityElement PlaceattractiveTitle main pointsbrief«Boy missing , police puzzled » 教学反思教学效果评价:1. 本活动在设计上符合学生的认知水平,在一定程度上能激发学生完成任务的兴趣和参与活动的热情,能使阅读前的热身活动真正发挥热身的作用。这 就为顺利开展之后的多个活动打下了基础。2. 顺利切入主题,中间过渡自然,言语富有鼓励性和启发性,能使学生产生强烈的共鸣。

21、3. 只有通过阅读才能让学生理解课文内容,并形成一定的阅读技能。本环节通过预测、分析、概括、推理、判断、评价等教学策略培养学生概括主题, 捕捉细节的技能。4. 教师能涉及合适的衔接语言,使各个教学环节过渡自然,让学生不知不觉进入良好的学习状态。教学反思当然,我的这节课有很多需要改进的地方。首先,教学内容过多,教学流程 和口语相对较快,相对的,给予学生思考和消化时间较少。 有的专家老师调侃我 恨不得把毕生所学教给学生。其次,设计的问题让学生找不到正确答案。(Do you believe that aliens exist in the universe? Why?这个问题的答案谁也不知道。如果

22、能改成学生辩论,效果会好些。再次,教学环节有些脱节。在最后的以读促写环 节中,我要求学生写一篇新闻报道,但这似乎和文本内容没有太大关系。最后, 没能很好的调动课堂气氛,体现学生的主体地位。为此,我专门对课堂沉默现象 进行了反思和研究,并写下自己的心得体会,以督促和提高自己今后的教学。任何一节公开课,对教师来说都是一次不可多得的历练机会。我们害怕的不是失败,而是不能从失败中学到经验来促进自我更好的成长。希望我们有更多锻炼的机会,在实践中提高和完善自己。How to break silence in the senior high school English classChenhuiSenior

23、 high school English classroom silence has become a common phenomenon. This not only affects the progress of their teachers ,but also hinders students ' access to knowledge. Classroom as the place of teaching is to improve the quality of senior high school English teaching. And the teacher as do

24、minate of imparting knowledge is to regulate the behavior of students and enrich students ' knowledge . The classroom silence is bound to affect a variety of teaching activities. As a senior high school English teacher, I would like to share my own experience about class silence with all of coll

25、eagues.According to the new curriculum. Our teachers are the supervisors and students are the real center of a classroom. Without the interaction with the students, the English teacher just like an actor or actress performing to himself/herself. As an English teacher, the most pleasant scene I would

26、 like to see is that all of my students would actively take part in my lesson. They would not only bravely discuss with their teachers and classmates, but also would debate with peers where they disagree with each other. However, more than often, my only feelingis “deadly silence” . As if therewere

27、only a few students in my class. Though I repeat countless" volunteers” ,cfew students would like to respond to my questions. I just want to drop off my English book and leave the classroom. Although there are 60 students on average in a classroom, only three or four students would like to answ

28、er my questions and interact with me. I don ' t know the reasons why they refuse to be active in my class and how to improve the situation. It has been a long time before I find the solutions. Since the classroom belongs to students, communicating with students is the key to solving the problem

29、of silence.The main causes of silence in senior high school English classroomAfter patiently and secretly communicating with students in a semester, I finally find the reasonsand put them into five categories. The first, for our school , all of students are from the countryside .Their English level

30、can' be compared with thepeers studying in cities. Sometimes , they want to stand up to answer my questions , for ashamed of their inferior English pronunciation, or they afraid of being made fun of , they finally give up and keep the state of silence. What is more, one third of students actuall

31、y can'understand what I say. They really don' know what I want them to do. So they would rather keep silence or do the thing they would like to do.The second , for many years ,what we have talked about the Chinese students ' main features is often “smart, hard- working ” , plus “not talk

32、ative ,not active.”students don' h ave the habit of asking or answering questions actively. And they can' t communicate with teachers bravely. The students often bow their heads down or keep silent without words when the teacher are talking. The third, teaching atmosphere is definitely borin

33、g. For English lesson , especially demonstrating grammar and 川ustrating the uses of key words make students' feel sleepy. Silence inclassrooms can be divided into positive silence and passive silence .Positive silence means students think in a positive way of the silence when the teachers ask so

34、me questions: students listen to the teacher or other students carefully when they are speaking. For me , most of time, my students are passive silence, which means students are day dreaming , pretending taking notes in my class. They appear as if they take my lesson seriously ,in actual, I don'

35、 know what they are thinking then.Because when they are given a small quiz about what they have learnedimmediately ,they can ' t get high marks .That means they really didn' t pay attenticwhat I taught just now. It is evident that they didn' t listen carefully and seriously. Thforth, ina

36、ppropriate interruption . This is the key reason for explaining why the students would not like to answer my questions. Frequently, students need to call up all their courage to put up their hands to show them off. They want to be appreciated by their teachers and classmates. However, before they op

37、en their mouths ,their teachers have already got answers in their hearts , when they hear the answers they think are not correct ,they would inappropriately interrupt , which makes students feel discouraged . It is easily for them to keep silent in English class. They think the class belongs to the

38、teacher, who is the real center of the classroom. This point really worth all teachers ' reflecting. Maybe we are hurting our students unintentionally from time to time without noticing it. The last but not the least, students are misguided by their head teachers. What I talk about in the follow

39、ing may make you amused ,but it is the real situation. In many senior high school, especially in the countryside , most of head teachers pay special attention to the subjects of math ,chemistry and physics.They think these subjects would easily help students get high marks in the coming college entr

40、ance examination. English learning is useless, for they would never use English after graduating from senior high school .They would ridiculously lead students sacrifice the time which should be used to practice English to learn the subjects they think important. Since students time is limited ,they

41、 have no time to review or consolidate what they have learned in the English class. So , they can only keep silent in English class, for they really don t understand what I want to teach or they have forgotten what they have learned from the previous English class.Solutions to senior high school Eng

42、lish classroom silence phenomenon“ It takes two to tango.With all'the factors stated above, we can find the silence factors are from all aspects.This will not only affect teaching effectiveness. It will also form social bad atmosphere. Therefore ,it is imperative to solve this problem.Student fa

43、ctorsFirstly , the students could not merely rely on the teachersin class: students should become active thinkers from passive receivers. In traditional teaching methods, students are going to do what the teacher says. Students can change the mode. They can initiatively preview the new lesson by the

44、mselves; they can be active in the after -school refresher; they can take the initiative to ask the teacher .Students need to change their ideas. They must believe a truth that teachers are not the absolute superior. Communication is the most basic elements of human coexistence.Secondly, students mu

45、st improve their own learning ability. In view of the relationship between students and English must be adjusted, you must give confidence to yourselves and tell yourselves that you will defeat the English .So when your English scores are poor or at red lights, you should not be discouraged or be sc

46、ared, but study harder and harder to gain a good score. In the classroom, you should not be afraid of any questions, even if your answer is wrong. What you should do is to believe that both teachers and students will not ridicule or blame you .And each answer is a valuable experience to improve your

47、selves.Thirdly, the students may not learn English just in order to pass the college entrance examination , which will only set them in a passive learning. Like everyone learning new things, mastery will be unlike. The reason you learn English doesn' t only mean passing a course .Students must r

48、ealize that English can enrich their knowledge. It does great benefit to master a foreign language. English opens a door for the students to the outside world, broadening their horizon all around the world.Fourthly, students should learn from each other . Sometimes, peer learning may be more effecti

49、ve in learning English. As the students of the same age , they can communicate more easily .They can ask their partners to correct their pronunciation or demonstrate the difficult grammar problems patiently or slowly .Students should also believe that their teachers can help them improve their learn

50、ing ability . They can treat English teacher as their friends, with whom they can talk about their problems in study or in daily life. This is also the perfect harmonious state we are pursuing.Teacher factorsTeachers ' attitude will ease classroom silence. First, hers have to change the traditio

51、nal teaching model. They can' t only use their own lecture blindly, but ignorethe interaction between students. In our class, the teachers show the blackboard or PPT to us ,which seems so dull. The teachers can insert interactive games or prize quiz questions depending on the teaching content ap

52、propriately. It may mobilize the enthusiasm of class learning .Teachers using various teaching strategies will bring a different effect.Secondly, teachersshould respect the students .The most critical thing is that every student has an equal right to acquire knowledge .Difficult to reflect for indiv

53、idual differences of students in the senior high school classroom now is well individualized. Individual differences among students are for personality " material ” Teachers pay attention to all students in the teaching process of education and focus on individual students ' differences in

54、education combination contradiction. For those who are more introverted or taciturn students, teachers are not able to scold their students but to treat them equally. Teachers should encourage these introverted students and should tell these students that expressing their idea in English is not a di

55、fficult task.Thirdly, teachers should change their teaching context. Some teachers can' t always teach the knowledge that is outdated. They should learn more and keep pace with the times. What ' s more ,teachers should not be the basis of education of passing the college entrance examination

56、 ,but for the purpose to improve students skills. Teachers have to learn to deal their relationship with students .As we all know, students as the flowers of the motherland, who need teachers to encourage and support in a proper manner. This will make students feel themselves to be an important part

57、 of the classroom discussions, and have great enthusiasm to participate in the discussion.Fourthly, a teacher 'moral characteris quite important .Briefly speaking ,the morality of the teacher is love for their students. It is a kind of love as parents. When we refer to education ,there is no dou

58、bt that emotion is the most vital word because a teacher has great influence over his students. we can quote the words of Toistoy. teacher if he /she only loves his/her cause, is a good teacher. A teacher if heshe loves the children just as parents do, is much better than the one who masters rich knowledge but loves neither his /her cause nor the children. If the teacher combine the love for the cause and for the students, they will be perfe ct teachers. " So love is the most precious in education. This will make teachers possess affi


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